The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at 7:00 PM at the Mulvane City building. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution.
There were _24_ Legion, _1_ S.A.L., and _1_ Guests present.
The meeting started off with Brad Webster from Wichita States Universities Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) presenting a briefing on the program at WSU. After the presentation, Mr. Webster answered questions from the members present.
Reading of the minutes. The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.
Finance Report. The Finance Officer and the Adjutant presented the finance reports associated with the Post. A couple of small questions all reports were accepted as presented.
Correspondence consisted of items from the monthly Adjutant’s Letter.
Old Business: Phil Horner and Rick Babinger gave a briefing on the status of the renovation. Anticipated final inspection date is November 13, 2013.
New Business:
Rick Babinger made a motion to earmark $1000 for the Scholarship Fund. Motion was seconded by Rick Johnson and after discussion the motion was passed.
Phil Giovanni's tenure on the Board of Governors has expired. The position needs to be filled by a legion member. It was announced that anyone interested in filling this position needs to come forward for consideration of the membership.
Sick Call:
Dave Williams is at home recovering from heart surgery.
John Thomas is home after the discovery of masses on his lung and hip. He is awaiting results of the tests.
Wayne Lewis is scheduled for surgery on October 18th for throat cancer. Surgery to be performed at St Francis Hospital.
Good of the Legion:
Rick Johnson presented a check from the Mulvane DJ's in the amount of $200 to be used for the Life Members Fund.
There will be an unofficial Halloween Party at the Post Canteen on Halloween. All are invited to come dressed for the occasion and enjoy a good time.
Ron Herndon, Buz Nye and Rick Babinger have volunteered to make recommendations to the Post Officers on what to hang on the walls of the new bar.
Life Member Joe Martinez has passed away since the last meeting.
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8 pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for Monday November 4, 2013. The next meeting will again be held at the Post
Respectfully submitted, Warren Johnston, Adjutant