Wednesday, March 06, 2013

AL Post 136 Newsletter – March 2013

Post 136,

From Monday's meeting:

  • Canteen and Post financials: Details will not be published, (that's what meetings are for), but I can report it looks like we have turned a corner and are heading in the right direction. We have been able to add to the general fund as well as the canteen fund, all bills are paid and up to date, and indications are positive.
  • Annual Rib Feed: Coming up on March 16. As stated, the proceeds are going to our general fund for normal post operations so we need you here. The horseshoe tournament will kick off about 1pm and ribs will be served from about 5-8 or until gone. All you can eat for $12. You will not find this deal anywhere else. Help us help your post. Fun day with good people. (ok, at least there will be good ribs)
  • Karaoke is also coming to Post 136 on Friday March 22, April 19, and May 22. Will start at 7 and go till after 10. This was a big success in Jan and we want to build on this for possible a monthly event.
  • Pizza!: We will be stocking 12" frozen pizzas for you to enjoy while at the post for a low cost of $4.50. There will be a variety and thanks to Maryann, we now have a small convection oven in the bar area to cook with. If there is a run on them, we can use the ovens in the kitchen to fire up multiple pizza's. In a lot of cases, the bartender will not be able to monitor pizzas in the back, so you may have to heat your own, but we will have some in stock and ready to go. Can't beat the price and proceeds will go to getting more pizza's and possibly some other items. For nights like Karaoke, we will try to accommodate the crowd and you can buy a pizza for the table.
  • Post High School Scholarships: We have received four applicants for this years scholarship award. The E-board will review the applications and a winner will be announced at the next general meeting in April.
  • Kansas Life memberships for the American Legion have been eliminated. If you are now a life member, it will be honored with no changes, however there will no longer be any accepted in the future. The National American Legion has a life membership program that is still in place and only the Kansas program is affected. We were the last state to maintain the program, but due to the financial burdens, it had to be stopped.
  • Jack Carlton has received a certificate from National for 50 years as a member of the American Legion. Not many reach this milestone.
  • 5th District convention delegates will be selected at the April meeting. This year it is a one day convention held in Newton on April 27. If you are going to attend, please be at the April meeting or if you cannot be there, notify myself or one of the officers so we can be assured of having our proper delegate count at the convention. Mulvane is the biggest dog in the 5th District with the biggest number of votes so we need to assure we have our say.
  • Remodel Fund: There has been no movement on the remodel fund in the past month. We are holding steady at about $75K. We will concentrate on fund raisers after we build up our general fund and are still hoping the majority of the membership that has not felt it necessary to support the post, will come around and see the benefits to our members, veterans, and supporters.
  • Auxiliary Pie auction: Pat Johnston, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, reported between the lasagna dinner and the pie auction held on Feb 22, approximately $1,000 was raised for Auxiliary programs. Thank you to everyone that supported this especially those that paid triple digits for a pie. Great success!
  • Post Garage Sale: Still a little early to move on this, but please keep it in mind for May 3 and save your stuff. We cannot have a garage sale without stuff so if you have items to donate, either hang on or respond to me and we can try to store it for you. Again, this will go towards our general fund and hopefully will again allow us to concentrate on the renovation project.
  • Nominations for Post Officers: We opened the nomination process for all officer positions at Monday's meeting. The nominations for all positions will be held open until we elect the new officers at the April meeting. So far we do not have any nominations for 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Service Officer, Historian, and the two at large Executive Board members. The 1st Vice and Service Officer are absolutely critical. RG Reser has been nominated for Commander with the other positions retaining present officers. All positions are open and with a post this size, we should have no problem filling them. Please ask yourself what you want your Post to be. It is not a burden as much as an honor to be able to serve in a capacity to help your fellow veterans. While not everyone is a leader, not everyone is a follower. Anyone interested in being a part of making this post a success, please consider serving. It will be what you make it and we need new people, new ideas, and new energy to lead us.
