Sunday, November 15, 2015

AL Post 136 Newsletter – November 2015

2 November 2015
The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home.  An opening prayer was offered by Chaplin Monta Plank followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.  A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.

There were 35 Legion, 2 S.A.L., and 1 Guests present

Guest Speaker.  No guest speakers at this meeting

Reading of the minutes.  Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site.  Approved as Written.

Finance Report.  Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports.  Duane Kalous of the BOG gave the Canteen Report. Reports were approved as presented.

New Members: Jason Grissom, Michael Mangus, Wesley Shockey Gary Sorber and Gene Bradbury were presented as a new member to the American Legion and were welcomed as new members to the Post. 

Old Business:
Post cleaning has been a struggle to get people to participate in.  Because of this and offer was made by Debby Crawford and Connie Evans to do a deep cleaning once a month for a cost of $200.00.  Susan Lee moved that this be approved and the motion was seconded.  After discussion it was approved by a vote of the membership.  Cost to paid from the Canteen Fund.
                Heater for the patio has been purchase and installed.  Installation cost was donated by Phil Horner.
                Members were reminded that the legion dues are scheduled to increase to $40.00 after the first of the new year.  All were advised to pay their dues by 20 December 2015 to avoid the increase for the 2016 membership year.
                Rib Feed is scheduled for Saturday 7 November 2015. Serving to run 5 – 7 PM.  Smoking of the ribs to begin at 7AM.  Members wishing to help are welcomed.
                Web site was discussed by the committee looking into upgrading the Post's electronic presence on the web.  It is estimated that the initial cost for the new web site would be $1000.00 to cover all costs.  Further action was tabled in order to contact John Wilson regarding the current site used by the post.
                Breakfast for the Mulvane Marauders is schedule for November 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM.  The Marauders has guaranteed a minimum of 35 for this first meal.  Post members and there guest are also welcome to come in and eat.
New Business:     
                Veterans day Flag Retirement and dinner hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary to honor the veterans is scheduled for November 11, 2015. Flag retirement will be at 5 PM and a program and dinner to follow.
                Bierrocks will be served from 5 – 6:45 PM on 19 November 2015.
                The annual Post Thanksgiving dinner is scheduled for November 23, 2015.  The meal will turkey and ham prepared by the post officers and a covered dish brought  by those attending the dinner.  Volunteers are welcome in the preparation, serving and clean up of the meal.
                The idea of a Christmas party was brought up and a request presented for someone to head up the planning and execution of the event.  No one stepped up to lead the event.

For Good of the Legion
                Legion Rider:  The VA Christmas party is scheduled for December 20, 2015.  The Wichita Area Technical Center will be dedicating their new veterans center.  All members are welcome to attend.
                Patriot Guard:  Nothing reported
                Sons of the American Legion: The SAL Children’s Christmas party will be held 12 December 2015 from 2 – 5 PM.
                Ladies Auxiliary:  Nothing reported

                Rick Babinger passed on an invitation from the North Rock Road Sam's Club for all veterans to enjoy a breakfast that will be served the morning of 11 November 2015.  There will other incentives available for those attending.

                The big screen and projector have been installed and are ready for use for any event that could use them.

                Jerry Allen brought up the Douglass High School Veterans Day program.  All veterans are welcome to attend.

Sick Call:
                No one reported
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 7 December  2015.

Respectfully submitted,
Warren Johnston, Adjutant