- Annual rib feed is scheduled for March 16. We will host a horseshoe tournament starting around 1pm and the ribs will be served from five-ish till eight or until gone. These are the country style ribs that will be cooked over a wood fire and simmered all day. Slaw and beans will accompany. $12 all you can eat with all proceeds going to our general fund. This is always a popular event and its worth to have your arteries hardened with these ribs.
- Ladies Auxiliary are hosting a lasagna dinner and pie auction this month. Friday, Feb 22 at 6pm, Carol Benson will be cooking her lasagna for you and if you have not had her lasagna at past events, now is your chance. It will be accompanied by bread and salad for $5/plate. After dinner, there will be a pie auction to raise funds for the Auxiliary programs. Over $700 was raised on the last pie auction and this is a great way to help the post.
- A DVD/Blue-ray player was donated by Rick Ries for our use with the projector system. We can now enjoy dinner and a movie something and will be getting things scheduled.
- Karaoke at the Post was discussed. Last month, member Steve Huckaby hosted an event for us and we had nothing but good comments. We will be trying to schedule him back for a few months to see if we can grow the crowd. Dates and details will come out as we get them set up.
- A post wide garage sale is being planned for our general fund, and is set for the weekend of May 4, the same day as the Mulvane city wide garage sale. We hope that with membership bringing in garage sale type items, we can make this the biggest show in town that day. Please start gathering your items for donation and we ask that you put a price on them before bringing them. It would be to much for us to try and run around trying to price everything at event time. Diana Nelson has agreed to be the point of contact and we will start accepting items any time. No sense waiting till the last minute. You can contact me or Diana if you wish to bring items in now and we will find a place to store them. Since the machine money has been going to support the canteen, the general fund has no steady source of income, so we need a few fund raisers to build it up.
- Terry Houck passed on a financial donation to the post for over $500 which was given on behalf of the Patriot Guard. Also Ron Herndon, picked up some patio furniture which was also donated.
- Cadet Law, Boy's State, 5th District Oratorical: If anyone has or knows a highschool Junior that may be interested in Cadet Law or Boy's State, the Post will pay the fees to send them. Details on the programs can be found at www.legion.org The 5th District Oratorical is open to any high school student regardless of grade.
- Canteen: The issues with the canteen and our financials were discussed in depth at the meeting. Details will not be posted on the internet. If you want more information, you can contact me or anyone on the Board of Governors directly. One thing I will publish is that steps have been taken to cut expenses (beyond closing of the kitchen) and we are trying to make is as seamless as possible to the members. You may notice some programming changes on the tv, trash service is changing, etc. We feel these and other actions will have a positive impact on our post business and progress will be reported at the monthly meetings.
- Post Officer Elections: In April, we will be holding elections for your officers. At a minimum, Commander, 1st Vice Commander and 2nd Vice Commander will change. All positions are open along with 2 at large members to the executive board. How this election affects the post is up to you. You can sit back and hope or you can actually assure success. Your choice.
Below is a brief description of each position. You can contact any officer for additional information and please consider if you are approached. The nominating committee consists of all present officers. To serve this post is a privilege and an honor. Its not just Post 136 you serve, but all veterans. This is why the American Legion exists. Take part in it.
Commander-Presides over all post meetings and have general supervision over the business affairs. Shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veterans’ affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members. This position provides a window into the past year for all to see.
Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operation, decision-making and setting of the post agenda.