Saturday, April 07, 2007

Newsletter - April 2007

American Legion Family:

New Post officers were elected and installed at Monday’s meeting. The membership chose the following to lead us for 2007-2008:

COMMANDER: Rick Babinger
1st VICE COMMANDER: Bill Foster
2nd VICE COMMANDER: Bruce Simmons
ADJUTANT: Terry Knight
FINANCE OFFICER: Richard Carpenter
CHAPLAIN: Ron Herndon
SGT. AT ARMS: Leon Roberts
HISTORIAN: Rick Johnson

I wish to thank all who ran for office and especially the officers who served last year. It was a bumpy road at times and more will follow, but the momentum and progress made will not be lost in the year to come. I ask the entire membership to get behind your officers and continue to move our Post forward.

Financials: If you were at the meeting you saw the new financial format used for the Canteen Report. It is a day-by-day breakout of all activity, including checks written. A summary page shows the balances as well as the month end profit/loss statement. We now have full visibility of all revenue and expenditures. We ended March with over $5k in the bank and have paid off the back-due taxes with penalties. The canteen report will be posted along with the Post finances, on the bulletin board.

Atomic Vets Resolution, calling for the American Legion to support their recognition, was unanimously passed on Monday. The resolution, which was generated at our Post will now go on to District, and if passed, will be presented to National at the August convention.

American Gold Star Mothers president, Betty Pulliam, was present at the ALR meeting Sunday. The 70th Annual National Convention of Gold Star Mothers will be held in Wichita, June 23-27. The American Legion, Patriot Guard, and ALR have all purchased a full page add in their Journal. We will be using the page to promote the American Legion and its programs. More information will be coming out about the convention, as the entire Legion family will be involved.

Memorial Day help needed! We are looking to have volunteers in place before Memorial Day to assist in the ceremony. We need flag bearers (minimum of 3), two rifle bearers to protect the flag, and six volunteers for the firing squad. In the past, these have been filled on Memorial Day, but we want to be sure we have it covered in advance. Anyone interested in assisting in the ceremonies to honor our fallen, please get back to me. I will keep track. Everyone in the Legion Family is invited to assist.

Hero’s to Hometown: If you wish to get involved with this program, please contact either myself or Tom Knight. We need to have a committee that will be chaired by Tom and myself, and be able to respond quickly to veterans needs. We are taking steps to finance our Veterans Hardship fund and it will also be used as seed money for any H2H designated veteran. Some of the gaming dollars are to be transferred into the hardship fund and contributions will be accepted. Other ideas are being considered to help build the base fund.

Per my e-mail last week concerning Sgt. John Jones, we have since been informed he is having complications due to a large blood clot in his leg. I have included here a link anyone can go to and leave personal messages to Sgt. Jones. When you get there, you need to set up a user name and password. Once signed in, just go to the message board and type: johndjones. It will take you to his site. His birthday is April 18 and it would be wonderful if he had a ton of birthday wishes from Post 136.

Annual Post Rib Feed will be held Saturday, Apr. 14. Cost is $8.50 and will be served from 5-8 pm. These ribs are started about 5am and simmer all day. This is not your basic McRib we are talking about here. The Mulvane DJ’s will be playing that evening and there will be a raffle for a cordless drill. All proceeds will go to the Veterans Hardship fund. If you’re having trouble sleeping Sat. morning, we can use some early help, and again around 4.

American Legion Leadership College will be held June 1-3 in Concordia. Fee to attend is $40. All officers and anyone (SAL and Auxiliary) that is interested in learning more about how the American Legion functions, is encouraged to attend. Please get with Terry Knight for details.

5th District Convention will be held April 27-29 at Post 81, El Dorado. Registration on Fri. is from 4-8pm. Sat. & Sun. registration will begin at 8:00am. Our own John Thomas is running for District Commander. There will be a parade at 4pm Sat.

Raffle tickets will be at the bar for a $1 donation. The proceeds will support 5th District programs. 1st prize is $100 and 2nd prize is $50.

Facility Update: Phil Horner has agreed to look into a new sink for behind the bar. It will replace the old hand sink and will move to the other end of the bar. This allows for the large freezer procured by Chuck Barshney to be put under the bar and we can then have all the frosted mugs we can use. Also, hopefully before the weekend, you will see a counter top hot dog steamer serving dogs, brats, etc., at all times at the bar. This is not a cheap unit, and it was donated by your Legion Riders.

Since we are closed on Mondays, we are going to work on finishing the wall leading into the dining area. Need some help mudding, sanding and painting the bar side. Please try to spend an hour or two next Monday starting at 7 PM. If need be we will do again the following Monday. If anyone can put in a few hours during the day, let me know and I can see to it the post is open.

The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting a craft and bake sale this Friday evening at dinner and Sunday morning for breakfast.

Re-creation, a patriotic singing group will be at the VA this Saturday. The Auxiliary is sponsoring the performance. Everyone is invited to attend. Time of the performance is 2:00 PM. Posters are up at the Post giving all the details.


Three more chapters came on board last month bringing Kansas up to 42. It is the largest growing state in the nation.

$700 was donated to the Legion for our building fund.

$1000 was put in reserve to be used for the purchase of a handicap van in Wichita. The van will cost over $40K so this money will be held until other funds are available.

$2000 was put into the Riders Veterans assistance fund.

$500 was donated to the canteen for the purchase of the aforementioned hot dog steamer.

Please get back to me to sign up for Memorial Day help, H2H assistance, and don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket when you stop in at the post.

Upcoming Meetings:
BOG: April 25-7PM
E-Board: May 2-7PM
Auxiliary: May 7-7PM
Legion: May 7-7:PM

The updated calendar is attached.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136