Thursday, December 10, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - December 2009

American Legion Family:

Membership-Important: Post 136 has been number one in the state, for Posts with over 500 members, the past two months. If we are still in first place at the beginning of Jan., we will receive a monetary reward from Department. As of now we are at approximately 90% of quota. The only way we can hold on to first place is for everyone that has not yet renewed his or her dues for 2010, to do so now. Please send in your renewal as soon as possible so we can end the year with the best showing of any other post. Keep in mind, the more life memberships we sign up, the easier it is to meet quota. Plus you never have to pay dues again. Please consider.

S.A.L. Children’s Christmas Party: A special thanks to all who assisted and were responsible for a very successful children’s party. There were a lot of kids, games and prizes and it ended up being one of the most successful parties in recent years. Special thanks to Greg ‘Santa Clause’ Thompson. He was so convincing, I saw the Navy getting in line to sit on his lap. (They really keep those guys on ship too long). Anyway, it turned out great as it does every year due to the dedication of our members.
The Auxiliary supplied the cookies and decorated the Post. 5th District Commander Deb Lynch donated some of the new decorations this year and the Post looks great. Ho Ho Ho

BOG Election: There were two candidates for the BOG position that opened when Greg Bauer completed his two-year term. Art Beale is the latest to step up to help lead the post. We continually get good, solid leadership and in this case, Art will be replacing one. Thank you Greg for your dedication to the betterment of Post 136.

Dining Room Closed on Friday: We will NOT be having Friday night dinner for the next three weeks. Dec. 11th and 18th will have private parties in the dining room, and of course we will not be having dinner on Christmas Day.

Ceremonial Bugle: The idea was kicked around for the Post to purchase a Ceremonial Bugle. If not familiar with this, it is a full size bugle with an electronic insert that allows anyone to be able to play taps, along with a number of other calls. The military has approved the use of the bugle and it is often seen at funerals. Since we have a number of times we need to play taps, this would be a great fit and so much more meaningful than a cd player. The cost is $525 and we will collect donations and sell 50/50 tickets to cover the cost. We looked into just getting the insert, but they do not sell it by itself unless you already have the correct bugle. When we get it set up, we’ll get the word out.

Scholarship update: The Post and ALR have created $1,000 scholarships and both are complete. We have met with the councilors at Mulvane HS, and of course members’ children or grand children are eligible no matter what school. Please do not let this opportunity get away. Applications are at the post or you can e-mail me if you want one e-mailed to you.

ALR News:

• Nominations for the 2010 officers will be held at the next ALR meeting scheduled for this Sunday, Dec. 13. Elections and installation will be held during the Jan. meeting. Remember, you cannot run for office, nor vote on the officers you want to lead you, unless your 2010 dues are paid up at the time of the election.
• It is absolutely necessary that membership is aware of what your ALR has accomplished this past year. This is a reflection on the entire post when you consider you cannot be a Rider without first being a member of the Legion/Auxiliary/ or SAL.

Check this out:

• Over 15,000 volunteer hours recorded and verified
• Represented 136 at 32 homecomings
• 21 troop send offs
• 87 veteran funerals (6 Patriot Guard missions)
• 15 Parades
• 13 Fundraisers
• 52 special events (i.e.: Quilts of Valor, setting up flag lines, VA flag raisings, Memorial Day ceremony etc)
• Over $7,000 in donations to support veteran and community causes
• Sponsored 1st Veterans Appreciation Day at the Post
• Adopted Patriot Guard Hwy and held clean up day
• Began Operation Troop Care to bring packages to our members when deployed.
• Created ALR Scholarship for HS student

What else can you say!

Year End Thoughts:

It’s a good time to look back over the past year and try to put in perspective what Post 136 has not only done, but what it means to be a member of this organization.

Our little post is on pace to out-perform every post in the state with our membership rolls. Just last Monday at the general meeting we voted to accept eleven new members with one being a life membership.

We have helped veterans and community to the tune of thousands of dollars and untold hours. Some of our outreach went for food at the VA on the 4th of July, donation to assist an abused AF mother, $500 for local children with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy, $500 to assist a vet get back on his feet after his home was flooded, $500 for McConnell Enlisted spouses club, $500-Mulvane EMS/Police Toys for Tots drive, $300 for Young Marines organization, $200 to help a homeless vet one of our members took upon himself to find help for, $500 to sponsor a vet on the WWII Freedom Flight, plus multiple minor donations.

Besides the money, we were involved with the Vietnam Memorial issue, Gold Star Family legislation, and the Sedgwick County Sheriffs food drive. We started a community flag replacement program and developed our own $1,000 scholarship for a HS student from this post or the child of a veteran.

Our Post image continues to improve with further improvements to the bar. New bar counter top, new ice machine and bar cooler, re-working the bar back to allow better use of our limited space, adding food selections at the bar, re-plumbing the bar sinks and adding new stainless shelves along with a new sink. Tom Knight was the driving force on a lot of the remodeling efforts and needs recognition for such.

While doing all this, we actually improved our overall financial well being and were able to pay off all of our dept, in part, thanks to the post effort at the Fireworks stand and Old Settlers. We must also give a lot of credit to those that do the day-to-day work. Leroy Perkins and Peggy Reynolds cannot be over praised for their efforts at the post. They keep it together with the help of their staff. The BOG has had to make hard choices and always made the decisions based on what was right for the post.

In other words, the post membership, like always, continues to make ours the post others try to copy.

Thank you!

Karen and I wish everyone a blessed Christmas and please keep safe. Keep all who are protecting us overseas in your prayers and remember the Veteran is what has made this country what it is. Despite the politicians in Washington.

Looking forward to another great year at Post 136.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - November 2009

American Legion Family:

Veterans Day Ceremonies: We will be holding our annual Veterans Day flag retirement and Legion initiation ceremonies next Wed, Nov. 11. As always, it will kick off out back at the pavilion around 5:30pm. Hoping to have the Cub Scouts to assist, which is always special. After the flag retirement and Legion initiation, (this is for all veteran Legion members that have never officially been initiated into the American Legion), the Ladies Auxiliary will have a program and serve a dinner. All veterans eat free. Last year we had almost 100 in attendance. This is a day for all of us and hope to see you there.

Post Thanksgiving Dinner: Since we are talking about eating, we will be holding our annual Post Thanksgiving dinner on Monday Nov. 23rd at 6:000pm. There will be plenty of Turkey and Ham, (some will be smoked), and we ask you bring a side dish to compliment the meal. Most of the time we only think we have problems. Compared to most any other country, our issues are minimal. We all need to stop, give thanks and have a meal with our Legion family members. This is the time. I guarantee you will not eat better this year.

Dept. Vice Commander John Thomas addressed the Post Monday night and requested the endorsement of our Post for his candidacy for Department Commander next year. It was an honor to vote and give a unanimous endorsement for his endeavor.

Executive Board opening: For the second month we had a member of the Executive Board have to drop off the board due to a change in work hours. Ben Roloff has served the post well since the last Post elections, but had to resign. In his place, Art Beale was elected to complete his term. Thank you Ben for your service, and thank you Art for stepping up to help us guide the post in the future.

Board of Governors opening: At the December 7th general meeting, we will be filling one, and possibly two BOG positions. This is a two-year term and Greg Bauer’s term is coming to an end. Our bylaws allow for at least two members of the BOG to be Auxiliary and/or SAL members. Since Greg is a SAL, this important position is open to any and all members of Post 136. This is one of the most important and critical positions in the Post. We need someone who is not afraid to lead and make decisions, even if they are not always popular. If you are interested, please let myself, or someone on the BOG know of your desire and be at the meeting on the 7th. The other BOG members are Karen Babinger, Dan Benson, Tom Knight and Dwane Stewart.
ALR Update: Last month I was bragging on our ALR for submitting over 1700 volunteer hours in one month. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather, but this past month, the number of hours exceeded 2000 and YTD, more than 10,000 hours have been reported. The involvement and dedication of the Riders is amazing and is a direct reflection on this Post and the Riders leadership.

Post 136 member Tony Beavers will be laid to rest this Saturday. Services will be held at the Central Christian Church at 29th and Rock Road at 1pm. A flag line will be set up and all Post members are invited.

Parking Lot: For years we had a leaky roof and were told it could not be fixed and is too expensive to replace, but it got replaced anyway and we owe nothing on it. Well we are looking at ways (thanks to Ben Roloff) to possibly finance a paved parking lot. It also is very expensive but we should know by now to not rule anything out when it comes to this post. As things get firmed up, more information will come out. Nothing is a done deal yet and everyone will have a chance to participate if it we decide to go forward, but I wanted to let everyone know of the possible future improvements being looked at.

Support for the Post:(important) We have had to make changes and are committed to some new tax restrictions that affect our monthly expenses in a negative way. Over the summer, we normally have smaller crowds at Friday dinner and Sunday breakfast, and it is absorbed, but we have noticed the crowd has not returned and with the new tax implications, it is hard for us to keep ahead. Here is what I am asking:
1) If you normally came to dinner or breakfast and have stopped, we need to know why. Please be honest but specific. A lot of changes have taken place and we do not always hear what is good or bad.
2) What would it take to get you back.
3) Give us suggestions on how to better serve you. It can be menu suggestions, service, atmosphere, anything. We need to see where we are and where we need to go.

Remember though, we are an American Legion and not a 4 star restaurant so be reasonable. It is extremely important to us. This is a service we want to continue and improve on, but we need you input and support. Some old issues have been addressed and you may not know. The steaks now are being hand cut by the staff and are excellent as one example. If you have not been down for a meal, try it. More than ever, we need your support.


Coming up:
Legion Meeting: Dec 7 7pm
Auxiliary Meeting: “ “
SAL meeting: Nov 8, 1:30
ALR meeting: Nov 15, 3pm
BOG: Nov 19 6pm
E-Board: Dec 2 7pm
Veterans Day: Nov 11
Post Thanksgiving dinner: Nov 23 6pm

Thursday, October 08, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - October 2009

American Legion Family:

Post 136 Scholarship- We have completed work on the requirements for the new Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Scholarship. Rather than repeat the requirements again which were listed in the last newsletter, I have attached the completed document. If you have a child, grandchild, etc., that is a senior this year; they are eligible for this $1,000 scholarship. Print out the form, (will also make copies that will be up at the post), and have them apply. We want more than anything to give some money to a deserving student for their college.

National Commander, Clarence Hill to visit Kansas- Our new National Commander will be traveling the state in two weeks. He will be making a few stops in the 5th District and if you have the opportunity to attend one of his stops, it will be well worth your while. Following is his schedule within the 5th Dist. Please call ahead if you want to attend.

Monday, Oct. 19 - Post 24, McPherson. Dinner-6:30-8:00pm. 620-241-0343
Tues. Oct 20 - Post 2, Newton. Breakfast-7:30-9:00 am. 316-283-2233
“ “ - Post 10, Winfield Lunch-11:30-1pm 620-221-4950
“ “ - Post 273, Wichita Reception-2-2:45pm 316-264-3752

Special Guests at the Meeting:

1) We were honored to welcome home from his 5th (and last) Iraqi deployment, our own SSGT Dan Morgan. He must have really missed us too because not only did he come to the 1st meeting only two days after returning, but Dan also stepped up to join the Post Executive Board since an opening just came up. Guess after five tours, this will be a snoozer and we are so glad to have him back safe and with us again.

2) Evin Ogburn is a student from North HS that was the recipient of our post’s sponsorship to the American Legion Boy’s State last spring. He came by to talk to us about his experience and gave us all a chance to see the future in our youth.

Community Support: Membership voted to donate $500 to the Mulvane EMS/Police for their Toys for Kids program. Last weekend they held a poker run which was supported by the Post 136 Legion Riders. Over $2000 was raised (including our $500) and lots of toys.

Another $500 was voted on to donate to the McConnell AFB Enlisted Spouses Club. This is a program where the offset food costs to E-4’s and below during the holidays. This program was a huge success last year and we are proud to take part.

Halloween is coming up and we will be having our annual Halloween party on Sat. Oct. 31 kicking off around 8:00pm. If you are not into getting dressed up, this is a good time to reconsider. This party is a blast. We have cash prizes, and a few surprises. All we ask is you bring a party dish to share so we have plenty of food to carry us through the evening.

Dept. Vice Commander John Thomas will be holding his homecoming on Oct. 17 at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Ks. A short program will begin at 12:30 and lunch at 1:00. Details are in the latest Sunflower.

Veterans Day ceremonies will be once again held at the post. We will have our flag retirement ceremony followed by dinner and our annual American Legion initiation for all new members that have joined but have never been formally initiated. The Ladies Auxiliary will be providing the meal and will have a short program.

Recognition Banquet for all Veterans will be held at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1451 E. 47th St. South, Wichita, on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 6pm. Guest speaker will be Chaplain (Col) David Fulton, and Pastor Maynard Peterson, Chaplain at Robert J. Dole VA.
The banquet is free for all veterans. Please RSVP: 316-524-3401 by Nov. 5.

Post 136 ALR reported 1720 volunteer hours in the month of Sept and has documented over 8000 hours year to date. Amazing!

Friday nights at the Post: If you have not come out to the Post for dinner on Friday nights, I am requesting you reconsider. We have gone back to the fall menu and are now cutting our own steaks. Hopefully the day of the thin steak that’s hard to cook to order, are behind us. The dinner and breakfast we serve is a service to the post. They are not meant to be moneymakers, but the losses must be controlled. We have a dedicated staff that is always trying to improve, but we need your support. Now that summer is over I ask you come out and support us on Friday night and Sunday breakfast. The prices are reasonable and the quality is improved. It’s your post. Support it.

Finally: This past month, we had a number of Post sponsored events. ALVA Tour, Early Bird Dinner, Veterans Appreciation Day. This does not happen in a vacuum. It takes a lot of people, time, leadership and mostly, dedication to the cause of supporting veterans and the American Legion programs. To all who step up over and over, and to those that go above and beyond for no other reason than love of the post, thank you. We have an amazing membership and would love to see more involved. We need the ideas and energy.


SAL meeting-Oct 11 1:30pm
ALR meeting-Oct 11 3pm
BOG meeting-Oct 22 6pm
E-Board meeting-Oct 29 7pm
General meeting and Auxiliary meeting-Nov 2 7pm


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - September 2009

American Legion Family:

This will be a shortened version of the normal newsletter due to time constraints.

Old Settlers Summary: We had a very successful Old Settlers weekend in August. Give or take a few bucks, we managed to make more toward our post operations and veterans programs than we have in recent memory. I do not like to put totals on the internet but will get a copy of the financial report and have it on the bulletin board. If you made it to the meeting, you would know already. Once again thank you to all who contributed their time to make this a success.

American Legion Scholarship: We have basically finalized plans for our first scholarship from the American Legion Post 136 to present to a high school senior in the spring. Since there are still some minor details to be worked out, the full release along with the application form will be sent out to membership at a later date. I want to take a moment and at least list here the eligibility requirements so you can determine if your kids are eligible to receive this $1,000 scholarship:

1) Child, grandchild, great grandchild, stepchild, step grandchild, step great grandchild of any member, living or deceased that stands or stood in good standing of the American Legion Post 136 (American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion). Membership must be or had been two years continuous service with a 3rd year renewal in the American Legion, Auxiliary, or S.A.L.
Child, grandchild, great grandchild, step child, step grandchild, step great grandchild of honorably discharged veteran (DD214 required) within the Mulvane, Ks. school district
2) High School Seniors and must maintain 3.0 G.P.A. (B) grade average during senior year

The student will be required to write an essay on one of three subjects and have recommendations from three sources (one must be a teacher). The winner will be selected by the Post Executive Board and an interview may be requested.

As stated, the details will be out later, but if you are a member of the post, and have been a member of the Legion for two full years, your spawn, if a senior, may receive $1,000 to help with books or tuition.

POW/MIA Observance: This Friday is National POW/MIA recognition day. We will be holding our annual POW/MIA observance ceremony at 7pm on Friday during dinner. Please take some time, have dinner and observe the short and meaningful ceremony while we remember those who cannot be with us.

ALVA TOUR: The American Legion VA tour will be here on Friday, Sept 25 from 6:15-7:15. We will have District and VA representation here to give information and take questions on VA programs and assistance. This is held each year, and it just so happens this year it is on a Friday. Again, come in for a steak and listen to the VA. If you have any veteran neighbors that may benefit from the VA, they need to be here and see what there is for them.

Early Bird Dinner will be held the next day, Sat. Sept 26. This year, the free dinner will consist of fired or baked chicken, green beans, potatoes and desert and the cool thing is, it’s all free if you have paid your 2010 dues. There will be a social hour from 5-6, followed by dinner. We are one of only four posts in the state, with over 500 members, that are over 70% of quota at this time. We do not want to wait to the last minute. If you bring a guest, there is a charge for dinner. Better yet, sign them up and they eat free too.

And do not forget about Life memberships. Our newest life member is Leroy Perkins. He never has to pay dues again. Remember, we are requesting an rsvp to get an estimate of numbers. Respond to Terry Knight at

Sedgwick Cty Sheriffs food drive: The Executive Board voted $50 for a half basket to support the above cause which feeds the poor and shut ins. Last year over 500 were helped.

Absence: I will be away for about 10 days to two weeks. 1st Vice Dennis Scuffham will be taking over the Commander duties in my absence.

5 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
11 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
22 6:00 BOG Mtg
28 7:00 E-Board Mtg
31 8:00 Halloween Party


Monday, August 10, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - Aug 2009

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –Aug. 2009

American Legion Family:

Special Thank You to Members of Post 136:

Dan Cane has requested his thanks be published to the entire post for the generous gift of a scooter that has been purchased. This scooter has given him back his mobility and if you look close, you can see him motoring across town to the Legion. Dan, on behalf of the members, we thank you for the many years of service to our Post and hope you enjoy for many years.

Flag Retirement Program: We have not had any takers on the offer to replace any 3x5 flag in the community. This is just a reminder we have the flags and if you see an individual or business flying a flag that is in need of retirement, to let us know and we will provide one free of charge.

Final Fireworks Update: Last month we gave the approximate amount of money we made on the fireworks sales and it turns out that the $2450 was the final figure. We have taken note and will be making changes this next year to reduce some of the expense so we can get into some real money. As was discussed, the money was first to be used to reduce or eliminate our debt. With the fireworks money and the recent Canteen payment, we have enough to completely eliminate our post debt and the final payment on the new AC and heating units will be made shortly.

Scholarship update: The Executive Board met and has come up with the criteria for our first Paul Stewart Irwin-American Legion Post 136 scholarship. Details will come out as the application requirements are firmed up. The amount of the scholarship will be $1,000 and member children and grandchildren will be the first criteria for acceptance. Stay tuned and if you have a child getting ready for college, this may give you a hand up.

Early Bird Dinner will be held Sept. 26. Social hour will be from 5-6 pm with dinner served till 7:30. Menu will be announced when we figure it out. For those of you that do not know what this is, it’s an incentive for all members to get their 2010 dues paid now. If you pay before Sept 26, or at the dinner, you eat free. If you are a life member, you eat free forever. The earlier we get our membership in, the better it is for our post, so please cough it up and lets get a jump on the numbers.
Old Settlers Update-IMPORTANT:

We need your tickets and money in as soon as possible. The drawing for the $300 and $200 first place drawing is Sunday, Aug 16. Of course you are always welcome to turn the money in after the drawing but I recommend you do not let those you sold them to know. If you have more money than brains and turn your own in after the drawing, thanks for the donation.

Schedule of events:
· Booth down town selling water, pop, T-shirts and the Legion will be on Friday noon to 11pm, and Sat. 8am to close at about 11pm
· Breakfast at the post from 8-10 on Sat. This will be a buffet style breakfast and a great way to start before the parade at 11am. The ALR will be leading the parade again this year.
· Horseshoe tournament Sat and Sun starting at 1pm. Trophies will be awarded.
· Coney Island-see attached flyer-This is not your normal burger we will be selling.
· ‘Autumn Knights’ will be playing out at the pavilion from 6-10. 50’s and 60’s music. (no, not the age of the band). Pick up a flyer at the post and pass around. Its time we pick up some business from down town.
· Sunday breakfast and raffle drawing.

This is a great time to come out for some fun and support the post at the same time.

Veterans Appreciation Day:

Your ALR is sponsoring a Veterans Appreciation Day on Sept. 12. While this is sponsored by the ALR, it is a full post and, in fact, a day for all veterans (thus the name). All area vets, those active at McConnell and other Posts are invited. A flyer will be out on this later. This is not to be considered a big fundraiser. We are looking at covering costs and that is all. Everything will be very reasonably priced and there will be things for kids to do if you wish to bring the family. The Mulvane Dj’s will be playing at our pavilion in the evening. Mark this one down.

Meeting note: Due to Labor Day falling on the 7th of Sept. all our normally scheduled meetings are out of whack. See the calendar below for the dates and times.

No E-board or BOG meeting scheduled in Aug due to the late meeting in Sept.


3 7:00 American Legion Mtg.
3 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
9 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
15-16 Old Settlers weekend
ALR-Woodland Park
28-30 ALR State Rally

3 6:00 BOG Mtg
7 Labor Day
9 7:00 E-Board Mtg
12 12-? Veterans Appreciation Day
13 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
18 7:00 POW/MIA Recognition
24 6:00 BOG Mtg
26 5:00 Early Bird Dinner
30 7:00 E-Board Mtg

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - July 2009

American Legion Family:

Old Settlers Update: Thursday, July 9, we will be stuffing the envelopes with raffle tickets for our annual fundraiser at Old Settlers. If you can spare an hour or two, come by the post at 7pm. This is not hard duty and kind of fun once the assembly line gets rolling but we need people for the assembly line. The raffle prizes are increased to $300 and $200 and more important than stuffing them into the envelope is to sell or purchase the tickets. This is one of the events we depend on for our operating expenses throughout the year.

New this year will be breakfast from 8-10 before the parade on Sat. It will be a buffet style for efficiency. The horseshoe tournament has also been moved to 1pm on Sat and Sun. Need volunteers to work the water booth down town too. Just a couple of hours to sell water, pop and t-shirts. Booth open Friday noon-close and Sat 9-close. If you can spare an hour or two to sit there, send me an e-mail back.

Community Flag project: At the June meeting, membership approved the purchase of 15 3x5 American flags to be used to replace and retire old, worn out flags in the Mulvane community. Businesses are the primary target but neighborhood flags are also eligible. A certificate is being developed to present to the flag owner, along with the offer to replace and retire the worn flag. If anyone notices an flag in need of retirement, all it takes is an E-mail, phone call, or note to myself or any officer. Include name, address, and contact of business (if known), or individual if residence to contact. Arrangements will be made to get them a flag and certificate. If you know them personally, you will be involved as well. This is a great form of Americanism and community support from the Legion.

Canteen Finances: Here is something you don’t hear about every day. The Canteen has been performing efficiently and effectively for some time now. Leroy announced at the meeting the Canteen is actually in position to return funds to the American Legion general fund for the first time in many years. A lot of credit goes to Leroy and Peggy Reynolds for their efforts to not only contain cost, but also manage your money as if it’s their own.

Post Members MIA: If anyone knows the phone contact or address of the following members, can you please e-mail back with the info. These are members that are paid and on the rolls, but have moved without notifying us and we cannot locate:
James Cameron
Randall Everett
Ernest Madison
Tami Steward
Roger Taylor

Dan Cane: Since Dan has been a fixture at our post home for so many years, we need to be sure he can get around and get there. Now that Dan is pretty much confined to a wheelchair, Phil Horner has modified his house, at his own expense, for a ramp and has done some inside work to accommodate as well. What Dan now needs is a portable scooter. Medicare pays a portion of it but there is still about $1300 difference. For all Dan has done for our post, the membership approved up to $1300 to go towards the purchase of a motorized scooter for Dan. The Ladies Auxiliary later approved $200 to offset the cost and other groups are welcome to help out as well.

New Ice maker: Just when we needed it most, the ice maker bit the big one and we had to purchase a new one. The members that contribute to the Supplementary fund pitched in $500 and the Post absorbed the rest. We are now up to our frozen assets in ice and back on track for bagging up for Old Settlers. The nice thing is we are in position to handle these unplanned expenses and should shortly be able to get the post completely out of debt with the payoff of the new AC and heating units. This is about 2 years before the term of the loan.

Sat kitchen duty: The kitchen is in dire need of some cleaning and Sat is the day. Very doubtful we will be having the usual chicken and fish fry. All the appliances are going to be pulled out for deep cleaning behind them. Will need at least 4 to help pull stuff out around 9am. Have a couple of volunteers but will need a couple more. Please consider a little help.

Fireworks update: Final numbers are not yet firm but we have enough of a feel for the expenses and sales to tell everyone we will be making a profit in the range of $2450. Not a lot but not bad for a first time out. We discussed how to make it better at the meeting and we have a way to reduce some expenses. Additionally, we are now established and should do a lot better next year. Everyone felt it was worth moving forward with and we have committed to doing it again. We will have a fireworks committee meeting to soon and debrief all the issues, get questions answered and list what we need to do better next year. Some of the expenses can be reduced and along with a better knowledge of what we are doing, we stand to make a lot higher margin next year.

There were a lot of people that helped on this project. It lasted almost 10 days and we hit our first 100-degree days at the beginning of it. A few of the members were pretty much abused, but overall, a lot of other pitched in, took a shift or two and those that were abused survived. Everyone sacrificed and after talking to a lot of people, it was obvious we had a lot of fun and the post really pulled together. While it was not overly profitable the first year out, we set a good foundation for some big stuff in the future. Thank all of you that helped out and especially to those on the committee that were involved for months in advance.


Thru July 6 Work Fireworks Stand
1 7:00 E-Board Mtg
6 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
12 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
23 6:00 BOG Mtg
29 7:00 E-Board Mtg
3 7:00 American Legion Mtg.
3 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
9 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
15-16 Old Settlers weekend
ALR-Woodland Park

AL Post 136 Newsletter - June 2009

American Legion Family:

If you missed the last meeting, we have begun a series of history facts at the beginning of each meeting. A few months ago, the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution was dissected. Last month the Emblem Flag of the American Legion was explained in detail and in May, the history of the American Legion Auxiliary was given. Future meetings will have SAL history, ALR history, history of the GI Bill, etc. Our meetings have moved beyond just business as usual. If you have not been to one in awhile, you may want to join us and be a part of the decisions that lead this Post.

Memorial Day:

We logged over 207 volunteer hours preparing for and holding the Memorial Day ceremony. My personal thanks to all who gave up so much time and their personal holiday to honor those who have died so we can be free. The town came out and it was a great day. Chief John Kimball, Post 136, was our featured speaker. Thank You All.

Post clean up day:

Scheduled for Sunday June 7, at 1PM. Most of the activity will be outside. The City of Mulvane is donating small millings for us to repair our parking lot and this will require a few shovels and wheelbarrows. Greg Bauer will supply a compactor for the millings. We need a few trucks and/or trailers to help haul away the junk that accumulated behind the sheds and also general grounds clean up. Bring a weed whacker if you have one. Inside will be mostly cosmetic. A lot of history needs to be hung on the walls and the dining area will be re-done. We will need some women with a good eye for some of that work. Cleaning of the kitchen and dining floor will be scheduled for a separate time. We can do it all in a couple of hours if we have enough participation and it is badly needed. Please lend a hand.

Community Flag Program:

Membership approved money to purchase 15 3x5 American Flags for a new program. We will offer to retire and replace flags within our community that are tattered and in need of retirement. Once we get the details down, and you see a flag (3x5 only) that needs attention, the American Legion will replace it for free and properly retire the old one.

Post 136 Scholarship Program:

The Executive Board has approved the formation of a yearly scholarship to be awarded to a deserving HS applicant. The details and requirements are being developed, but the scholarship will be in the $500-$1000 range. The ALR is also considering a scholarship so we may have two. Will update the membership as the details are hammered out.

Membership quota was met (a little over 100%) for the 2009 reporting period. In fact, our post accepted 66 new members this past year, and was the second highest in the state. Only a post in the KC area had more new members added to their roles, and if we had that market to pull from, we would have blown them away too.

Now being the greedy type that I am, we are not going to be satisfied with these results. There are some new plans of attack being developed to get more new members into our Post home. Some include the Chamber of Commerce, contacting Post 58 members living in our area, and planning more family friendly events for the new troops that are busy raising families. One point on Post 58. It is unethical to contact members from other posts and try to recruit them into our post. Some posts practice this and it will not happen here. The only exception is Post 58. This is the Dept post in Topeka. If you join the Legion on line, and do not list a Post home, you are automatically assigned to Post 58. Members living in our area are fair game to be contacted for transfer to Post 136. We have that list and will pursue them.


June 14 is Flag Day as well as the birthday of the Air Force Auxiliary, aka the Army. (It’s a joke. Lighten up) About 5:30, we will not only honor the symbol of our Country, but will also hold a flag retirement ceremony.

Both will be a different and special, unlike the normal flag retirement ceremony we hold on Veterans Day. After the ceremony, we will enjoy a potluck dinner. The post will supply three smoked hams (Thanks to the smokability skills of Tom Knight), and we ask for everyone to bring a dish to share. We may have a large crowd due to the ALR meeting, so other meat dishes are encouraged.

This program is Rate G so please bring your children and if you find any kids along the way, bring them too. We need to have the kids, little to big, see these types of events. Its doubtful they get it in school anymore and it’s up to us show them patriotism is still cool at the American Legion.

Fireworks: This is the month we start what could be one of the biggest fundraisers we have had. This, along with the schedule will be addressed in a separate e-mail. We still need volunteers to take a shift so please consider your time and obligation to the post when the e-mail is sent.

S. Vietnam Memorial in Veterans Memorial Park: The Mayor and City Council will be voting on a proposal to have constructed, in Veterans Memorial Park, a memorial presented to the city from the local Vietnamese community. The membership voted unanimously to send a letter to the Mayor and City Council to express our opposition, not to the memorial, but to the location of it in Veterans Park. To see more on this you can go to our web page: Roll over the American Legion Tab at top and select News. It will be found under AL/ALR News and a link to the letter sent to the city is loaded. The council will vote June 9 and as we get more information, it will forward to the membership.

Rick Babinger
Commander Post 136


1 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Aux Mtg
6-7 ALLC-Concordia
14 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 5:30 Flag Ceremony and dinner
25 6:00 BOG
26 Begin Fireworks Set up

Thru July 6 Work Fireworks Stand
1 7:00 E-Board Mtg
6 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
12 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
23 6:00 BOG Mtg
29 7:00 E-Board Mtg

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Newsletter - May 2009

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –May 2009

American Legion Family:

Your Post Helping Others:

What better way to start our monthly newsletter than to talk about what the membership has voted on to help those in need?

1) Children in need: Mikayla and Chantz George, age 3 & 4, have a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. There are no other cases in the US and only six in the world. The two in our country are right here in our own back yard and we have members very close to the family and heavily involved. On May 16, RD’s will be hosting their annual Bike show in conjunction with the Marauders Car show in downtown Mulvane. All proceeds go to these children and the Post membership voted to donate $500 to the cause. In addition, our Ladies Auxiliary will donate another $200. Most likely these children will never see adulthood. In addition to your financial help, more than anything, they need you prayers.

2) Veteran member in need: Our own Bob Kierzak, Vietnam Bronze Star recipient, and his wife Barbara have been flooded from their home. The members of your post have donated $500 from the Veterans Assistance fund to help offset motel expenses until they can get settled.

3) Abused Veteran assistance: Between meetings, the Executive Board approved a $100 donation along with another $100 from the Riders, to go towards a Wal-Mart Gift card for an abused Air Force mother in need of instant assistance. Other posts also contributed.

4) VA: $50 was allotted to help defray food expenses for the Veterans at the VA during the 5th District barbecue to be held for the patients and their families at the VA on the 4th of July.

Four examples of why your involvement and support of The American Legion and your Post home is one of the most important things you can do for your community and fellow veterans.

American Legion Leadership College will be held in Concordia at Cloud County CC, May 29, 30, 31. You do not need to be an officer to attend. For info, contact Terry Knight or me and if interested, the cost is $40. This will include all meals and a stay in the dorms unless you prefer a hotel room. Need roster and money (to Terry) quickly.

Atomic Veterans Memorial Highway dedication will be held May 22, 10am, in Leon, Ks

Our own Larry Halloran has been instrumental in gaining this recognition and would like to see as many members that can make it are there. The dedication will be at the Hwy 400/77 junction.

Memorial Day schedule and needs:

May 11, Monday, 6pm Meet at cemetery to uncover and mark flag pole holes. If you have a metal detector, please bring it. Bring a shovel to scrape dirt. Should not take more than 2 hours if we have enough help. Rain date - Wed.

May 22, Friday, 5:00 Meet at cemetery to assist Auxiliary place flags, crosses and poppies on all veterans graves

May 25-Memorial Day-Meet at Post at 5:30AM. We will head to cemetery to erect the 225 flags and poles and set up for ceremonies. Breakfast will be served when we get back (on the post) and the ceremonies will be at 11am.

Still need: volunteers to carry the colors and rifles to protect flags. Can also still use volunteers for the Salute (Rifle) squad. Please get back to me or Andy Webb, Sgt. of Arms

Speaking of work day, we will hold a Post work day on Sunday, June 7. We need to do some clean up and repair. On the menu is stripping and sealing the kitchen floor, outside clean up and pothole repair, and general spruce up of the post. (Hang memorabilia etc) As always, the more we have, the faster it goes. Come out for breakfast and spend a couple hours helping us improve the post.

Department convention will be in Topeka, May 15, 16, 17. The Post will pay for anyone registering as a delegate. Details are in latest Sunflower. If going on Sunday to assure we have the proper voting block, we will leave the Q-trip in Derby (K-15 and 71st) at 7:30 am.

Chris Swartz, Iraqi Freedom veteran and recipient of three Purple Hearts has been elected as Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart – Chapter 588. Congratulations Chris. Post 136 is proud of your accomplishments and proud you are a member.

Volunteer Hours: The American Legion influence in Washington depends in large part on the reporting of volunteer hours. We need to do a better job documenting these hours. I am requesting everyone keep track of any hours spent during the month for any type of volunteer work. This can include blood donations, marching in a parade, visit to hospital of VA etc. We will ask for these hours at the meetings and you can always drop a quick e-mail anytime you or a group does something. If you do it as a Rider, or Aux or SAL, and you report the hours through them, we do not need to duplicate it.

4 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
9 9:00 ALR Poker Run
11 6:00 Cemetery work detail
17 1:30 SAL Mtg
17 3:00 ALR Mtg
16-17 Dept. Convention-Topeka
21 6:00 BOG Mtg
22 5:30pm Cemetery-Aux flags/crosses
25 5:30am Erect Avenue of Flags
25 11:00 Memorial Day Services
27 7:00 E-Board Mtg
29-31 American Legion Leadership College
1 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Aux Mtg
14 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 7:00 Flag Retirement (tentative)
25 6:00 BOG
26 Begin Fireworks Set up
27-30 Fireworks stand

Fireworks update:

We are getting close and we really need you to sign up to help with this ten day event. I have attached the schedule, as we know it right now. The days are divided in two six-hour shifts. 10-4 and 4-10.

The names in RED are of those that have volunteered at least half of the total time to work the stands. Obviously these people cannot work every day, all day. As other sign up for a shift, they will come off. One shift is all we ask and all that would be needed if we had a large turn out. At least 8 people are needed for each shift and if you cannot work a whole shift, that can be worked out too. Do not let it stop you from helping. This has the potential to reap a huge benefit to our post and can be fun at the same time. Look at what is needed and sign up for a shift or two. E-mail me or get a form to fill out. This same schedule is sitting on a board at the post. It will be updated as we get more in. Time is now to get on the list. Your post is depending on you.

Rick Babinger

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Newsletter - April 2009

American Legion Family:

Post Elections were held at the General meeting Monday. Both the Legion and Auxiliary meetings were full and the membership responded in filling all Officer positions.Results follow:

Commander: Rick Babinger
1st Vice Commander: Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice Commander: Greg Lenagar
Adjutant: Terry Knight
Finance Officer: Dwane Stewart
Chaplain: Dave Stewart
Sgt-at-Arms: Andy Webb
Service Officer: Tom Knight
Historian: Rick Johnson
At Large Executive Board Members: Ben Roloff, Chris Hummel

President: Jackie Johnson
1st Vice President: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice President: Asonjia Stewart
Treasurer: Nancy JohnsonSecretary: Karen Babinger
Chaplain: Helen Lenagar
Sgt-at Arms: Monika Barshney
Historian: Nina Somers

Commander: Greg Thompson
Vice Commander: Jerry Armstrong
Finance Officer: Greg Bauer
Adjutant: OpenChaplain: Kyle Logan
Sgt-at-Arms: Rick Babinger

Girl Scout Flag Retirement: The local Girl Scouts have invited us to attend a Flag Retirement Ceremony at dusk on Apr 25. It is great to see this kind of activity from the youth and we plan on attending. I will get more info out as we get closer. This is local and a great community event for us to be a part of.

Bar Remodel update: Tom Knight is heading the remodel project. Besides the new cooler, we have a new stainless sink and a couple of stainless tables. Counter tops are being checked out and the purchases\ of new cabinets is in the works. When the stuff is here, we will be holding a workday at the post. Not only inside, but outside as well. Will need a lot of people for a day to get all the work done so stand by.

Memorial Day ceremonies will be coming up soon. Anyone interested in taking part on the rifle squad, or in carrying the colors, please get with Andy Webb, Sgt-at Arms. We do not want to wait till the last week before getting all the positions filled. A work-day at the cemetery will be scheduled mid May to uncover flag pole holes and dig a few new ones.

New T-shirts: Red ‘American and Proud of It’ t-shirts are on sale. These were purchased to sell at the fireworks stand and Old Settlers. They have proved to be so popular; we have already had to purchase more. If interested, see Dwane Stewart, or put an order in at the bar.

Assisting others: Membership voted $125 towards sending the father of Gary Donaldson on the Freedom Flight to see the WWII memorial in Washington DC. The same will be asked of the Auxiliary, SAL and Riders to make up the $500 needed to attend. Another $200 from Children and Youth was approved to help finance a Rex Middle School student attend the Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. The money will not be dispersed until we are sure there are adequate funding for the trip. When we have the opportunity to assist the youth in an endeavor such as this, we need to look very closely at it. We are blessed to be able to help and it shows the character of our members.

5th District Convention is scheduled for Apr 25/26 at Post 2 in Newton. We had 15 volunteers to sign up as delegates. Post 136 has the largest voting block at the convention so our influence can be felt well beyond Mulvane. Thanks to those who signed up to be delegates. As we get closer, we will set up times and we can ride together or travel up with others.

SSgt Dan Morgan, home on R&R from his 5th tour in Iraq, took some of his precious home time to come to the meeting and present the Post with a flag that was flown in Iraq, and a certificate. Dan not only serves us in Iraq, but he serves us when on R&R. We see this a lot with our military members. Amazing!

Retired State Command Chief Master Sgt. John Kimball, will be awarded the Bronze Star on April 18 in Topeka. Congratulations Chief. It’s our honor to have you as a member of Post 136.

KC Royals/American Legion: The Kansas City Royals and the Kansas American Legion have joined forces to offer Legion Family members an opportunity to attend up to three games this year at greatly reduced prices. For two games, (July 18 and Sept 19), the Royals will make a contribution to the Legacy Scholarship fund for each member or Post that purchases one of the reduced tickets. A game on Aug 8, will have the contributions going to the Wounded Warrior program. Details in this month’s issue of Sunflower.

Meeting time change: SAL meetings have been moved up a half hour to 1:30 to avoid conflict with the Riders meeting. They are still held on the second Sunday of each month. Having said that, please note in April and May, both the SAL and ALR meeting have been pushed to the 3rd Sunday due to Easter and Mothers day. Don’t want to mess with the Big Man or mamma.


We will have a Lasagna special Friday evening. $7 for Lasagna, salad and bread

Finally: After many years, Richard Carpenter has stepped down as Finance Officer. Richard has held most all positions in the post at one time or another and has been one of the key people that have kept the post on an even keel for a lot of years. Thank you Richard for your service. Don’t go too far though.

RickCommander-Post 136

APRIL 1 7:00 E-Board Mtg 6 7:00 Legion Mtg-ELECTIONS 7:00 Aux Mtg -ELECTIONS19 1:30 SAL Mtg 3:00 ALR Mtg25-26 5th Dist Convention 23 6:00 BOG Meeting29 7:00 E-Board Meeting

MAY 4 7:00 American Legion Mtg 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg 9 9:00 ALR Poker Run 17 2:00 SAL Mtg 17 3:00 ALR Mtg16-17 Dept. Convention-Topeka 21 6:00 BOG Mtg 22 5:30 Cemetery-Aux flags/crosses 25 11:00 Memorial Day Services 27 7:00 E-Board Mtg

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Newsletter - March 2009

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –March 2009

American Legion Family:

Reminder for this Saturday: There will be a memorial for Past Post and District Commander, Larry Banks, this Saturday from 1-3 pm. This will be held at our Post home and a light lunch and desert will be served. Please stop in to pay you respects and keep Reggie and the rest of the Banks family in your prayers.

Following the memorial, (3:30), the ALR is hosting a send off for our own Charlie Nguyen. Charlie, an Iraqi War Veteran will be deployed to Afghanistan shortly.

BOG election was held at Monday’s meeting to fill the spot left vacant from Doug Lehman completing his term on the Board. Dwane Stewart was elected and by unanimous vote and will begin his two year term immediately. This is one of the most important positions in the Post and we are lucky to have people like Dwane step up and help move the post forward.

While on the subject of elections, Post officer elections will be held at the April 6 meeting. At this time there are still no candidates for the office of 2nd Vice Commander and Historian. Other positions are unopposed. This means we will be having appointments rather than elections. When good people sit back and let anyone that wants to run the show run it, you may just get what you ask for. We have all served once and this Post is your 2nd tour of duty. We need these positions filled and if someone already is running for a position you want, it is your right and duty to oppose them. The only way we get the best leadership is for the best leaders to step up. Please look at your post and consider how you may be able to help. You have one month.

Fireworks Committee update: Since the 4th of July still falls on the 4th of July, we have about four months to get everything ready for what we hope will be a big fund raiser. The main thing we need is for people to work the stand. It will require at least 8 people/shift with two shifts/day. If you only work a shift or two for the 10 days we have the booth, this will not be a burden for anyone. As we get closer there will be more and more push to get everyone on board to help. There are sign up sheets for you to reserve a shift behind the bar. The committee will handle the details, but the work must be shared by you.

Red ‘Support Our Troops’ T-shirts are available at the Post. There have been a number of requests for these shirts and are recommended to be worn on Fridays to show support for our troops. Cost is $12 and all proceeds go to Post programs.

Other Patriotic t-shirts were approved for purchase and to be sold at the fireworks stand and our booth during Old Settlers. They will have a base color of red with an eagle and the words: ‘American-and proud of it. Support our troops’. These will sell for $10. Membership voted to spend the money to purchase and again, all profits will be added to the two big fundraisers for the post.

$300 was also approved by membership to give to the Young Marines for their programs. This money came from the Children and Youth Fund. We also are sponsoring a high school student via the Maize American Legion Post, for Boy’s State.

Since we were in the spending mood, membership approved $200 to assist a homeless vet that was identified by SAL member Brock Hayes. Brock took it upon himself to call the VA and find a vet needing help. The money was used to help stock his food. Just another example of the kind of people we have at Post 136.

Building fund: In the past we depended on membership donations for the majority of our repairs and upkeep to the building. The Building Fund at this time has been depleted except for some money designated for bar remodeling. The profits from a corporate party held at the post have been designated to seed the fund and a portion of our monthly profits will now help build the fund up. Just like a house, we are in constant need of repair and have plans (beyond the bar remodel) to re-do the north entryway. It needs new roof, and at least a wall to be removed due to mildew. Gutters need repair and the ice machine run off needs to be directed somewhere besides the side of the building. Hopefully we can finance these projects without special fundraising or begging.

ALR News:

Legion Riders have over 700 volunteer hours in the first two months of the year. Last month they supported four funerals, multiple send offs and homecomings, other fundraisers at other posts, and have traveled a combined 1200 miles to accomplish this. All this takes some money and the first fund raiser for the ALR will be coming up.

ALR Pancake Feed: See, told you it would be coming up. Saturday, March 14 from 8-10 there will be a pancake and sausage breakfast at the post. Tell everyone you know to come by, have some breakfast and support the Riders and their programs. Flyer will be out shortly.

5th District Convention will be held at Newton Post 2, on Apr 25-26. We will be selecting delegates at the next general meeting.


2 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
8 2:00 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 8-10 ALR Pancake Feed
26 6:00 BOG Meeting

1 7:00 E-Board Mtg
12 2:00 SAL Mtg (Easter)
3:00 ALR Mtg (Easter)
17-19 5th Dist Conv.- Newton
23 6:00 BOG Meeting
29 7:00 E-Board Meeting

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
-Mark Twain

Rick Babinger

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Newsletter - February 2009

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – Feb. 2009

American Legion Family:

With our Post elections in April, it’s time to think about your role in our future.
Last year we did not fill the 2nd vice and Historian roles. We were not better for it and need to correct it. Members deserve officers dedicated to the American Legion and its programs. Willing to make the sacrifice of time for the benefit of Post 136.

Below is a brief description of each position. You can contact any officer for additional information and please consider if you are approached. The nominating committee consists of all present officers. To serve this post is a privilege and an honor. It’s not just 136 you serve, but all veterans. This is why the American Legion exists. Take part in it.

  • Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
  • 1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
  • 2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.
  • Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
  • Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
  • Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
  • Sgt at Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
  • Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
  • Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.
  • Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operation, decision-making and setting of the post agenda.

Board of Governors nomination and election will take place at the March 2 general meeting. Doug Lehman has completed his two-year term and there is an opening for a Legion member. Any one interested must be at the meeting unless arrangements are made in advance. This is a great position for someone wanting to play a major part in the post operations. The term is 2 years. Any questions, contact any BOG member: Doug Lehman, Tom Knight, Karen Babinger, Greg Bauer, or Dan Benson.

Fireworks update:

The 1st Fireworks committee meeting was held, and plans laid out. Three major highlights to pass on.

  • If anyone has access to a Porta-potty or construction bright construction lights, we can reduce the expense that needs to be covered and we make profits earlier.
  • None of this can work without commitments from the members to work the stand. From June 27-July 5, we will be open from 10am-10pm. Ideally we will need 8 people/6 hour shift. Obviously we cannot have the same 16 people work every day. We need maximum participation, even if it’s only for a few hour out of the week. Schedule forms will be left at the post. Pick one up, choose a shift or whatever hours you think you can work, and place in the Commanders box by the office. This event can be a huge boom to the post. We need as many as possible to help.
  • If this is a very successful event (and we believe it has the potential to be that), the money raised will be split. After we look at debt reduction, the money will be split between the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR. One point to make on this. Since each group stands possibly make some good money, all groups need to participate. If one clearly lets the other three do all the work, the money will be split three ways. Since we all have skin in the game, we all need to help.

More to follow. Next meeting is Feb. 18, 7:00pm.

Deployed active duty personnel will have their Legion dues paid by the post. In the past, the Riders paid the dues for those deployed, but it should be the Legions responsibility and is now where it belongs. Thank you Riders for your dedication to our soldiers. Some of us are slower than you guys.

Legislative Hotline:

If you need to find the status of a bill, or leave a message for your State Senator or Representative, there is a hotline number you can call. 800-432-3924.

5th District Convention will be at the American Legion Post 2, in Newton, April 25-26. Delegates will be chosen at the April meeting.

Mid Winter Forum is this weekend in Hays.

5th District Oratorical contest will be held Sunday, Feb. 15 in Halstead. Time is 1pm

SAL Update:

Elections for SAL officers will be held Feb. 8, 2pm, at the SAL meeting. Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least six new duel member additions to the SAL. This is a great and proud branch of the American Legion and the more enthusiasm we can generate, the better off the entire post will be. If you have not been up to this web site, please take a moment and check it out. Our web master, John Wilson, has done an amazing job and has everything you need to know about what’s going on at our Post, veterans benefits links, pictures, activities, etc. Do not underestimate the power of the web.

Upcoming Post 136 Calendar events:

2 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
6-8 MidWinter Forum-Hays
8 2:00 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
15 1:00` 5th Dist. Oratorical-Halstead
18 7:00 Fireworks Committee
19 6:00 BOG Mtg
26 7:00 E-Board Mtg (Thur due to Ash Wed)
2 7:00 American Legion Meeting
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
8 2:00 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 8:00 ALR Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
18 7:00 Fireworks Committee meeting
26 6:00 BOG Meeting
E-Board will meet Apr. 1

Rick Babinger

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Newsletter - January 2009

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – Jan 2009

American Legion Family:

Happy New Year!


Right now we are sitting at 88.4% of our membership quota for the year. Mulvane is #3 in the state for Post’s of 500 members or more so while we are doing well, there is a gap of about 60 renewal or new memberships we have to make up by June. If you have not yet paid your 2009 dues, please get them in. Remember, our strength in Congress is based on membership numbers and we need every one of you.

S.A.L. Membership:

You may not be aware, but if you are a veteran Legion member, and your father or grandfather is a veteran, you are eligible for duel membership and can also join the S.A.L.
A duel member has the benefit of having your SAL dues cut in half, so it will only cost you $10/year. I mention this in an effort to help kick start the SAL and get more members active it its programs. If you are interested in becoming a duel member, the SAL monthly meeting takes place the 2nd Sunday of each month, at 2PM.

Mid Winter Forum:

This years Mid Winter Forum will be held in Hays, Ks, Feb 6-8. The host hotel is the Days Inn at 785-628-8261. Special rates for American Legion are available. At the Mid-Winter Forum we will have a person from the National Guard who oversees much of the Guard effort along with a representative from Post 153 and perhaps a representative from the Salvation Army (the Salvation Army is the civilian "go to" organization for the National Guard in Kansas). Their purpose is to recruit volunteers to serve as "Scouts" for the National Guard-people who are trained to be the first on the scene for the Guard to access an emergency; but more so to encourage our members to serve their Posts on an Emergency Response team.

Post elections will be coming up in April. While it is still months away, it’s not too early to start thinking about how you may want to help lead and direct our post. If you have questions on any position, please contact myself or the individual that now fills the job.

Your Incredible Post:

In the last six weeks of 2008, when people were most in need, this Post, did some amazing work to help our troops and community. I am going to list what you supported, so sit back and relax. The list is long and distinguished, but I feel it is absolutely necessary to put into perspective, the good works of the American Legion and Post 136.

American Legion:
$500 for McConnell Enlisted Spouses Club. This fund assisted Airmen, E-4 and below with groceries during the holiday.
$500-Mulvane EMS for community toy drive
$300-Operation Comfort Warrior
$670-Assistance to wounded veteran with bills
$500-Assistance to wounded veteran for children’s Christmas
$200-Christmas Gift Shop at VA

Legion Riders:
$2000+: Purchase of 3 GPS systems for VA vans to transfer patients, and for gifts for all vets at the VA. (NOTE: Member Roy Tate donated $500 of his personal money for the GPS Purchase)
$200-Quilts of Valor
$300-Down rider and assistance to another post
$1100-Homeless Vets Program at VA (NOTE: over $500 of this money was raised by passing the hat)

Ladies Auxiliary:
$100-Food assistance for wounded soldier
$300-DCCA (Social Services for Foster Children)

In addition to the $7,170 listed above, you also did this:
SAL children’s Christmas party
Food drive sponsored by Auxiliary
Multiple troop send offs and homecomings
Support at multiple funerals, including our own Richard Smith and Greg ‘E-bay’ Hansen.
Toy Runs from the Riders
Christmas in a Box for our troops in Afghanistan.
Collection of shoes for VA programs
Collection of gift items for VA Christmas Gift shop

Hope you feel the way I do about Post 136. It’s an amazing group of veterans and veteran supporters and every one of you should be proud.

US Census Bureau will be holding a class in our meeting room on Jan 13 at 1pm. This class is in preparation for the 2010 census. They are looking for part time and maybe some full time help. The part time work will be for 8-10 weeks with flexible hours and will include gas reimbursement. If anyone is looking for some part time work, call this number: 866-861-2010. A local contact is Sue Daniel. Home: 316-322-8147.

Friday evening dishwashing: We have been using volunteers for the past year or so for washing dishes at Friday night dinner. Beginning last Friday, we now have a paid dishwasher, so anyone that signed up can make plans to overeat and drink at the post instead. Like I had to tell you that.

2009 Post Calendar is attached. Any dates in bold are placeholders since I do not know exact date. Will update it monthly as things change.

PS: Check out Post 136 web page. (link at top of this newsletter). Web master John Wilson has outdone himself.

Commander-Post 136