American Legion Family:
2010 Post Elections will be held at the April 5th meeting. Nominations, election, and induction will take place at that time. Major changes are scheduled and everyone needs to be involved and look to the future. After four years, I will not run again for Commander. In addition, Dave Stewart-Chaplain, Tom Knight-Service Officer, and Rick Johnson-Historian are stepping down from their respective positions. The 2nd Vice Commander’s position is also open. A short description of each position follows. If there is any you are interested in, please contact myself, or the present officer fulfilling said position.
Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.
2010 Post Elections will be held at the April 5th meeting. Nominations, election, and induction will take place at that time. Major changes are scheduled and everyone needs to be involved and look to the future. After four years, I will not run again for Commander. In addition, Dave Stewart-Chaplain, Tom Knight-Service Officer, and Rick Johnson-Historian are stepping down from their respective positions. The 2nd Vice Commander’s position is also open. A short description of each position follows. If there is any you are interested in, please contact myself, or the present officer fulfilling said position.
Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.
Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operation, decision-making and setting of the post agenda.
We have many talented and dedicated people in the post and no one has to take a position in a vacuum. All present officers are here to assist in any way possible during and after the transition. With over 500 Veteran Legion members on our roles, we have a large pool to elect leadership. Please get involved with you Posts future.
Post Ceremonial Bugle: It was decided last meeting to purchase a Ceremonial Bugle for the Post. Money for this purchase was to be raised from the sale of 50/50 tickets. Bill Logan generously donated the funds to purchase the bugle and it has been ordered. Thank you Bill for your continued dedication and contribution to the post.
50/50: The way we hope to raise some funds (designated for different projects), is to sell 50/50 tickets all the time at the bar, at functions, anytime. Cost is $1/ticket or 6/$5. At the general meeting each month we will pull a ticket. If you have the right ticket, you win half the pot. If you are not present, the number will be posted. You have one month to collect or it will go back in the pot. This will start shortly and will let you know. Since the bugle is covered we will take the first couple of months and put the money toward buying presents for the SAL children’s Christmas party. The E-board will then pick another cause.
Dining room schedule is now back to normal. Friday steak night from 5:30-8 will start this Friday, Jan. 8. We will also be sending off an Airman who will be going to Afghanistan after a stop in Alaska. Please support your post by coming out to dinner. We will be incorporating changes this next year to make it a better experience.
Midwinter Forum will be Feb. 5-7 in Hutchinson. This is an opportunity for anyone interested to hear how the Legion programs and goals were met this past year. Look for details in the next Sunflower.
Veterans Assistance: Your post has approved $100 to assist a vet needing a hotel room for him and his wife, and $150 to assist an Iraqi war vet purchase Christmas toys for his children last month. The ALR also contributed $150.
Something to feel good about happened Dec. 22 at the post. Bill and Cindy Freauff, both officers of American Legion Post 453 in Dallas, were in the area. They called the Post and talked to Sandy for directions to our post. They were so impressed by the hospitality, warm greeting and introductions they received, they took the time to write a letter thanking us and sent us a Legion License Plate. The letter will be posted on the bulletin board. Once again our members have shown the way. Thank you.
Coming Up:
Jan 10-SAL meeting 1:30
ALR meeting 3:00 – Election of Officers
Jan 20-Kickoff Fireworks meeting-7pm
Jan 21-BOG meeting- 6pm
Jan 27-E-bd-7pm
Feb 1-General meeting and Ladies Auxiliary
Rick Babinger