Wednesday, October 30, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – October 2013

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at 7:00 PM at the Mulvane City building. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution.

There were _24_ Legion, _1_ S.A.L., and _1_ Guests present.

The meeting started off with Brad Webster from Wichita States Universities Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) presenting a briefing on the program at WSU. After the presentation, Mr. Webster answered questions from the members present.

Reading of the minutes. The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.

Finance Report. The Finance Officer and the Adjutant presented the finance reports associated with the Post. A couple of small questions all reports were accepted as presented.

Correspondence consisted of items from the monthly Adjutant’s Letter.

Old Business: Phil Horner and Rick Babinger gave a briefing on the status of the renovation. Anticipated final inspection date is November 13, 2013.

New Business:

Rick Babinger made a motion to earmark $1000 for the Scholarship Fund. Motion was seconded by Rick Johnson and after discussion the motion was passed.

Phil Giovanni's tenure on the Board of Governors has expired. The position needs to be filled by a legion member. It was announced that anyone interested in filling this position needs to come forward for consideration of the membership.

Sick Call:

Dave Williams is at home recovering from heart surgery.

John Thomas is home after the discovery of masses on his lung and hip. He is awaiting results of the tests.

Wayne Lewis is scheduled for surgery on October 18th for throat cancer. Surgery to be performed at St Francis Hospital.

Good of the Legion:

Rick Johnson presented a check from the Mulvane DJ's in the amount of $200 to be used for the Life Members Fund.

There will be an unofficial Halloween Party at the Post Canteen on Halloween. All are invited to come dressed for the occasion and enjoy a good time.

Ron Herndon, Buz Nye and Rick Babinger have volunteered to make recommendations to the Post Officers on what to hang on the walls of the new bar.

Life Member Joe Martinez has passed away since the last meeting.

Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 8 pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for Monday November 4, 2013. The next meeting will again be held at the Post

Respectfully submitted, Warren Johnston, Adjutant

Monday, September 30, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – September 2013

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at 7:00 PM in the post home. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution.

There were _22_ Legion, _1_ S.A.L., and _1_ Guests present.

Meeting started with Boys State Attendee, Remington Friend, giving a presentation on his attendance at Boys State 2013.

Reading of the minutes. The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.

Finance Report.: Financial reports were given by Diana Nelson and Warren Johnston. There was no discussion and the reports were accepted as read,

One new member and 3 transfers were presented to the membership. None of those presented were present. Membership voted to accept all of those presented. New members are Melody Marshall, Monte Reese, Darrel Bunch and Stephen Rapier.


  • From the 5th District Commanders New Letter it was requested that donations be made to local VA Facilities: Rich Babinger made a motion to donate $50.00 to the VA 4th of July Picnic. The motion was seconded and motion was passed.
  • A request was made by the Mulvane Football supports for a donation. After discussion the membership decided to not donate to the request.
  • Other items presented were the Membership Race, Boys State, Authorization from the National Adjutant to use the Legion Emblem on the Rocket being built by Monta Plank.
  • One item of concern was presented to the membership and that was Proof of Eligibility for membership in the American Legion. All were informed that the Post needs to maintain a file on each members DD Form 214.

Old Business:

  • Rob Brown presented to the membership the results of the refreshment sales made during the Old Settlers celebration and Warren Johnston gave the results of the Horse Shoe Tournament sponsored by the Post.
  • Everyone that assisted in the Old Settlers functions were thanked for their help in making these activities a success.


  • Terry Houck reported on the activities the volunteers performed in the securing and packing of items on display at the Post. All items have been packed and cataloged.
  • Weekend demolition activities were reported on by Rick Babinger. Everything that could be done safely in preparation for the remodel have been accomplished by a large group of volunteers.
  • Non profit application has been initiated by the Post's accountant.

New Business:

  • Intercom – Jerry Kirk made a presentation regarding the intercom to be used after the renovation. No action was taken on the action as presented.
  • The September 14th Veterans Appreciation Day has been canceled due to the renovation.
  • The Sunday breakfast will be conducted in the Canteen during the renovation.
  • The general meetings for the Legion and Auxiliary for October and November will be conducted at the Mulvane City Building on the second Monday of the month.

Sick Call: Cheryl Carpenter – Mouth Cancer

Good of the Legion:

  • The ALR, SAL, Auxiliary and Patriot Guard were provided the opportunity to update the general membership on activities associated with their organizations.

Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at __8___ pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for October 14, 2013 .

Respectfully submitted,
Warren Johnston, Adjutant

Thursday, August 15, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – August 2013

August 5, 2003

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at 7:00 PM in the post home. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution.

There were 55 Legion, 13 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present.

The meeting opened with a joint session with the Legion Auxiliary, SAL and Legion members. Congratulations were given to Robert and Sharon Davis on celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary on 31 July.

Cheryl Carpenter presented a check in the amount of $1000 in memory of her husband Richard and brother Gerald Love. It was specified that the money be used in the renovation fund.

All current members of the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL present were offered the opportunity to vote regarding the smoking policy at the post once the bar renovation is completed. Results of the vote were 70.2 percent for no smoking and 29.8 percent to continue smoking. After the results were present the joint session was adjourned.

Reading of the minutes:

  • The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.

Finance Report:

The Finance Officer presented the finance report for the General Fund and the Adjutants gave the reports for the Canteen Fund, Adjutant’s Fund, Petty Cash, and Building Fund. Reports were accepted and approved as presented.

Old Business:

  • Monta Planks rocket has been completed.
  • With Old Settlers day fast approaching, several slots are open still open for the booth and other activities sponsored by the post. A book is located in the canteen area to sign up. Booth set up needs to begin at 8 AM on Thursday August 15, 2013.
  • Karaoke is planned for the evening of August 24, 2013. This will be the last date for Karaoke until after the renovation.

New Business:

  • In preparation for the upcoming renovation all items currently on display need to be taken down, packed and stored. If anyone has any personal items displayed and prefer not to have them packed away need to remove them. Contact the Commander or Adjutant prior to the removal so that a record can be kept. Packing will commence on August 26, 2013. It is desired that a committee be formed to coordinate the display of items in the new canteen area after the renovation. The ideal makeup of the committee would members of all organizations at the post.

Good of the Legion:

American Legion Rider (Director Ron Vangas)

  • The Riders will participate in the Old Settlers Parade on August 17th. Those participating need to meet at the Post by 10:15 AM.
  • September 14th is Veterans Appreciation Day. Activities start at 10 AM. Activities include Horseshoe Tournament, Dunk Tank and food from the grill. This is open to all members.

Son's of the American Legion (Commander Jerry Armstrong)

  • The gun drawing will be conducted at the meeting being held on August 11, 2013. Contact a SAL member to purchase a chance for the drawing.
  • The SAL will continue the tradition of grilling food at the Post during the Old Settlers activities on August 17th.

Ladies Auxiliary (President Lori Metz)

  • Nothing to report.

Patriot Guard (Director Terry Houck)

  • Nothing to report.

Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for September 3, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Warren Johnston, Adjutant

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – July 2013

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at

7:00 PM in the post home. Auxiliary Chaplain, Jean Horstman , offered an opening prayer followed by the

members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the POW/MIA Empty Chair Ceremony.

There were 24 Legion, 3 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present.

The meeting began as a joint session with the Auxiliary and members of the SAL to discuss the upcoming vote regarding the smoking policy. Several people expressed their opinion both for and against elimination of smoking once the renovation of the new bar is completed. Final vote to be conducted on

August 5, 2013.

During the joint session it was also announced that the fine from the Kansas ABC had been levied. The fine in the amount of $500.00 is scheduled to be paid on 2 July 2013.

Reading of the minutes. The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.

Finance Report. The Finance Officer and Adjutant read their financial reports and were approved.

Updates from the Auxiliary, American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard and the Sons of the American Legion were presented for the good of all in attendance.

Old Business:

  • The ABC has ruled on the infraction of serving alcohol outside defined hours of 9 AM and 2 AM. A $500.00 fine needs to be paid within 30 days of June 27, 2013.
  • Karaoke is scheduled for 20 July 2013 and 24 August 2013. All are urged to come out and participate or just listen and enjoy.
  • Old Settlers update: This post will again sell drinks at both the downtown booth and the turtle races. New this year will be selling drinks prior to the start of the parade along the parade route and the window display downtown.
  • The renovation is scheduled to begin on September 9th. Items will need to be packed and stored during the renovation and Eric Evans has agreed to provide space for these items for storage. The renovation will require the post to be closed for 3-4 days during the final phases of the construction. In conjunction with the renovation Rick Johnson made a motion to upgrade the sound system at the post. Motion was seconded by Jerry Kirk and the motion was passed. Rick Johnson to check into the equipment.

New Business:

  • Rick Babinger made a motion to purchase 10 flags for the display at the post. Motion seconded by Rick Johnson. Motion passed.
  • Eric Evans made a motion to remove the 5 horseshoe pits on the north side of the pit area. Motion seconded by Tom Buskirk. Motion passed.
  • A request was made to purchase a storage building for long time post member Wayne Lewis. A motion was made by Phil Horner and seconded by Rick Johnson. Motion was passed.

Sick Call: Nothing

Good of the Legion:

  • Having no further business to come before the members, the ALR Chaplain Ron Herndon offered a closing prayer.
  • The meeting adjourned at 8 pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for 5 August 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Warren Johnston, Adjutant

Monday, April 08, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – April 2013

Post 136 Family,

From our monthly meeting April 1 2013:

New Legion Officers for 2013-2014

  • Commander: RG Reser
  • 1st Vice Commander: John "Moe" Metz
  • 2nd Vice Commander: Rob Brown
  • Adjutant: Warren Johnston
  • Finance Officer: Diana Nelson
  • Chaplain: Monta Plank
  • Sgt. at Arms: Steve Coberly
  • Service Officer: Ron Herndon
  • Historian: Doug Lehman
  • At Large E-board: Del Kenneson and Rick Babinger

New Ladies Auxiliary Officers for 2013-2014

  • President: Lorie Metz
  • 1st Vice President: Deb Lynch
  • 2nd Vice President: Judy Doty
  • Secretary: Joyce Galvin
  • Chaplain: Jean Horstman
  • Treasurer: Nancy Johnson
  • Sgt at Arms: Connie Evans

Everyone listed above is doing something that few ever sign up for.  They have agreed to lead our post over next year the rest of the membership has the obligation to support them and back the decisions they make.  The membership can disagree, but if you want it to be taken seriously, it should be done in a forum such as a meeting, or in person.  We cannot allow ourselves to undermine or in any way jeopardize the work these fine people have agreed to do.  Please join me in congratulating your Post officers for the coming year.

Upcoming in April:  Karaoke this month is on Friday the 19th starting at 8 pm!  Please note the time change from the previous months.  Also, since WSU is in the Final 4, we will be pulling down the big screen for the game on Saturday, April 6.  Tipoff is scheduled around 5pm.  Bring a party dish to share if you like and enjoy the game in the bar, or on the 12' screen in the non-smoking back room.

Post 136 Scholarship:  For the first time, we had five outstanding candidates for the Post $1,000 scholarship.  It's unfortunate we could only pick one, but it had to be done and this year's winner is Hunter Dewald, of Mulvane HS.   Hunter will be attending Washburn University in the fall and is a previous had attended the 2012 American Legion Boy's State.  We will be contacting him and hopefully we can get him to our next meeting so everyone can meet him.

Patriot Guard Highway cleanup: Our ALR adopted the Patriot Guard Highway a couple of years ago and 2 times a year, the members walk and pick up trash along a 2 mile stretch of the highway just west of town.  So as to not let the rest of the post members feel left out, everyone is invited to assist on Sunday, April 21.   Supplies are provided and anyone wanting to help, we will meet at the post in the morning.  Times will be announced later.

5th District Convention is scheduled for April 27 in Newton.  We are still looking for a few people that can attend and sign up as delegates.  This allows Post 136 the highest vote total in the District and we can have the biggest say at the convention, but only if we have the full compliment of delegates.  This year, the convention will only be one day long, so it will not take the whole weekend.  If interested, please get back to me and I will forward as needed.

Memorial Day Ceremonies:  We are trying to get a jump this year on the Memorial Day participants.  We need people for the Honor Guard, Rifle squad, possible bugle, and this year, someone to perform the Soldiers Cross dedication.  Please contact me if interested.

Garage Sale:  The Mulvane city wide garage sale is being held May 4.  We are planning on having our own at the post and we need as much stuff as we can get.  With our membership we should be the biggest show in town and we want to take advantage of this opportunity to help our general fund.  It is too early to bring stuff by, but in a couple of weeks we will be asking for everyone to please look around the house for items you would normally sell at a garage sale, put a price on it, and bring it up to the post.  We will of course need help on May 4 to set up tables, place items and work the event.  If you let me know you are willing to help out, I will start a list.  Hours are not finalized but like most garage sales, it will probably start early, so we need people at different times of the day.

Finally:  Until Commander Reser gets his address list loaded, I will be maintaining all the post communications.  Building a list of almost 450 names can take awhile.  Please respond to me for the time being with any issues or things that need to be published and I will forward as needed. 

I has been an honor to serve as your Commander again and I wish to thank the membership for allowing me to do so.  As long as we continue to support our leadership, I can honestly say we are in good hands with the those who have taken on the role to guide us for the next year.


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – March 2013

Post 136,

From Monday's meeting:

  • Canteen and Post financials: Details will not be published, (that's what meetings are for), but I can report it looks like we have turned a corner and are heading in the right direction. We have been able to add to the general fund as well as the canteen fund, all bills are paid and up to date, and indications are positive.
  • Annual Rib Feed: Coming up on March 16. As stated, the proceeds are going to our general fund for normal post operations so we need you here. The horseshoe tournament will kick off about 1pm and ribs will be served from about 5-8 or until gone. All you can eat for $12. You will not find this deal anywhere else. Help us help your post. Fun day with good people. (ok, at least there will be good ribs)
  • Karaoke is also coming to Post 136 on Friday March 22, April 19, and May 22. Will start at 7 and go till after 10. This was a big success in Jan and we want to build on this for possible a monthly event.
  • Pizza!: We will be stocking 12" frozen pizzas for you to enjoy while at the post for a low cost of $4.50. There will be a variety and thanks to Maryann, we now have a small convection oven in the bar area to cook with. If there is a run on them, we can use the ovens in the kitchen to fire up multiple pizza's. In a lot of cases, the bartender will not be able to monitor pizzas in the back, so you may have to heat your own, but we will have some in stock and ready to go. Can't beat the price and proceeds will go to getting more pizza's and possibly some other items. For nights like Karaoke, we will try to accommodate the crowd and you can buy a pizza for the table.
  • Post High School Scholarships: We have received four applicants for this years scholarship award. The E-board will review the applications and a winner will be announced at the next general meeting in April.
  • Kansas Life memberships for the American Legion have been eliminated. If you are now a life member, it will be honored with no changes, however there will no longer be any accepted in the future. The National American Legion has a life membership program that is still in place and only the Kansas program is affected. We were the last state to maintain the program, but due to the financial burdens, it had to be stopped.
  • Jack Carlton has received a certificate from National for 50 years as a member of the American Legion. Not many reach this milestone.
  • 5th District convention delegates will be selected at the April meeting. This year it is a one day convention held in Newton on April 27. If you are going to attend, please be at the April meeting or if you cannot be there, notify myself or one of the officers so we can be assured of having our proper delegate count at the convention. Mulvane is the biggest dog in the 5th District with the biggest number of votes so we need to assure we have our say.
  • Remodel Fund: There has been no movement on the remodel fund in the past month. We are holding steady at about $75K. We will concentrate on fund raisers after we build up our general fund and are still hoping the majority of the membership that has not felt it necessary to support the post, will come around and see the benefits to our members, veterans, and supporters.
  • Auxiliary Pie auction: Pat Johnston, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, reported between the lasagna dinner and the pie auction held on Feb 22, approximately $1,000 was raised for Auxiliary programs. Thank you to everyone that supported this especially those that paid triple digits for a pie. Great success!
  • Post Garage Sale: Still a little early to move on this, but please keep it in mind for May 3 and save your stuff. We cannot have a garage sale without stuff so if you have items to donate, either hang on or respond to me and we can try to store it for you. Again, this will go towards our general fund and hopefully will again allow us to concentrate on the renovation project.
  • Nominations for Post Officers: We opened the nomination process for all officer positions at Monday's meeting. The nominations for all positions will be held open until we elect the new officers at the April meeting. So far we do not have any nominations for 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Service Officer, Historian, and the two at large Executive Board members. The 1st Vice and Service Officer are absolutely critical. RG Reser has been nominated for Commander with the other positions retaining present officers. All positions are open and with a post this size, we should have no problem filling them. Please ask yourself what you want your Post to be. It is not a burden as much as an honor to be able to serve in a capacity to help your fellow veterans. While not everyone is a leader, not everyone is a follower. Anyone interested in being a part of making this post a success, please consider serving. It will be what you make it and we need new people, new ideas, and new energy to lead us.


Friday, February 08, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – February 2013

  • Annual rib feed is scheduled for March 16. We will host a horseshoe tournament starting around 1pm and the ribs will be served from five-ish till eight or until gone. These are the country style ribs that will be cooked over a wood fire and simmered all day. Slaw and beans will accompany. $12 all you can eat with all proceeds going to our general fund. This is always a popular event and its worth to have your arteries hardened with these ribs.
  • Ladies Auxiliary are hosting a lasagna dinner and pie auction this month. Friday, Feb 22 at 6pm, Carol Benson will be cooking her lasagna for you and if you have not had her lasagna at past events, now is your chance. It will be accompanied by bread and salad for $5/plate. After dinner, there will be a pie auction to raise funds for the Auxiliary programs. Over $700 was raised on the last pie auction and this is a great way to help the post.
  • A DVD/Blue-ray player was donated by Rick Ries for our use with the projector system. We can now enjoy dinner and a movie something and will be getting things scheduled.
  • Karaoke at the Post was discussed. Last month, member Steve Huckaby hosted an event for us and we had nothing but good comments. We will be trying to schedule him back for a few months to see if we can grow the crowd. Dates and details will come out as we get them set up.
  • A post wide garage sale is being planned for our general fund, and is set for the weekend of May 4, the same day as the Mulvane city wide garage sale. We hope that with membership bringing in garage sale type items, we can make this the biggest show in town that day. Please start gathering your items for donation and we ask that you put a price on them before bringing them. It would be to much for us to try and run around trying to price everything at event time. Diana Nelson has agreed to be the point of contact and we will start accepting items any time. No sense waiting till the last minute. You can contact me or Diana if you wish to bring items in now and we will find a place to store them. Since the machine money has been going to support the canteen, the general fund has no steady source of income, so we need a few fund raisers to build it up.
  • Terry Houck passed on a financial donation to the post for over $500 which was given on behalf of the Patriot Guard. Also Ron Herndon, picked up some patio furniture which was also donated.
  • Cadet Law, Boy's State, 5th District Oratorical: If anyone has or knows a highschool Junior that may be interested in Cadet Law or Boy's State, the Post will pay the fees to send them. Details on the programs can be found at The 5th District Oratorical is open to any high school student regardless of grade.
  • Canteen: The issues with the canteen and our financials were discussed in depth at the meeting. Details will not be posted on the internet. If you want more information, you can contact me or anyone on the Board of Governors directly. One thing I will publish is that steps have been taken to cut expenses (beyond closing of the kitchen) and we are trying to make is as seamless as possible to the members. You may notice some programming changes on the tv, trash service is changing, etc. We feel these and other actions will have a positive impact on our post business and progress will be reported at the monthly meetings.
  • Post Officer Elections: In April, we will be holding elections for your officers. At a minimum, Commander, 1st Vice Commander and 2nd Vice Commander will change. All positions are open along with 2 at large members to the executive board. How this election affects the post is up to you. You can sit back and hope or you can actually assure success. Your choice.

Below is a brief description of each position. You can contact any officer for additional information and please consider if you are approached. The nominating committee consists of all present officers. To serve this post is a privilege and an honor. Its not just Post 136 you serve, but all veterans. This is why the American Legion exists. Take part in it.

Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.

1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.

2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.

Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.

Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.

Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.

Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.

Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.

Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.

Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operation, decision-making and setting of the post agenda.
