Post 136 Family,
Here are the highlights from our discussions at Novembers monthly Legion Meeting:
Veterans Day: This Friday, Nov. 11, we will be holding our traditional Veterans Day ceremonies, beginning around 5:30pm with a flag retirement at the pavilion. When complete we will be going inside where the Ladies Auxiliary will provide all veterans with a free meal. The kitchen will be closed this Friday however any veteran that shows up will be fed. There will be other programs performed inside. Ladies Auxiliary has been requested to bring side dishes and desserts to the post by 5:PM. If you need to bring something by earlier or on Thursday, please place in the walk-in cooler. This day is a special one for all of us and in the past we have had up to 100 attend. Let’s do that again.
Monta Plank (Gunner) has been nominated and sworn in as our new Post Chaplain for the remainder of the term. Due to personal time constraints, Darrell Hacker, our present Chaplain, has had to relinquish his position. Thank you Darrell for your service and congratulations to Monta.
Post 136 Thanksgiving dinner will be held Monday, Nov. 21st at 6:PM. The Post will provide plenty of Turkey and Ham, (some will be smoked), and we ask you bring a side dish to compliment the meal. Most of the time we only think we have problems. Compared to any other country, our issues are minimal. We all need to stop, give thanks and have a meal with our Legion family members. This is the time. I guarantee you will not eat better this year.
Christmas in a Box: Only a couple of weeks left for you to drop off a new gift item for our VA Veterans. This program allows them to pick items out to give to their families for Christmas. It costs the Veteran nothing and there is a big payoff for those who give. Please add to the box in the post.
Post donations: Last meeting, the Post gave $500 to the Mulvane EMS/Police to help them with their toys for tots drive. This month we ponied up $200 to assist in the purchase of popcorn machines at the Winfield Veterans home. This is a project the Riders of Post 136 are also heavily involved in. They have designated over $1100 for the Christmas Lights and popcorn machines. We also designated $50 to the Sedgwick County Sherriff food drive. This is your post at its finest.
Snowshoe Tournament: More will come out on this as we get closer, but Dec 3 has been set for a horseshoe tournament no matter the weather. There is a single sign-up sheet out in the bar and teams will be matched up the day of the tournament. First prize will be a Lear jet, so you want to get in on this. And if that isn't enough to entice you, the Ladies Auxiliary will supply hot chili, potato soup, and chicken & noodles for a mere $2/bowl. Now think about this a moment. Not only do you win a Lear jet, but if it’s cold enough to bring the brass monkeys inside, you can be warmed with hot stuff from the Ladies Auxiliary.
All Post Meeting Monday Nov 14: Details will follow on a separate e-mail, but please plan on attending this meeting at 7:PM. This is for all Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary members. We are going to be looking at Post options and hopefully make some major decisions that will ultimately affect us all. Please be there and watch for a follow-up e-mail.
Sick Call: Good news/bad news> Former Commander Art Beale is back on the road to recovery. The possible tumor that was suspected of returning, ended up being scar tissue and dead cancer cells. He has been released from the hospital and is now back home.
Post 136 life member John Thomas, former 5th District Commander and Dept. Commander, suffered a mini stroke and is hospitalized.
Father of Post 136 member Jerry Kirk is suffering from cancer and very ill. We need to keep all of these members on our prayer list. If you need proof the power of prayer works, look to Art.
SAL/ALR meetings are scheduled for Sunday Nov 13 At 1:30 and 3:00PM respectively.
And For the Veterans:
Tribute to American Veterans
From the revolution through this day, our Veterans are often viewed
As a group of patriot citizens
With honor and fortitude!
In all conditions, they completed their missions
They gave freedoms’ bell its ring
Across our land, still taking a stand
Vets form the Eagles wing
Ten thousand graves, marked with stone
Ten thousand footsteps marching home.
Their duty done, no reward to claim
Yet in their heart burns eternal flame
For love of country, sacrifice for peace
No human act can make it cease.
The blood they spilled on foreign shores
From jungles to desert sand
Have forever changed this land of promise
Into the promise land.
For those now living in this land of the free
We beg you never forget them.
Because this one nation, under God,
Still stands because of the Veteran.