American Legion Family:
Special Guest Larry Roney (former Post 136 Commander-class of 1958) discussed with the membership, the WWII Honor Flight program. Due to the agenda, discussion on donating to the cause was tabled to the April meeting. We have some applications for any veteran wishing to go to DC on the Honor Flt., as well as applications for the guardian.
American Legion Scholarship for Post 136 deadline has passed and the E-board will discuss the applicants at the next E-board meeting to be held March 31. The decision will be announced as soon as it is made.
Post By-Law wording changes affecting the BOG two-year term was approved by membership. Now if you are elected to fill a position for someone leaving the Board, you will only be fulfilling the remainder of the term instead of the full two years.
Speaking of the Board of Governors, we had an election on Monday to replace Tom Knight who has served on the board for the past two years. It was a crowded field running for the position, which shows the dedication of the post membership. When the smoke cleared, Anna Perkins was elected. I wish to thank Tom for his service and dedication to the Post and wish Anna good luck in her new position.
Ceremonial Bugle volunteers were solicited and we now have five members willing to take the duties of post bugler when any ceremony (ours or others) require taps to be played. Tom Knight, Dennis Joynt, Jerry Kirk, John Wise, and Rick Babinger will be doing the honors. A meeting will be held shortly to set up a dress code and go over the proper etiquette for playing taps or any other of the military calls it has loaded.
Post 136 American Legion Riders pancake feed will be held Sat., March 20 from 8-10. The cost will only be $5 so put this on your schedule.
5th District Star Party will also be held March 20 with a social hour at 5pm and dinner at 6pm. This year it is being hosted by Post 4 at 816 N. Water St., Wichita. If you are awarded a star, dinner is free. Guests are charged $12. Looks like a beef brisket and pulled pork dinner, followed by dancing and socializing. You can eat breakfast at 136 and dinner at Post 4. Sounds like a good day.
50/50 Drawing was won by Jerry Kirk. $82 was raised to go toward the SAL children’s Christmas party for the purchase of toys. Jerry donated his share to the newly formed bugle fund. Thank you Jerry. Don’t forget to keep buying the tickets throughout the month.
Post Elections-April 5:
Following are the candidates (as of now), for Post officers. Floor nominations will be made at the April meeting prior to elections, and eligible members are encouraged to step up to fill one of these positions. There is not a bad candidate in the bunch, and it is great that we have the following willing to lead us through the next year. But if you feel you can contribute and desire to be a factor in the direction of the post, you can add your name at the meeting.
Commander- Dan Benson
1st Vice-Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice-Art Beale
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Dwane Stewart
Chaplain-Carroll Everist
Sgt. at Arms- Andy Webb
Service Officer-Ron Herndon
At Large E-Board members (2)-OPEN
Not much has been mentioned about the at large members, it is important to have two members join the officers in the decisions that make the post effective. They have the same voting rights and play an important role in our future.
Ladies Auxiliary elections will also be held at the April 5th meeting. There are still two openings there as well. Secretary and Treasurer are both empty at this time. Our post cannot function if we do not have leaders. Think about what you can do to help make us better.
Basket auction: If you have been in the dining area, you know the silent basket auction is still active. A lot of money was donated toward the baskets and the Auxiliary needs to be sure to make it an effective fundraiser. Keep in mind; all the money collected goes towards our vets. You owe it to yourself to check them out. You may just find something you want.
Monthly events/Rib Feed was discussed among the members. The idea is to have an event one weekend/month to get people into the post for a good time. The ideas will be put on a calendar so you know long in advance what is coming up next. Some ideas are things like a horseshoe tournament, hot dog roast at the pavilion, dance, band, etc. This is in the planning stages as of now, but one event can be announced. After a couple of year’s absence, we will once again be having a rib feed. If you recall, these were not your ordinary ribs. Well May 22 is the day. We will be having a cemetery workday to get set up for Memorial Day, and then we can retire to the post of adult beverages and ribs. More to come.
Mulvane Post office is in danger of closing due to the financial problems with the USPS. If you are a Mulvane resident, you probably received a letter from the city asking for you to contact your state representatives. This is very important for our community so if you do not have the information, some forms were left on the entrance bar top. There is no reason a community our size should not have its own PO so we need to let those in charge know how we feel. With the casino coming in, this could be a real hindrance to our growth.
SAL Meeting: 14th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 14th at 3:00
5th District Star Party: 20th at 5pm-Post 4
BOG meeting: 25th at 6pm
E-Board meeting: 31st at 7pm
Legion Meeting: 5th 7pm POST ELECTIONS
Auxiliary Meeting: 5th 7pm ELECTIONS
SAL Meeting: 11th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 11th at 3
5th District Convention-McPherson-16th – 18th
BOG Meeting: 22nd at 6pm
E-Board Meeting: 28th at 7pm
American Legion Family:
Special Guest Larry Roney (former Post 136 Commander-class of 1958) discussed with the membership, the WWII Honor Flight program. Due to the agenda, discussion on donating to the cause was tabled to the April meeting. We have some applications for any veteran wishing to go to DC on the Honor Flt., as well as applications for the guardian.
American Legion Scholarship for Post 136 deadline has passed and the E-board will discuss the applicants at the next E-board meeting to be held March 31. The decision will be announced as soon as it is made.
Post By-Law wording changes affecting the BOG two-year term was approved by membership. Now if you are elected to fill a position for someone leaving the Board, you will only be fulfilling the remainder of the term instead of the full two years.
Speaking of the Board of Governors, we had an election on Monday to replace Tom Knight who has served on the board for the past two years. It was a crowded field running for the position, which shows the dedication of the post membership. When the smoke cleared, Anna Perkins was elected. I wish to thank Tom for his service and dedication to the Post and wish Anna good luck in her new position.
Ceremonial Bugle volunteers were solicited and we now have five members willing to take the duties of post bugler when any ceremony (ours or others) require taps to be played. Tom Knight, Dennis Joynt, Jerry Kirk, John Wise, and Rick Babinger will be doing the honors. A meeting will be held shortly to set up a dress code and go over the proper etiquette for playing taps or any other of the military calls it has loaded.
Post 136 American Legion Riders pancake feed will be held Sat., March 20 from 8-10. The cost will only be $5 so put this on your schedule.
5th District Star Party will also be held March 20 with a social hour at 5pm and dinner at 6pm. This year it is being hosted by Post 4 at 816 N. Water St., Wichita. If you are awarded a star, dinner is free. Guests are charged $12. Looks like a beef brisket and pulled pork dinner, followed by dancing and socializing. You can eat breakfast at 136 and dinner at Post 4. Sounds like a good day.
50/50 Drawing was won by Jerry Kirk. $82 was raised to go toward the SAL children’s Christmas party for the purchase of toys. Jerry donated his share to the newly formed bugle fund. Thank you Jerry. Don’t forget to keep buying the tickets throughout the month.
Post Elections-April 5:
Following are the candidates (as of now), for Post officers. Floor nominations will be made at the April meeting prior to elections, and eligible members are encouraged to step up to fill one of these positions. There is not a bad candidate in the bunch, and it is great that we have the following willing to lead us through the next year. But if you feel you can contribute and desire to be a factor in the direction of the post, you can add your name at the meeting.
Commander- Dan Benson
1st Vice-Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice-Art Beale
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Dwane Stewart
Chaplain-Carroll Everist
Sgt. at Arms- Andy Webb
Service Officer-Ron Herndon
At Large E-Board members (2)-OPEN
Not much has been mentioned about the at large members, it is important to have two members join the officers in the decisions that make the post effective. They have the same voting rights and play an important role in our future.
Ladies Auxiliary elections will also be held at the April 5th meeting. There are still two openings there as well. Secretary and Treasurer are both empty at this time. Our post cannot function if we do not have leaders. Think about what you can do to help make us better.
Basket auction: If you have been in the dining area, you know the silent basket auction is still active. A lot of money was donated toward the baskets and the Auxiliary needs to be sure to make it an effective fundraiser. Keep in mind; all the money collected goes towards our vets. You owe it to yourself to check them out. You may just find something you want.
Monthly events/Rib Feed was discussed among the members. The idea is to have an event one weekend/month to get people into the post for a good time. The ideas will be put on a calendar so you know long in advance what is coming up next. Some ideas are things like a horseshoe tournament, hot dog roast at the pavilion, dance, band, etc. This is in the planning stages as of now, but one event can be announced. After a couple of year’s absence, we will once again be having a rib feed. If you recall, these were not your ordinary ribs. Well May 22 is the day. We will be having a cemetery workday to get set up for Memorial Day, and then we can retire to the post of adult beverages and ribs. More to come.
Mulvane Post office is in danger of closing due to the financial problems with the USPS. If you are a Mulvane resident, you probably received a letter from the city asking for you to contact your state representatives. This is very important for our community so if you do not have the information, some forms were left on the entrance bar top. There is no reason a community our size should not have its own PO so we need to let those in charge know how we feel. With the casino coming in, this could be a real hindrance to our growth.
SAL Meeting: 14th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 14th at 3:00
5th District Star Party: 20th at 5pm-Post 4
BOG meeting: 25th at 6pm
E-Board meeting: 31st at 7pm
Legion Meeting: 5th 7pm POST ELECTIONS
Auxiliary Meeting: 5th 7pm ELECTIONS
SAL Meeting: 11th at 1:30
ALR Meeting: 11th at 3
5th District Convention-McPherson-16th – 18th
BOG Meeting: 22nd at 6pm
E-Board Meeting: 28th at 7pm