The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
There were 32 Legion, 3 S.A.L., and 1 Guests present
Dede Taverner from the Mulvane Care and Share made a request to the members present to conduct a food drive to help fill the shelves of the food bank. She indicated that a significant increase in use of the food bank has been experienced and has greatly reduced the stocks of food at the food bank.
Reading of the minutes. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. Approved as Written.
Finance Report. Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports. Reports were approved as presented.
New Members: Ronald Whisman and Stephen Mills. Approved by a vote of the membership.
Old Business:
- The City Wide Garage Sale netted the post $945.96. A thank you was given to all that supported and worked the sale.
- Memorial Day is fast approaching. Numerous positions are still open to make the ceremony a success.
- Mulvane Old Settlers Day is coming up in August. A notebook has been placed on the counter just inside the entrance to the post for members to sign up to work. Everyone is urged to help.
New Business:
- Large items to be donated to the post need to be approved by the BOG. This is needed especially if the items will require expenditure of funds to install, operate or maintain.
- Delegates are needed to attend the Department of Kansas Convention. Several members signed up to attend.
- Discussion was held regarding maintenance of the post web site. Jerry Kirk and Darrell Hacker agreed to work with the web master to explore either the purchase of the site or update.
- A fish fry is going to be held on 31 May 2014. Eric Evans is heading up the event and he asked for volunteers to help. An invitation is going to be sent to other posts to attend.
- Karaoke returning on 20 June and 19 July 2014. Checking with the Auxiliary and Chris Cakes to have events in conjunction with the karaoke.
- Painting of the exterior of the building was brought up. Discussion was tabled and would be taken up again once at least 3 estimates to do the job are submitted.
- Flag stands are needed to display the various flags behind the officers table. Duane Kalous has done some research and found that they can be procured for approximately $275.00. A motion was made by Rick Babinger and seconded by Phil Giovanni. Motion was passed to order 7 stands.
- Discussion was held to replace some of the lettering on the front of the post. Tabled until another meeting.
- The subject of the past commander board and life member board was raised. Tom Knight stepped up to check on updating the past commanders board and improving the way the names are displayed.
- Post cleaning for the month of June was brought up. Doug Lehman said that the ALR for the post will accomplish this task.
- Rick Babinger presented information regarding a sound system that can be used during the meetings. He has researched and found a system that costs in the neighborhood of $300. Jerry Allen made a motion to purchase the system and Eric Evan seconded. Motion passed.
- In preparation for Mulvane’s Old Settlers Day, Buz Nye suggested that the post host a beer garden on Friday and Saturday evenings. On Friday the entertainment would be Karaoke hosted by Steve Huckaby and Saturday it was suggested that the Nick Gibson band be hired. Discussion was held explaining before the post could hold an event open to the public, a special license needs to be requested and approved by the Kansas ABC. Jerry Kirk made a motion to book the band and it was seconded by Del Kenneson. The motion was approved to pay the band $1500.00 to perform.
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: A garage sale is being held on 17 May 2014 at the home of Ron Vangas.
- Patriot Guard: Nothing to report.
- SAL: Reported the results of the drawing for the 2 gift cards. The next draw will be for an AR15 and tickets will be available at the 1 June 2014 meeting.
- Ladies Auxiliary: Nothing to report
Upcoming Events:
- Department Convention 16-18 May 2014 in Hutchinson, KS.
- Leadership College in Concordia, KS 6-8 June 2014.
- Karaoke at the post on 20 June and 19 July 2014
Sick Call:
- Terri Knight recovering at home after cancer surgery.
- Sheryl Reser, wife of R. G. Reser recovering at home after surgery.
For the Good of the Legion:
- Jerry Allen suggested that an invitation be made to active duty military personnel at McConnell AFB to stop by the post utilized the canteen. The discussion that followed informed the members present that anyone using the canteen need to be either members or a guest of a member that is present at the post during their visit.
- Rick Johnson brought up the subject of displaying the license plates formerly displayed in the old bar. A discussion a motion was made to display the tags and approved by a vote. Location is to be determined at a later date.
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8 pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 2 June 2014.