Thursday, November 08, 2012

AL Post 136 Newsletter – November 2012

Post 136 Family,

Our monthly meeting was held Monday Nov. 5. Below are the highlights:

1st and 2nd Vice Commander Position: For the past few months we have been looking for someone interested in becoming Commander in April, to
accept the position of 1st Vice. It was opened this way so as to have ample time to work with the individual and allow him/her to step into
the Commanders position seamlessly I am happy to announce we had two willing candidates.

· Rob Brown has been appointed to the position of 1st Vice

· RG Reser has been appointed to 2nd Vice.

Both will be involved equally with the transition and with membership approval in
April, Rob will move up to Commander and RG will take the 1st Vice role. Not only does this allow a smooth transition, it prepares the 1st Vice
to effectively step in as Commander if needed. Rob has been an active member for the past 2 years, is the Post Historian and a Legion Rider.
RG is a life member that recently found the time and desire to become active and take a leadership role. He is a Systems Analyst at Spirit.
Please take the initiative to get to know these two if you do not already. No Commander is effective if the Post is not behind them and
we have the opportunity to assure good leadership into the foreseeable future.

Veterans Day Ceremonies: This Sunday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. We will have our Flag retirement as usual, however, the ceremony will be
different this year and hopefully meaningful to you. Following the retirement, we will initiate all veteran Legion members who have never
been sworn into the American Legion. The Ladies Auxiliary will have a short program and we will then sit for a meal provided by the Auxiliary.
Please note: The time for the flag retirement has been moved up to 5pm!. Reason for the early start is to accommodate everyone that will still be
at the Post from the SAL and Riders meeting. Please note the time: 5PM!

Post 136 Thanksgiving Dinner will be held Monday, Nov 19, at 6pm. The Post will supply the turkey and ham and we ask everyone to bring a
holiday dish or desert to share. This event normally brings in a lot of people is the best eating you will have all year. We do this to get
together with or Legion Family, give thanks for our blessings, and enjoy the company. Please plan on attending and bring the kids. There is no cost.

Friday night entertainment: This Friday, Nov 9th we will have the Trent Chriswell band playing. This is for all members and guests and he will
play from 9pm-midnight. There is no cover charge and the purpose is to give some quality, free entertainment to the members. We can thank
Maryann for her generosity in covering the cost. Future bands will depend on the response to this one, so plan on some good times this Friday after dinner.

Community Night and breakfast: Beginning last week, each Friday night from 4-8pm, and Sunday morning from 8:30-12, are now open to the public
for dinner and breakfast. We have a special licensing agreement with ABC to allow this. The bar area is, as always, is open only to members
and guests. Public must be out by 8pm on Friday and noon Sunday. Get the word out.

Chris Cakes Results: We added $463 to the renovation fund this past Sat. and it has pushed us over the $70K mark for the year. We will be
having Chris Cakes back for a hot dog event in the spring since they also cater that. Thank you to all helped make this a success and especially to those
who gave extra donations like Chris Cakes who wrote back a $50 check to us.

Fund raisers are done for the year. We went a long way this year to meet our goal and are now only about $30K shy. One issue will be
raising money next year to also support our general fund. More on this will come out later.

Rusty Eck tickets have to be turned in by Dec 5. There are still tickets at the bar. For $10, you get a chance at $25,000 towards a new
car. If you do not win, your ticket allows you a $250 discount on any car you buy, and if you do not want a car, you get 10% off any
parts/service. You can't lose on this. Grab a ticket before it's too
late. We keep the $10 so it is pure profit for the post.

Membership: The stack of membership renewals is way too big. Your dues are due by Jan 1. With the new scrutiny of ABC, you do not want to be
sitting at the bar with an expired card. Don't forget life memberships are available and you never have to worry about it. Also, you can sign
up for free $1,000 accidental life insurance through the Legion. (this goes to $5k if you check out during a Legion event) and its all free.
Applications are at the Post.
