Saturday, December 11, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - December 2010

Board of Governors’ Election:  There were three nominees for the BOG. They were Leroy Perkins, Jake DeFrees and Jerry Kirk. Election was held and Jake DeFrees won the election.

No Friday Dinners: The dining room will be closed for the following Fridays. Dec 10th, Dec 17th and the 24th of December. We will be open on New Years Eve Friday the 31st for dinner. Stick around after dinner and see the New Year in with friends and family at the Post.

Post Closing: The Post will be closed on Mondays until further notice.

Canteen Manager Position Open: Leroy Perkins is leaving the position as Canteen manager. Anyone interested in taking over as Canteen Manager please fill out an application at the Post. The BOG will be looking over any applications turned in at the next meeting on the 16th December.

IRS Letter:  The Post has received another letter from the IRS claiming that we owe penalty and interest from 2007. We have sent a letter to the IRS requesting abatement of the charges. This letter from the IRS was dated the same date that our letter was delivered to them. We are still investigating.

Auxiliary Fund Raiser: Barbara Giovanni announced that the Auxiliary is planning to have a fund raiser on January 1st. She was advised that Dave and Kim Williams had already planned to provide a pot of beans that day. The Auxiliary will discuss and advise later.

Old Business:

Rick Babinger reported an update for the New Building Committee. There were several ideas brought up for the building. The estimated cost to renovate the Post is approximately $200,000. This could go down if bids are lower. The cost includes updating all the bathrooms to ADA standards. If any renovations are done to the Building the new code for bathrooms must be accomplished.

Richard Carpenter inquired about the fact that we now have 2 building funds. The original Bldg. Fund was created in 2005 to help pay for large purchases and building maintenance that the Canteen could not cover. This is a stand-alone checking account. The new Bldg. Fund was established earlier this year to start setting aside funds for possible renovation of the Post home or building a new building.

New Business

Rick Johnson presented the Adjutant with $150 from the Mulvane D.J.’s to go toward the 2012 Life membership dues.

Leroy Perkins moved to donate $500 to the Enlisted Spouses Club at McConnell AFB. The group surprises select shoppers at the commissary by paying for their groceries during the holiday season. Rick Johnson seconded. Motion passed.

The Legion donated to the Wreaths across America the sum of $225 for wreaths for the Veterans Cemetery in Winfield.

The Legion has helped a fellow veteran and Post member by paying his rent for one month. The donation was $473.56. This was voted on and approve at the November meeting.

Discussion was made concerning the large sign on our property. Talked about using it for the Post or to rent it out to businesses. Could be a source of income for the Post. More to come.

Discussion about the Gold Star Mothers Plaque for the post was brought up again. It was decided to have plague made and be displayed at the Post.

The SAL Christmas party was a great success. The kids had a great time.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - November 2010

There were 34 Legion, 1 SAL and 3 guests present.


Flag Retirement Ceremony:  The annual Flag Retirement ceremony will occur on Veterans Day, November 11th. After the ceremony, there will be an initiation for all Legion members who have never been initiated. The Auxiliary will provide a program and dinner.

ALR News:  The ALR’s Banana Run will take place on Sunday, December 5th. All Post members are encouraged to join.

Member Ben Brooks will be retiring from his position as a bus driver with the Wichita Transit Authority November 2nd, 2010. Doug would like as many people as possible to surprise Ben by riding along with him along his entire route.

Veteran’s Day Parade: Saturday, November 6th, the ALR will participate in the Veteran’s Day Parade in Wichita.

Sunday, November 7th is the 31st Annual Toys for Tots motorcycle Run.

SAL Children’s Christmas Party: The Children’s Christmas Party will be held on Sunday December 5th at the Post. Hours are from 3 to 5 P.M.

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner: Will be held at the Post on Monday, November 22nd at 6:00pm. The Post will provide hams and turkeys that will be cooked by the Post Officers. Everyone else is asked to provide a side dish.

New Members: The names of five applicants for membership were presented for approval: David Bowers, Chris Ferguson, John Garber, Victoris Nichols, and Gerald Selvidge. All were approved. Gerald Selvidge and Chris Ferguson were present.

New Business
We are going to start discussions about whether to build a new building or renovate the existing structure. Committee formed with Rick Babinger, Tom Knight, Phil Horner, Greg Bauer and Asonjia Stewart as members.

A new high rise toilet has been installed in the Dining Room Ladies Bathroom.

Some members spoke about encouraging more people to attend Fridays Dinner and Sunday’s breakfast.

The roof was inspected as requested at the last meeting and was found to be in excellent condition.

Rick Johnson, on behalf of the Mulvane D.J.’s, presented a check for $297 to be used for Life Memberships for the 2012 membership year.

Jerry Allen spoke about the Winfield Veterans Home. A lot of attention has been made about the Old Soldiers Home at Fort Dodge. He would like to see a long term fund raising effort put in place, including other Posts, to support the Winfield Home. Rodney Groshan’s moved to donate $500 to provide items needed for the veterans. Phil Geovanni seconded. Motion Passed.

Rick Babinger announced that Dave Williams is once again taking orders for windbreakers with the Legion emblem and Post 136 identifications.

We were reminded to vote on Tuesday.

Friday, September 24, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - October 2010

Early Bird Dinner:  Saturday, October 9, come and eat a great Lasagna dinner.  If you have paid your dues for 2011 (Legion, Auxiliary, S.A.L.), or you pay at the door, you eat free.  Guests over 10 years old will pay $6.00, 3 to 10 years old $3, under 3 free.  Please call the Post and let us know how many will be in your party (777-4301).

ALR News:  Sunday, October 17, the ALR will escort American Legion National Commander, Jimmie Foster, to the Post.  The Post will host a dinner for the Commander at 5:30 P.M.

The Post will serve as host for Winfield Post 10’s Bigs & Bikes Poker Run on October 23 – 10:00 A.M.

Halloween Party:  October 30, bring some snack food, dress in costume, come have fun.  There will be games, contests, and prizes.

The Legion members voted to donate $500 to the Mulvane EMS Toys 4 Kids Poker Run.

We also voted to donate $500 to the Operation Freedom Memorial.  Check out the Post website or contact John Wilson ( or 522-5899) to find out how you can help out OFM and enjoy an evening of great music by 4TROOPS.  The concert will be Dec. 15.

The members present (Legion, Auxiliary, S.A.L.) voted not to continue the fireworks stand fund raiser.  In spite of the fact that we made more money this year than last, the members felt it was too much work for the amount of profit realized, and not enough Post members volunteered to help out.  That left a small number of members covering multiple shifts.

Welcome new members Michael Corbin and Sean Lowery.

AL Post 136 Newsletter - September 2010

American Legion Family:
·       The Auxiliary was invited in to hear Zack Ketteman, who is running for the State House of Representative seat for the 81st District, speak.

·        Rick Babinger moved, seconded by Tom Knight, to move the remainder of the money set aside for the bar remodel into the Building Fund. Motion passed.

·        The names of four veterans applying for membership and seven members requesting transfers to the Post were presented.  All were approved.  Tim Stock and Mike Moreno were present and welcomed by the members.

Old Business:
  • Finance Officer, Dwayne Stewart, reported on the results of the Old Settlers weekend.
New Business:
  • The American Legion Veteran’s Affairs Tour will be at the Post on Wednesday,
    September 22, at 5:30 P.M.  Several members spoke encouraging all to attend as they had learned important information at the meeting last year.  The Post has been asked to provide a light dinner.
  • The Early Bird Dinner will be held at the post on Saturday, October 9.  Dan and Carol Benson will bake their famous Lasagna.
  • Commander Benson announced that he would be presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to the American Family Insurance Claims Office on Thursday, Sept. 16, at 10:00 A.M., in recognition of their great support of Veteran’s programs.
  • T-Shirts: Dwayne Stewart reported that he now has black T-shirts available by order.  The price is $11 for S – XL and $12 for larger.  He still has red T-shirts also.
  • Larry Roney reminded the members that McConnell AFB will be honoring WWII vets at their open house on Sept. 25.
  • Honor Flights: Larry also invited anyone interested in learning more about the Honor Flights that transport WWII veterans and their sponsor to Washington D.C. to attend a meeting on October 22 at
    the Midian Shrine Temple in Wichita.
  • Rick Johnson presented the Adjutant with $27, donated to the Mulvane D.J.’s at the Veteran’s Appreciation Day, to be set aside to help pay for the Life Memberships next year.
  • The Commander displayed a plaque presented to Rick Johnson for placing first in the History Book competition at the Dept. Convention.
  • Rick Babinger addressed the members about signing up to be a volunteer dish washer on Friday nights on an emergency basis only.
  • Charlie Trapp spoke on behalf of Dept. Cmdr. John Thomas.  The National Commander will be in Wichita on Sunday October 17.  John has requested that the Post host a dinner for the Commander at 6:00 P.M. that evening.  All agreed and the E-board will organize the event.
  • Commander Benson resigned his position as Post Commander. Commander Benson left the meeting and 1st Vice Commander Dennis Scuffham took over the meeting.
  • All were advised that Chaplain; Carroll Everist, has indicated that he must resign due to health reasons.  Someone will contact Carroll to verify his decision.
Fireworks stand:
  • The supplier of the fireworks needs a commitment by October, so a vote will be held at the next meeting on whether or not to sell fireworks again next year.
ALR 136 Director’s Corner:
  • Doug Lehman reported that the ALR will be in Topeka to welcome home the body of Capt. McMahan. They will also attend Capt. McMahan’s funeral on Saturday in Holton.
  • The ALR hosted a Veteran’s Appreciation Day on Saturday, Sept. 11.  There was a good turnout to enjoy the Fun, Food, and Games.
There will be an emergency E-board meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 7:00 P.M.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 4.

AL Post 136 Newsletter - August 2010

American Legion Family:

New Business:

  • Post Dance Classes: There will be dance classes held at the Post on Thursday
    nights for 8 weeks:
  • Clogging – 6:30 to 7:30
  • Line Dancing – 7:30 to 8:30
  • McConnell AFB 
  • Open House: McConnell AFB would like to honor WWI vets at the air show on Sept. 25-26. 
  • Operation Holiday: The McConnell Enlisted Wives Club will once again conduct their Operation Holiday.  We will vote on making a donation at next months meeting.Veterans’
Appreciation Day
  • Held at Post 136 on Saturday, September 11,
  • All veterans are invited to attend. 
  • There will be food, games, horseshoes and music
    provided by the Mulvane D.J.’s. 
  • The Quilts of Valor will once again be on display.
  • Homes for Our Heroes: The Commander announced that the Post had been issued a Certification of Appreciation from Homes for Our Heroes.Post 
  • Scholarship: Rick Babinger moved to set aside $1,000 for the 2nd Annual Post Scholarship.  After a second by Art Beale, the motion passed.
Good of the Legion:
  • Jerry Armstrong reminded all that everyone is welcome
    to attend the funerals of veterans along with the ALR. 
  • Darrel Hacker thanked all who had visited him when he
    was in the hospital.
ALR 136 Director’s Corner:
  • Doug Lehman reported that the ALR has a busy day
    coming up on Wednesday.  There is a
    send off and also the funeral of Ret. AF veteran and Post 136 member
    Ernest Evans.
Old Business:
  • Post Scholarship: Finance Officer, Dwayne Stewart,
    reported that he had sent a check for $1,000 to the college that Post
    Scholarship winner, Brittany Johnson, is attending, with the stipulation
    that it is to be disbursed $500 per semester, if she continues to
    attend.  Otherwise, the remainder is
    to be returned to the Post.
Fireworks Stand:
  • There was much discussion about whether or not to
    continue with the fireworks stand next year.  Rick Babinger
    announced that he would not head the project next year.  Some of the issues and concerns
    discussed are:
1.      The number of volunteers to work the stand (it must be manned 24/7 from the time
the fireworks arrive until the unsold product is picked up).  It is not fair to put all the work on just a
few members.  This is a Post function.
2.      The location and the expenses (the city permit, the lot rental, the Port-a-Pots,
insurance, etc. are very high and impact the amount of profit possible). 

  • Tom Knight moved to postpone the vote until the
    January meeting.  Leroy Perkins seconded.  The Auxiliary and S.A.L. will be
    included in the vote, since this is a Post function.  Motion passed.
Old Settlers Update: 
  • Volunteers are still needed for the downtown booth
    and the horseshoes. 
  • Members of the ALR will lead the parade. 
  • The color guard will come from McConnell. 
  • The S.A.L. will run the Coney
  • Dan and Carol Benson
    will take of the Saturday Breakfast.
  • Leroy Perkins
    will run the Horseshoes.
  • David Leach suggested that next year there be an
    incentive for selling tickets.  He
    talked about how he is able to sell so many tickets and is willing to
    share his secrets with the rest of the Post.
  • Ten ice chests are needed.  Help is needed to remove the staples and
    fold the raffle tickets.
Next meeting is scheduled for September 13, due to the Labor Day Holiday.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - July 2010

American Legion Family:

Meeting Minutes July 12, 2010

The meeting was opened with the McConnell Enlisted Wives Club.  Mellisa Flint presented the legion with a large card that they made for us.  It was signed from many of the Airman that we helped with Operation Holiday.  Pictures of some of the families were also on the card.

Phill Kutzwiel returned form Boys State and addressed the membership on his experiences while there.  He was elected as a city councilman and got the chance to learn to budget a city.  He played the piano on talent night.  From the speech he gave he could run for a state seat.

The meeting was officially opened and Phill Giovanni made a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes.  Monta Plank seconded the motion, motion carried.

Dwane Stewart gave the financial report, no canteen report was read.

Doug Lehman gave a report on the ALR.  There will be a double send off at the airport on Tuesday and the ALR were asked to do a ride by at the McConnell Open Houser in September.  More information to follow on the calendar.

Rick Babinger gave a repot on the Fire Works Stand.  He will not have the final figure of what we made until everything is tallied.  He did express that we were doing fine until the rains came and slowed business down.  He expressed the fact that although many of us raised our hand to do this again the people that did show up to work had to work multiple shifts and that if everyone would have volunteered to work, we only would have worked one shift.

Rick and Nancy made a book of the history of Paul Stewart Irwin and presented the book and a photo of the cemetery were he was buried.  You need to look at this next time you come to the post.

Rick Johnson won first place for the Legion’s history book that he and Nancy made.  They donated the money he won to the Legion.

Old Settlers Day is coming soon and a lot of help is needed.  We discussed the breakfast Saturday morning, the horseshoe tournament and the Coney Island stand.  The SAL will be doing the Coney Island. We need someone to run the horseshoe tournament and people to run the booth down town.  Jerry AKA Jar Head said he would head the ALR for the parade and Rose Pepper is going to contact the Base for a Color Guard.  More on this to come soon.

Jar Head made a motion for us to pay the fifty dollar fee for anyone who wants a flag in the avenue of flags, after a discussion there was no second on the motion.

Sick Call: Dennis McDonough, Daryl Hacker; all are doing better. 

NEXT MEETING IS AUGUST 9th 2010 at 7:00 P.M.

 Dan Benson
Post 136 Mulvane

Friday, June 11, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - May 2010

American Legion Family:

Special Guest
SSgt Quinton from the KSANG presented request for donations for the 184th Golf Tourney which proceeds go to the American Cancer Society /Wichita. He was looking for a total of $200 from the post to sponsor a hole. The Legion, SAL and the Auxiliary voted to donate $50 each for a total of $150.

Old Business

SAT 12th 1:00 at the Riverlawn Christen Church K96 and Meridian 4243 Meridian. Lunch and drinks provided Topics of discussion credit cards; product knowledge, safety, selling, new regulations, and individual register training.

The product should be here the 24th once it arrives we will have to provide 24 hr support. Two people will be needed for the night shift, cots provided. The selling will begin on the 26th. We will need around 4-5 people per shift (10 – 4) (4 – 10) Send an e-mail to Rick B or just put it on paper and give it to him.

Old Settlers is just around the corner. If you know what goes on during this event let me know. I have started a checklist but I am not sure I have it all. We ill need people to man the booth, run the horse shoe tournament, and cook for the Connie Island just to name a few. If any one can get us water at a good price (cheep or free) this will help us make money.

New Business

The idea of perching three new flagpoles and flags. AMERICAN, KANSAS, and AMERICAN LEGION. Jim has been pricing this out for us. These will be ceremonial flags only. Cost is around $125 - $150.

If you haven’t been here to eat lately come back and try again. Reana has done a wonderful job in the kitchen. Her specials have been great. The kitchen was inspected by the Health Department last week. They only came up with 4 minor infractions; minor infractions are any thing that can be fixed on the spot. I.E. an old wooden cutting board not disposed of and new one was right there.

Benjamin Brooks wants to go on the Honor Flight, he is a member of the post and we have elected to pay the fee for anyone who is a member, however the Riders wish to pay for him.

Sept 17 is the stand down for the VA. They will be colleting clothing and wash article no mouthwash for the homeless vets. Children’s clothing is also needed so if you have any thing you are going to get rid of save it for that. If we need to have a collection spot we will set one up.

Before Old settlers and after the Fire Works sales we need to have a clean up day at the POST. This will be late July or early August. The next time you drive around the building please take notice of the new grease dumpster. Asonjia found a company that takes it for free and Dwane has started to clean the area up Thanks.



SAL Meeting: 5th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 5th at 3:00
BOG meeting: 24th at 6pm
E-Board meeting: 2nd at 7pm


Legion Meeting: 12th 7pm
Auxiliary Meeting: 12th 7pm
SAL Meeting: 18h at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 18th at 3
BOG Meeting: 22nd at 6pm
E-Board Meeting: 28th at 7pm


Sunday, April 11, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - April 2010

American Legion Family:

Post Elections were held at the April 5 meeting and the officers leading the post for the 2010-2011 year are as follows:

Commander-Dan Benson
1st Vice Commander-Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice Commander-Art Beale
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Dwane Stewart
Chaplain-Carroll Everest
Sgt. at Arms-Andy Webb
Service Officer-Ron Herndon
At Large E-board:Ed Watson and Steve Coberley
As last past Commander, I will also be on the E-board.

It takes a love of Post and commitment to the membership to run, accept and perform as an officer. We should all be grateful we have the members among our ranks to help keep us one of the leading posts in the state. My personal thanks to all who came forward and are willing to take this lead.

New Auxiliary officers for 2010-2011:

President: Carol Benson
1st Vice President: Barb Giovani
2nd Vice: Asonjia Stewart
Secretary: Monica McDanial
Treasurer: Connie Berry
Sgt. At Arms: Karen Babinger
Chaplain: Jean Horstman
Historian: Nina Somers
E-Board: Pat Johnston and Jackie Johnson
50 Year Members:

We had the rare privilege to honor not one, but two of our members, with a Certificate of Continual Membership for 50 years of American Legion service. Charles Chauncey and Eugene Klaus received their certificates and Charles also received his Life Membership as a surprise birthday present. Congratulations and thank you for your service to our country and our post.

Special Guest Anita Dixon, Gold Star Mothers addressed the membership to explain here latest project add what is called ‘Operation Freedom Memorial’ to Veterans Park in Wichita. The memorial will encompass Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom…

Post 136 Member Larry Roney – WWII Honor Flight: Larry spoke to us at he March meeting but time constraints kept us from acting on his request to help with the Honor Flight program. At the April meeting, it was decided Post 136 would sponsor any WWII veteran that is a member of post 136.

SAL Meeting and elections will be held Sunday, April 11 at 1:30.

5th District Convention is coming up April 23-25 at Post 24 in McPherson. Delegates have been selected and all are invited. You can register Friday night or Sat and Sunday morning. Call to order will be 9:00am on Sat.

1st American Legion Post 136 Scholarship has been awarded to Brittney Johnson. Brittney is the daughter of SAL member Bill Johnson and a straight A student at Kingman HS. She is attending Wichita State in the fall, and is very active in her community. It is a real honor to present her with our 1st Scholarship.

Other presentations were made to a number of our members that were awarded Gold and Silver Stars for their efforts in making us one of the premier posts in the state for memberships. Post 136 also received a certificate for being 1st place in the state for membership of posts over 500 members. Adjutant Terry Knight is the driving force behind our membership and she was given a 100% membership pin. This was the first time I know of we have been 1st in the State on membership. Thank you all.

Re-creation, a patriotic singing group will perform at the VA on May 13 at 2pm. Admission is free. This group goes around the country performing at VA hospitals and if you have the chance to see them, you need to get there. I was able to see them a couple of years ago and you will not regret going.

Post136 Sponsor of Boy’s State Student: We have once again been able to sponsor a student for Boy’s State. Phillip Kurtzemier, Goddard, was looking for a sponsor. We were the post involved and the Goddard Lions Club also pitched in. This is the 3rd year in a row we have sponsored 1 or more students for the American Legion Boy’s State Program.

BOG Opening: Dan Benson will be coming off of the BOG this month. Since he will be busy with other duties, I think it’s a safe bet he will not run again. We will hold an election at the May meeting for his replacement. The opening will be for a Legion member only, since there are already two Auxiliary members on the board.

Dining room Mgr and waitress: Peggy will be leaving her position as Dining Room Mgr at the end of Apr. Anyone interested, please see one of the BOG members. We also have an immediate need for a waitress.

Commanders Note: This will be my last newsletter as Commander and I want to take a moment and thank all members for the honor you have bestowed on me for the past four years. Without a doubt, this has been the most rewarding job of my adult life and I cannot say enough about the support and hard work everyone has put into making this the successful post it is. Thanks to all the officers, past and present, that helped me along the way, and to the entire membership for believing in the American Legion and me. You have been left in good hands.
God Bless our Post and God Bless America


Friday, March 05, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - March 2010

American Legion Family:

Special Guest Larry Roney (former Post 136 Commander-class of 1958) discussed with the membership, the WWII Honor Flight program. Due to the agenda, discussion on donating to the cause was tabled to the April meeting. We have some applications for any veteran wishing to go to DC on the Honor Flt., as well as applications for the guardian.

American Legion Scholarship for Post 136 deadline has passed and the E-board will discuss the applicants at the next E-board meeting to be held March 31. The decision will be announced as soon as it is made.

Post By-Law wording changes affecting the BOG two-year term was approved by membership. Now if you are elected to fill a position for someone leaving the Board, you will only be fulfilling the remainder of the term instead of the full two years.

Speaking of the Board of Governors, we had an election on Monday to replace Tom Knight who has served on the board for the past two years. It was a crowded field running for the position, which shows the dedication of the post membership. When the smoke cleared, Anna Perkins was elected. I wish to thank Tom for his service and dedication to the Post and wish Anna good luck in her new position.

Ceremonial Bugle volunteers were solicited and we now have five members willing to take the duties of post bugler when any ceremony (ours or others) require taps to be played. Tom Knight, Dennis Joynt, Jerry Kirk, John Wise, and Rick Babinger will be doing the honors. A meeting will be held shortly to set up a dress code and go over the proper etiquette for playing taps or any other of the military calls it has loaded.

Post 136 American Legion Riders pancake feed will be held Sat., March 20 from 8-10. The cost will only be $5 so put this on your schedule.

5th District Star Party will also be held March 20 with a social hour at 5pm and dinner at 6pm. This year it is being hosted by Post 4 at 816 N. Water St., Wichita. If you are awarded a star, dinner is free. Guests are charged $12. Looks like a beef brisket and pulled pork dinner, followed by dancing and socializing. You can eat breakfast at 136 and dinner at Post 4. Sounds like a good day.

50/50 Drawing was won by Jerry Kirk. $82 was raised to go toward the SAL children’s Christmas party for the purchase of toys. Jerry donated his share to the newly formed bugle fund. Thank you Jerry. Don’t forget to keep buying the tickets throughout the month.

Post Elections-April 5:

Following are the candidates (as of now), for Post officers. Floor nominations will be made at the April meeting prior to elections, and eligible members are encouraged to step up to fill one of these positions. There is not a bad candidate in the bunch, and it is great that we have the following willing to lead us through the next year. But if you feel you can contribute and desire to be a factor in the direction of the post, you can add your name at the meeting.

Commander- Dan Benson
1st Vice-Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice-Art Beale
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Dwane Stewart
Chaplain-Carroll Everist
Sgt. at Arms- Andy Webb
Service Officer-Ron Herndon
At Large E-Board members (2)-OPEN

Not much has been mentioned about the at large members, it is important to have two members join the officers in the decisions that make the post effective. They have the same voting rights and play an important role in our future.

Ladies Auxiliary elections will also be held at the April 5th meeting. There are still two openings there as well. Secretary and Treasurer are both empty at this time. Our post cannot function if we do not have leaders. Think about what you can do to help make us better.

Basket auction: If you have been in the dining area, you know the silent basket auction is still active. A lot of money was donated toward the baskets and the Auxiliary needs to be sure to make it an effective fundraiser. Keep in mind; all the money collected goes towards our vets. You owe it to yourself to check them out. You may just find something you want.

Monthly events/Rib Feed was discussed among the members. The idea is to have an event one weekend/month to get people into the post for a good time. The ideas will be put on a calendar so you know long in advance what is coming up next. Some ideas are things like a horseshoe tournament, hot dog roast at the pavilion, dance, band, etc. This is in the planning stages as of now, but one event can be announced. After a couple of year’s absence, we will once again be having a rib feed. If you recall, these were not your ordinary ribs. Well May 22 is the day. We will be having a cemetery workday to get set up for Memorial Day, and then we can retire to the post of adult beverages and ribs. More to come.

Mulvane Post office is in danger of closing due to the financial problems with the USPS. If you are a Mulvane resident, you probably received a letter from the city asking for you to contact your state representatives. This is very important for our community so if you do not have the information, some forms were left on the entrance bar top. There is no reason a community our size should not have its own PO so we need to let those in charge know how we feel. With the casino coming in, this could be a real hindrance to our growth.


SAL Meeting: 14th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 14th at 3:00
5th District Star Party: 20th at 5pm-Post 4
BOG meeting: 25th at 6pm
E-Board meeting: 31st at 7pm


Legion Meeting: 5th 7pm POST ELECTIONS
Auxiliary Meeting: 5th 7pm ELECTIONS
SAL Meeting: 11th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 11th at 3
5th District Convention-McPherson-16th – 18th
BOG Meeting: 22nd at 6pm
E-Board Meeting: 28th at 7pm


Sunday, February 07, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - February 2009

American Legion Family:

Mid Winter Forum will be held this weekend at Hutchinson Post 68 located at 730 W. 4th. If you go, registration is on Friday 4-8, Sat. starting at 7:30. This meeting gives a year end update of the activity of your Legion in the past year and guest speaker will be Jimmie Foster, Alaska, the leading candidate for National Commander. Everyone is invited.

5th District Oratorical contest will also be this weekend. Sunday, Feb 7 at 1pm. It will be held at Derby Middle school at 801 N. Madison.

50/50: We will be selling 50/50 tickets at the bar, at all times throughout the month. Cost is $1 or 6/$5. On meeting nights we have a 10 for $5 special. A ticket will be drawn at the monthly meetings. You do not have to be present but hold onto you tickets because the winning number will be posted. You have until the next meeting to claim you half of the winnings. After that, we thank you for you contribution. For the next two months, the Post half of the money will go towards the SAL children’s Christmas party for toys. So help a child and buy a ticket (or 5) next time you stop in.

Scholarship deadlines for both the Post and Riders $1000 scholarships are coming due in March. If you have an eligible student, be sure to get the qualifying documents in.

Board of Governors opening: We will be electing a to fill an opening on the BOG at the March meeting. A Legion, SAL or Auxiliary member can fill this position. If you are interested in being apart of the Post leadership and join this team, please be at the meeting. If you cannot be there in person be sure to let your desires known prior to the election. The BOG plays a huge role in the success of the post. We need your leadership.

Ceremonial Bugle: Our Bugle, which was generously donated by Bill Logan, has come in. We had a demo Monday night and you will never hear a purer playing of taps. We are looking for a few people to be a bugler at any event we or someone else may have. If someone requests our bugle, it will come with one of our designated members to play it. There are two signed up but we can use a couple of more. Once it is nailed down, we will secure the bugle and only those authorized will have access to it. If you want to be a part of future ceremonies where taps, retreat, reveille, etc are needed to be played, let me know.

Post membership now sits at 96% of quota. Actually that is not true. We voted in six new members last night and had one renewal. We are now 17 away from quota. Again I make the plea that if you are getting this newsletter and have not renewed as yet, please get it in as soon as possible. Shortly, you will not be getting the newsletter if you do not renew, so get it in. If you purchase a life membership, it solves all the problems for quota. Yes that is a hint.

Fireworks: A little early to get real excited about this project but there are some updates for the post. The city of Mulvane was petitioned at a council meeting and we received a reduction in our city fee of $1,500. This will help our profit by that much and we are very appreciative of the city’s action. They recognized our contributions. We are also planning for what we will need as we get closer. If anyone has a contact at the city, school, or church, were we can borrow some tables (we need about 20 8 foot tables) for the week of the stand in July. Also need 2 porta potties and a couple of fire extinguishers. Our source for tables is not available this year. I anyone can help us out, get back with me.

Web master John Wilson, who created and maintains our post web page, is asking if someone can take over the event calendar that is found on the home page. He will maintain the site but needs to free up some of his time. If you have the ability and desire to help take over this one portion of the web site, get back to me. John says it is not that time consuming but with the rest of the site, it is more than he can handle right now. He will work with anyone interested. If no one can help, the event calendar may have to be deleted.

Post By-law change: Next month, we will be voting on a by-law change that was read at the meeting. Per guidelines, here is the proposal:

Present wording:
Article XV; Section 2; Sentence 2 reads:

‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve a new two year term from the date of the election.

Proposed change:

‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve the remainder of the original term. If the election takes place within six months of the original member’s term, the newly elected member will serve the remaining term plus the full two-year term.

This will clear up some problems of having too many BOG members dropping off at the same time.

Mulvane HS Anti-Drug program: We have been requested and have accepted a sponsorship for a MHS anti-drug program. I do not have the details as yet since it is just being formed, but it will entail supporting and possible having vets talk to the students. As more becomes available, it will be released. This sounds like a great community project.
Post Elections: The post is still in need for candidates for various positions. There has been some rumbling by a few considering Commander, but no definite responses as yet. Historian has had no candidates and the other open positions, Service Officer and Chaplain, have candidates at least considering the office.

The post deserves the best people to take the lead, but understand the Post will get the leadership it votes for. To stand back and do nothing, when you know you can make a difference, is the same as voting for the post mediocrity. The 5th District Vice Commander has called Mulvane Post 136, the shining jewel in the District. Who am I to argue? But we can only stay that way if the good people we have waiting in the wings, move to the top. Please consider. Ask questions of the present officers and make an informed decision.

Coming UP:

SAL and ALR meetings have been pushed one week to Feb. 21 at 1:30 and 3:00
BOG meeting: 2/18 6pm
E-Board meeting: 2/24 7pm
Next Legion and Aux meeting: March 1 7pm


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

AL Post 136 Newsletter - January 2009

American Legion Family:

2010 Post Elections will be held at the April 5th meeting. Nominations, election, and induction will take place at that time. Major changes are scheduled and everyone needs to be involved and look to the future. After four years, I will not run again for Commander. In addition, Dave Stewart-Chaplain, Tom Knight-Service Officer, and Rick Johnson-Historian are stepping down from their respective positions. The 2nd Vice Commander’s position is also open. A short description of each position follows. If there is any you are interested in, please contact myself, or the present officer fulfilling said position.

Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.
Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operation, decision-making and setting of the post agenda.

We have many talented and dedicated people in the post and no one has to take a position in a vacuum. All present officers are here to assist in any way possible during and after the transition. With over 500 Veteran Legion members on our roles, we have a large pool to elect leadership. Please get involved with you Posts future.

Post Ceremonial Bugle: It was decided last meeting to purchase a Ceremonial Bugle for the Post. Money for this purchase was to be raised from the sale of 50/50 tickets. Bill Logan generously donated the funds to purchase the bugle and it has been ordered. Thank you Bill for your continued dedication and contribution to the post.

50/50: The way we hope to raise some funds (designated for different projects), is to sell 50/50 tickets all the time at the bar, at functions, anytime. Cost is $1/ticket or 6/$5. At the general meeting each month we will pull a ticket. If you have the right ticket, you win half the pot. If you are not present, the number will be posted. You have one month to collect or it will go back in the pot. This will start shortly and will let you know. Since the bugle is covered we will take the first couple of months and put the money toward buying presents for the SAL children’s Christmas party. The E-board will then pick another cause.

Dining room schedule is now back to normal. Friday steak night from 5:30-8 will start this Friday, Jan. 8. We will also be sending off an Airman who will be going to Afghanistan after a stop in Alaska. Please support your post by coming out to dinner. We will be incorporating changes this next year to make it a better experience.

Midwinter Forum will be Feb. 5-7 in Hutchinson. This is an opportunity for anyone interested to hear how the Legion programs and goals were met this past year. Look for details in the next Sunflower.

Veterans Assistance: Your post has approved $100 to assist a vet needing a hotel room for him and his wife, and $150 to assist an Iraqi war vet purchase Christmas toys for his children last month. The ALR also contributed $150.

Something to feel good about happened Dec. 22 at the post. Bill and Cindy Freauff, both officers of American Legion Post 453 in Dallas, were in the area. They called the Post and talked to Sandy for directions to our post. They were so impressed by the hospitality, warm greeting and introductions they received, they took the time to write a letter thanking us and sent us a Legion License Plate. The letter will be posted on the bulletin board. Once again our members have shown the way. Thank you.

Coming Up:

Jan 10-SAL meeting 1:30
ALR meeting 3:00 – Election of Officers
Jan 20-Kickoff Fireworks meeting-7pm
Jan 21-BOG meeting- 6pm
Jan 27-E-bd-7pm
Feb 1-General meeting and Ladies Auxiliary

Rick Babinger