Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Newsletter - August 2007

American Legion Family:

Due to a death in my family, this newsletter is being written prior to the monthly general meeting. I will have to leave early Tuesday morning and will not be available until after Aug. 20. I did not want, however, to leave without letting everyone know what is going on. Some things may change after the meeting, so I will not be specific with all details. I apologize in advance and ask for you understanding.

Kansas Blue Star Mothers: A chapter of the Blue Star Mothers was started about a year ago, and due to some early issues, it never became well organized. One of the mothers soon became a Gold Star and it took a toll on those remaining. The group is again reorganizing under the leadership of Jana Hublick. Her phone number is 316-721-4824, and her e-mail is: They are holding a meeting tomorrow (Aug 7) at her home. The address is 11701 Lost Creek. Directions: West on Central from I-235 to 119th St. North to Lost Creek Circle then take a right. They are the 2nd Cull de Sac on the right.

We have a number of Blue Star Moms in our post and this is a great opportunity to get involved. I know this is short notice, and if you cannot make the meeting, and are interested, please give Jana a call so she can add you to the list.

Post Historian: As you may or may not know, our post Historian Rick Johnson, has accepted a new job that will require extensive travel. He has agreed to stay on officially as our historian, but needs everyone’s help. As we have events and pictures are taken, we need to funnel them to Rick, (you can pass all info through me also). If anyone has seen the history book Rick put together last year, you have no doubt as to the value of service he and Nancy have provided for us. We need to keep it going by simply helping him in his endeavor as historian.

Old Settlers is coming up Aug. 17-19. We can use some sand for the horseshoe pits, and some help setting up and breaking down our booth downtown. Please contact Richard Carpenter if you can assist.

Ticket sales and getting the money in before the 17th cannot be overemphasized. Every member, (Legion/Auxiliary/SAL) received one book. The sale or purchase of just this one book for each member will determine how much we move forward this year. Please help us help your post. This is our only large fund-raiser of the year and our success depends on you.

Roof repairs are scheduled to begin by mid Sept. Ironically, all the rain earlier in the year caused the delay, but we will soon have a waterproof building. It will be novel and will take getting used to, but we can handle it

By-law changes and sponsorship of a community car/bike show are to be voted on at the meeting. I will not speculate here on the outcome, but suspect the changes will be voted in as well as the sponsorship. If you come to the meeting and vote, you will know for sure.

Troop assistance will also be discussed in depth. There is a large need for certain items and some money for the wounded when they arrive at medical facilities in Germany. We are collecting a list and will try to get the word out so we can do our part. More details will have to come at a later date, but look for notices at the post. This is what we are and what we do. The American Legion is a Veterans organization built on the promise to support other Veterans and the troops. More than anything else, we must respond to this plea for help.

Post Tables and other items have been borrowed in the past. We had 4 new light weight plastic tables, and now have one. Flags have been removed. If anyone has any knowledge as to the location of these, please let us know. We have been generous in the past in letting members borrow items when needed. We do not want to deprive anyone of this assistance; however, we desperately need the tables returned. In the future any item requested to be borrowed, must be signed for and dated by the Canteen Manager.

Rick Babinger