Early Bird Dinner: Saturday, October 9, come and eat a great Lasagna dinner. If you have paid your dues for 2011 (Legion, Auxiliary, S.A.L.), or you pay at the door, you eat free. Guests over 10 years old will pay $6.00, 3 to 10 years old $3, under 3 free. Please call the Post and let us know how many will be in your party (777-4301).
ALR News: Sunday, October 17, the ALR will escort American Legion National Commander, Jimmie Foster, to the Post. The Post will host a dinner for the Commander at 5:30 P.M.
The Post will serve as host for Winfield Post 10’s Bigs & Bikes Poker Run on October 23 – 10:00 A.M.
Halloween Party: October 30, bring some snack food, dress in costume, come have fun. There will be games, contests, and prizes.
The Legion members voted to donate $500 to the Mulvane EMS Toys 4 Kids Poker Run.
We also voted to donate $500 to the Operation Freedom Memorial. Check out the Post website or contact John Wilson (john@eagleware.com or 522-5899) to find out how you can help out OFM and enjoy an evening of great music by 4TROOPS. The concert will be Dec. 15.
The members present (Legion, Auxiliary, S.A.L.) voted not to continue the fireworks stand fund raiser. In spite of the fact that we made more money this year than last, the members felt it was too much work for the amount of profit realized, and not enough Post members volunteered to help out. That left a small number of members covering multiple shifts.
Welcome new members Michael Corbin and Sean Lowery.