The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by 1st Vice Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were 22 Legion, 2 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present.
Reading of the minutes.
- Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site.
- Approved as Written.
Finance Report.
- Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports.
- Reports were approved as presented.
New Members:
- The following individuals were introduced as prospective new members.
- All approved for membership.
- Transfers: All from Post 58 – Bob Crabtree, Karen James, Paul Freeland, Jack Alumbaugh and Edward Hirschfeld.
- New Members: Rebecca Richardson, Robert Nichols, Jay Fulk and Patricia Wesley
Old Business:
- The renovation of the patio is progressing well. The stem wall and counter have been poured. The window openings will be measured and ordered once the weather clears.
- Nonprofit status: A narrative has been drafted for the tax exempt application. Awaiting final review prior to submission.
- The Grand Opening of the new canteen was a big success. Thanks to all organizations that provided refreshments and to Del Kenneson for providing the barbecue meats.
- A new vacuum cleaner has been purchased for the post.
New Business:
- An election was made to fill the vacant Board of Governors position. Duane Kalous was elected to fill the position previously filled by Phil Horner.
- A motion was made by Rick Babinger and seconded by Phil Horner to reallocate funds held by the legion to decrease the amount of funds needed to renovate the meeting and dining room. With the reallocation and projected donations from other post elements, only $10,000 will be needed to be borrowed to complete the project. Tentative payment is about $200 per month to repay the projected loan.
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: Meeting to be held on 9 February 2014.
- Patriot Guard: Nothing to report.
- SAL: Meeting to be held on 9 February 2014 and they need to have all monies turned in for the gun drawing.
- Ladies Auxiliary: Nothing to report
Sick Call:
- Ron Vangas is home recovering from knee replacement surgery. He is doing well.
- Charlotte Alley is home recovering from neck surgery. She is doing well.
For the Good of the Legion: Members were advised that the election of officers is coming up in April 2014. Anyone wanting to run for a position was told to let the current officers know.
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8 pm by 1st Vice Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 3 March 2014.
Respectfully submitted, Warren Johnston, Adjutant