Friday, December 15, 2006

Newsletter - December 2006

American Legion Family:

Veterans Day: On Nov. 11, we retired 134 American Flags, 9 POW, 2 Ks. and 5 Service Flags at our Veterans Day ceremonies. Twenty-one Legion members were then sworn in at initiation ceremonies before the Auxiliary POW program and dinner. Thanks to all who attended and participated in honoring our Vets.

$1,575 was raised at the Auxiliary sponsored cake decorating contest. The money has allowed for the purchase of over 80 phone cards to be sent to our troops who are spending this Christmas in harms way. “Rockin Rick”, from KZSN was instrumental in the success of this event with the free advertisement and help at the post as one of the judges. We have some wonderful members that are always there when we, and our troops, need them.

Annual Post Thanksgiving Dinner served 84 members and their families. We have so much to be thankful for in this country, and one of those things is our appetite.

S.A.L. Annual Children’s Christmas Party to be held this Sunday, Dec.10, from 2-4pm.

Legion Jacket Sales: The order has gone in for the nylon American Legion jackets. If you ordered one, please get your money in as soon as possible. Make your check to American Legion Post 136 and mark it for jackets. Turn it in at the canteen.

50/50: Our first winner at the Dec. 4 meeting was Mike and Charlotte Alley. Ninety-four tickets were sold and the take was split with them. The rest will go to the TV fund. This was the first month of 50/50 sales and we can grow on this. When you stop in, donate a buck and get a ticket. Put your name and number on the back of the ticket, and we will pull one out at every meeting.

Last Call for Dues before the rate goes up. Pay your 2007 dues before Dec. 15! Next year it increases to $30 and unless you want to pay the extra $5, it is in your best interest to pay now.

A New Years Eve Party will be held, to no one’s surprise, on New Years Eve at 8:00. We invite all members to bring a snack that can be shared and have a blast. We have the Mulvane DJ’s playing, and breakfast will be served after we hit 07 for a small fee.
Chuck Barshney and Hiland Dairy are supplying the eggs, juice and milk. Nothing says Happy New Year like a bunch of eggs, biscuits and gravy on top of a boatload of beer.

Horseshoe Tournament: We have another tournament scheduled for Sat. Dec. 16, 10am. Weather is not an issue to the hard core.

McConnell Angel Tree: Many families are separated this year, and McConnell has set up an Angel Tree to help support the children of our deployed troops. Post 136 has responded once again. Membership voted $200 to adopt two boys and two girls. Then we had a $100 donation from Ron Herndon, $50 from Tom Knight, $20 from John Thomas, and $30 from Bill and Alice Foster to make it an even $400. Instead of sponsoring just four, we have sponsored 12. Eight boys and girls, ages 1-2, along with two 8yr old boys and two 10yr old girls. With some smart shopping, we can get them some nice gifts. If anyone is willing to help with the shopping or want to donate, please contact myself or Bill & Alice Foster.

Blank Christmas Cards: We found out at the meeting there are about 7,000 cards left over from one of “Rockin Ricks” drives. Well, that’s not entirely true. We have another 45,000 cards being donated from another group. We plan on storing the cards at a residence, and will be contacting as many Legion and VFW Posts, as well as any other groups and give the cards away for them to send to the troops or for whatever use they deem appropriate. We will keep a good group for our own use and have some for next year.

ALR News: Two new chapters have recently come on line giving Kansas a total of 34. Two more are in the process.

Elections for ALR officers will take place next Sunday, Dec. 10, at 4pm. There are a number of new people running for offices and we need as many ALR members as possible to be there. You must have your 2007 ALR dues paid up to be eligible to vote.

Adjutant Fund: As you all know, Post 136 has sworn to pay all dues increases for its life members. Few posts do this and any increases are the responsible of the member. We take care of this out of the Adjutants fund. At the general meeting, Rick Johnson presented the post a $300 check from the Mulvane DJ’s to assist in our efforts to continue to take care of our members. Our gratitude is extended to the DJ’s.

PR Officer: Bill Foster, Post PR officer is in constant contact with the news media and some radio stations. In fact, they call Bill to get information as to what is going on with our Post. If anyone or any group within the post has any thing that needs to get out to the public, please funnel it through Bill. He has the contacts and is familiar with the proper protocols. This way we have one consistent voice with the media.

Speaking of special events, we are planning a “Veterans Appreciation Day” for June 30. While this is still a long way off, plans are in the works and details will be released as they are worked out. Stay tuned.

Year end Commanders thoughts:

Looking back on this and other newsletters, one thing stands out. It is amazing the amount of activity that goes on inside our post. We now have a first class web page (thanks to John Wilson) that is filled with information, pictures, and a history of the past year. Every month has activities that have benefited the community, veterans, our fallen comrades, and our own post. How many of our members have pitched in to replace or remodel the premises? Members have sacrificed time, talent and money to make it all happen.

Our Legion Riders have been had the most impact on recruiting new members. They are the primary force behind the Patriot Guard movement and homecomings for our service members. Their generosity in supporting the VA, charities and phone card programs should have every member proud of our association with the finest rider’s organization in the country.

We have set a standard for others. Our post has supplied District, Department, and National officers to the American Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary. Our presence has been felt within the community as well. Look at the parades, the dedication in August, and the ceremonies that are open invites to the public.

Most of all, we have our members.

Karen and I would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a great
New Year.

Commander-Post 136

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Newsletter - November 2006

American Legion Family:

50/50 on sale now: We are now selling 50/50 tickets full time at the canteen. Each ticket is $1 and the proceeds will go for a designated project. First up is a new big screen for the post. Be sure to put you name and number on each ticket. A drawing will take place once a month at the general meeting. With one drawing/month, the take can be significant so play often.


Veterans Day Ceremonies: Nov. 11 is Veterans day and the annual flag retirement ceremony will be held behind the Post, at dusk. (5-5:30pm). Following, there will be an initiation ceremony for anyone who has never been initiated into the American Legion. A potluck dinner will be held following. Ladies Auxiliary will supply ham and potatoes so bring a side dish and enjoy.

Post Cake Decorating contest: Nov. 12. Rockin Rick Regan (KZSN 102.1), will be one of the celebrity judges for a cake decorating contest-sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, at the post this Sunday. ALL proceeds go towards the ALR phone card program for our troops overseas. Cakes will arrive from 12 –2pm and the judging will take place at 3:00. There is a $10 entry fee to submit a cake. Prizes will be awarded and there will be a peoples choice award for a grand prize. Donations will be accepted. Please come out and support our troops by contributing to a great cause.

Post Thanksgiving Dinner: Circle Monday, Nov 20, 6:00pm for a great holiday meal. The post is supplying the meat (Turkey and Ham), and the rest is potluck. Bring a dish and enjoy one of the best meals of the year.

Membership Drive: Post 136 is at 80.7% of our 2007 quota. We continue to add new members each month and we need everyone to pay their 2007 dues by mid Dec. Remember, the dues increases to $30 in Jan so if you pay by mid Dec, it is still $25. If you are considering a life membership, it can be a significant savings and any future dues increases are covered. Renew now and help your post get to 100%.

Atomic Veterans: Larry Halloran, one of our members, spoke at the post general meeting last Monday about a group of veterans that have dropped though the cracks. The Atomic veterans are quickly disappearing from our ranks and are still looking for recognition and VA assistance. A petition was signed and will be sent to our Ks. congressional contingency. Another copy is at the post for your signature. If you cannot sign the petition, you will find attached to this newsletter a letter that can be printed, signed and sent to one of the sponsors listed. Please help. It only takes a stamp.

S.A.L News: An Honor Ribbon was presented to SAL Commander Jim Jones on Monday for achieving 100% membership for 2006.

SAL sponsored children’s Christmas party will be held Dec. 10 from 2-4pm. Santa will attend.

ALR News: The motorcycle pad is now complete. The posts, chain and paint are complete. We cannot thank Greg Bauer enough for his financial and material support for this project along with all of the Riders that contributed time, labor and sweat.

Nominations for ALR officers will take place this Sunday at the ALR meeting.
NOTE: Time has changed to 4:00pm due to the cake fundraiser.

Something special happened at the last ALR meeting:
$150 was designated to go towards the Marines 3/2 project of collecting 1100 bandanas for Marines in Iraq. Fifteen 600 minute phone cards were added to it.
$1,100 was donated towards the VA van purchase (this assured the purchase on time)
$1,500 went towards the purchase of sweatshirts for every patient at the VA hospital this Christmas
$100 was donated for turkeys to be purchased, cooked, and given to McConnell AFB personnel.
$140 donated to “Quilts of Valor”, a group that makes quilts for wounded soldiers. Mike Shock then donated another $140 out of pocket for another quilt.
$3,140 were donated to help our soldiers and veterans.

3,140 reasons, every member of Post 136 can be proud of their American Legion Riders

Halloween Party: Anyone that was there had a blast. The Mulvane DJ’s (Rick Johnson, Don Culver, Charlie Trapp), put on a heck of a floorshow. (I keep stabbing my eyes with an ice pick trying to get the image of Charlie in a skirt and coconut bra out of my head).

Contest winners: 1st-Jim Jones as Dr. Ben Dover
2nd-Bill & Alice Foster as Neo and Trinity (Matrix)
3rd-Craig Hanson-Swamp Thing (there was controversy on this cause he
didn’t wear a mask.)
We will be having a Post New Years Eve party, so plan ahead.

Searching for Vets: Below is a request from one of our members, Bill Crane.

If anyone is, or knows anyone who served in Det 2, 6925th USAFSS or 6924th USAFSS or in any other units assigned to the outpost known as Monkey Mountain, Danang, Vietnam, please let them know there is a website operating specifically for these Monkey Mountain Vets. Reunions, history, photos, and tons of helpful information are available and 95% of it has no price tag for registrants. It’s a great place to share the memorabilia, and stories, one might have tucked away in his/her archives, too. Contact for access to the site is Mike Gilkerson, email: . Make an initial inquiry to Gil if you prefer or just email him pertinent information such as name, rank, serial, AFSC, and dates served plus current personal contact info (and email address) is requested for registering. I’ve enjoyed the site and through it have found several buddies from those times. The site’s been helpful, and mentally enriching and healthy, to learn of what other survivors have done the past 40 years. It’s amazing the strength of a bond among those who served, isn’t it? Of course, the American Legion Riders and Patriot Guard all know the strength of such a bond.

American Legion VA Rep: If you have questions on VA benefits or medical issues, we have a new VA contact. Ryan Simpson is an employee of the American Legion and has the job of helping you in all of your VA issues. He can be reached at the following numbers:
Local: 316-688-6814
Toll Free: 888-878-6881

On this same note, the Navy is now allowing claims to be put in for Agent Orange exposure while serving off shore in Vietnam. This is not yet a done deal, but if you have been exposed, get the claim in. Ryan can help with the process.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Newsletter - October 2006

American Legion Family:

National Commander: A personal thanks to all who made the National Commander’s visit to our Post a memorable one. It was standing room only and the Commander was impressed with the entire event, starting with the Legion Rider escort and ending with the final prayer. You set the bar high for others to follow.

2007 Dues Increase: Membership has voted to increase the yearly dues to $30/year to take affect Jan. 1 2007. This was needed to cover the national increase voted on at the National Convention. Remember, if you pay your dues before Dec 15, it is still $25. Do not wait to renew, and save $5. If you are considering Life Membership, it will save a lot more and you will be immune to all future increases. The Rate Table for Life Membership follows:

Age Group Times Annual Dues
18-40 16
41-60 14
61-70 10
71 and up 7

By purchasing a Life Membership before Jan., a significant amount of money can be saved.
Note: The Dec. 15 date is to assure all dues are received at the Dept. level in time.

Post 136 Halloween Party: When was the last time you dressed up as something you are not? OK, don’t answer that. When was the last time you got dressed up and went to a Halloween party? If it’s been awhile, the Post is hosting a party after dinner on Friday, Oct. 27. There will be prizes for costumes, a lot of music, and maybe some games. Should be a blast and it gives everyone a reason to look like an idiot without others really thinking you are one. Maybe.

Veterans Day: Though still over a month away, please plan to attend the Veterans Day events at the post. We will have the traditional flag retirement ceremony at dusk, followed by a Legion membership initiation.. If you have never been formally initiated into the American Legion, the Dept. Commander, Pat Culver, will be here to perform the ceremony. We will end the evening with a pot luck dinner provided by the Ladies Auxiliary. Veterans do not have to bring anything for the dinner.

VA Van: A number of posts are involved with raising money for a new van that will be used to transport sick and injured vets to the VA. Approximately $8k of the $11k needed has been raised. Membership voted $250 as a donation and the Legion Riders have committed $110. This Friday, Oct. 6, there will be a raffle at the Friday evening dinner. All proceeds will go towards the van. Money must be raised by Nov.1 in order to get the van at the reduced price. This is a great cause to support and time is of the essence.

Hospice Volunteers Needed: Anyone interested in volunteering at Heartland Hospice, please call Jackie Brown at 216-789-2006.

Crickets: A little shock and awe is in order for the cricket population now in residence at the post. Bombing will begin as soon as the ordinance is on board.

KPTS Advertising: 5th District Commander Bud Canady has come up with a novel way to get some American Legion publicity. The KPTS series “Victory at Sea” is a 26 episode program. It is run twice/year for a total of three years. They have agreed to air 10 second ads before and after each episode, which will advertise the American Legion. Each post is asked to support this effort with $100 this year and $100 next. This was approved by membership at the Oct. 2 general meeting.

Oratorical Contest: If your high school age children or any you know, are looking for scholarship help, do not overlook the American Legion Sponsored Oratorical Contest that will be coming up in a few months. This contest, (held in Andover this year), is a chance for our youth to study and then speak about our Constitution. Winners at the district level earn $500, and attend state competition. The winner of state then goes national and can win up to $18,000 in scholarship. Please contact Tom Knight, Post 136 Service Officer for more details.

50/50 Tickets: We are working on a program to allow members to win some $ and help the post at the same time. Details are not yet worked out, but the idea will be to sell 50/50 tickets at any time. Tickets would cost $1/chance or 6 for $5. At each monthly meeting, the winner will be pulled and notified. With a drawing once a month, the pot can be significant. The post’s take would be used for specific post needs ie: a new big screen, etc. as decided by the Executive Board. More information will come out as details are settled.

Fun Stuff: I am looking for a few people to come up with ideas for some good times at the post. We seem to work hard and not take much time for fun. The Halloween party is coming up, but what about the next 3-4 months? Why can’t we have at least one event a month (dances, fish fry, naked twister, etc) that will get us together, without trying to raise money, work on projects, or do any business other than have fun. If you have some ideas, or would like to be part of a core group to come up with ideas, let me know. (And yes, the naked twister was a joke).

Old Settlers: Of the 700 ticket packets sent to our members in July for the Old Settlers Day weekend, only 28% were returned with donations. This is traditionally our largest money maker of the year. The low volume will hinder, but not halt our mission.

Aux, News: The Ladies Aux. will be providing the decorations for the Halloween party and setting up some games. They will also provide the main portion of the meal for the Veterans day pot luck dinner. A trip to Villa Maria nursing home is scheduled.

S.A.L: Oct 8 - 2:00
ALR: Oct 8 - 3:00
Board of Gov.: Oct. 25 - 7:00 (open to the membership)
Executive Board: Nov 1 – 7:00
General Meeting: Nov 6 – 7:00

Significant dates in American Legion History:
Oct. 1, 1995-AL forms Persian Gulf Task Force to enhance service to these veterans.
Oct. 10-11, 2001-American Legacy Scholarship Fund for children of military members KIA on or after 9/11/01.
Oct. 17, 2003-AL efforts on Capitol Hill break deadlock on Disabled Veterans Tax. Efforts also result in passage of Military Family Tax Relief Act

Rick Babinger
Commander- Post 136

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Newsletter - September 2006

American Legion Family:

National Commanders Visit: We are honored to host a dinner for the new American Legion National Commander, Paul Morin, on Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 7:00 pm. The Post will supply the Brisket and anyone attending should bring a dish. There is a sign up sheet or you can call Karen Babinger at 777-0344. She has a list of needed items. We are figuring on 100 guests but with any pot luck event, there should be plenty of food to accommodate everyone. Please mark this day on your calendars and plan on attending. This is an opportunity to show our newly elected National officers some Kansas hospitality.

2007 Dues: At the National Convention in Salt Lake City last month, it was approved to raise the amount of membership dues going to National, by $4.50. Of the $25/year dues you pay to belong to Post 136, only $5 goes towards our post. The rest is split between Dept. and National. With this new increase, only .50 will go towards our post after Jan. 1. For this reason, we are forced to a make a hard decision. Through this newsletter, and a membership mailing, we are informing the membership of a vote to take place at the general meeting, Oct. 2. The proposal will be to raise the yearly dues by $5, ($30/year) effective Jan. 1. You must be present to vote. National has not increased its dues for 13 years, and the need was growing. The benefits of membership are far and away worth more than the $30/year fee, but you, the membership will have a chance to have your voice heard on Oct. 2.

Now the good news: If you have not yet paid your dues for this year, make sure you pay it by mid December. It will remain $25 until then. After Jan. 1, it will increase to $30 (assuming the proposal passes). If we get 100% renewals by then, we still maintain our margin without an increase to you. Also, if you are considering a life membership, be sure to sign up prior to Jan. 1. Life membership is based on a multiplier (dependant on age), times your yearly dues. If you purchase a life membership prior to Jan. 1, it can save a significant amount. Remember, at this Post, unlike most others, we pay for any increase in dues for the Life members. Sign up now and you will be immune to any increases in the future.

This does not affect S.A.L. or Auxiliary membership dues.

Helping Hands: I am proud to report when the notice came out about SSgt Gonzalez needing assistance for his family after an apartment fire destroyed everything they had, we responded. A queen size bed, color TV and at least $300 cash were quickly raised and donated. And this is what I am aware of. There were other personal gifts as well. Our thanks to our Post Chaplain, Lt. Col. Mike Hall for taking the lead on the delivery of all material and financial aid.

POW/MIA Ceremony: Sept. 15 is national POW/MIA Recognition Day. We will be conducting a POW/MIA ceremony Friday evening at 7:00. This is being held during the peak dinner hour so as to have as many people as possible observe and honor those who cannot be with us. Dept. POW/MIA Committeeman, Mike Shock, will MC the program. Please bring your family and guests. This is a short, but moving program that will unfortunately be a part of us for many years to come.

Horseshoe Tournament: 5th District Horseshoe tournament will be hosted by Mulvane on Sept. 30 at 10:00am. Contact Bill Willis for information.

Facilities update: If you have not been at the post for a few months, you may think you are in the wrong place when you enter. The carpeting in the meeting room as been replaced and except for some waxing and placing of the mop board around the border, it looks like a new building. A few dedicated people gave up both Sunday and Monday of their Labor Day weekend, to pull carpet, scrape (with 2 inch blades) the floor, chip tile, ride buffers and in general, work their butts off. I have to mention and thank, on behalf of the entire post, Tim Burke, Monika Barshney, Leon & Barbara Roberts, Bill Cook, and Jerry Allen for their sacrifice. Tim and Monika, then spent the rest of the week between their real jobs, laying tile, rolling and waxing. They finished Friday just in time for dinner. We cannot repay what we owe these members. Without them we are only ordinary. With them, we are far above all others. Thank you for your hard work and loyalty to 136.

Next projects: Building of a 12’ display case and replacing the glass doors with a solid wall. (Pending BOG approval).

Member Recognition: A certificate of appreciation was presented at Monday’s meeting to Alice Foster for her unbelievable work coordinating the Dedication on Aug. 13, and to Monika Barshney for her work at the post leading up to the dedication and ever since.

Guy and Cindy Townshend donated and helped Shirley fix up the cooler with shelving and material that now makes it easier to store and clean. Thanks to all.

New Hours: Beginning Labor Day, the Canteen is now open for business on Mondays.

Joe Foss Institute: Any veterans interested in delivering a patriotic message to the youth in our community, please see me for information on the “Veterans Inspiring Patriotism” program. This only requires your commitment of time. Materials will be sent to assist. It would be good to have a few from our post sign up for this worthwhile endeavor.

Bar Stools: We floated an idea from Dave Williams and would like to see if there is any interest. In order to replace the bar stools, would anyone support the idea of purchasing a stool and having a plaque on the back with your name or message? It is estimated to cost about $75 and if multiple people wanted to go in on one, it would reduce the cost. Let us know your thoughts. This kind of creative thinking can help the post without breaking the bank.

ALR News: Three homecomings were held in Aug and numerous send offs. One took place on 9/12 when 210 soldiers on their way to Hood, before deploying to Iraq, were met and wished farewell.

VA visit is planned for Sunday 9/16. If interested, be at the post and ready to leave at 12:30. You do not have to ride a bike to join in. It would be great to see a few cars heading up with the group.

ALR State Rally will be held in Canton Sept. 23. Two more chapters have been added in the last month.

S.A.L. News: This line remains empty for another month. Two SAL members were present at the monthly meeting on Sunday. We have over 100 members and can be so much better than we are. Please support the organization you have joined.

Room for Rent: Pass the word on our meeting room. With all the improvements to our Post, reserving the dining area for weddings, birthdays, etc., is a lot easier sell. It helps the Post and can be reserved well in advance. Talk to Shirley for details.

Web Page: If you have not been up to the Post 136 web page, take a few minutes and check it out. The link is at the beginning of this newsletter. There are application forms, pictures, events, calendars, links to SAL, AUX., and ALR and even a direct link to the Commander that no one else sees so you can add comments, complain, suggest or whatever your heart desires. This is truly a professional site we can be proud of, so please utilize it. Our thanks to John Wilson for being the Web master on this project.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Newsletter - August 2006

American Legion Family:

Dedication: Hopefully everyone can attend the Patriot Guard dedication on the 13th. It should be one of the proudest moments of this post, and I can’t say enough about all who worked tirelessly for the past six weeks. A motorcycle ride in will start it off. Recognition of POW/MIA, ALR & the Patriot Guard, will take place. The Gold Star Families will be present and will be part of the ceremonies with the laying of a memorial brick in honor of their fallen family member. The primary speaker will be Maj. General Bunting, the Adjutant General for the state of Ks, and Brig. General McIlhenny, Asst. Adjutant and Post 136 and ALR member. Lt. Gov. John Moore and Attorney General Phill Kline will have short comments. The ride in starts at approximately 12:30.

Chaplain: As you all know, our Post Chaplain, Alan Gwinup, was laid to rest on July 22 after losing his battle with cancer. A special election was held to fill the position for the remainder of the term. I am pleased to announce that Lt. Col. Mike “Dogboy”Hall has accepted the nomination and was elected at the General meeting on Aug. 7. He was sworn in by Dept. Commander Pat Culver.

Facilities: We are down to the last two major projects listed on the initial improvement list. The floor in the meeting room (where the carpet now is), will be replaced in the near future. The good news is we have all of the tile and adhesive purchased and paid for. (Thank you Everett Sullivan for finding the special deal on the tile). The display case will be done after the floor, and we have the funds available for that too.

Two new fans are now wired and operational. Thanks to Jim Byerly, Mike Alley, and Shawn Darnell (forgive me if I spelled any of those incorrectly), for wiring the fans.

The new sign is installed and wired. As soon as the timer is repaired, it will be lit each eve.

The bar area has been painted thanks once again to Ruben, Tim, and the ladies that have been working daily to get the post in shape. Wall painting and the rear entrance work have been completed by some very special members of our Post. See the next subject heading for details.

Clean up/Painting: A group of Legion, Auxiliary and ALR women have spent the last five Mondays scrubbing, painting, repairing and decorating the Legion Hall and the rear entrance area. Most have spent two or three days a week working on their own. The following need to be recognized for going above and beyond. They have committed their time to help our Post and we are committed to show them our gratitude: Diane Gonzales, Monica Barshney, Karen Babinger, Liz Burke, Vickie Jones, Barbara Harding, Sheryl Carpenter, and Regina Scuffham. It looks like a new floor was laid on the dance floor after Monica, Karen, and Diane got done with it. John Thomas donated the stripper and wax.

Parking Lot: Greg Bauer had his crew out along with Post members to work on the parking lot, paint the motorcycle pad, and move poles. Greg has donated a lot of time, money and labor and we all owe him a high dept of gratitude.

ALR News: ALR held a spaghetti feed and auction on July 22, and over $3,500 was raised for troop support, Post support and various other ALR programs. The Riders have given $1,000 to the building fund which allowed us to purchase the new tile, and will also offset the cost of the display case. In total, the ALR has contributed $1,370 for our building improvements. (This does not include personnel contributions). Director Chuck Barshney, and all ALR members, have given so much for the benefit of this Post and have proven they are Legion, SAL and Auxiliary members 1st!

Multiple homecomings and two Patriot Guard missions were also held in July. This is the proudest thing we do and everyone in the post is invited to join on these missions. You do not need a bike. You need only to want to honor our troops and the fallen.

A lot of riders will be leaving Tue/Wed/Thurs for the Veterans reunion in Cripple Creek, Co. This year there will be a tribute to the Kansas Patriot Guard and the Kansas ALR is the honor Guard.

News from the Auxiliary: (From July) Our 2006 membership stands at 133! It's now time to renew for 2007 and top our goal again! Volunteer hours were tallied for June; 82 VA hours, 11 Community Service, 10 Field Service, 1 hour Home Service. Gals, don't forget to record and report your volunteer hours - they add up quickly. Our Peggy Sellers has totaled over 6,000 hours at the VA Medical Center and Sheryl Carpenter has donated over 3,000 hours. We are so proud of their service to the VA! At our July meeting we discussed painting and redecorating
the side entry and the ladies restroom. These improvements will be financed from the Ma Williams Memorial Fund. Changing our meeting time was also discussed. Ladies, come on out to the August 7 meeting, we need your ideas! Darla Harper, President

Aug.: A big round of applause for the Auxilians who have been working scrubbing & painting the Post home, Thanks, gals! And more kudos to Peggy Sellers who has over 6,000 hours volunteer service at the VA Medical Center. Quickly catching up is Sheryl Carpenter who has logged over 3,000 hours. We all are so proud of them. This month we will be making our annual donation of school supplies to the District. Please don't forget to turn in those soup labels and "box tops for education" which go to the Legion Children’s Home in Ponca City. Please notice the Auxiliary’s latest project, new decor in the side entry room, Our volunteer hours for community service will add up quickly IF we all remember to bring them in to the meeting, so please review your activity working with or for Veterans. NEW MEETING TIME is 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 11. See you there!

Old Settlers: Ticket sales are a little slow right now. We have less than two weeks so everyone sell and return your ticket money as soon as possible. This event is the largest fund raiser of the year, so please support your post.

National A.L. Commander Visit: Dept. Commander Pat Culver announced at the meeting, the new (still to be elected) National Commander, Paul Morin, will be visiting Ks. in Sept. Post 136 will be hosting a dinner on Tuesday, Sept. 26. This is a great honor for us and we will be getting the details to the membership as they are worked out.

Membership and your Dues: We suspect that at the National Convention in Salt Lake City next week, the National body will raise the amount of dues to be paid to National. At this time, only $5 of your yearly dues goes to the Post. The other $20 is for Dept. and National. If, as we suspect, the increase for National is $4.50, that means only 50c of our dues will go to the Post. Please renew your membership as soon as possible. Any increase will take effect Jan.1. If you pay your 2007 dues prior to that time, we keep the $5. This is extremely important for the good of your Post. Also, it may be a good time to consider Life Membership before any increase takes place.

Due to Labor Day, next General meeting will be Sept. 11, 7:00, BOG meeting will be held Wed., Aug. 30, 6:00 and the E-board meeting will take place Sept. 6, 7:00.
We Are The Patriot Guard

When a candle flame flickers, and a soldier is lost
We gather as one, to help share the cost.
Our uniform is leather, our weapon the flag.
We ride in all weather, our bikes in parade.

Where there’s need of strength, we help make you strong
We are brothers and sisters in arms.
Though our numbers are many, our soul is but one.
We are the Patriot Guard!

We honor the fallen and protect their loved ones
From the evil that would divide.
We know they can’t win, because deep within
The fallen spirit, is our guide.

For those that died, so our country can live,
It is right to believe in your heart.
That if God himself walked the earth today,
He would join the Patriot Guard.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Newsletter - July 2006, Part 2

American Legion Family:

As of this writing, here is an update on the Post home improvements:
Flag Pole-complete
New Post Lettering on outside of building-complete
Post clean up-ongoing as needed
Ceiling in meeting hall-complete
Light kits in meeting hall-complete
Two additional fans with light kits in meeting hall-in progress
Painting in meeting hall-in progress
Ceiling in Canteen-Scheduled for 7/17
Painting in Canteen-Will schedule when ceiling is complete. Paint is purchased
Sign-New sign should be installed within 2-3 weeks
Carpeting in meeting hall-Decision made to replace with tile. Will purchase as soon as funds are available. May be sooner than you think.
Display Case-Will get cost estimate and timing from Dan, and begin work as soon as possible.

How much has this cost the American Legion general fund to this point? $0.00. All funds and labor to this point have been donated! This includes a $1000 donation from Beran Concrete towards the sign, which is being supplied at a reduced rate by George Lay Signs Inc. This is the result of Legion and ALR member Ron Herndon beating the bushes in our behalf. The letters in front were purchased and installed by Tom Knight. Labor and donations for all other projects are the result of a small percentage of our membership stepping up with money and time. We do not need a lot of money or time from a few members. We need a little money and or time from a lot of members. Look into your heart, and if you can help, please consider it.

Dedication update: August 13 is still the date for the dedication of the stone in front. Agenda and plans are on poster board and in the meeting hall. Please keep this day open. This dedication is for every Patriot that supports our fallen soldiers and their families. More will be posted on the web page as we get closer.

ALR News:
July 22-All you can eat spaghetti feed will be held at the post from 5 till 8. Auction and dance will follow. Proceeds going to the building fund, the American Legion Legacy fund and ALR programs. This is a fun way to support our Post. Cost: $6.50.

July 16-Meeting at Juanita Milligan’s home, 2010 Northridge, Andover to work on her house and yard. MSGT Milligan was injured by an IED in Iraq. She has had multiple surgeries at Walter Reed and this effort is to help an injured American hero in time of need. All are welcome to assist. Meet at 8:00am.

Dept. Commander Homecoming: Reminder that the Dept. Commanders homecoming will take place Aug. 5. It is a real honor that the Post 136 is the home of Pat Culver, Department Commander, and we need to be there to support her. There will be a POW/MIA ceremony led by our own members. Cost of the event is $22.00 and you need to RSVP to Don Culver by July 27. The homecoming will be held at the Best Western at I-135 & 53rd St. Social hour: 5:30.

Old Settlers Update: Tickets have been mailed and we need everyone to sell and return the donations as soon as you can. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year, and we cannot afford to not have a lot of participation. Extra tickets can be signed out at the bar.

Front Air Conditioner: You will probably feel a lot cooler while sitting in the bar on a hot day. The AC unit has been repaired.

SAL: Jim Jones has been elected as Squadron Commander at the July 9th meeting. Congratulations Jim. You have the Post’s full support.


Old Settlers tickets have been mailed to all Post members. This event is the single biggest fund raiser we have for the year and is instrumental in keeping our programs going. Please get the donations in to the Finance Officer-Richard Carpenter, as soon as possible. If you need more tickets, they can be signed out at the bar.

2007 dues can be paid at any time. Due to all the activity with the post, the Early Bird dinner will be delayed. The fiscal year for the American Legion begins July 1, so any time the mood hits you to renew, the better off we are for meeting membership goals.

Sick Call: Post Chaplain Alan Gwinup is at the VA Hospital, Room 262 as of 7/11. Visitors are recommended and welcome.

Phil Stratford, Life Member now living in Oklahoma, has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Please remember both in your thoughts and prayers.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Newsletter - July 2006, Part 1

American Legion Family:

With the Forth of July holiday delaying our meeting until July 10, a shortened newsletter and calendar will be issued now. An update will be sent after the July meetings.

Flag Day:

Thanks to all who came out for the short ceremony on June 14 to honor our country’s flag. We had a few members of the community, and hope to build on this in the years ahead. It is a terrible thing to lose your patriotism, but a sad thing to have patriotism and feel embarrassed to show it in public. For those few that could not bring themselves to leave the bar for the 10 minutes it took to honor our flag, feel free to be ashamed of yourselves.

Post News:
  • PR Officer: Bill Foster has stepped up and accepted the newly created position of Post 136 PR Officer. Bill has extensive experience in this type of work, and is showing his worth with the coordination of the dedication event planned in Aug. Bill is also a member of ALR. Thank you Bill.
  • Post Image: Last month we discussed some much needed physical improvements to the post home, both outside and inside. Here is an update.
  • Light kits have been installed on all lights in the meeting room.
  • Two new fans, (with lights), have been purchased and awaiting installation.
  • Flag pole has been painted
  • All walls in meeting room have been prepared for paint and all surfaces cleaned. This includes the kitchen, bathrooms and floors.
  • Paint has been purchased and all walls and ceiling should be painted prior to our July 10th meeting.
  • Plans are made for a 12 foot, lighted display case.
  • Work is planned on the sign by the road.
  • New letters have been ordered for the front of the post.

Here is how we progressed so far, in such a short period of time, with only a small amount of money. In fact the building fund has hardly been touched as yet.

  1. Ruben Gonzales/Tim Burke: Knew we had a flag day ceremony and took the initiative to purchase paint and get the pole painted. At the same time they moved some poles from the rear of the post to protect the fence in front.
  2. Diane Gonzales-called on the women of ALR and Darla Harper pushed for the Auxiliary, to strip walls, clean grout, vacuum carpet, scrub paneling, and the kitchen to prepare the post for paint. Bar is being cleaned as we speak.
  3. ALR-donated $300 for fans, light kits etc.
  4. Jim Stephens-donated $100 for paint.
  5. Tim Burke-will replace and treat ceiling towels in the post.
  6. Dan Flisram-volunteered to paint.
  7. Ruben again, on Fathers Day, came to the post to clear drains that were clogged.
  8. Tom Knight found a deal on letters for the front of the post that saved a lot of money and time.

Many more people are involved, and I wish I could mention all, but these are the kind of leaders we have. Not one had to be asked to step up. It just gets done and we are just getting started.

Liquor License—I am sure some of you noticed we had a problem with the license last week. Thanks to Dave Williams and Shirley, making double trips to Topeka and keeping on top of it, we had our license renewed on Monday. We also learned how to avoid the issues in the future.

Patriot Guard Dedication Ceremony-Big plans are being laid for the dedication of the Kansas ALR/Patriot Guard stone, on Aug. 13. A separate mailing, detailing the opportunities that lie ahead, and the unbelievable membership response will be coming out shortly.

Department News:

Department Commander Pat Culver, Department President Gwen Trost, and Detachment Commander James Burton will be having an American Legion Joint Homecoming, Saturday, Aug. 5th, at the Best Western North, Wichita, Ks. Social hour is 5:30 PM with dinner at 6:30. Anyone interested must R.S.V.P. by 7/27 and send remittance to: Don Culver
225 S. Willow Dr.
Derby, Ks 67037
Cost is $22 per person. Since the Dept. Commander is a member of Post 136, we need to show our support and be there for this honor.

Sick Call:

The granddaughter of Charley Hon, Legion and ALR member, was in an accident and in need of our help. She is in ICU at St. Francis Hospital with swelling of the brain and multiple fractures. A donation can has been placed on the bar. If you can give anything at all, this is where it should go. And please do not forget about the healing power of your prayers.

American Legion Post 136 Web Site:
ALL: Legion and ALR member John Wilson has created a web site for our Post. The link is above. Take a moment and bookmark this link. This is an amazing site. You can link to other sites (AUX, SAL, ALR), he has pictures, a blog site where the Commander can give updates during the month.

You can subscribe to the site so any update the Commander puts up, will automatically e-mail you with the update. To do so, connect to the site. Select “American Legion” and click on “Ricks Blog”, then select “Click here to open Commanders Blog”. On the right side of the page, is a “Subscribe to Blog” block. Enter your e-mail address and press “Subscribe”. You will receive a confirmation email from the Blog. Select “Click to confirm”. You will be taken to a web page confirming you are subscribed. Click to continue, and you are done.

Just to show how active this post is at the moment, this is a short newsletter. Will update it after the monthly general meeting on July 10. If you really want to know what is going on at your Post, and to take an active part in its direction, planning and future growth, please try to attend. The meeting is at 7:00PM and we need you.

Rick BabingerCommander-Post 136

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Newsletter - June 2006

American Legion Family:

Memorial Day

I want to take a moment to thank all who assisted in making the Memorial Day ceremonies such a success. Behind the scenes work starts months before, and I cannot begin to name all who made it happen. Let it suffice to say, this is one of the most honorable missions our post undertakes each year, and I hope all who gave of themselves and their time, felt as humbled and as proud as I did standing among those who have died for our freedom.


On June 14, at 7:00 pm, a community wide ceremony, to honor our Nations Flag will be held at the post. The ceremony will take about 15 minutes and I would like to see everyone there with the family (especially children). We will meet outside the post, and after a few words, will all honor our flag with the Pledge of Allegiance. Very simple, very short, but very meaningful. I have attached a flyer for everyone to print and take i to work or drop off at a business. Please be there and bring someone with you.

Post News:

· Rick Johnson has been appointed post Historian for 2006-2007. In addition, he was recently elected as Department Master at Arms. Thank you for your support of the post, and congratulations on the new Dept. role.
· Horseshoe tournament scheduled for 6/17 starting at 9:00
· I regret having to announce Sandy has resigned from her position as canteen manager. She has been an unbelievable source of energy and a pleasure to be associated with. She promised she will be around and we will still see her behind the bar from time to time. (If she stands on the box). Shirley Aue has accepted the challenge to replace Sandy. To both Sandy and Shirley, good luck.
· Post Image—At Monday’s meeting, we discussed a series of facility improvements. (priority and financing). It was approved to move money from the general fund, to increase the building fund to $2k. This money will be supplemented from the canteen machines, donations, fund raising and the supplemental fund. Some of the projects include replacing the lettering on the building, repair of the sign, fill pot holes, paint flag pole, add message board, replace ceiling tiles and paint walls, add lights and fans, replace dining area carpet and build a display case. As money becomes available, other items will be added. Most projects have a leader and all will require the help of the members. We cannot let the other guy do it all. If you want to show pride in your post, get involved and help make it a place befitting of Veterans and Veteran supporters.
· Old Settlers Planning meeting will be held June 15 at 6:30 pm. This is the largest fund raiser of the year. A lot of work goes into this event and we need people to step up.
· Mike Shock was selected to the Department POW/MIA committee. A more honorable endeavor would be hard to find and Mike will be a true asset.
· Beginning with the July meeting, new members will be voted upon before receiving their membership cards. We will also hold induction ceremonies at least twice a year to officially welcome the new members.

S.A.L. News:

Squadron elections were held May 14. The following have been elected to lead.

Squadron Commander: Michael Haggard, Adjutant/Finance Officer: Jay Williams, Vice Commander: Jim Jones, Sgt. at Arms: Frank Cook

We congratulate all of you and I offer all the support the Legion can provide. During a time when few step forward to lead, you have shown the way.

ALR News:

The bike pad is complete but still needs to have poles set. This will be the barrier from the parking lot and plans to fly the service flags on the poles have been made. The telephone poles will be replaced in front of the fence as soon as possible.

The quarterly VA run will take place June 18. You do not have to be a rider to attend. Anyone interested in joining the riders in visiting and taking snack packages to our Vets at the VA, need only to be at the post at 12:00.

Patriot Guard:

· The “Birthplace of the Patriot Guard” stone should be set either this weekend or next.
· A funeral mission is planned for Thur., June 8, in Girard, Ks. PG will meet at 5:00am at the Quick Trip on K-15 in Derby, to head out. The Phelps plague plans to attend. Anyone that can make it is welcome to join in to help preserve the dignity of the family and to honor a fallen comrade.

ABC/IRS: Our post is in a vulnerable position due to a school being within 500’ of our canteen. If we were to ever lose our license, even temporarily, we may never get it back. For these reasons, a review of the ABC and IRS requirements will be made at the next meeting. We have to be sensitive to Legion supporters that have always been there for us and are not members, and at the same time, look out for the good of the post. I hope everyone will show up so we can discuss the proper course of action.

Sick Call:
Jerry Allen will be going in for thyroid surgery Friday, June 9 Post Chaplain Allan Gwinup is recovering from pneumonia and having chemo treatments. Please keep our members in your thoughts and prayers.

P. R. Officer:
I am looking for someone to fill a new post position as PR Officer. Duties would be to spread the word on what we do. He/she would be in contact with newspapers, TV, the Sunflower, etc. and assist in keeping Post 136 in front of the community. If anyone is interested, please see me.

NOTE: Due to the 4th of July Holiday, the next executive board meeting will be held Wed. July 5, and the monthly General meeting will be on Monday, July 10 at 7:00PM. (For the Marines, that is when the big hand is on 12 and the little hand is on 7).

Significant Dates In The History Of The American Legion:

June 19, 1919: National Executive Committee adopts the Legion Emblem

June 15, 1923: The first “Flag Code” is adopted at an American Legion Conference. This code was adopted by Congress in 1942.

June 22, 1944: GI Bill is signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt. Originally written by the American Legion.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Newsletter - May 2006

American Legion Family:

NOTE: It is cost prohibitive to use the postal service to mail this newsletter on a monthly basis. This is the only month it will be mailed. If you have an e-mail address and receive this newsletter by mail, please respond to this link: with your name and e-mail so you can receive the newsletter in the future. If you do not have E-mail, and would like to have the newsletter mailed to you, please send a self addressed envelope to AL Post 136, 410 SE Louis Dr., Mulvane, Ks 67110, in care of the Adjutant. A copy will be mailed.
Some hard copies will be at the post and a file copy will always be available.

Elections were held for Post, Auxiliary, and District this past month. (S.A.L. will be in May)

Commander: Rick Babinger (USAF)
1st Vice Commander: Bill Willis (USAF)
2nd Vice Commander: Frank Cook (USMC/USAF)
Adjutant: Terry Knight (USN)
Finance Officer: Richard Carpenter (Army/Air Force)
Chaplain: Alan Gwinup (USMC)
Sgt. At Arms: Leon Roberts (USAF)
At Large Executive Board (2): Dennis Scufham (USMC) and Doug Lehman (USAF)
Service Officer: Tom Knight (USN)

On behalf of all the officers, it is a privilege and honor to serve as your leaders. We will be working hard to advance the cause of our Veterans and the ideals of the American Legion.


President: Darla Harper
1st Vice President: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice President: Barbara Harding
Secretary/Treasurer: Monica McDanial CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL
Historian: Nina Somers
Chaplain/Sgt. at Arms: Mary Hays
E-board at Large: Marge Williams


Our own Rick Johnson has completed his year as 5th District Commander. At this writing, he has led us to 1st place in membership and has done an outstanding job. He hopes to move on to Master of Arms at the Department level at the Department convention later this month.

We are also honored to have John Thomas elected to 5th District Vice Commander and Charlie Trapp to the District Executive board.

Sheryl Carpenter has been elected as District President of the Auxiliary for 2006-2007 and
Post 136 has endorsed Pat Culver for the position of Department Commander. As you can see, the leadership that has emerged from our Post is having a profound effect on the policy and direction of the American Legion here in Kansas. We should all be proud.

Post News:

· Annual rib feed was held April 29 with great success. Many thanks to those who assisted in the procuring, preparation, and serving. It was a great success and a fun night. The Post made just under $700 and over $300 was raised for the American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Thank you Tom Knight for taking the lead on the raffle.

· Memorial Day-Work day at cemetery scheduled May 6, 9:00am. Need as much help as we can get to locate and uncover flag holders and dig some new ones. Friday, 5/26, 5:30pm-place flags and markers on graves (rain date is Sat, 5/27, 9:00am). Monday 5/29-6:00am-Avenue of Flags at Cemetery followed by breakfast at post. Meet back at 10:00 to get ready for ceremonies at 11:00.

· Avon has given us an opportunity to express your gratitude for the troops. For $10, a gift set with lotions, sunscreen, etc. will be sent to the troops. $4 will go to the USO and $1 to the Post. For more info contact Nina Somers at

HOMECOMING: There will be a homecoming for six airmen returning from Iraq at 1930 hours (7:30pm for the Air Force), at Little Busters in Derby, May 16. These homecomings are not the exclusive duty of the Legion Riders. It would be great to see as many members as we can get, sign the flags, and be there to show solidarity for our returning warriors. One of the Airmen, Bart Leahy, is one of our own and the son of Tom Leahy, also a member. This includes VA visits, parades, Patriot Guard, etc. We are a veteran’s organization. You served once. Do it again!

Our Legion Riders will have the honor of being one of six Posts to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington DC this Memorial Day as part of the Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame. Kansas ALR will also receive an Americanism award at the Dept. Convention later this month and will be by accepted by Cregg Hansen…Please remember! Every time you hear about our ALR group, you are hearing about what it means to be in the American Legion. They are Legion members first and represent all of us with dignity and professionalism deserving of our Legion family. I am proud and honored to be included in those ranks.

There are a lot of subjects we can add this month but I want to take this time to discuss the direction we are going this year and what it means to be a member of Post 136.

Our rolls have recently surpassed 500, of which approximately 250 are life members. These numbers are impressive, but ask yourself:

When was the last time you attended a meeting, visited a veteran in the hospital, honored a fallen hero from the war, contacted your representative, helped in the community on behalf of the Legion, marched in a parade, helped work a fundraiser, or devoted time to improve the Post? Now ask yourself, when was the last time you sat at the bar and complained of the officers, or that things aren’t going the way you would like to see them go?

If you cannot answer the first question, you have little right to answer the second.

This year we plan to invest in the post. You can see work being done on the motorcycle pad, and you will soon see the stone announcing our home as the birthplace of the Patriot Guard. Plans are under way to paint, repair signs, replace carpets and ceiling tiles, brighten the club room and add smoke eater fans. You will be better informed with newsletters and message boards. We will have more social functions and get the community more involved with our actions. Homecomings will involve anyone that takes the time to welcome home our soldiers.

Conventional wisdom says there will always be passive members, but it would not be responsible to accept that as an inevitable fact. The money for these initiatives can be raised, but the labor and sense of duty to this post and the American Legion, can only come from its membership. I am asking everyone to pledge time this year for the good of the post. With E-mail and postings, we will do everything we can to keep you informed, but it is up to you.

Remember who you are. You have served your country and have felt the need to belong to the oldest and proudest veteran’s organization in the land. Be Proud and Get Involved!

Rick Babinger
Post 136