American Legion Family:
Bar/Dining Room Info and Financials:
It’s been awhile since we have been able to report good news regarding the bar and dining room operations as well as a positive financial outlook. Well now we can. When the Board of Governors went on a search to find two managers to work part time instead of one full time, one of the goals was to find individuals that could put the good of the Post ahead of the money. That is why it was imperative to hire someone from within.
Leroy Perkins accepted the position of Bar manager and has spent as much time and effort setting up the financial tracking and procedures as any full time employee. With the Dining Room manager still unsettled, Monika Barshney agreed to help for a month, (without pay), until a manager could be found. She re-defined the job, revamped the salad bar, had the back room and kitchen cleaner than it has ever been, and like Leroy, has put in the extra time and effort required to make it succeed. She has since been interviewed and has agreed to stay on as manager.
The detailed Canteen report is posted and after all Post expenses have been paid, we had a profit of over $1,300 last month. Friday dinner crowds have been increasing with a lot of new diners coming in to enjoy the smoke free dining. Service has been improved, we have a good cook, and members have stepped up to help with dishwashing on Friday evenings. It’s a different atmosphere, and I hope all of you help the post by coming out to have some food, drinks and the kind of company you can only get while hanging around a group of veterans and their supporters.
I especially want to mention the job your Board of Governors has done. They have been tireless and forceful in their decisions and all have been made with the good of the post in mind.
By-law proposals made at last months meeting were unanimously passed. This allows for a member of the Ladies Auxiliary and/or Sons to be on the Board of Governors. We can now utilize the talents of all of our members in making decisions affecting the post. The term of the board was also reduced from five to two years.
Two new Board of Governors members were elected and we took immediate advantage of the new changes to the By-Laws. I am pleased to announce Greg Bauer (Sons of American Legion), and Karen Babinger (Ladies Auxiliary) has been elected to fill the two open positions. The BOG is now at full strength and we are in position to build on the momentum. One reason the Board has been so successful was due to the efforts of Dennis Scuffham who completed his term this month. Thank you for your service Dennis.
Another officer change was made due to our Sgt. at Arms transferring to another Post. Chuck Barshney has agreed, and has been appointed Sgt. at Arms for the remainder of the term.
Blanket/Windbreaker Sales: Just in time for Christmas, we are selling blankets engraved with the American Legion Logo in the center and surrounded by the Auxiliary, SAL, and ALR. and POW Logos. A sample is hanging in the bar area and they are only $20. This is not a fundraiser but a service to our members. These are a great keepsake and come with a nylon tote handle. Orders can be made at the bar.
Post 136 windbreakers are also on sale. They cost $32 each and for $5 more, they can be personalized with your name. Again, a sample is at the Post and this is where you can order them. If there are not a minimum number of orders on the jackets, they cannot be ordered, so if interested, please get up there.
The National Vice Commander will be visiting Mulvane and we will be hosting a dinner for him Jan. 16. More details will be forwarded as they become available.
New Years Eve is going to be real special this year. We are having a party that will be one for the record books. Starting with a smoked barbecue dinner for $10 ea. Dinner will be at 6:00pm. Dancing and the usual over indulgence of adult beverages will take us through to midnight, where we will then step outside for a fireworks display, including an American Flag display. This is brought to us by member Jim (Pyro) Pierce (you gotta love that name for a guy that works in fireworks). The post and ALR have contributed and Jim is donating his crew, time, and some special effects. Please come out, enjoy yourselves and relax one last time before we take on the next year. This will be a blast.
Membership renewals: If you have not paid your 2008 dues, once the fireworks die down, you will be officially delinquent. Please get your dues in now if you have not done so. If you do not wish to be bugged about membership again, Life memberships are always available. Remember, this post is one of the few that will pay any increase of dues for life, if you sign up for a life membership.
Insurance rider covering all three of our outbuildings and contents has been approved by membership. The cost is $300/year with $1,000 deductible. An inventory of all three sheds needs to be completed.
$500 from the Veterans Hardship fund has been designated to assist in the Ladies Auxiliary efforts at the VA Hospital for Christmas. In the past two months your post has given $1500 to children’s and Veteran causes. We have not only a lot to be thankful for, but also to be proud of.
A membership rally will be held Jan. 5th from 2-4pm at Sedgwick American Legion Post.
Mid Winter Forum this year will be held in Leavenworth on Feb. 1, 2, and 3. The host hotel will be the American Best Value Hotel. More details will be in the next issue of the Sunflower.
The Oratorical Scholarship contest will be held at Andover Central, at 1pm on Feb. 10.
Bar improvements are in the planning stages and will begin next month. Plans include, but not held to, replacing ceiling tile and grid, moving the small walls, improving ventilation and getting some new lighting and furniture. We have collected almost $2000 for the ceiling project and are only about $600 shy of having it totally covered. Please, we are asking for everyone to purchase a couple of tiles for $3 each. If a lot will give 3, a few will not have to give hundreds. Please, if you can help, we all benefit.
Year end Commander Thoughts:
From the length of this newsletter, you can see we have been very active at Post 136. After thinking of this, I want to try and put a few things in perspective.
Almost two years ago, we went on a mission to change the course and vision of our Post. Starting with our image, we began fixing the place up. The flag-pole was painted; a new sign was donated for a minimum cost that was covered by Barons Concrete. New lettering on the outside was put up. The motorcycle pad was completed. A new floor in dining area, and a paint job from top to bottom was completed. The glass wall was removed and a new solid wall installed. For over 20 years, we lived with a leaky roof and were told it could not be fixed. It has been replaced along with new A/C and heating systems installed. The underused pool tables have been sold so we can make an additional lounge area that allows the TV and Jukebox to be used without conflict. The walls are filled with awards and plaques presented for the work this post, its Riders, and Patriot Guard has done. A new shed has been built out back and most recently a smoker has been donated and once it is cleaned up, will serve us this summer at the pavilion. I already talked about what is still planned in the bar area. Is there any doubt that it will not?
We looked at the processes, which governed the way the post was run. The past BOG looked into new gaming machines that proved to benefit the post tremendously. The way we did business and reported financing was blown up and re-done. We looked at the Post By-laws and updated and modernized them, including changes to the term and position requirements for the Board of Governors. The management of the Canteen has been totally revamped where we now have two managers working part time instead of one manager full time. The key to the success was finding individuals truly with the Post in mind. That is a huge success story.
Even small things changed. We once again vote on membership and once a year initiate new members that have joined. Flag day and POW ceremonies are now a part of our calendar.
I have heard a number of times, the leadership of the post are wrong, and we are driving the post into the ground. Well thankfully, strong leaders and a BOG that would not bow to the negativism have held the ground they knew to be right. Everything mentioned above (with exception of a loan for the A/C and heating units) are paid for. We owe nothing. And we have still been able to support a Veterans hardship fund of over $2,500. We have maintained a Children and Youth fund of over $2,000 even after a $1,000 donation to the AL Children’s home last month. And maybe most importantly, we have more money in our general account than we have had in years. Does all this sound like your officers are going under and making poor decisions?
Finally, let’s look at the members of this post. It was the right time and correct decision, to accommodate the majority of members that do not smoke. The BOG and membership voted to keep the dining area smoke free. It was a fair compromise that now allows those that cannot or would not attend post functions due to smoke, to partake in our success. It was a gamble like a lot of the past decisions, but we now are seeing faces we have never seen before. It has opened the possibility of more family friendly activities. (This and other suggestions have been brought up and will be covered in a different mailing). None of the above could be done without you. Donations of time and treasure are the mainstay of our success. People do not give this much for a lost cause, and this is not a lost cause. We have not been perfect and without problems and we will have problems again next year. But they too will be met. All we need now is the rest of you.
There has never been a better time to get involved with your post. I am not just talking about time and money. If you have not been here for awhile, come in for a meal. See the changes for yourself. Right down to the salad bar. Come in for a drink and talk to the vets and all the supporters of the post. We are truly blessed and if you take the time to talk to those that are deeply involved, you will see, this post can be written in your heart, and you will stay.
Karen and I also feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve this post by you, the membership. We wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a successful new year.
God Bless Post 136 and its members, and God Bless America.
Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136
Bar/Dining Room Info and Financials:
It’s been awhile since we have been able to report good news regarding the bar and dining room operations as well as a positive financial outlook. Well now we can. When the Board of Governors went on a search to find two managers to work part time instead of one full time, one of the goals was to find individuals that could put the good of the Post ahead of the money. That is why it was imperative to hire someone from within.
Leroy Perkins accepted the position of Bar manager and has spent as much time and effort setting up the financial tracking and procedures as any full time employee. With the Dining Room manager still unsettled, Monika Barshney agreed to help for a month, (without pay), until a manager could be found. She re-defined the job, revamped the salad bar, had the back room and kitchen cleaner than it has ever been, and like Leroy, has put in the extra time and effort required to make it succeed. She has since been interviewed and has agreed to stay on as manager.
The detailed Canteen report is posted and after all Post expenses have been paid, we had a profit of over $1,300 last month. Friday dinner crowds have been increasing with a lot of new diners coming in to enjoy the smoke free dining. Service has been improved, we have a good cook, and members have stepped up to help with dishwashing on Friday evenings. It’s a different atmosphere, and I hope all of you help the post by coming out to have some food, drinks and the kind of company you can only get while hanging around a group of veterans and their supporters.
I especially want to mention the job your Board of Governors has done. They have been tireless and forceful in their decisions and all have been made with the good of the post in mind.
By-law proposals made at last months meeting were unanimously passed. This allows for a member of the Ladies Auxiliary and/or Sons to be on the Board of Governors. We can now utilize the talents of all of our members in making decisions affecting the post. The term of the board was also reduced from five to two years.
Two new Board of Governors members were elected and we took immediate advantage of the new changes to the By-Laws. I am pleased to announce Greg Bauer (Sons of American Legion), and Karen Babinger (Ladies Auxiliary) has been elected to fill the two open positions. The BOG is now at full strength and we are in position to build on the momentum. One reason the Board has been so successful was due to the efforts of Dennis Scuffham who completed his term this month. Thank you for your service Dennis.
Another officer change was made due to our Sgt. at Arms transferring to another Post. Chuck Barshney has agreed, and has been appointed Sgt. at Arms for the remainder of the term.
Blanket/Windbreaker Sales: Just in time for Christmas, we are selling blankets engraved with the American Legion Logo in the center and surrounded by the Auxiliary, SAL, and ALR. and POW Logos. A sample is hanging in the bar area and they are only $20. This is not a fundraiser but a service to our members. These are a great keepsake and come with a nylon tote handle. Orders can be made at the bar.
Post 136 windbreakers are also on sale. They cost $32 each and for $5 more, they can be personalized with your name. Again, a sample is at the Post and this is where you can order them. If there are not a minimum number of orders on the jackets, they cannot be ordered, so if interested, please get up there.
The National Vice Commander will be visiting Mulvane and we will be hosting a dinner for him Jan. 16. More details will be forwarded as they become available.
New Years Eve is going to be real special this year. We are having a party that will be one for the record books. Starting with a smoked barbecue dinner for $10 ea. Dinner will be at 6:00pm. Dancing and the usual over indulgence of adult beverages will take us through to midnight, where we will then step outside for a fireworks display, including an American Flag display. This is brought to us by member Jim (Pyro) Pierce (you gotta love that name for a guy that works in fireworks). The post and ALR have contributed and Jim is donating his crew, time, and some special effects. Please come out, enjoy yourselves and relax one last time before we take on the next year. This will be a blast.
Membership renewals: If you have not paid your 2008 dues, once the fireworks die down, you will be officially delinquent. Please get your dues in now if you have not done so. If you do not wish to be bugged about membership again, Life memberships are always available. Remember, this post is one of the few that will pay any increase of dues for life, if you sign up for a life membership.
Insurance rider covering all three of our outbuildings and contents has been approved by membership. The cost is $300/year with $1,000 deductible. An inventory of all three sheds needs to be completed.
$500 from the Veterans Hardship fund has been designated to assist in the Ladies Auxiliary efforts at the VA Hospital for Christmas. In the past two months your post has given $1500 to children’s and Veteran causes. We have not only a lot to be thankful for, but also to be proud of.
A membership rally will be held Jan. 5th from 2-4pm at Sedgwick American Legion Post.
Mid Winter Forum this year will be held in Leavenworth on Feb. 1, 2, and 3. The host hotel will be the American Best Value Hotel. More details will be in the next issue of the Sunflower.
The Oratorical Scholarship contest will be held at Andover Central, at 1pm on Feb. 10.
Bar improvements are in the planning stages and will begin next month. Plans include, but not held to, replacing ceiling tile and grid, moving the small walls, improving ventilation and getting some new lighting and furniture. We have collected almost $2000 for the ceiling project and are only about $600 shy of having it totally covered. Please, we are asking for everyone to purchase a couple of tiles for $3 each. If a lot will give 3, a few will not have to give hundreds. Please, if you can help, we all benefit.
Year end Commander Thoughts:
From the length of this newsletter, you can see we have been very active at Post 136. After thinking of this, I want to try and put a few things in perspective.
Almost two years ago, we went on a mission to change the course and vision of our Post. Starting with our image, we began fixing the place up. The flag-pole was painted; a new sign was donated for a minimum cost that was covered by Barons Concrete. New lettering on the outside was put up. The motorcycle pad was completed. A new floor in dining area, and a paint job from top to bottom was completed. The glass wall was removed and a new solid wall installed. For over 20 years, we lived with a leaky roof and were told it could not be fixed. It has been replaced along with new A/C and heating systems installed. The underused pool tables have been sold so we can make an additional lounge area that allows the TV and Jukebox to be used without conflict. The walls are filled with awards and plaques presented for the work this post, its Riders, and Patriot Guard has done. A new shed has been built out back and most recently a smoker has been donated and once it is cleaned up, will serve us this summer at the pavilion. I already talked about what is still planned in the bar area. Is there any doubt that it will not?
We looked at the processes, which governed the way the post was run. The past BOG looked into new gaming machines that proved to benefit the post tremendously. The way we did business and reported financing was blown up and re-done. We looked at the Post By-laws and updated and modernized them, including changes to the term and position requirements for the Board of Governors. The management of the Canteen has been totally revamped where we now have two managers working part time instead of one manager full time. The key to the success was finding individuals truly with the Post in mind. That is a huge success story.
Even small things changed. We once again vote on membership and once a year initiate new members that have joined. Flag day and POW ceremonies are now a part of our calendar.
I have heard a number of times, the leadership of the post are wrong, and we are driving the post into the ground. Well thankfully, strong leaders and a BOG that would not bow to the negativism have held the ground they knew to be right. Everything mentioned above (with exception of a loan for the A/C and heating units) are paid for. We owe nothing. And we have still been able to support a Veterans hardship fund of over $2,500. We have maintained a Children and Youth fund of over $2,000 even after a $1,000 donation to the AL Children’s home last month. And maybe most importantly, we have more money in our general account than we have had in years. Does all this sound like your officers are going under and making poor decisions?
Finally, let’s look at the members of this post. It was the right time and correct decision, to accommodate the majority of members that do not smoke. The BOG and membership voted to keep the dining area smoke free. It was a fair compromise that now allows those that cannot or would not attend post functions due to smoke, to partake in our success. It was a gamble like a lot of the past decisions, but we now are seeing faces we have never seen before. It has opened the possibility of more family friendly activities. (This and other suggestions have been brought up and will be covered in a different mailing). None of the above could be done without you. Donations of time and treasure are the mainstay of our success. People do not give this much for a lost cause, and this is not a lost cause. We have not been perfect and without problems and we will have problems again next year. But they too will be met. All we need now is the rest of you.
There has never been a better time to get involved with your post. I am not just talking about time and money. If you have not been here for awhile, come in for a meal. See the changes for yourself. Right down to the salad bar. Come in for a drink and talk to the vets and all the supporters of the post. We are truly blessed and if you take the time to talk to those that are deeply involved, you will see, this post can be written in your heart, and you will stay.
Karen and I also feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve this post by you, the membership. We wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a successful new year.
God Bless Post 136 and its members, and God Bless America.
Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136