Sunday, April 11, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - April 2010

American Legion Family:

Post Elections were held at the April 5 meeting and the officers leading the post for the 2010-2011 year are as follows:

Commander-Dan Benson
1st Vice Commander-Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice Commander-Art Beale
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Dwane Stewart
Chaplain-Carroll Everest
Sgt. at Arms-Andy Webb
Service Officer-Ron Herndon
At Large E-board:Ed Watson and Steve Coberley
As last past Commander, I will also be on the E-board.

It takes a love of Post and commitment to the membership to run, accept and perform as an officer. We should all be grateful we have the members among our ranks to help keep us one of the leading posts in the state. My personal thanks to all who came forward and are willing to take this lead.

New Auxiliary officers for 2010-2011:

President: Carol Benson
1st Vice President: Barb Giovani
2nd Vice: Asonjia Stewart
Secretary: Monica McDanial
Treasurer: Connie Berry
Sgt. At Arms: Karen Babinger
Chaplain: Jean Horstman
Historian: Nina Somers
E-Board: Pat Johnston and Jackie Johnson
50 Year Members:

We had the rare privilege to honor not one, but two of our members, with a Certificate of Continual Membership for 50 years of American Legion service. Charles Chauncey and Eugene Klaus received their certificates and Charles also received his Life Membership as a surprise birthday present. Congratulations and thank you for your service to our country and our post.

Special Guest Anita Dixon, Gold Star Mothers addressed the membership to explain here latest project add what is called ‘Operation Freedom Memorial’ to Veterans Park in Wichita. The memorial will encompass Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom…

Post 136 Member Larry Roney – WWII Honor Flight: Larry spoke to us at he March meeting but time constraints kept us from acting on his request to help with the Honor Flight program. At the April meeting, it was decided Post 136 would sponsor any WWII veteran that is a member of post 136.

SAL Meeting and elections will be held Sunday, April 11 at 1:30.

5th District Convention is coming up April 23-25 at Post 24 in McPherson. Delegates have been selected and all are invited. You can register Friday night or Sat and Sunday morning. Call to order will be 9:00am on Sat.

1st American Legion Post 136 Scholarship has been awarded to Brittney Johnson. Brittney is the daughter of SAL member Bill Johnson and a straight A student at Kingman HS. She is attending Wichita State in the fall, and is very active in her community. It is a real honor to present her with our 1st Scholarship.

Other presentations were made to a number of our members that were awarded Gold and Silver Stars for their efforts in making us one of the premier posts in the state for memberships. Post 136 also received a certificate for being 1st place in the state for membership of posts over 500 members. Adjutant Terry Knight is the driving force behind our membership and she was given a 100% membership pin. This was the first time I know of we have been 1st in the State on membership. Thank you all.

Re-creation, a patriotic singing group will perform at the VA on May 13 at 2pm. Admission is free. This group goes around the country performing at VA hospitals and if you have the chance to see them, you need to get there. I was able to see them a couple of years ago and you will not regret going.

Post136 Sponsor of Boy’s State Student: We have once again been able to sponsor a student for Boy’s State. Phillip Kurtzemier, Goddard, was looking for a sponsor. We were the post involved and the Goddard Lions Club also pitched in. This is the 3rd year in a row we have sponsored 1 or more students for the American Legion Boy’s State Program.

BOG Opening: Dan Benson will be coming off of the BOG this month. Since he will be busy with other duties, I think it’s a safe bet he will not run again. We will hold an election at the May meeting for his replacement. The opening will be for a Legion member only, since there are already two Auxiliary members on the board.

Dining room Mgr and waitress: Peggy will be leaving her position as Dining Room Mgr at the end of Apr. Anyone interested, please see one of the BOG members. We also have an immediate need for a waitress.

Commanders Note: This will be my last newsletter as Commander and I want to take a moment and thank all members for the honor you have bestowed on me for the past four years. Without a doubt, this has been the most rewarding job of my adult life and I cannot say enough about the support and hard work everyone has put into making this the successful post it is. Thanks to all the officers, past and present, that helped me along the way, and to the entire membership for believing in the American Legion and me. You have been left in good hands.
God Bless our Post and God Bless America
