Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter - December 2007

American Legion Family:

Bar/Dining Room Info and Financials:

It’s been awhile since we have been able to report good news regarding the bar and dining room operations as well as a positive financial outlook. Well now we can. When the Board of Governors went on a search to find two managers to work part time instead of one full time, one of the goals was to find individuals that could put the good of the Post ahead of the money. That is why it was imperative to hire someone from within.

Leroy Perkins accepted the position of Bar manager and has spent as much time and effort setting up the financial tracking and procedures as any full time employee. With the Dining Room manager still unsettled, Monika Barshney agreed to help for a month, (without pay), until a manager could be found. She re-defined the job, revamped the salad bar, had the back room and kitchen cleaner than it has ever been, and like Leroy, has put in the extra time and effort required to make it succeed. She has since been interviewed and has agreed to stay on as manager.

The detailed Canteen report is posted and after all Post expenses have been paid, we had a profit of over $1,300 last month. Friday dinner crowds have been increasing with a lot of new diners coming in to enjoy the smoke free dining. Service has been improved, we have a good cook, and members have stepped up to help with dishwashing on Friday evenings. It’s a different atmosphere, and I hope all of you help the post by coming out to have some food, drinks and the kind of company you can only get while hanging around a group of veterans and their supporters.

I especially want to mention the job your Board of Governors has done. They have been tireless and forceful in their decisions and all have been made with the good of the post in mind.

By-law proposals made at last months meeting were unanimously passed. This allows for a member of the Ladies Auxiliary and/or Sons to be on the Board of Governors. We can now utilize the talents of all of our members in making decisions affecting the post. The term of the board was also reduced from five to two years.

Two new Board of Governors members were elected and we took immediate advantage of the new changes to the By-Laws. I am pleased to announce Greg Bauer (Sons of American Legion), and Karen Babinger (Ladies Auxiliary) has been elected to fill the two open positions. The BOG is now at full strength and we are in position to build on the momentum. One reason the Board has been so successful was due to the efforts of Dennis Scuffham who completed his term this month. Thank you for your service Dennis.

Another officer change was made due to our Sgt. at Arms transferring to another Post. Chuck Barshney has agreed, and has been appointed Sgt. at Arms for the remainder of the term.

Blanket/Windbreaker Sales: Just in time for Christmas, we are selling blankets engraved with the American Legion Logo in the center and surrounded by the Auxiliary, SAL, and ALR. and POW Logos. A sample is hanging in the bar area and they are only $20. This is not a fundraiser but a service to our members. These are a great keepsake and come with a nylon tote handle. Orders can be made at the bar.

Post 136 windbreakers are also on sale. They cost $32 each and for $5 more, they can be personalized with your name. Again, a sample is at the Post and this is where you can order them. If there are not a minimum number of orders on the jackets, they cannot be ordered, so if interested, please get up there.

The National Vice Commander will be visiting Mulvane and we will be hosting a dinner for him Jan. 16. More details will be forwarded as they become available.

New Years Eve is going to be real special this year. We are having a party that will be one for the record books. Starting with a smoked barbecue dinner for $10 ea. Dinner will be at 6:00pm. Dancing and the usual over indulgence of adult beverages will take us through to midnight, where we will then step outside for a fireworks display, including an American Flag display. This is brought to us by member Jim (Pyro) Pierce (you gotta love that name for a guy that works in fireworks). The post and ALR have contributed and Jim is donating his crew, time, and some special effects. Please come out, enjoy yourselves and relax one last time before we take on the next year. This will be a blast.

Membership renewals: If you have not paid your 2008 dues, once the fireworks die down, you will be officially delinquent. Please get your dues in now if you have not done so. If you do not wish to be bugged about membership again, Life memberships are always available. Remember, this post is one of the few that will pay any increase of dues for life, if you sign up for a life membership.

Insurance rider covering all three of our outbuildings and contents has been approved by membership. The cost is $300/year with $1,000 deductible. An inventory of all three sheds needs to be completed.

$500 from the Veterans Hardship fund has been designated to assist in the Ladies Auxiliary efforts at the VA Hospital for Christmas. In the past two months your post has given $1500 to children’s and Veteran causes. We have not only a lot to be thankful for, but also to be proud of.

A membership rally will be held Jan. 5th from 2-4pm at Sedgwick American Legion Post.

Mid Winter Forum this year will be held in Leavenworth on Feb. 1, 2, and 3. The host hotel will be the American Best Value Hotel. More details will be in the next issue of the Sunflower.

The Oratorical Scholarship contest will be held at Andover Central, at 1pm on Feb. 10.

Bar improvements are in the planning stages and will begin next month. Plans include, but not held to, replacing ceiling tile and grid, moving the small walls, improving ventilation and getting some new lighting and furniture. We have collected almost $2000 for the ceiling project and are only about $600 shy of having it totally covered. Please, we are asking for everyone to purchase a couple of tiles for $3 each. If a lot will give 3, a few will not have to give hundreds. Please, if you can help, we all benefit.

Year end Commander Thoughts:

From the length of this newsletter, you can see we have been very active at Post 136. After thinking of this, I want to try and put a few things in perspective.

Almost two years ago, we went on a mission to change the course and vision of our Post. Starting with our image, we began fixing the place up. The flag-pole was painted; a new sign was donated for a minimum cost that was covered by Barons Concrete. New lettering on the outside was put up. The motorcycle pad was completed. A new floor in dining area, and a paint job from top to bottom was completed. The glass wall was removed and a new solid wall installed. For over 20 years, we lived with a leaky roof and were told it could not be fixed. It has been replaced along with new A/C and heating systems installed. The underused pool tables have been sold so we can make an additional lounge area that allows the TV and Jukebox to be used without conflict. The walls are filled with awards and plaques presented for the work this post, its Riders, and Patriot Guard has done. A new shed has been built out back and most recently a smoker has been donated and once it is cleaned up, will serve us this summer at the pavilion. I already talked about what is still planned in the bar area. Is there any doubt that it will not?

We looked at the processes, which governed the way the post was run. The past BOG looked into new gaming machines that proved to benefit the post tremendously. The way we did business and reported financing was blown up and re-done. We looked at the Post By-laws and updated and modernized them, including changes to the term and position requirements for the Board of Governors. The management of the Canteen has been totally revamped where we now have two managers working part time instead of one manager full time. The key to the success was finding individuals truly with the Post in mind. That is a huge success story.

Even small things changed. We once again vote on membership and once a year initiate new members that have joined. Flag day and POW ceremonies are now a part of our calendar.

I have heard a number of times, the leadership of the post are wrong, and we are driving the post into the ground. Well thankfully, strong leaders and a BOG that would not bow to the negativism have held the ground they knew to be right. Everything mentioned above (with exception of a loan for the A/C and heating units) are paid for. We owe nothing. And we have still been able to support a Veterans hardship fund of over $2,500. We have maintained a Children and Youth fund of over $2,000 even after a $1,000 donation to the AL Children’s home last month. And maybe most importantly, we have more money in our general account than we have had in years. Does all this sound like your officers are going under and making poor decisions?

Finally, let’s look at the members of this post. It was the right time and correct decision, to accommodate the majority of members that do not smoke. The BOG and membership voted to keep the dining area smoke free. It was a fair compromise that now allows those that cannot or would not attend post functions due to smoke, to partake in our success. It was a gamble like a lot of the past decisions, but we now are seeing faces we have never seen before. It has opened the possibility of more family friendly activities. (This and other suggestions have been brought up and will be covered in a different mailing). None of the above could be done without you. Donations of time and treasure are the mainstay of our success. People do not give this much for a lost cause, and this is not a lost cause. We have not been perfect and without problems and we will have problems again next year. But they too will be met. All we need now is the rest of you.

There has never been a better time to get involved with your post. I am not just talking about time and money. If you have not been here for awhile, come in for a meal. See the changes for yourself. Right down to the salad bar. Come in for a drink and talk to the vets and all the supporters of the post. We are truly blessed and if you take the time to talk to those that are deeply involved, you will see, this post can be written in your heart, and you will stay.

Karen and I also feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve this post by you, the membership. We wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a successful new year.

God Bless Post 136 and its members, and God Bless America.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Newsletter - November 2007

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – Nov. 2007

American Legion Family:

First, three important upcoming events:

Veterans Day, Nov. 11, Post 136 will be holding its annual Flag Retirement ceremony at dusk. (Approximately 5-5:30pm). This will be in back at the pavilion. Following the ceremony, we will move inside where the Ladies Auxiliary will have a meal for all. Meat and potatoes will be provided, and it is requested you bring a dish to share with others.
We will also be having a formal initiation ceremony for all veteran Legion members who have never been sworn into the American Legion.

Post Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Monday, Nov. 19, at 6pm. The Post will supply the turkey and ham, cooked up by the officers. Again bring a dish and enjoy some of the best eating you will have all year. This is a special time and we all need to stop, relax and give thanks for what we have. Please plan on this one.

S.A.L. Children’s Christmas Party is scheduled for Dec. 2, from 2-4pm. Santa will be there along with snacks and other activities. Please note, during the children’s party, there will be no alcohol in the dining area. Santa has this image thing going.

Continued Post Improvements: As you have seen, the dining area has been completed. It has never looked as good as it does right now. Those improvements are going to flow out to the bar and new lounge area after the holiday season. Plans include replacing the ceiling, tables and chairs are to be purchased, the wall will be finished, and lighting will be changed. A very important and high priority item, will be to examine and improve the ventilation in the bar area. Will keep you posted with the improvement progress.

The tile fund we set up, hoping to get contributions by asking members to purchase ceiling tile for $3 each, has collected approximately $1,332 so far. This is about half of what is needed and the progress is phenomenal since it has only been a few weeks since it was announced. A good portion of the money collected was made by large donations. This is great, but not everyone can contribute in this manner. We really need a lot of small donations. Any amount can help. $3 buys a tile and the grid to support it. Buy a couple of tiles and let’s make the post a place we can all be proud of and a pleasure to have a drink together. Donations can be given to myself, or Richard Carpenter, or dropped in our mail-boxes by the office. (Please do not put cash in the boxes)

Special recognition and thanks to all who have spent so much time and effort on the latest round of post improvements. Many have helped but a few have done so much more. We have no proper way of re-paying their efforts, but I need to at least give public recognition for their service. Greg Bauer and Phil Horner for supplying so much of the professional labor, equipment, supplies etc. Charlie Hon and Steve McDonald for re-wiring the entire dining area, Tom Knight for providing and installing over $2000 worth of lighting and grids, Jerry Allen, Ron Wolf and Chuck Barshney for installing the tile. Terry Houck for taking the lead on repairing our outside lighting and sign. But there is a very special thank you to Chuck and Monika Barshney for going above and beyond. These two were dawn to dusk workers and did the cleaning, painting, and everything else work. When you see these people, please thank them. This would not have happened without their commitment and love for this Post.

By-law proposals and BOG openings: A significant change to our Post By-Laws was proposed at the Monday meeting. These changes will be voted on at the Dec. 3rd general meeting. There are two proposed changes that are important.
If approved:
The five member Board of Governors will serve for a 2 year term. (down from the present 5 year term)
One member of the S.A.L. and/or the Ladies Auxiliary will be eligible for a position on the Board.

There are two positions that will be open in Dec. If you are an Auxiliary or S.A.L. member, and have the desire to be a part of the decision-making operation of your Post, please plan on attending the next Legion meeting. Keep in mind; it is not required to fill openings with S.A.L. or Auxiliary. Anyone that wants to take on a leadership role will be eligible if the proposals pass. If you are unclear on the duties and responsibility as a BOG member, please call on Terry Knight, any present BOG member, or myself.

Marine Corp Toys for Tots was a huge success. There was over $8,000 raised and will be presented to the Marine Corp Reserves this Sunday at 1:30pm at the Post. At this time, the event held at the Post is the single largest monetary contributor for this worthy cause. Cregg Hanson was the post coordinator. Ken Lord donated most of the food and got the band set up, and 136 member Dave Stewart donated the diamond ring that collected over $4,000. This was an incredible achievement for an outstanding cause.

A $1000 donation from the Post 136 Children and Youth Fund was approved for the American Legion Children’s Home in Ponca City, Ok.

Our own Sgt. Lou Jacobs presented the Post with a flag mounted in a glass-enclosed case. This flag flew in combat aboard a B-1 bomber during a mission in Iraq. This will be hung in the dining room with pride. Thank you Lou.

Last (but not least)-Smoking: In today’s environment, few subjects can pit friends on opposite sides faster than the imposition of smoking restrictions where there have been none. Most everyone knows someone that will not attend a function or meeting due to the smoke, or has a low tolerance that causes, in some cases, severe reaction. At the same time, smoking is a legal activity enjoyed by a large number of our members and is especially enjoyed in the social setting we provide.

Last week, when the dining area improvements were completed, the decision was made to close the dining area to smoking during dinners and breakfast. After last Thursday’s Board of Governors meeting, the board decided to close the dining room to smoking entirely. The reason was simple. In order to accommodate all members of the post, there had to be a compromise by designating an area where non-smokers can attend without being affected. With the layout of our post, and with the new ceiling and remodeling in the dining area, this was the only feasible place. Members are still free to smoke in the bar area.

Authority for the BOG to make this decision was challenged and a demand for membership voting on the subject was heard loudly. You, the membership, have given the authority to the BOG. They are elected for this reason. However, any decision made by your post officers or BOG, are at the mercy of the membership who has the ultimate power. At Monday’s meeting, the issue was discussed. Extra time was given so that anyone having any input on the subject could be heard. Both sides were expressed. In the end, the decision as to which direction the post wanted to take, was put directly upon the membership. Smoking, non-smoking, restricted smoking etc. A motion was made with no rebuttal. The motion was for a strict up or down vote for making the dining area off limits to smoking. If the motion failed, the dining area would have no smoking restrictions. A significant majority of the members voted to make the dining room non-smoking at all times.

Depending which side you come down on, will determine if you feel this was the correct course of action. But it was the only way a true compromise could be worked. Smokers can still smoke, and improving ventilation in the bar will be explored. At the same time, non-smokers can attend meetings, meals, and social functions without the affects of smoke. And yes, the smoking ban extends to party and rental activity in the back room. If members are being asked to step into the bar, non-members will surely be asked to do so also.

Let’s hope the differences can be put behind us and that we do not lose site of the real purpose of the American Legion, to support our Veterans.

Rick Babinger

Monday, October 15, 2007

Newsletter - October 2006

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – October 2007

American Legion Family:





Our Monthly meeting was held Monday Oct. 1. A summary follows:

Old Business:

Multiple changes to the By-laws were unanimously voted in. The changes were read and discussed at the Sept. meeting, and approved on Monday. More will be coming.

Facilities Update:

Both pool tables have been sold and are scheduled to be picked up by Friday, Oct 5. The tables sold for $800 ea.

Work on the roof should begin this week, weather permitting. Once complete, the highest priority will be to replace the ceiling.

Plans are being considered for tables, lighting etc, for the new lounge that is being created by the pool table removal.

ALR shed is in progress. It is located in back near the pavilion. The pad has been poured and the shed itself is being built off site.

Pot holes have been filled. Much of the labor and all equipment have been donated by Greg Bauer.

New Business:

5th District Commander’s/Auxiliary President homecoming will be held at our Post home Sat., Oct. 20. There will be a social hour from 5-6. Dinner will follow. Since our own John Thomas is the 5th District Commander and our own Sheryl Carpenter is the 5th District Auxiliary President, we are honored to be hosting this event. We want as many 136 family members as we can fit into the post, to join in on the event. There will be a $15 charge for dinner. If you plan to attend, please RSVP Nancy Johnson at She will need to know your preference for beef or chicken It should also be noted the dining area will be non-smoking during the dinner.

The annual Post Halloween Party will be on Friday, Oct 26. The DJ’s will be playing and if you attended last year, you know what a great time this will be. Please mark this one on the calendar.

McConnell AFB retirement day will be held Oct. 27. This is a great opportunity to have an American Legion presence and we will be there. LeRoy Perkins is heading up a couple of members to represent and push the American Legion to the AF vets.

Marines Toys for Tots update:

Saturday- 3, Nov. , 2007 ...Mulvane ALR 136 is sponsoring the Wichita USMCR "Toys For Tots" pre -toy run (Wichita Bike Toy Run is Sunday , 4 Nov) please help start 2007 Marine Corp Toys For Tots toy drive off to a record start........

Saturday- 3, Nov 12 Noon -11:30 PM: ALL YOU CAN EAT - Roast Beef, Smoked Pork & Ham, meat loaf, Brats - includes fixing’s
Serving from 1 - 6 PM or until it is gone (350 lbs available)

Admission : 1 new toy and a $10 donation

Mulvane DJs playing the oldies starting at noon

POWDER RIVER BAND - LIVE 7-11 PM..all included for your admission of 1 new toy & 10 bucks

Also, Post 136 member Dave Stewart has a $1,250 diamond ring that will be raffled for $5/ticket and 6 for $20.

Auxiliary News:

Thanks to all who joined us for the Hoedown! Totals aren't in yet, but we should have enough proceeds to fund our holiday gifts and events for our Veterans. We will be sponsoring two events on Veterans Day this year. First, we will have a program at the Villa Maria for the Veterans, their families, and the staff. Following the flag retirement ceremony in the evening we will host the annual Veterans Day Dinner at the Post. We will furnish the meat and potatoes, so those attending are asked to bring side dishes and desserts. There will be a short program, so come on out and enjoy the evening!

At the November meeting we will be discussing Gift Shop at the VA and other holiday plans. All members are welcome to participate.

The Old Settlers Raffle winners were missed in last month’s newsletter. They are: $250.00 - B.J. Collett of Mulvane and $150.00 - Mike Ray of Derby.

American Legion Oratorical Contest is coming up. If you know of any high school student that would like to compete for some very good scholarship money, please contact myself or Tom Knight-Service Officer, for information.

A one-day Service officer class is scheduled for Nov.10 in Salina. This is for anyone interested in instruction on VA benefits and Legion programs. It will be from 10am to 4pm and will be held at the Post 62, located at 142 S 7th St. There is not charge, but there is a $5 soup/sandwich lunch. If interested please contact Tom Knight or myself.

Veterans Day, Nov 11, will again be honored at the post at dusk. We will be having our traditional Flag Retirement ceremonies, followed by an initiation ceremony for any member that has not yet been formally initiated into the American Legion. The initiation ceremony will be for Veteran members only. The Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a dinner that evening and will have a short program.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Newsletter - September 2007

American Legion Family:

Lots of things happening at Post 136, so lets get started.

POW/MIA recognition day is Friday, Sept. 21. We will be holding the ceremony in honor of these hero’s at 7:00pm during the dinner hour. Department POW/MIA Chairman, Mike Shock, will be conducting the ceremony, with assistance from MSGT Frank Cook.

ALVA Tour (American Legion VA Tour) will be coming to Mulvane on Tuesday, Sept. 25, from 5:30 to 6:30PM. Dinner will be served and is free to all attending. This event is for members, family and friends that have or may have questions concerning VA benefits. There will be a VA representative to speak and answer questions. Spread the word. This is not just for Legion members, but for anyone with questions.

By-law changes were proposed at the meeting. Per the procedural changes approved last meeting, the by-law proposals were read at the Sept. meeting, and will be voted on at the Oct. meeting. Most of the changes are minor wording changes. They are too long to print here, so if you feel you need to know what they are, the next meeting is Oct.1.

Sale of Post Pool Tables was approved by the membership. For the past two years, we have averaged about $15/month on the pool tables. There has also been some conflict with members trying to watch TV and others wanting to listen to the jukebox. Finally, with the new wall nearing completion, it was felt having some round tables, with nice chairs and maybe another TV, would give us a nice lounge area for members. The jukebox speakers can be turned off in that area so TV can be watched.

We are offering for a short time, Post members a chance to purchase one or both tables. If you are interested, we will take sealed bids ($750 minimum). Turn your bid into the bar and be sure to have name and phone number on the envelope. Winner will have choice of tables. We have an outside offer for the tables, so if interested, you must put your bid in by Sept. 23.

Old Settlers went well this year. Ticket sales were up, however, not what was hoped for. Considering it rained on Sat., we did well. Thanks to those who stepped up and helped with the booth, post events, and parade. The Kansas Patriot Guard was honored this year. Dennis Scuff ham represented the post in accepting a check for $500 and a nice eagle trophy that is on display at the post.

Roof repairs should begin shortly. The days of watching the rain from inside the building are almost over. Once complete, the ceiling will be replaced. With these improvements, and the new lounge area, we are trying to give you a Post you can come to, relax, and be proud of. And we are not done yet. We have a commitment for a display case by end of Oct., a new shed will be built in back for Patriot Guard and ALR storage, and a gift of asphalt will allow us to repair some of the craters we are growing in the parking lot. More bar area improvements are also in the planning stages. Hope you can all come in and enjoy.

New Years Eve is still a ways off, but we have started making plans to make this years party a little more memorable. We have allotted a little money, and will be looking for matching funds, to allow a small but memorable ground display fireworks show at midnight. While everyone else watches a stupid ball at Times Square, we will count down to the lighting off of fireworks. Keep this one on the calendar.

Rick Johnson, post Historian has taken a job requiring extensive travel. He has agreed to continue working for us as historian but asking for some help. Since he will not be around that much to take pictures of the various events, he is asking we send pictures to him. His e-mail is:

ALR/Patriot Guard News:

Many of your ALR were present at the Salute to Veterans and POW/MIA commemoration in Winter Park, CO, last month. This was a special time as we were honored to set up the traveling Vietnam memorial wall (and in record time), and had the special honor of listening to and being visited by Mike Thornton, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. Your post was represented as always, by the finest rider veterans in the country.

Numerous funerals were attended by the Patriot Guard in the past month. While a mission we all wish was not necessary, it is a mission that will be maintained.

News from the Ladies Auxiliary:

Mark your calendars fro the Hoedown on Saturday, Sept. 29. The Auxiliary will be cooking up a delicious meal and serving from 5:30 to 7:30. This will be followed by a CAKEWALK. Just $10 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under, and free for children under 3. Come hungry and bring friends. The Mulvane DJ’s will be playing so be ready to dance.

Post Officer News:

Bill Foster, 1st Vice Commander/PR Officer, and BOG member, has rendered his resignation and I have regrettably accepted it. Personal reasons, which will not discussed, were the reason. I want to take a moment and thank Bill for his work and desire to benefit the Post and wish him nothing but the best.

I have appointed Bruce Simmons (2nd Vice Commander) to fill the 1st Vice position for the remainder of the term. In addition, if anyone is interested in filling the vacant position on the Board of Governors, please contact myself or Terry Knight. There are some by-law change proposals that may affect the BOG, so until we find a replacement, I will be the tie breaking vote for any BOG issues.

Again, thank you Bill.

Coming UP:

Sept. 26-BOG and E-Board Meeting 6pm
Oct 1-Legion and Auxiliary meeting: 7pm
Oct 14-SAL 2pm
Oct 14-ALR-3pm

Oct has Dept. Commander John Thomas’s homecoming on Oct 20, and of course we will be having a Halloween party again on the 27th.

Nov will have the Marines Toys for Tots all day on the 3rd.
Veterans Day Ceremonies with Post initiation
Thanksgiving Meal

Lots going on. Please join us.

Rick Babinger

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Newsletter - August 2007

American Legion Family:

Due to a death in my family, this newsletter is being written prior to the monthly general meeting. I will have to leave early Tuesday morning and will not be available until after Aug. 20. I did not want, however, to leave without letting everyone know what is going on. Some things may change after the meeting, so I will not be specific with all details. I apologize in advance and ask for you understanding.

Kansas Blue Star Mothers: A chapter of the Blue Star Mothers was started about a year ago, and due to some early issues, it never became well organized. One of the mothers soon became a Gold Star and it took a toll on those remaining. The group is again reorganizing under the leadership of Jana Hublick. Her phone number is 316-721-4824, and her e-mail is: They are holding a meeting tomorrow (Aug 7) at her home. The address is 11701 Lost Creek. Directions: West on Central from I-235 to 119th St. North to Lost Creek Circle then take a right. They are the 2nd Cull de Sac on the right.

We have a number of Blue Star Moms in our post and this is a great opportunity to get involved. I know this is short notice, and if you cannot make the meeting, and are interested, please give Jana a call so she can add you to the list.

Post Historian: As you may or may not know, our post Historian Rick Johnson, has accepted a new job that will require extensive travel. He has agreed to stay on officially as our historian, but needs everyone’s help. As we have events and pictures are taken, we need to funnel them to Rick, (you can pass all info through me also). If anyone has seen the history book Rick put together last year, you have no doubt as to the value of service he and Nancy have provided for us. We need to keep it going by simply helping him in his endeavor as historian.

Old Settlers is coming up Aug. 17-19. We can use some sand for the horseshoe pits, and some help setting up and breaking down our booth downtown. Please contact Richard Carpenter if you can assist.

Ticket sales and getting the money in before the 17th cannot be overemphasized. Every member, (Legion/Auxiliary/SAL) received one book. The sale or purchase of just this one book for each member will determine how much we move forward this year. Please help us help your post. This is our only large fund-raiser of the year and our success depends on you.

Roof repairs are scheduled to begin by mid Sept. Ironically, all the rain earlier in the year caused the delay, but we will soon have a waterproof building. It will be novel and will take getting used to, but we can handle it

By-law changes and sponsorship of a community car/bike show are to be voted on at the meeting. I will not speculate here on the outcome, but suspect the changes will be voted in as well as the sponsorship. If you come to the meeting and vote, you will know for sure.

Troop assistance will also be discussed in depth. There is a large need for certain items and some money for the wounded when they arrive at medical facilities in Germany. We are collecting a list and will try to get the word out so we can do our part. More details will have to come at a later date, but look for notices at the post. This is what we are and what we do. The American Legion is a Veterans organization built on the promise to support other Veterans and the troops. More than anything else, we must respond to this plea for help.

Post Tables and other items have been borrowed in the past. We had 4 new light weight plastic tables, and now have one. Flags have been removed. If anyone has any knowledge as to the location of these, please let us know. We have been generous in the past in letting members borrow items when needed. We do not want to deprive anyone of this assistance; however, we desperately need the tables returned. In the future any item requested to be borrowed, must be signed for and dated by the Canteen Manager.

Rick Babinger

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Newsletter - July 2007

American Legion Family:

My apologies for the timing of the June newsletter. I was traveling out of state the first week of July and am just now getting caught up. This will be a compressed version of the normal newsletter and will be back on track next month.

New air conditioners have been installed and our loan is secured. If you have been up the post lately you will notice the comfort level has been greatly enhanced. Roof repairs will begin as soon as the roofing company can get to us. Ironically, all the rain that leaks through our roof is the reason the job is slow starting.

Phil Horner managed to negotiate and donate enough to the air conditioning that we did not need to spend the entire amount borrowed. It was discussed by the BOG and E-board, that as soon as we are assured there are no hidden fees or costs we do not expect with the roof replacement, the extra monies will go for continued post improvements with a new ceiling grid and tiles having the highest priority and then moving out to the bar area for more improvements.

Our annual Early Bird Dinner will be held on July 28, at 6:00PM. If you are not familiar with this, the concept is simple. Your membership is valid from Jan 1 to Dec 31. In an effort to jump-start the next membership year, if you pay your dues on or before July 28, you eat free. Life members are also welcome to eat and watch everyone else pay their dues. This applies to SAL and Auxiliary also. It’s a good way to get a meal, and be caught up for next year.

We are also trying to schedule Capt. Kate Watts-Harness. She is a nurse in Iraq that we are sending clothes to for the wounded. Her presentation is based on what really goes on in a combat hospital. This has not been confirmed as yet, but will be trying to tie it up. There may also be a dance following dinner.

Come out and make it an enjoyable evening.

Mud volleyball talked about last month has been delayed. The logistics were not coming together to pull this off in the time frame we had, so it has been scratched from the calendar for the time being.

A motion to sell one pool table was made at the general meeting. The tables are not a very large source of income and it was felt selling one would make room for more tables and chairs. The motion was defeated and Seth has agreed to set up some pool tournaments to generate more activity. The first one is scheduled for this Thursday, July 12 at 6:00pm. There are fliers at the post with the details. Entry fee is $5.00.

Seth has also set up a Shish-Kabob and Margarita night for Wed., July 11 at 6:00pm. For $3 you get your choice of Chicken or Beef and Margarita's on the rocks are also only $3. ($3.50 for strawberry)

A mural on the bar side of the new wall is in process of being painted by Kim Ginger. The entire project is being paid for by Dave Williams. She is well into it so if you see her painting up there, say hello. She will have all the service branches represented on the wall and it is looking fantastic. This will be a huge improvement to our post.

Auxiliary News:

Kaitlin Reed of McPherson, who we sponsored for Girls State, sent us a "thank you” letter and an account of her activities at Girls State. There were no candidates from Mulvane for the annual event.

Saturday, September 29, is the date for our Hoedown! and Cakewalk. Mark your calendars!

Four veterans at the Villa Maria were remembered on July 4 with gifts from the Auxiliary.

Old Settlers Day is coming up and all of you will be receiving your raffle tickets. I cannot over emphasize the importance to the post in the sale of the ticket you receive. This is in large part what we will have to operate on over the next year. We desperately need your help and support. Please sell or purchase for a chance to win a $250 Wal-Mart gift card (1st place), and $150 gift card for 2nd.

NOTE: Due to the way the calendar falls, there will not be a BOG/E-Board meeting until Aug. 1.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Newsletter- June 2007

American Legion Family:

Flag Day ceremonies this year will be held at 7:00pm on Thursday, June 14. We will have an honor guard from McConnell to perform a flag folding ceremony, followed by a community Pledge of Allegiance. If you have never seen the folding ceremony with the explanation of what each fold represents, it is a moving experience. Bring family and friends. It will be short but powerful.

Our leaking roof is about to become outdated. Our roof has had issues for many years. Enough damage has been caused to allow us to make an insurance claim that will result in the covering and sealing of the entire roof. We are also making an investment in the future by removing and replacing the old air conditioning and heating units now on the roof. Beginning within the next week or two, we will have four 5 ton units installed. The compressors will be on the ground leaving the roof untouched. The actual units will be mounted above the ceiling. When this is completed, the old units will be taken off, and the roof repairs will begin. This was made possible because we have members like Phil Horner who negotiated an unbelievable deal for us, and the membership voting on a seven year, $20K loan. We will have payments of $330/month. It is estimated over $100 of that loan will be made up with efficiency savings from the new units. We have not had to ask for donations (they will gladly be accepted), or have special fund raisers. It is felt we can cover this with our present operational funds.

Here is what we DO need from the membership though. We need your on going support for all of our functions, especially the upcoming Old Settlers Days. When we have a function, come out and have a good time and in so doing, you will be supporting our ability to continue to move our post home forward. Our hope is to pay the loan off early. With your help, we can. Take pride in your post.

Memorial Day was almost a wash out, but we were able to get 20 flags up around the circle and still pay tribute to those who gave their life so we can live free. My personal thanks to all that put in the hard work over the last month and came our early Monday morning to make sure the program was a success.

Post Historian Rick Johnson, along with his boss Nancy, but together an amazing scrap book for the Post in 2006-2007. It won at District in April and won at Dept. in May. The book is now on its way to the National Convention. You can put your money on this horse. It looks that good.

New date and time for BOG/E-board meetings will begin this month. We will be holding both the BOG and E-board meeting on the same night starting at 6:00pm. These are open to interested members. The next meeting will be June 27.

Old Settlers planning will begin with a meeting June 13 at 7:00 at the post. We are going to increase the 1st and 2nd place prize for the ticket sales this year. I cannot stress enough how much we need your support with the sales of the tickets you will receive in July. If each member only purchased their own tickets we would have over $7K. It is imperative we have your support. Last year we only had about a 27% return rate.

Our own Mike Shock has been appointed by Dept. Commander Dan Roberson to be Chairman of the POW/MIA committee. This is an honor for Mike and reflects on the influence this Post has had at all levels of the American Legion in Ks. Mike will be a fine representative and we are proud of his service.

Our Early Bird dinner is being planned for July 28. If you are not familiar, here is your chance to pay your dues for 2008, and get a free meal. This begins our membership drive for the next year. You’re going to pay it anyway, so you may as well get a meal. Keep in mind, if you are a life member, you can come and get fat without even opening your wallet.

Ladies Auxiliary News:
New officers have been elected and installed.

President- Jackie Johnson
1st VP-Sheryl Carpenter
2nd VP-Christie Wickham
Secretary-Monica McDaniel
Chaplain-Elsie Jenkins
Historian-Nina Sommers
Sgt. at Arms-Mary Hays
E-board-Peggy Sellers and Darla Harper

Donations for Memorial Poppies from locations in Mulvane and the Legion, totaled $134. Proceeds are used for Veterans Rehab programs.

The Unit Prayer Book received honorable mention at Dept. Convention

Memorial Day gifts were given to four veterans at Villa Maria.

Mary Hays received here 100 hour pin for voluntary service at the VA Med Ctr., and as of September 2006, Peggy Sellers has compiled an amazing 6, 250 hours at the VA.

ALR News:

There are now 46 ALR Chapters in the state of Ks. (10 so far this year) This is the fasted growing state in the country. The effects on membership and veteran’s assistance are profound.

District Commander John Thomas presented a number certificates and pins at the June meeting. Post Adjutant Terry Knight received a certificate for her performance during the past year for 100% reporting of Post Data, Post Officers, Children and Youth, Consolidated Reports and Service Officers report. There is a large amount of work that goes into these reports and Terry has proven her dedication to the American Legion and Post 136.

‘Commander of the Year’ certificate was presented to me, but do not let the name fool you. This certificate is truly a Post award for reaching assigned quotas in membership and fulfilling all necessary requirements. Our membership could not have shown the increase it did without the Riders and others signing up members and being ambassadors for the American Legion.

Chuck Barshney received a pin recognizing him for recruiting five new members, and Gunny Cook was given a pin for recruiting ten members.
Congratulations to everyone in the Post.

Social Events were discussed at both the E-board and general meeting. We are looking at generating a little more fun time. Here are a few of the ideas:

Mud Volleyball-tentatively set for July 21. We will have two courts with knee deep mud. Teams can come from the general public, McConnell, other posts, etc. $30 entry fee/team ($5 a head). We can get a liquor license exemption for the day so we can sell beer to the public outside. This could be a big one if the interest is there.
Texas Hold Em-Rules are being looked into
Family Fun day
Horseshoe Tournament-Doc has the inside track to the state champ to generate interest.
More dances-maybe bring in a band, or have theme dance (i.e.: 50’s/60’s sock hop) or karaoke. We would open up the kitchen for bar foods.
Monday Night Football is in the plans

Here is what we need. Give us ideas and lend a hand. Our 2nd Vice, Bruce Simmons is the coordinator of social events, but he is not the guy to do all the work. Most of these will not take a lot, and we would not only increase our bar take, we can have a lot of fun doing it. Do not wait for it to just happen. Ask questions, get back to Bruce or me and let’s get some things going.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Newsletter - May 2007

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter May. 2007

American Legion Family:

5th District News: We congratulate two of our own for their election to higher office within 5th District at the convention last month. John Thomas has been elected 5th District Commander, and Sheryl Carpenter is repeating as President of 5th District for a second year. We commend your service and wish you the best over the next year. Commander Thomas and President Carpenters homecoming will be held at Post 136, Oct 20.

Rick Johnson and Ron Herndon were installed as Post Historian and Chaplain respectively by Dept. Commander Pat Culver, at the meeting Monday night. Also of note, the history book for the last year submitted to District by Rick, won and is now going to Dept. for judging.

New Canteen Manager Seth Decker is on board and rolling. Seth came to us with experience, ideas, and a great attitude. Please welcome him next time up to the post, and as with all new employees behind the bar, he will be asking to see your membership card until he knows who you are. Be proud to show it. It is the law.

Canteen finances: We (well at least some of us) have been told we must be lying about making money, that we cannot operate this way and there was no reason to implement the accounting practices that we did. Well we just finished paying the first quarter taxes and we have over $5K in the bank. No money has been transferred from the General fund to cover any Canteen expenses. We have continually offered to sit with anyone to go over the numbers and explain, in detail, the reasons for the changes. This offer has never been accepted. If anyone still does not believe we are truthful, or are taking the wrong path, it is now up to you, to prove the numbers wrong.

Roof update: Membership approved the expenditure of $5000 to cover the insurance deductible required for roof replacement. We are also in the process of getting quotes on replacing the heating and air units on the roof. These units are old and inefficient. To put them back on the new roof is not the best option. Pending quotes and being able to finance it, new units will be installed. We will come back to membership with the proposals for approval.

Other Facility updates: The wall has been completed on the club room side and the mudding is almost done on the bar side. It will soon be texture painted. Next project is the display case.

A stove has been purchased and installed in the kitchen, and a new cash register for the bar has been purchased, and Phil Horner has donated a sink for the bar area, yet to be installed.

Membership requirements: It has been requested to remind everyone that for new members or transfers, to provide a copy of their DD214 or military ID (if on active duty), with their request for membership. We do not have the ability to verify eligibility and the burden of proof is on the applying member. If there is no way to verify, consideration for membership may be denied.

The Mulvane DJ’s, (Rick Johnson, Don Culver, Charlie Trapp), have once again donated $300 to the post. It was decided to put this money, along with the 50/50 money that has been generated, into an air conditioning replacement fund. The DJ’s have donated approximately $1k this past year to post causes. They should be commended for their generosity and support.

Annual Rib Feed brought in a profit of just under $600 and was great success. Thank you to everyone that put it together and all those that got fat that evening. Tom Knight also raffled off a drill set that brought in $211 to the Veterans hardship fund.

Veterans Hardship fund is now up to $1,334 thanks in part to the generous gift of $500 from Don and Pat Culver. We will continue to grow this fund through donations and by splitting charity donations between Children and Youth funds.

Department Convention delegates have been selected. This years convention takes place May 18-20, in Topeka. Please refer to the Sunflower for detailed info if you are interested in attending.

Memorial Day schedule:

May 12 at 9:00am-Meet at cemetery. This is to locate, uncover, and mark the flag pole holes and add some new ones. If you have a metal detector and/or auger to dig holes, it would be a great help.

May 25 at 5:00pm-Meet at cemetery to help Auxiliary place crosses, flags and poppies on the veterans graves.
May 28 at 5:30am-Meet at Post. We need to organize flags, markers and load up for cemetery. Will raise all flags and place markers before returning to post for a free breakfast.
May 28 at 10:00am-Meet back at post if you are assisting with the ceremony. Would still like to have some names for the firing squad. If you are interested, contact me or the Sgt. at Arms, Leon Roberts.
Ceremony-11:00 AM
Need 10-20 Riders to fly American Flags. They will follow the colors and set up behind podium. Other riders can line drive leading up to circle.

Our guest speaker this year is Juanita Milligan. She is a severely wounded Army Master Sgt. in Iraq and an inspiration to the county.

If you have never attended these services, it is an event you will be proud of.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Newsletter - April 2007

American Legion Family:

New Post officers were elected and installed at Monday’s meeting. The membership chose the following to lead us for 2007-2008:

COMMANDER: Rick Babinger
1st VICE COMMANDER: Bill Foster
2nd VICE COMMANDER: Bruce Simmons
ADJUTANT: Terry Knight
FINANCE OFFICER: Richard Carpenter
CHAPLAIN: Ron Herndon
SGT. AT ARMS: Leon Roberts
HISTORIAN: Rick Johnson

I wish to thank all who ran for office and especially the officers who served last year. It was a bumpy road at times and more will follow, but the momentum and progress made will not be lost in the year to come. I ask the entire membership to get behind your officers and continue to move our Post forward.

Financials: If you were at the meeting you saw the new financial format used for the Canteen Report. It is a day-by-day breakout of all activity, including checks written. A summary page shows the balances as well as the month end profit/loss statement. We now have full visibility of all revenue and expenditures. We ended March with over $5k in the bank and have paid off the back-due taxes with penalties. The canteen report will be posted along with the Post finances, on the bulletin board.

Atomic Vets Resolution, calling for the American Legion to support their recognition, was unanimously passed on Monday. The resolution, which was generated at our Post will now go on to District, and if passed, will be presented to National at the August convention.

American Gold Star Mothers president, Betty Pulliam, was present at the ALR meeting Sunday. The 70th Annual National Convention of Gold Star Mothers will be held in Wichita, June 23-27. The American Legion, Patriot Guard, and ALR have all purchased a full page add in their Journal. We will be using the page to promote the American Legion and its programs. More information will be coming out about the convention, as the entire Legion family will be involved.

Memorial Day help needed! We are looking to have volunteers in place before Memorial Day to assist in the ceremony. We need flag bearers (minimum of 3), two rifle bearers to protect the flag, and six volunteers for the firing squad. In the past, these have been filled on Memorial Day, but we want to be sure we have it covered in advance. Anyone interested in assisting in the ceremonies to honor our fallen, please get back to me. I will keep track. Everyone in the Legion Family is invited to assist.

Hero’s to Hometown: If you wish to get involved with this program, please contact either myself or Tom Knight. We need to have a committee that will be chaired by Tom and myself, and be able to respond quickly to veterans needs. We are taking steps to finance our Veterans Hardship fund and it will also be used as seed money for any H2H designated veteran. Some of the gaming dollars are to be transferred into the hardship fund and contributions will be accepted. Other ideas are being considered to help build the base fund.

Per my e-mail last week concerning Sgt. John Jones, we have since been informed he is having complications due to a large blood clot in his leg. I have included here a link anyone can go to and leave personal messages to Sgt. Jones. When you get there, you need to set up a user name and password. Once signed in, just go to the message board and type: johndjones. It will take you to his site. His birthday is April 18 and it would be wonderful if he had a ton of birthday wishes from Post 136.

Annual Post Rib Feed will be held Saturday, Apr. 14. Cost is $8.50 and will be served from 5-8 pm. These ribs are started about 5am and simmer all day. This is not your basic McRib we are talking about here. The Mulvane DJ’s will be playing that evening and there will be a raffle for a cordless drill. All proceeds will go to the Veterans Hardship fund. If you’re having trouble sleeping Sat. morning, we can use some early help, and again around 4.

American Legion Leadership College will be held June 1-3 in Concordia. Fee to attend is $40. All officers and anyone (SAL and Auxiliary) that is interested in learning more about how the American Legion functions, is encouraged to attend. Please get with Terry Knight for details.

5th District Convention will be held April 27-29 at Post 81, El Dorado. Registration on Fri. is from 4-8pm. Sat. & Sun. registration will begin at 8:00am. Our own John Thomas is running for District Commander. There will be a parade at 4pm Sat.

Raffle tickets will be at the bar for a $1 donation. The proceeds will support 5th District programs. 1st prize is $100 and 2nd prize is $50.

Facility Update: Phil Horner has agreed to look into a new sink for behind the bar. It will replace the old hand sink and will move to the other end of the bar. This allows for the large freezer procured by Chuck Barshney to be put under the bar and we can then have all the frosted mugs we can use. Also, hopefully before the weekend, you will see a counter top hot dog steamer serving dogs, brats, etc., at all times at the bar. This is not a cheap unit, and it was donated by your Legion Riders.

Since we are closed on Mondays, we are going to work on finishing the wall leading into the dining area. Need some help mudding, sanding and painting the bar side. Please try to spend an hour or two next Monday starting at 7 PM. If need be we will do again the following Monday. If anyone can put in a few hours during the day, let me know and I can see to it the post is open.

The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting a craft and bake sale this Friday evening at dinner and Sunday morning for breakfast.

Re-creation, a patriotic singing group will be at the VA this Saturday. The Auxiliary is sponsoring the performance. Everyone is invited to attend. Time of the performance is 2:00 PM. Posters are up at the Post giving all the details.


Three more chapters came on board last month bringing Kansas up to 42. It is the largest growing state in the nation.

$700 was donated to the Legion for our building fund.

$1000 was put in reserve to be used for the purchase of a handicap van in Wichita. The van will cost over $40K so this money will be held until other funds are available.

$2000 was put into the Riders Veterans assistance fund.

$500 was donated to the canteen for the purchase of the aforementioned hot dog steamer.

Please get back to me to sign up for Memorial Day help, H2H assistance, and don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket when you stop in at the post.

Upcoming Meetings:
BOG: April 25-7PM
E-Board: May 2-7PM
Auxiliary: May 7-7PM
Legion: May 7-7:PM

The updated calendar is attached.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Newsletter - March 2007

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –March 2007

American Legion Family:

The Feb. general meeting was long and full of information; however, there was not the usual variety of subjects covered. One thing discussed was the upcoming Post elections that will take place at the next general meeting on April 3. If you are considering a leadership position, a condensed description of duties for each position follows. These are from the Post By-laws. The American Legion Officers manual has more detail for each position.

Commander-Presides at all meetings of the post and have general supervision over the business affairs and shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.

1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veteran’s affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt At Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.
Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.
Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members.
Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to all of the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operations and setting the agenda for the remaining of the year.
Membership has no better opportunity to steer the direction of the post than when selecting its officers. Just like our national elections, if you don’t vote, don’t complain.
Nominations, elections, and induction will all take place at the April 2 meeting.

A resolution calling for a change in the method of replacing the National Executive Committeeman was read and approved. It will now be forwarded for approval at the District level in April.

5th District Star Party will be held at Post 401, 101 E. 31st S, Wichita, on March 24 at 6:00. Cost for the dinner is $10. Recipients of a Star award eat free. If you plan on attending, please RSVP Anita Rose at 316-267-1908, by March 20.

Board of Governors nomination and elections were held to replace the two recent openings. Five members stepped up: Tom Knight, Doug Lehman, Chuck Barshney, Ron Herndon and Mike Shock. Congratulations to Doug Lehman and Chuck Barshney for winning the elections. We now have a full and functioning BOG, and look forward to working with them for the continued betterment of the post.

Canteen/Financial Issues – Following is a condensed version (and its still long) of what was discussed concerning the canteen and our finances. We want as many informed members as possible. It is what it is.


3-4 months ago. General meeting questions on the canteen reports including totals, format, why general fund is supporting as much as it is.

NOTE 1: Accounting format not new, but reports were not totaled and detail was lacking.

NOTE 2: BOG was asked if they had any issues with us trying to improve the data. Did not want any one to feel we were playing in their sandbox. Approval was given to proceed.

Believed issues were in the reporting and totals; not in the data itself. Attempted to get spreadsheet on computer to total and organize data. Was slow to develop due to deployment but finally completed. Were notified it did not work even after training.
Report totals did not make sense. Needed higher level of detail.
Began work in Jan. on new spread sheet to detail and total DAR, (daily activity report) steak night, breakfast, and room rentals with associated expenses.
Needed cash register to be re-programmed. Still has not been completed.
Had partial numbers from Jan canteen report for Feb meeting. More questions were raised than answered from general membership. It became obvious, the data format was only part of the problem, and the data itself was questionable.
2/6/08-Alice Foster, with minor degree in accounting and had operated own restaurant, offered her services to input the numbers from the DAR and meals, and help analyze our accounting practices, until we were comfortable with the data.


Began by looking at all numbers from DAR and canteen reports to try and find historical trends.
Unable to explain figures or account for money. Needed to find a baseline to start and to dig deeper.
Began by looking at Friday night $s after meal on 2/9/07. Found 6 tickets missing, mistakes on pricing and register tape not matching drawer. This was due to labor being paid in cash with no record. Instituted carbon ticket books to track lost inventory and tickets. In two weeks of tracking, we found approximately $70 was lost due to ticket mistakes. Average meal was $9.57 and with tickets missing, this is a potential of over to $100 loss/week. One week in Jan. had 15 missing tickets.
· At the same time, accountant’s reports were reviewed, and again, historical data was examined. RED FLAG was noted when year-end reports showed big losses in the food sales.

Special BOG Meeting
Held Feb 14. Had 2 purposes: 1) Drinking while on duty, and 2) Financial concerns and preliminary findings.

Revenue and Expenditures statement was presented to BOG showing Revenues against COGS for 2006.

It was decided NO drinking when on duty.
Total Food sales Revenue for 2006, came to $35,940.41. The cost of goods sold for the same period, was $52,466.05. This was the red flag that told us we had serious issues and we had to pursue them.
After discussion of these findings, the BOG made the decision (APPROVED BY ALL FIVE MEMBERS) that it is necessary to follow the financial advice, and give Alice control of the finances and processes for a 3 month period, so accounting and inventory controls can be put in place. Officers and BOG were involved and informed. She was given her authority by your elected board.

Other Issues:

Money has been lost at different points of the year, with consecutive losses in Oct, Nov and Dec., driving down our net income.
Sales tax issues were noted and are being addressed. Info will be forthcoming.
For 2006, our cost of goods sold (COGS), ran at an average of 67%. Whether we had a big Friday crowd or small, the cost of food was always comparable. However, no inventory spikes were tracked. OF NOTE: In the last half of Feb, COG dropped to 37%!
Over $600 in bad checks were written to the post (up through Sept). Some were repeats and were written on closed accounts. There are no procedures to collect, other than a call, and no bad check listing to prevent repeat offenders. Some money was recovered, but the money was placed in drawer without notation and cannot be accounted for.
Personal items were purchased on Legion SAMS card. Fast review of receipts total over $100. Cash in the drawer is how reimbursement was reportedly done. No record of the transactions was recorded.
Not uncommon to have 20-30 no sales per night. Register 2, which had no reason for ‘no sales’ recorded 22 on Jan 19, 10 on Dec 15, and 19 on Dec 22. Consistently, there were 5-10 recorded in Jan. On Bar Register, during a three day period of Dec 29, 30, 31, there were 119 no sales rung up. Since there is no recording of what took place, and since long cash was never documented, we had no record of money.
Historical data could not be tracked and money could not be totally accounted for, because it was the practice to destroy register tapes and meal tickets. Could not go back before Nov.
There is no easy to use checkbook register and reconciliation with bank statements had never been done. Through Sept., we know of approximately $900 discrepancy between the register and what is actually in the bank.
The only funds deposited are what is on the register tape. All cash that goes in the drawer and not on tape, has no record. This includes Sunday breakfast, party room rentals, etc. Overages are kept in house but cannot be accounted for.
Payment for all labor (except Mgr) is done as cash out of drawer with no supporting documentation.
Any money put in drawer should cause for long money at end of day. No record of these transactions are available.
30% of canteen income goes to payroll ($60K+/year).
Pre tax liquor sales have been reported as income giving a false impression as to amount of income. This was not the intent, but is the result of a poor accounting practice.
Over $6k from general fund has gone to pay canteen debt.
Inconsistencies that have no explanation.
New Years Eve bar revenue was only $1,101.67
Dedication Sunday, Aug. 13, had a bar revenue of only $625.82
Multiple room rentals, parties etc with no spike in revenue. This money has been put in the drawer as cash and not properly documented. Revenue spikes during these months are not evident. Breakfast sales are also recorded this way. (as cash in drawer and not included on DAR)


Everything was looked into including wages ($5000/month was very high since we are operating at a loss.
Reducing pay to some was considered but was not adopted. Dishwasher was going to be let go and we would use volunteer help.
Canteen Mgr was removed and was offered to stay on as bartender. This was due to performance issues that will not be discussed.
Two members of BOG resigned.
Dan, Shirley and Cindi resigned without notice on Feb. 26. No one was terminated by the post.

Some of the actions have been outlined in a previous e-mail and will not be repeated here. A lot of details were given at the meeting that are not here so if you have questions, please get a hold of the BOG or one of the post officers.

From the start, when a procedure was put in place, it was often taken as a personal assault on integrity. This hindered any smooth transition to a new format and began the rumors. No business runs without proper accounting of the finances. Asking for proper documentation when taking $ from register, using carbon copy receipt books, having money charged to correct accounts, avoiding unnecessary no sale, accounting for all cash, etc., are not personal attacks. Please keep in mind; this is not a bar that just happens to have an American Legion Post attached to it. This is an American Legion Post that supplies its membership the benefit of a canteen and meals.

Summary: During the meeting, membership had the chance to ask as many questions as needed. All were addressed and it was open to Veteran Legion members, Auxiliary, and SAL members. A full membership vote was taken. We had a choice to continue down the path we have chosen, or to stop and return to the process that has been in place. The answer was overwhelming. The direction has been given to your post leadership and all actions taken, and all actions to be taken in the future, will be directed at the financial well being of the post. I will keep membership informed each step of the way. BOG meetings, and E-board meetings are posted and open. If you feel strongly on an issue, please join a meeting and be heard. Bar gossip will not be the deciding factor in our decisions.

There are a lot of on-going changes being made. The tax issues are being addressed and we will do what is right and necessary to be in full compliance. All canteen manager candidates will be interviewed and bar and wait staff will be finalized as quickly as possible.
We have gone back to being closed on Monday. It was not particularly profitable after paying staff and will be used for doing books, inventory, etc.

Finally, nothing has been done without the best interest of the American Legion and our Post in mind. If anyone feels these issues are not being handled correctly, please address it to the BOG or E-board. If it cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, remember, the membership has the final say. Please do not spread rumors, and drive a wedge between the membership. It only hurts your fellow vets.

ALR News:

There will be a corned beef and cabbage dinner sponsored by the ALR on St. Patrick’s’ day, March 17. Dinner will be at 6:00pm and it will be followed by a live auction. Since it is on Saturday, there will be $1 draws and green beer.

Patriot Guard:

Unfortunately, the Patriot Guard had a busy two week period. They were called upon to escort three fallen soldiers from the airport, and to also attend the funerals. If you have never been on one of the Patriot Guard missions, I would ask you make every effort to attend. The families, friends and all involved with the soldiers have come to depend on the Patriot Guard for strength and support. This is best accomplished by our numbers. This is not an ALR exclusive. Many have joined that are not ALR or even riders. It is an experience you will never forget.

Auxiliary News

A bake sale will be held Easter weekend (April 6 and April 8). The bake sale and any arts and crafts that can be donated will take place Friday evening and at Sunday breakfast.

Also note, the Auxiliary completed 18 hours of community service and 51 hours at the VA.

50/50 was won by Bob Kierzek. His half of the pot came to $64.00


Rick Babinger

Friday, February 09, 2007

Newsletter - February 2007

American Legion Family:

BOG elections were held to replace the position left vacant by Mike Hall. I am honored to announce Bill Foster, Post PR officer and now Board member, has been chosen in a close three way vote. Our thanks to Ron Herndon and Tom Knight for also stepping forward to fill the void.

5th District Oratorical will be held this Sunday, Feb. 11, at 1pm. The contest will be at Andover Central HS and Post136 is sponsoring Cassie Foster, a Jr. at Mulvane H.S. If you want to see the proud future of this country at work, please attend and give your support.

Post Work Day is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 18, at 2:00pm. This will not take long if we have some good participation. On the list is touch up paint in club room, scrape some glue and wax the new floor section, and general clean up. The more we have, the less time it will take. Please help for a couple of hours. We will need some paint pans and small rollers, cleaning supplies and some of your time. This would also be a good time to begin work on the new display case if plans are completed.

Beer Mugs were even discussed at the Monday meeting. Personalized mugs are being considered so you would have your own personal mug when you come to the post. Due to health dept. concerns over how they must be stored, this project is dependent on a solution. If none are acceptable, it will be dropped.

Dedication Bricks for the stone in front have all been received and there are at this time no outstanding orders. Once the weather warms, they will be placed. Remember, this is an ongoing project, so if you wish to purchase a brick, there are order forms at the Post.

Post Election of Officers:
At the general meeting on April 3, we will be nominating, electing, and inducting officers to lead Post 136 for 2007. A nominating committee, chaired by 1st Vice Commander Bill Willis, and consisting of Dave Williams and Chuck Barshney, has been appointed. All officer positions and two at large Executive Board members are up for you, the members, to decide. This is the best opportunity you will have to help decide the direction of this Post. If you or someone you know is interested in any office, please talk to one of the nominating committee or one of the officers.

As a Post officer, you are automatically on the E-board. This is the group that sets the agenda for the Post. While only three or four positions take an extraordinary amount of your time, all positions require the personal commitment to perform. If you know you cannot make the general meetings, E-board meetings, ceremonies, Conventions, etc., due to work or personal commitments, (other than unplanned, unexpected events), please reconsider a run for office. The members of this Post should expect, and deserves an officer team that will be there to perform the duties required.

Another change beginning next year is the term. We will, beginning 2008, hold the next elections in January, 2008, instead of April. The reason is to help the new officers take control prior to Mid-Winter Forum in Feb. It will also help them to be in place and running prior to District Convention and Memorial Day. Keep this in mind if you run for an office this year, your term will be 9 months long for this one time only.

John Thomas, 5th District Vice Commander announced his intention to run for Commander 5th District, at the District Convention, to be held April 27-29 in El Dorado. He received the endorsement of the Post and we will support him in his endeavor.

A Legislative Hotline has been set up that will allow anyone to leave messages for their State Legislature or Senator. It will also give updates and status on Bills. The number to call is 800-432-3924.

Hero’s to Hometown Program: This new program of the American Legion is now in full force. The program is spelled out in the last and present Sunflower, so details will not be repeated here. Our Post H2H chairman will be Co-chaired by Rick Babinger and Tom Knight. We will be asking for people to be on a H2H committee and would like to have someone from the SAL, AUX and ALR on the committee. Please see me or Tom if you are interested.

Auxiliary News: The Valentines dinner and dance, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 10, has been cancelled.

Beginning in March, the Auxiliary meeting will be moved back to its original time of 7:00PM and will run concurrently with the monthly American Legion meeting.

SAL News: Membership in Post 136 SAL is now over 90%. Please renew you dues as soon as possible. This is above national averages and we want to get to 100% as soon as possible. Good work.

ALR News: Cregg Hanson gave his report on the state of the Kansas ALR, at Mid-Winter Forum. No other group at the Forum had a more up beat and positive message as the ALR. There are now 39 chapters in Kansas with three more on the way. Members grew from 688 at the end of 2005, to 1573 at the end of 06. Over 800 new members have joined the American Legion Family in Ks. to be a part of the American Legion Riders, and there is no indication of slowing down. What a story!

Post Membership: Post136 is over 90% in its membership goal. We have had over 50 new members join last year. With over 50 new members, the only reason we are not over the 100% mark, is because of renewals. Please get your 2007 dues in as soon as possible. If you know someone that has not renewed, please talk to them. Keep this in mind: We do not need new members or renewals because we need the dues. The Post only gets a few bucks out of the dues that come in. What we need at the local, State, and National level, is numbers to present to Congress. Our power to help Veterans and their families, (and make not mistake, this is the purpose for our existence), is primarily controlled by Congress. We can dictate the agenda only if we have the influence. We are ‘Veterans Still Serving America’, and we can only do that effectively by keeping the largest and finest Veterans organization in the world in a position to act. Thanks to all of you that have actively recruited.

BOG Meeting Note: The next BOG meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 22, instead of the normal Wednesday due to Ash Wednesday.

Calendar: Instead of the monthly calendar, I will post the yearly calendar each month with any additions or changes highlighted. Due to time constraints, it is easier to update the same calendar than create a new one each month. If anyone knows of events or has something they need to add, please contact me.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136

Friday, January 05, 2007

Newsletter - January 2007

American Legion Family:

Post Chaplain/BOG: At the Monday meeting, we were informed by our Post Chaplain, Mike Hall, of his pending move to Virginia. Mike is soon to be retired from the AF and his and Rachel’s family live back east. This is a huge loss for all of us as both have been so active in the post activities and ALR. While the actual move time is still to be determined, Mike has decided to step down as Post Chaplain effective immediately. He was also a member of the Board of Governors. Since officer elections are only 2 months away, Ron Herndon has been appointed temporary Chaplain until a permanent replacement can be elected in April.

We will have a special election at the Feb. 5 general meeting to fill Mike’s position on the BOG. If anyone is interested in stepping into this position, you must be present at the meeting. The BOG is not a position to be taken lightly. The board is responsible for daily operation of the Post and facilities. The term is 5 years to assure continuity. (One member is normally replaced each year).

Mid Winter Forum will be held this year Feb, 2-4 at Post 18, in Ark City. National Commander Paul Morin will be the guest speaker at the Sunday lunch. See this month’s edition of the Sunflower for general information along with a complete agenda. This informative meeting sets the agenda for the rest of the year. Everyone is encouraged to come.

“Hero’s to Hometown” is a new program that will be addressed at the Forum. The goal is to assist wounded and injured (physical and emotional) military personnel and their families to receive the help needed by their local Posts and community upon their return and transition to civilian life. More on this will be reported as the program is firmed up. We will be front and center in this endeavor.

Hardship Fund: A proposal was made to start a fund that would allow us to assist veterans or their families that may need emergency cash, motel room, etc. The idea was the result of a number of families that faced severe financial hardship when the husband was deployed and paychecks were not properly directed. We are planning on taking a two prong approach to this. The fund was approved and will be used as needed for emergency services. We are also going to gather family service information and have it available so we can assist in directing families and vets to the proper source for help. $475 was donated by Rick Johnson, Charlie Trapp, and Don Culver, aka the Mulvane DJ’s, to start the fund. This is the second time they have donated the money they earned from parties to assist veterans. Anyone can contribute to the fund as the need grows, steps will be taken to keep the fund fluid. Thank you Rick, Charlie, and Don and to everyone who stepped forward to assist in gathering the support information.

50/50 and New TV: In case you have not noticed, we have a new hi-def large screen TV. The idea was to raise money from the sale of 50/50 tickets for this purchase, but thanks to the generosity of Phil Horner, we have other options. Phil donated the new big screen. This leaves us with the enviable problem of deciding which project to concentrate our funds on next. Some ideas are new bar stools and bar furniture, kitchen needs, copier, and shuffle board. Each of these requires more money than we now have, so the decision will be put off, but 50/50 will stay and build the fund. If you have suggestions, send them in.

In Dec. we had a 50/50 split of $47. At the January meeting, we handed the winner, Larry Halloran, $165. The profits from the jacket sales from Dave Williams were also added to the pot. If we can keep this activity going, we will be able to better the post one project and one member at a time. A lot of credit goes to one individual for hawking tickets but she does not want to be mentioned.

By the way, Larry handed his winnings to Cregg Hansen to be given to one of the veterans families mentioned earlier.

Super Bowl Party will be held Feb. 4. Bring a dish. You can actually enjoy the game now that you can see it on the big screen.

VA Christmas Party was a great success and if you were there, saw the faces, and talked to the Veteran patients, you had a great Christmas present yourself. Many people put in a lot of effort on this, but few things we do can give back as much as our vets have given to us. Thanks to all who were there and assisted in this event.

New Years Eve party was so good, you can mark the calendar for next year. I think if falls on the last day of the year again.

McConnell Angel Tree: Last month the Post voted in $200 for the Angel Tree at McConnell. Personal donations added another $200. Then the ALR and Greg Bauer got involved, and between the $500 from each, we were able wipe out the tree and give every child on there a Christmas. Have to mention Dollar General for letting us to make purchases tax free, and again I was told not to mention the two individuals that did all the shopping and coordinating so I will honor Bill and Alice’s wishes, and not say anything.

Sunday Snacks are now being served thanks to Breana. She has agreed to cook a different dish each week as long as it is supported. If you have any ideas for her, she is open to suggestions. Chili, hot dogs, open beef sandwiches, etc. are presently in the plans and the cost will be minimal.

Auxiliary News:

Valentines dinner and dance will be held on Feb. 10 starting at 6:00pm. You must call in your reservation by Feb. 5 so the food can be purchased. Cost for dinner will be $10/person and if you have been to any of the post dances lately, you will want to attend this one too. Call your reservation at 777-4301.

If you have not paid your Auxiliary dues, please do so now. Your benefits have expired s of 12/31. Senior dues are $15.00 and Junior dues (under 18) are $6.00

S.A.L: The “Dog Days of Winter” feed that was scheduled for Jan 20 has been put on hold. A new date will be published as soon as it is worked out.

ALR: Elections were held in Dec. for all ALR officer positions. Congratulations and full Post support goes to the following:

Director: Jim Jones Ride Captain/Sgt at Arms: Charlie Hon
Secretary Treasurer: Monika Barshney Assistant Ride Captain: Gary Schultz
Co-Director: Doug Lehman Historian: Alice Foster
Chaplain: Ron Herndon Veterans Coordinator: Terry Houck

A word for Chuck Barshney, the outgoing Director of the past three years. During this time membership into the ALR has exploded (and consequently AL, Aux., and SAL have also). The Patriot Guard was started under his leadership. The ALR has given thousands of dollars in phone cards and the Riders have supported the post financially and physically time after time. He was instrumental in coordinating ALR homecomings and was a driving force for the motorcycle pad. While no single person is fully responsible for the ALR success, Chuck has been a part of every facet of it. He has set the bar high and it was absolutely necessary to mention it here. Thanks Chuck.

Legion Yearly Calendar: You will find attached to this months newsletter a calendar for the entire year. Please print out and use for your reference. It is as accurate as we now know. If a date has not been set for sure, it will be in bold face with a ? behind it. The usual monthly calendar will pick up again next month.

Conclusion: If you look close at this newsletter, you will see over and over again examples of the generosity of our members. Phil Horning donating a big screen, the DJ’s donating $475 for the hardship fund, Larry Halloran donating his 50/50 winnings, the effort for the vets at Christmas and all who donated to the Angel Tree. If you do not feel pride in your Post and its members, you don’t have a pulse. This is a wonderful organization.