Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Newsletter - May 2007

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter May. 2007


American Legion Family:

5th District News: We congratulate two of our own for their election to higher office within 5th District at the convention last month. John Thomas has been elected 5th District Commander, and Sheryl Carpenter is repeating as President of 5th District for a second year. We commend your service and wish you the best over the next year. Commander Thomas and President Carpenters homecoming will be held at Post 136, Oct 20.

Rick Johnson and Ron Herndon were installed as Post Historian and Chaplain respectively by Dept. Commander Pat Culver, at the meeting Monday night. Also of note, the history book for the last year submitted to District by Rick, won and is now going to Dept. for judging.

New Canteen Manager Seth Decker is on board and rolling. Seth came to us with experience, ideas, and a great attitude. Please welcome him next time up to the post, and as with all new employees behind the bar, he will be asking to see your membership card until he knows who you are. Be proud to show it. It is the law.

Canteen finances: We (well at least some of us) have been told we must be lying about making money, that we cannot operate this way and there was no reason to implement the accounting practices that we did. Well we just finished paying the first quarter taxes and we have over $5K in the bank. No money has been transferred from the General fund to cover any Canteen expenses. We have continually offered to sit with anyone to go over the numbers and explain, in detail, the reasons for the changes. This offer has never been accepted. If anyone still does not believe we are truthful, or are taking the wrong path, it is now up to you, to prove the numbers wrong.

Roof update: Membership approved the expenditure of $5000 to cover the insurance deductible required for roof replacement. We are also in the process of getting quotes on replacing the heating and air units on the roof. These units are old and inefficient. To put them back on the new roof is not the best option. Pending quotes and being able to finance it, new units will be installed. We will come back to membership with the proposals for approval.

Other Facility updates: The wall has been completed on the club room side and the mudding is almost done on the bar side. It will soon be texture painted. Next project is the display case.

A stove has been purchased and installed in the kitchen, and a new cash register for the bar has been purchased, and Phil Horner has donated a sink for the bar area, yet to be installed.

Membership requirements: It has been requested to remind everyone that for new members or transfers, to provide a copy of their DD214 or military ID (if on active duty), with their request for membership. We do not have the ability to verify eligibility and the burden of proof is on the applying member. If there is no way to verify, consideration for membership may be denied.

The Mulvane DJ’s, (Rick Johnson, Don Culver, Charlie Trapp), have once again donated $300 to the post. It was decided to put this money, along with the 50/50 money that has been generated, into an air conditioning replacement fund. The DJ’s have donated approximately $1k this past year to post causes. They should be commended for their generosity and support.

Annual Rib Feed brought in a profit of just under $600 and was great success. Thank you to everyone that put it together and all those that got fat that evening. Tom Knight also raffled off a drill set that brought in $211 to the Veterans hardship fund.

Veterans Hardship fund is now up to $1,334 thanks in part to the generous gift of $500 from Don and Pat Culver. We will continue to grow this fund through donations and by splitting charity donations between Children and Youth funds.

Department Convention delegates have been selected. This years convention takes place May 18-20, in Topeka. Please refer to the Sunflower for detailed info if you are interested in attending.

Memorial Day schedule:

May 12 at 9:00am-Meet at cemetery. This is to locate, uncover, and mark the flag pole holes and add some new ones. If you have a metal detector and/or auger to dig holes, it would be a great help.

May 25 at 5:00pm-Meet at cemetery to help Auxiliary place crosses, flags and poppies on the veterans graves.
May 28 at 5:30am-Meet at Post. We need to organize flags, markers and load up for cemetery. Will raise all flags and place markers before returning to post for a free breakfast.
May 28 at 10:00am-Meet back at post if you are assisting with the ceremony. Would still like to have some names for the firing squad. If you are interested, contact me or the Sgt. at Arms, Leon Roberts.
Ceremony-11:00 AM
Need 10-20 Riders to fly American Flags. They will follow the colors and set up behind podium. Other riders can line drive leading up to circle.

Our guest speaker this year is Juanita Milligan. She is a severely wounded Army Master Sgt. in Iraq and an inspiration to the county.

If you have never attended these services, it is an event you will be proud of.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136