Thursday, October 08, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - October 2009

American Legion Family:

Post 136 Scholarship- We have completed work on the requirements for the new Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Scholarship. Rather than repeat the requirements again which were listed in the last newsletter, I have attached the completed document. If you have a child, grandchild, etc., that is a senior this year; they are eligible for this $1,000 scholarship. Print out the form, (will also make copies that will be up at the post), and have them apply. We want more than anything to give some money to a deserving student for their college.

National Commander, Clarence Hill to visit Kansas- Our new National Commander will be traveling the state in two weeks. He will be making a few stops in the 5th District and if you have the opportunity to attend one of his stops, it will be well worth your while. Following is his schedule within the 5th Dist. Please call ahead if you want to attend.

Monday, Oct. 19 - Post 24, McPherson. Dinner-6:30-8:00pm. 620-241-0343
Tues. Oct 20 - Post 2, Newton. Breakfast-7:30-9:00 am. 316-283-2233
“ “ - Post 10, Winfield Lunch-11:30-1pm 620-221-4950
“ “ - Post 273, Wichita Reception-2-2:45pm 316-264-3752

Special Guests at the Meeting:

1) We were honored to welcome home from his 5th (and last) Iraqi deployment, our own SSGT Dan Morgan. He must have really missed us too because not only did he come to the 1st meeting only two days after returning, but Dan also stepped up to join the Post Executive Board since an opening just came up. Guess after five tours, this will be a snoozer and we are so glad to have him back safe and with us again.

2) Evin Ogburn is a student from North HS that was the recipient of our post’s sponsorship to the American Legion Boy’s State last spring. He came by to talk to us about his experience and gave us all a chance to see the future in our youth.

Community Support: Membership voted to donate $500 to the Mulvane EMS/Police for their Toys for Kids program. Last weekend they held a poker run which was supported by the Post 136 Legion Riders. Over $2000 was raised (including our $500) and lots of toys.

Another $500 was voted on to donate to the McConnell AFB Enlisted Spouses Club. This is a program where the offset food costs to E-4’s and below during the holidays. This program was a huge success last year and we are proud to take part.

Halloween is coming up and we will be having our annual Halloween party on Sat. Oct. 31 kicking off around 8:00pm. If you are not into getting dressed up, this is a good time to reconsider. This party is a blast. We have cash prizes, and a few surprises. All we ask is you bring a party dish to share so we have plenty of food to carry us through the evening.

Dept. Vice Commander John Thomas will be holding his homecoming on Oct. 17 at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Ks. A short program will begin at 12:30 and lunch at 1:00. Details are in the latest Sunflower.

Veterans Day ceremonies will be once again held at the post. We will have our flag retirement ceremony followed by dinner and our annual American Legion initiation for all new members that have joined but have never been formally initiated. The Ladies Auxiliary will be providing the meal and will have a short program.

Recognition Banquet for all Veterans will be held at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1451 E. 47th St. South, Wichita, on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 6pm. Guest speaker will be Chaplain (Col) David Fulton, and Pastor Maynard Peterson, Chaplain at Robert J. Dole VA.
The banquet is free for all veterans. Please RSVP: 316-524-3401 by Nov. 5.

Post 136 ALR reported 1720 volunteer hours in the month of Sept and has documented over 8000 hours year to date. Amazing!

Friday nights at the Post: If you have not come out to the Post for dinner on Friday nights, I am requesting you reconsider. We have gone back to the fall menu and are now cutting our own steaks. Hopefully the day of the thin steak that’s hard to cook to order, are behind us. The dinner and breakfast we serve is a service to the post. They are not meant to be moneymakers, but the losses must be controlled. We have a dedicated staff that is always trying to improve, but we need your support. Now that summer is over I ask you come out and support us on Friday night and Sunday breakfast. The prices are reasonable and the quality is improved. It’s your post. Support it.

Finally: This past month, we had a number of Post sponsored events. ALVA Tour, Early Bird Dinner, Veterans Appreciation Day. This does not happen in a vacuum. It takes a lot of people, time, leadership and mostly, dedication to the cause of supporting veterans and the American Legion programs. To all who step up over and over, and to those that go above and beyond for no other reason than love of the post, thank you. We have an amazing membership and would love to see more involved. We need the ideas and energy.


SAL meeting-Oct 11 1:30pm
ALR meeting-Oct 11 3pm
BOG meeting-Oct 22 6pm
E-Board meeting-Oct 29 7pm
General meeting and Auxiliary meeting-Nov 2 7pm
