Tuesday, December 06, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter – December 2011

Post 136 Family,

We had an eventful meeting on Monday, Dec 5. If you read nothing else, please take note of the final subject and help us.

Tis the Season: Membership approved a $500 donation to the McConnell Enlisted Spouses Club, to assist low ranking enlisted families with the purchase of holiday meals. This event has been supported by the Post as well as the Riders for the past 4 years and is a surprise for the recipients.

In the past two months, the Post, ALR, SAL and Auxiliary have donated close to $6,000 for the following causes: Mulvane Toys for Tots, Veterans Home in Winfield, VA Christmas in a box and VA patients Christmas, and the ALR along with a personal donation, gave $1100 to help clean out the Star Tree at McConnell to help low income families give their children a Christmas. This along with the time and personal commitments with veteran funerals, troop homecomings and send offs, ceremonies, the upcoming wreaths across America program, and on and on, should tell you the kind of Post you belong to. We have our problems, but every member can take pride in our keeping what’s important in focus.

Post 136 Web Page: Membership also approved to continue the Post 136 web page by paying the small fee to our Web Master, John Wilson. If you have not been up to www.al136.com in a while, take a moment and check it out. It is professionally done, kept current, and is a true asset to our post.

Remodel Project: Most of the updates on this were sent in an e-mail Nov 23 and we are still working on getting the pledge cards ready to go. The goal is to have it all out by years end so you will be seeing something soon. A full explanation was made on how funds will be tracked and protected and discussion of a membership drive to take place after the holidays was given. In the Nov 23 e-mail, a number of suggestions for committees were made and we really need some help on this.

-Casino: Looking for a few people to help put together a case for solicitations to the new casino. We have the form required to be filled out, but can use ideas and good minds to write it up.

-Ideas committee: If you have a good imagination, we need ideas on how to raise funds. Can we do a Facebook solicitation across the country? Need someone with knowledge and the ability to write it up.

-Pledge recognition: We have one person signed up for this committee to help come up with ideas and implement a process to recognize those that pledge at different levels. Need more

3-5 people on each is all that is needed. If you can help, let me know. Post involvement is by far the biggest factor in our success of this project.

New Board of Governor Member: Phil (Gio) Giovanni was elected to the BOG for a two year+ term. Now that he is involved with our business, we anticipate at having no more problems that cannot be handled with a bucket and cement.

Finally and most important, the BOG is actively looking at all aspects of our Canteen operations in order to access the financial impact on how we are doing business. Bottom line is we have not been meeting the financial obligations of the post without dipping into the general fund. To dispel all rumors at the beginning, yes we are financially sound and are taking steps to be sure that does not change. Our finances are posted for all interested members but will not be published on line.

But here are a few numbers which can be published that you may not be aware of:

We have a tax obligation of over $35K/year and a payroll close to $60k/year

The canteen operations (bar and dining area) is responsible for all recurring expenses (other than insurance). This includes utilities, taxes, liquor costs, satellite, supplies, etc.

All bar activity, Friday dinners, Sunday breakfast, amusement machines, etc. are services for you, the Post membership and your guests

Over all, we have three choices. Reduce expenses, increase business, or both. Without you, our members, we can only reduce expenses.

Some changes are minor, such as an increase in prices for soda from $1 to $1.50, and a 10oz glass of wine from $2.75 to $3. After comparisons to other establishments, we are still a bargain. Some changes are more painful. For the rest of this year, the dining room will be closed for Friday dinner and Sunday breakfast. We are hoping to re-open in January, but adjustments to how we operate will have to be made. Other options are being looked at and data being gathered, but for now, suspending meals (and thus the expense) is the short term action taken.

No one wants to do this. Without the Friday dinner and Sunday breakfast, a lot of members have no incentive to come to the post and we never want to reduce any service to our members. This is a serious situation. We do not want to become just a bar with an American Legion attached to it. Look at other posts and see how many hours they are open and what services they offer. You will see what a good thing we have here in Mulvane. This Post is the shining star in Kansas.

Here is our plea to the membership. Please respond if this applies. All responses will remain confidential

1) If you have not taken part in any social or veteran related aspect of the post in the past 6 months, please reply and tell us why.

2) What are you looking for and what would it take to get you involved, whether it be social visits for dinner or party, or program related.

We can be a full function post with unlimited potential if you are willing. With over 800 total members, lack of bodies in the building should be the least of our worries. Be honest and be fair, but most of all help us understand what we need to do to see you in here.

Rick-Vice Commander

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter – November 2011

Post 136 Family,

Here are the highlights from our discussions at Novembers monthly Legion Meeting:

Veterans Day: This Friday, Nov. 11, we will be holding our traditional Veterans Day ceremonies, beginning around 5:30pm with a flag retirement at the pavilion. When complete we will be going inside where the Ladies Auxiliary will provide all veterans with a free meal. The kitchen will be closed this Friday however any veteran that shows up will be fed. There will be other programs performed inside. Ladies Auxiliary has been requested to bring side dishes and desserts to the post by 5:PM. If you need to bring something by earlier or on Thursday, please place in the walk-in cooler. This day is a special one for all of us and in the past we have had up to 100 attend. Let’s do that again.

Monta Plank (Gunner) has been nominated and sworn in as our new Post Chaplain for the remainder of the term. Due to personal time constraints, Darrell Hacker, our present Chaplain, has had to relinquish his position. Thank you Darrell for your service and congratulations to Monta.

Post 136 Thanksgiving dinner will be held Monday, Nov. 21st at 6:PM. The Post will provide plenty of Turkey and Ham, (some will be smoked), and we ask you bring a side dish to compliment the meal. Most of the time we only think we have problems. Compared to any other country, our issues are minimal. We all need to stop, give thanks and have a meal with our Legion family members. This is the time. I guarantee you will not eat better this year.

Christmas in a Box: Only a couple of weeks left for you to drop off a new gift item for our VA Veterans. This program allows them to pick items out to give to their families for Christmas. It costs the Veteran nothing and there is a big payoff for those who give. Please add to the box in the post.

Post donations: Last meeting, the Post gave $500 to the Mulvane EMS/Police to help them with their toys for tots drive. This month we ponied up $200 to assist in the purchase of popcorn machines at the Winfield Veterans home. This is a project the Riders of Post 136 are also heavily involved in. They have designated over $1100 for the Christmas Lights and popcorn machines. We also designated $50 to the Sedgwick County Sherriff food drive. This is your post at its finest.

Snowshoe Tournament: More will come out on this as we get closer, but Dec 3 has been set for a horseshoe tournament no matter the weather. There is a single sign-up sheet out in the bar and teams will be matched up the day of the tournament. First prize will be a Lear jet, so you want to get in on this. And if that isn't enough to entice you, the Ladies Auxiliary will supply hot chili, potato soup, and chicken & noodles for a mere $2/bowl. Now think about this a moment. Not only do you win a Lear jet, but if it’s cold enough to bring the brass monkeys inside, you can be warmed with hot stuff from the Ladies Auxiliary.

All Post Meeting Monday Nov 14: Details will follow on a separate e-mail, but please plan on attending this meeting at 7:PM. This is for all Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary members. We are going to be looking at Post options and hopefully make some major decisions that will ultimately affect us all. Please be there and watch for a follow-up e-mail.

Sick Call: Good news/bad news> Former Commander Art Beale is back on the road to recovery. The possible tumor that was suspected of returning, ended up being scar tissue and dead cancer cells. He has been released from the hospital and is now back home.

Post 136 life member John Thomas, former 5th District Commander and Dept. Commander, suffered a mini stroke and is hospitalized.

Father of Post 136 member Jerry Kirk is suffering from cancer and very ill. We need to keep all of these members on our prayer list. If you need proof the power of prayer works, look to Art.

SAL/ALR meetings are scheduled for Sunday Nov 13 At 1:30 and 3:00PM respectively.

And For the Veterans:

Tribute to American Veterans

From the revolution through this day, our Veterans are often viewed

As a group of patriot citizens

With honor and fortitude!

In all conditions, they completed their missions

They gave freedoms’ bell its ring

Across our land, still taking a stand

Vets form the Eagles wing

Ten thousand graves, marked with stone

Ten thousand footsteps marching home.

Their duty done, no reward to claim

Yet in their heart burns eternal flame

For love of country, sacrifice for peace

No human act can make it cease.

The blood they spilled on foreign shores

From jungles to desert sand

Have forever changed this land of promise

Into the promise land.

For those now living in this land of the free

We beg you never forget them.

Because this one nation, under God,

Still stands because of the Veteran.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter - October 2011

Post 136 Family,
Below are the highlights from the monthly Legion meeting held Oct 3, 2011.

National Commander Fang Wong, will be at Post 136 for a luncheon on Wed., Oct 19. He will be here from 11:45 – 1:15 and all members are invited to join and hear him speak. The Ladies Auxiliary will be assisting with the lunch. It is an honor to have the National Commander at our Post and we need to show him how it’s done. Please plan on attending.

Christmas gift box for the VA sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary will be place at the post for anyone to donate items for our Veterans at the VA Christmas store. Only new items are acceptable (clothing, toiletries, gifts)

Halloween Party-it’s time to look stupid once again, and if anyone can do it, it is Post 136 members. Our annual Halloween party will be held Oct 29th starting about 7:00 PM. Bring a party snack and look your best. The Mulvane DJ’s (or DJ depending on how many make it) will be providing the music.

3rd Annual Veterans Appreciation Day, sponsored by Post 136 ALR will be held on Oct 22. While this is sponsored by the Riders, it is open to all Veterans and families. There will be a horseshoe tournament, Quilts of Valor display, free food and drinks (not what you think-alcohol is never free, but it’s dollar draw day) and other stuff going on all day. This has been a great time in the past and it’s our way to show appreciation to all of our Veterans. Look for fliers at the Post.

ALR and SAL meetings have been pushed one week to Oct 16 at their normal times. If you show up on the 9th which is the normal day, let everyone know what decisions you made so we can get it in the minutes.

Milt McDaniel has made the honor flight trip to Washington DC this week. By the time you read this, he will be home again. He along with over 100 WWII veterans was on this week’s flights and we cannot think the WWII vets enough.

Elvis fund raiser-We collected $790 from the Elvis fund raiser earlier this month. After a small expense for door prizes we have a net profit of $764 which has been designated to go towards the post patio. Thank you for all who came out. This show was over 2 hours long and for the money paid, well worth it.

Veterans Day ceremonies will be held at 5:30 PM (dusk) on Friday, Nov 11. We will have the normal flag retirement out back. Since it is on a Friday this year, the decision has not yet been made as to if we are going to have our normal steak night or not. Will advise when it is settled.

Mulvane Toys for tots, sponsored by Mulvane PD and EMS had their annual fund raiser this past week. It was voted for Post 136 to donate $500 to help assure our local children in need have a nice Christmas. Thanks to all who supported the poker run on Saturday.

VA donation of $150 was also voted in as a donation towards candy and entertainment at the VA next month. Dennis Scuffham presented this opportunity and has agreed to coordinate the funds.

Ave of Flags project- If you remember last Memorial Day, you remember the extreme winds we had and the damage to multiple flag poles for the Ave of Flags. It was decided to cut 2 feet off the all of the poles so we do not have to purchase over 50 new ones and to give the flags a little more stability. We are asking for volunteers that have a chop saw and metal blade to assist. There have been a number of volunteers so far and we need to set a date. This is not something we wait for until next Memorial Day. There are approximately 250 poles needing to be cut. If you have a saw, and can help out, let me know. We will set a day, probably a Sunday in Nov. to go out to the Cemetery and get it done.


Tuesday, October 04, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter - September 2011

Post 136 Family,
The American Legion monthly meeting was held Monday Sept. 12.  Highlights follow:
With the recent resignation of Commander Art Beale due to health, Jake Defrees is now Commander.  The following have been elected to serve the open positions:
1st Vice Commander – Rick Babinger
2nd Vice Commander – Chris Hummel
BOG – (Replacing Jake until Dec. 2012) – Rick Johnson
BOG – (New 2 yr term ending Oct/ 2013) – Doug Lehman
Specific financial data will not be put in an e-mail, but a lot of discussion was generated over the financial health of the canteen.  This will be looked into and recommendations made.  Our full support of the dining room and bar is one way to help.  Remember we have grilled fired steaks every Friday, and breakfast every Sunday.  Come out, eat, then test your liver at the bar.
If you are signed up for the free $1000 life and dismemberment insurance offered through the American Legion, you will need to re-enroll in order to stay valid until 2016.  Forms are available at the Post.
You may or may not be aware, but there have been plans in the works over the past few months to begin a post improvement phase.  The general idea will be a three part plan, and will be completed as funding is available.
Phase 1: Covered patio off the bar, outside the N wall.  A door will be put in where the TV is now, to a covered patio with half walls.
Phase 2:  Expand the meeting room by taking out the storage area and fireplace.  At the same time, re-model bathrooms in bar area and make them ADA approved.
Phase 3:  Expand the meeting room out the back and have a split room with a new room going out the back.  The present dining bathrooms will be made into storage and new ones, ADA approved, will be added out the back.  This will allow smoke free meetings for the Auxiliary while making the back room expandable.
We are close to taking action on the patio.  We have a fund raiser for the patio scheduled for Sept. 24.  (Will discuss shortly).  The Legion Riders have donated $5,000, and we have a number of contribution offerings for material and labor.  Once plans are drawn up, we can proceed after final membership approval. 
Mark this one down.  Sept 24, 7:00 PM, Little Joe Elvis Impersonation will be performing at the Post.  Cost is $10/head.  This show will be approximately 2 hours long and has been customize for us.  Tickets will be sold at the door or if you see me, I have early tickets to sell.  This is a great time to bring a guest sit and enjoy a professional Elvis impersonator.  A door prize will be awarded after the show.  ALL proceeds will go towards the new patio and we need to fill the house.  Improving our Post and services for our members is a high priority and this is a fun an inexpensive way for you to help!
The 3rd annual Veterans Appreciation Day is scheduled for Oct. 22.  As we get closer, more info will be provided.  While the ALR sponsors the event, it is for all Veterans and free.  The horseshoe tournament alone is worth the free admission. 
Rick Babinger-Vice Commander

Monday, August 08, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter - August 2011

American Legion Family:
Sick Call:
Wishing a speedy recovery to our Commander, Art Beale; Life Member, Wayne Lewis; and former member of our Post, Ferrel Belt.  We all hope you’re up and around soon.
Life Membership:
In the past year a number of Legion members have chosen to forgo the yearly hassle of paying dues and have purchased a Kansas Life Membership (or received it as a Christmas gift!).  Congratulations to Raymond Asher, Jake Defrees, Doug Lehman, Donald Jarboe, Warren Johnston, Dennis Joynt.  Doesn’t it feel great not to have to put up with those pesky renewal notices any more?  If you think you would be interested in a Life Membership, contact the Adjutant, Terry Knight.
Time to Pay Dues:
Speaking of memberships, we are now in the 2012 membership year and, even though technically your current membership does not expire until December 31, 2011, National requests that you pay your 2012 dues upon receipt of the notice you received at the beginning of July.  The next notices will go out to anyone whose dues have not been received by Department by October 10.
Old Settlers Celebration:
Did you receive your annual Old Settlers fundraiser notice?  Think about it.  The prizes are CASH.  Everyone can use CASH.  Please consider helping the Post by returning your tickets (the part with your name and phone number) and a donation.  This is the biggest fundraiser for the Post and we really need your participation.  More tickets are available so friends, family and co-workers can get in on the fun.  Just ask the Bartender.
The Post will be serving a breakfast buffet starting at 8:00am to 9:30 AM on Saturday, August 20.  We will be serving biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and sausage, coffee and orange juice. Price will be $6.00.  It was a big hit last year.  Come give it a try.
The horseshoe contests will start at 1:00 PM both Saturday and Sunday – doubles on Saturday and singles on Sunday – at the Post.  The S.A.L. will have brats, hamburgers and hot dogs and drinks available at the Coney Island.  Please support their efforts.
We will once again have the downtown booth where we will sell pop and water.  We could use your help.  Please consider giving one hour of your time to work at the booth and give others a break.  Come by, say “hello”, buy some pop and/or water, and ask if you can lend a hand for awhile.  One hour a year isn’t too much to ask, is it?
Ladies Auxiliary Report:
Mark your calendars for September 24.  The Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a fundraiser to help build the covered patio planned for Post.  Come enjoy an Elvis impersonator.  The cost is just $10 per person.  It should be a really fun night.  Invite your friends and neighbors.
The monthly meeting for both the Legion and the Auxiliary are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Post Home.  If the first Monday falls on a holiday, the meetings move to the next Monday.  Please join us to learn what’s happening and contribute your ideas.  Hope to see you next month, Monday, September 12.
Can You Help?:
We have lost touch with the following Legion members, some of them are Life Members.  If you know any of them, please ask them to contact the Adjutant, Terry Knight at 316-777-1973 or send their current address information to the Post:  P.O. Box 195  Mulvane, KS 67110-0195.  If you know that any of them are deceased, please let us know that also.
Nathaniel A. Bush                                          Tim Oropallo
James B. Cameron                                          Donna Renaud
Rocky W. Janes                                              Roger D. Taylor
Seaton W. Maggard                                        Peter J. Wangberg

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter - February 2011

Life Membership:  There are two new Life Members at the Post. Jake Defrees and Doug Lehman. Congratulations to both.
Friday Dinner and Sunday Breakfast: Come to the Post and have dinner on Fridays and Breakfast on Sunday mornings. Raina has some really good specials available for your enjoyment.
ALR Report:  Jerry Berry reported that the Riders are having a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on the 19th of March at 8:00am to 10:00am. Also the 3rd Annual Poker Run is scheduled for the 7th of May. Save those dates.
Ladies Auxiliary Report:  The Ladies Auxiliary will have a Mardi Gras fundraiser on the 5th of March at 6:00 pm with music at 7:00pm. The Ladies Auxiliary are selling T-Shirts as a fund raiser. The T-Shirts come in either Black or Blue and are priced at $12 or $14 depending on the size. 2 XL to 5 XL are $14. The shirts as an eagle and Flag design with the saying “Home of the Free Because of the Brave”. If interested contact Carol Benson and the Bar has a picture of the shirt with an envelope to order the shirts.
Meeting was brought to order on Monday, February 4th, February 4th.
Terri Knight read the minutes with no additions or corrections needed, Stand as read.
Dwane Stewart read the Financial report. No additions or corrections needed. Stand as read. Dwane also read the Canteen reports for the months of November, December and January. There was a lot of discussion from all present.
It was mentioned that we need to send out a reminder prior to the monthly meeting to the membership. Art Beale will send out reminder.
Charlie Trapp announced to the membership that he is running for District Vice Commander and asked for our support. Motion raised and seconded. Motion pasted.
Rick Babinger gave an update for the proposed renovation of the Post. Greg Bauer had blueprints made to show the proposed addition.
Dwane Stewart brought to the membership a proposal that if there is a fundraiser at the Post, that whoever has the fundraiser; give to the Canteen Fund 10% of the profits. There was heavy discussion about the proposal by the membership and the proposal was tabled for a future meeting.
John Wilson advised the membership about Operation Freedom Memorial and the availability of inscribed granite paving stones to Veterans Organizations for $300. Because of past support from both the Post and ALR 136 these pavers were offered to the Post 136 organizations for $200. There was heavy discussion on this resulting in a motion and second to purchase a paver in Post 136’s name; motion approved with 1 against. Wild Bill Logan offered to purchase a paver in the name of the Post 136 Auxiliary but they declined to accept the OFM paver; no reason was given.
It was announced that there will be upcoming elections for the Post Officers and advised the membership to think about who they want to nominate. Nominations are in March and the elections are this April. Dennis Scuffham is not running for Commander and Dwane Stewart is not running for Financial Officer. All positions are open to anyone. We have a lot of talent in the Post and we need you to think about the Post’s future.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

AL Post 136 Newsletter - January 2011

Mid Winter Forum:  This years Mid Winter Forum is hosted by Arkansas City Post 18. The dates are February 4th thru the 6th.

Friday Dinner is back: The dining room is open again for Friday night dinner. Come by the Post and have dinner and enjoy Raina’s specials.

Supplementary Fund: The Post wants to thank the members of the Supplementary Fund for the $500 donation for the new Big Screen TV in the bar area. The new flat screen TV is a great addition to the Post.

Canteen Manager Position: The Canteen Manager position has been filled. Peggy Reynolds has taken over as Manager. Come by and welcome her to her new position.

Old Business:
Rick Babinger reported to the Post another update for the proposed renovations for the Post. He reported that there will be an architect drawing up the plans for an addition to the Post at no cost to the Post. That way we can get some bids for the construction and have a better idea on the cost. More information will be forth coming.

Rick Johnson and the Mulvane D.J.’s donated $175 to the Post for the Life Members fund. The Post thanks Rick and the Mulvane D.J.’s.

Rick Babinger brought to the membership an idea to replace the At Large E-Board committee members with the Ladies Auxiliary President, SAL President and the Riders Director. This will bring together all the members of the Post and the other parties will know what is going on at the Post. This will require By-Law change.

The Ladies Auxiliary is selling T-Shirts as a fund raiser. The T-Shirts come in either Black or Blue and are priced at $12 or $14 depending on the size. 2 XL to 5 XL are $14. The shirts as an eagle and Flag design with the saying “Home of the Free Because of the Brave”. If interested contact Carol Benson and the Bar has a picture of the shirt with an envelope to order the shirts.