Saturday, March 15, 2008

Newsletter - March 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – March 2008

American Legion Family:

Post Officers for 2008-2009 were elected and/or appointed at Monday’s meeting. The following have stepped up to lead the Post for the next year:

Commander-Rick Babinger
Vice Commander-Bill Logan
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Richard Carpenter
Chaplain-Ron Herndon
Sgt. At Arms-Andy Webb
Service Officer-Tom Knight
Historian-Terri Thornton
2 At Large Executive Board Members: John Miranda and Jerry Allen

A special thanks to Bruce Simmons who served as both 2nd and 1st Vice Commander at different points of the year. This is a great time to be a member of 136 and a real honor to serve. I hope I speak for everyone when I say our service to the Post will not be taken for granted.

A position on the Board of Governors was also filled. Tom Knight was elected and agreed to serve the two-year term.

5th District Star Party will take place at the Post, this Sat., March 8. Social hour will begin at 5:00pm followed by dinner at 6. If you received a letter awarding you one of the silver or gold stars, please come and eat for free. If you wish to attend, the price of the dinner is $10 and will consist of roast turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, Green beans and desert. Please RSVP at the bar by Thursday if you plan on attending.

The new dishwasher list for Friday night dinner has been posted. It covers the 2nd qtr of the year. If we have the same amount of people sign up, no one has to do it more than once every three months. If more sign up, we can reduce it more. This has really worked well, and has saved us a lot of money. Please get involved and take a turn. It is highly recommended two sign up at a time. It can get a little hectic back there.

St. Patrick’s Day dinner and auction will take place on March 15 starting at 6pm. We are looking for new or lightly used auction items. The beer will be green upon request, and of course how can you celebrate an Irish holiday without spaghetti. Bring your auction items and support this event. We want to continue with the momentum we have on our post home improvements and the proceeds are going towards that goal.

Quarterly VA visit sponsored by the ALR, will be held March 30. This event is open to the entire post and is highly encouraged. Once a quarter, the riders collect sugar free food items and everyone goes up to the VA to visit our vets. This should be attended by more than the Riders and anyone interested needs to be at the post about noon on the 30th. It only takes a couple hours of your day, but the Vets love it.

Facility Update: The past month moved the bar/lounge area a whole lot closer to completion. The entire area has been painted, set up for the smoking ventilation system, new lighting is scheduled, new ceiling will be completed in the next week, new table and chairs are in and the mural will be extended to the bar. I can’t begin to mention all the people that have sacrificed time and treasure on this project, because there are too many and it never fails to miss someone. A few have given a tremendous amount and the pride shows in the workmanship. We have so many members to be thankful to.

Once this phase is complete, we will collect ideas and some money before we begin the remodel behind the bar to make it more user friendly, and modern. I also want to point out that with all the updates, the post has not absorbed any new debt with the exception of the new heating and AC. This is possible because so many have given so much.

Ladies Auxiliary Bake and Craft sale will be held during Friday dinner, March 14, and again at Sunday Breakfast, March 16. Proceeds go to the Auxiliary and Veterans assistance programs.

Rick Babinger