American Legion Post Paul Stewart Irwin - Mulvane, Ks - Birthplace of the Patriot Guard
Sunday, November 15, 2015
AL Post 136 Newsletter – November 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
AL Post 136 Newsletter – August 2015
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 14 September 2015.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
AL Post 136 Newsletter – June 2015
The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplin Monta Plank followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.
There were 32 Legion, 2 S.A.L., and 3 Guests present
Emery Potucek, who received the scholarship from the post came to thank the members and also to read her essay that she submitted with her scholarship packet.
Reading of the minutes. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. Approved as Written.
Finance Report. Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports. President of the BOG gave the Canteen Report. Reports were approved as presented.
New Members: There were no new members presented.
Old Business:
- Post cleaning to be conducted by the all organizations for the month of June at 10:30 AM on 7 June 2015.
- The exhaust fans for the smoking patio have been purchased and are scheduled to be installed during the next week.
- Next meeting of the Old Settlers committee to be announced. Volunteers are needed to assist in the various activities the Post is sponsoring. There is Karaoke scheduled for Friday night and the band Haywired scheduled for Saturday night.
- The ALR Rally is scheduled for 12 thru 14 June 2015 here at the Post. Any assistance from members would be greatly appreciated to help make this a success.
- Everyone that helped with the Memorial Day activities were thanked for all of the support that they provided.
New Business:
- The next food event will be a BBQ dinner to be held on Father’s Day. Anyone interested in attending need to contact Diana to insure that enough food will be available.
- The large screen be taken down and stored until it is permanently mounted in the meeting room. The removal will take place on the 7th of June during the post cleanup.
- The next flag retirement will take place on July 4, 2015 at the Post.
- A request was made by Cheryl Carpenter for members to save their pull tabs, aluminum can, Pringles cans and empty medicine bottles. She uses the items in projects to support veteran programs.
- A motion was made by Duane Kalous and seconded by Del Kenneson to give Kenny Beran a plaque to thank him for all of the donations and work that he has provided to this post. Motion passed.
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: State Rally fast approaching and volunteers are needed. Patriot Guard highway will be picked up on 6 June 2015 starting at 8:30 AM.
- Patriot Guard: No report.
- SAL: Next meeting to be at 1:30 PM 7 June 2015.
- Ladies Auxiliary: Nothing presented.
Upcoming Events:
- ALR Rally 12 – 14 June 2015.
Sick Call:
- Rick Johnson – Continuing treatment for Cancer, Robert Davis – Being transferred to the Veterans Home in Winfield, Jack Evans – Hernia surgery, Charlie Trapp – Continued treatment for cancer.
- Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 6 July 2015.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
AL Post 136 Newsletter – April 2015
The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplin Monta Plank followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.
There were 35 Legion, 3 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present
5th District Commander Harold Scheaffer was present.
Reading of the minutes. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. Approved as Written.
Finance Report. Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports. President of the BOG gave the Canteen Report. Reports were approved as presented.
New Members: 2 new members – Doug Wilson and Henry Bittle and 1 transfer William C. Nunn were presented. All welcomed to the membership.
BOG Election: Susan Lee and Beth Nye were nominated to serve on the BOG. After voting was completed by all the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members present, Susan Lee was elected to serve a 2 year term.
Old Business:
- Post cleaning to be conducted by the Legion Riders for the month of April.
- The exhaust fans for the smoking patio have been purchased and awaiting installation.
- Nest meeting of the Old Settlers committee to be conducted on April 13, 2015 at 7 PM
New Business:
- Membership Stars were presented to those members that earned them.
- Legion scholarship selection was made and Emery Potucek, granddaughter of Gary Donaldson, was selected to receive the scholarship.
- Discussion was held regarding the use of funds donated for the various memorials. It was determined after a vote that it will be used to fund the luncheons in honor of deceased members.
- Food events for April 2015: Lunch with pulled pork, brats and other items on April 18th, Bierocks on April 23, 2015.
- The post will participate in the City Wide Garage Sale to be held on May 2, 2015. Members can begin bringing in donations on April 27, 2015. Proceeds to be used in paying off the loan.
- Planning needs to begin to prepare for the Memorial Day activities to be held at the Mulvane Cemetery.
- Leadership College is scheduled to be held June 5 – 7, 2015 in Concordia, KS. Notify the Adjutant if you plan on attending so that he can provide a roster to Department of Kansas.
- 5th District convention to be held in El Dorado, KS on 25 April. Names are being taken to attend as delegates.
- State convention being held in Topeka, KS May 15 – 17, 2015. Delegates need to be identified to attend,
- Nominations were taken for all of the officer positions. Nominees for the positions are as follows:
- Commander John Metz and Steve Coberly
- 1st Vice Commander
- 2nd Vice Commander Del Kennison and Ron Herndon
- Adjutant Warren Johnston
- Finance Officer Diana Nelson
- Service Officer Duane Kalous
- Chaplain Monta Plank
- Historian
- Sergeant at Arms Jake DeFrees
- One unanimous vote was made by the adjutant for all positions with only one person nominated to hold the position. After holding a vote for 2d Vice Commander, Ron Herndon was elected. The Commander position resulted in a tie vote. The tie was broken when the current Commander submitted his vote, John Metz was elected as Commander. After the election was determined for Commander, Steve Coberly was nominated as the 1st Vice Commander and one unanimous vote was submitted by the Adjutant.
- The elected officers for 2015 – 2016 are as follows:
- Commander John Metz
- 1st Vice Commander Steve Coberly
- 2nd Vice Commander Ron Herndon
- Adjutant Warren Johnston
- Finance Officer Diana Nelson
- Service Officer Duane Kalous
- Chaplain Monta Plank
- Historian
- Sergeant at Arms Jake DeFrees
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: Preregistration is urged to attend the State Rally in June and anyone wanting to assist is urged to volunteer. Next meeting to be held Sunday 12 April 2015 at 3 PM.
Patriot Guard: No report.
SAL: Nest meeting to be held on Sunday 12 April 2015 at 1:30PM. Election of officers to be held and the gun drawing to be held.
Ladies Auxiliary: The Auxiliary was present a plaque from the legion listing all of the life members of the unit.
Upcoming Events:
- Lunch and horseshoes at the post April 18th.
- Bierocks – April 23.
Sick Call:
- Rick Johnson – Continuing treatment for Cancer
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 4 May 2015.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
AL Post 136 Newsletter – April 2015
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 4 May 2015.