The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander R.G. Reser at 7:00 PM in the post home. Chaplain, Monta Plank, offered an opening prayer followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution.
There were _22_ Legion, _1_ S.A.L., and _1_ Guests present.
Meeting started with Boys State Attendee, Remington Friend, giving a presentation on his attendance at Boys State 2013.
Reading of the minutes. The meeting minutes have been posted and sent out for all to read. Approved as written.
Finance Report.: Financial reports were given by Diana Nelson and Warren Johnston. There was no discussion and the reports were accepted as read,
One new member and 3 transfers were presented to the membership. None of those presented were present. Membership voted to accept all of those presented. New members are Melody Marshall, Monte Reese, Darrel Bunch and Stephen Rapier.
- From the 5th District Commanders New Letter it was requested that donations be made to local VA Facilities: Rich Babinger made a motion to donate $50.00 to the VA 4th of July Picnic. The motion was seconded and motion was passed.
- A request was made by the Mulvane Football supports for a donation. After discussion the membership decided to not donate to the request.
- Other items presented were the Membership Race, Boys State, Authorization from the National Adjutant to use the Legion Emblem on the Rocket being built by Monta Plank.
- One item of concern was presented to the membership and that was Proof of Eligibility for membership in the American Legion. All were informed that the Post needs to maintain a file on each members DD Form 214.
Old Business:
- Rob Brown presented to the membership the results of the refreshment sales made during the Old Settlers celebration and Warren Johnston gave the results of the Horse Shoe Tournament sponsored by the Post.
- Everyone that assisted in the Old Settlers functions were thanked for their help in making these activities a success.
- Terry Houck reported on the activities the volunteers performed in the securing and packing of items on display at the Post. All items have been packed and cataloged.
- Weekend demolition activities were reported on by Rick Babinger. Everything that could be done safely in preparation for the remodel have been accomplished by a large group of volunteers.
- Non profit application has been initiated by the Post's accountant.
New Business:
- Intercom – Jerry Kirk made a presentation regarding the intercom to be used after the renovation. No action was taken on the action as presented.
- The September 14th Veterans Appreciation Day has been canceled due to the renovation.
- The Sunday breakfast will be conducted in the Canteen during the renovation.
- The general meetings for the Legion and Auxiliary for October and November will be conducted at the Mulvane City Building on the second Monday of the month.
Sick Call: Cheryl Carpenter – Mouth Cancer
Good of the Legion:
- The ALR, SAL, Auxiliary and Patriot Guard were provided the opportunity to update the general membership on activities associated with their organizations.
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at __8___ pm by Commander Reser with the next meeting scheduled for October 14, 2013 .