Veterans Serving America
Since 1919
Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – June 2008
American Legion Family:
Memorial Day, according to a number of spectators in attendance, gave us one of the best ceremonies in recent memory. The weather cooperated long enough for post membership to raise 216 flags long enough to observe the day. We would not have made it without the effort and sacrifice of everyone involved. A lot of people gave their time and talent to honor those veterans that have gone before us and it was noted by everyone there. Thank you for your living sacrifice so we could honor those that have died.
Post appreciation day: While on the subject of Post appreciation, this was a great party. The whole purpose was to give back at least a little to all members that have worked so hard to improve our post home. Recognized with certificates were Dwane Stewart, Tom Knight, and Jeff Brown (Jeff was absent). Plaques were also awarded to Phil Horner, Chuck Barshney and Greg Bauer for their leadership, and one to Kim Ginger (absent), for sharing her talent on the mural. One final certificate was given to our past Historian Rick Johnson, for the work he did on preserving our history over the last two years. You can see his work in the two books that are now on top of the display case in the meeting room.
Besides the half price drinks and rib feed, we also had a horseshoe tournament that was won by the team of Rick Johnson and Ron Herndon. The Corvette they won was not delivered on time so it has been forfeited. Also, Barbara Geovoni, and Colleen Saffron won 50/50 give aways. The big prizes though were won by Dennis Scuffham (special door prize) and Randall Everett-$114. Hope everyone had a great time. Wish we could do it again.
4th of July: Speaking of doing it again, we are looking at another horseshoe tournament on the 4th. Details will be coming out later. It will be open to other posts and we will have dogs and fixings to eat. As soon as the details are set, word will be out.
George Leach, 15-year Post 136 member, is running for the open seat in the State Legislature that has been vacated by the late Ted Powers. The Legion in non political and we will not endorse any candidate, but as a member, there is nothing wrong with letting the membership know of his intentions. George is a very strong veteran’s supporter and the primaries will be held August 5th.
The Reading is a one of a kind ceremony to be held Saturday, June 14 in Topeka. Topeka was picked due to its central location in the country. This ceremony will consist of the reading of each name of every lost soldier since the ware in Afghanistan and Iraq began. Since Ks is the home of the Patriot Guard, this will have special meaning for all of us. Everyone is invited to join the Legion Riders on a trip to Topeka to honor our lost. Details will follow.
The Mulvane City Council voted unanimously to donate up to $1420 for the signs designating Hwy 53 as Patriot Guard Hwy. We do not know the total price and this is only an estimate of the cost, but it will definitely cover the majority of the cost. Our thanks to Larry Halloran for attending the council meeting and presenting them with the opportunity.
Larry Halloran: While on the subject of Larry, he has agreed to accept the open position of Post Historian. Larry will depend on all of us to supply him with pictures, names and details of many of the post events since his work schedule will prevent his presence in many cases, but he will pull it together and keep the history alive this year. If you have any pics of Memorial Day, appreciation day, or anything else since April, please pass on to Larry at: LarryHalloran@aol.com
Old Settlers planning meeting will be held at the post on June 12, at 7pm. Anyone that can be of service, and that is anyone that wants to help, should try to be there for this important meeting.
SAL News: For the 30th year in a row, the Kansas SAL has increased their numbers and exceeded 100% quota. To put this in perspective, no state in the country is even close to this record. What an accomplishment.
Auxiliary News: Keep Oct 4 open on your calendar. I am not sure why yet but the Auxiliary is planning something and you will all be invited.
Community Recognition: We are looking for candidates in the community to present a Certificate of Appreciation to. A couple of ideas are Mulvane HS for their part in decorating bags for the Vets at the VA. (they do this every quarter)., widow of Ted Powers, Mulvane News, etc. If anyone knows of a business, or an individual that has supported the post, troops or veterans, send me the information. We will look into getting a certificate and presenting it to them with the deep appreciation of Post 136.
Happy Fathers Day
Rick Babinger
Veterans Serving America
Since 1919
Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – June 2008
American Legion Family:
Memorial Day, according to a number of spectators in attendance, gave us one of the best ceremonies in recent memory. The weather cooperated long enough for post membership to raise 216 flags long enough to observe the day. We would not have made it without the effort and sacrifice of everyone involved. A lot of people gave their time and talent to honor those veterans that have gone before us and it was noted by everyone there. Thank you for your living sacrifice so we could honor those that have died.
Post appreciation day: While on the subject of Post appreciation, this was a great party. The whole purpose was to give back at least a little to all members that have worked so hard to improve our post home. Recognized with certificates were Dwane Stewart, Tom Knight, and Jeff Brown (Jeff was absent). Plaques were also awarded to Phil Horner, Chuck Barshney and Greg Bauer for their leadership, and one to Kim Ginger (absent), for sharing her talent on the mural. One final certificate was given to our past Historian Rick Johnson, for the work he did on preserving our history over the last two years. You can see his work in the two books that are now on top of the display case in the meeting room.
Besides the half price drinks and rib feed, we also had a horseshoe tournament that was won by the team of Rick Johnson and Ron Herndon. The Corvette they won was not delivered on time so it has been forfeited. Also, Barbara Geovoni, and Colleen Saffron won 50/50 give aways. The big prizes though were won by Dennis Scuffham (special door prize) and Randall Everett-$114. Hope everyone had a great time. Wish we could do it again.
4th of July: Speaking of doing it again, we are looking at another horseshoe tournament on the 4th. Details will be coming out later. It will be open to other posts and we will have dogs and fixings to eat. As soon as the details are set, word will be out.
George Leach, 15-year Post 136 member, is running for the open seat in the State Legislature that has been vacated by the late Ted Powers. The Legion in non political and we will not endorse any candidate, but as a member, there is nothing wrong with letting the membership know of his intentions. George is a very strong veteran’s supporter and the primaries will be held August 5th.
The Reading is a one of a kind ceremony to be held Saturday, June 14 in Topeka. Topeka was picked due to its central location in the country. This ceremony will consist of the reading of each name of every lost soldier since the ware in Afghanistan and Iraq began. Since Ks is the home of the Patriot Guard, this will have special meaning for all of us. Everyone is invited to join the Legion Riders on a trip to Topeka to honor our lost. Details will follow.
The Mulvane City Council voted unanimously to donate up to $1420 for the signs designating Hwy 53 as Patriot Guard Hwy. We do not know the total price and this is only an estimate of the cost, but it will definitely cover the majority of the cost. Our thanks to Larry Halloran for attending the council meeting and presenting them with the opportunity.
Larry Halloran: While on the subject of Larry, he has agreed to accept the open position of Post Historian. Larry will depend on all of us to supply him with pictures, names and details of many of the post events since his work schedule will prevent his presence in many cases, but he will pull it together and keep the history alive this year. If you have any pics of Memorial Day, appreciation day, or anything else since April, please pass on to Larry at: LarryHalloran@aol.com
Old Settlers planning meeting will be held at the post on June 12, at 7pm. Anyone that can be of service, and that is anyone that wants to help, should try to be there for this important meeting.
SAL News: For the 30th year in a row, the Kansas SAL has increased their numbers and exceeded 100% quota. To put this in perspective, no state in the country is even close to this record. What an accomplishment.
Auxiliary News: Keep Oct 4 open on your calendar. I am not sure why yet but the Auxiliary is planning something and you will all be invited.
Community Recognition: We are looking for candidates in the community to present a Certificate of Appreciation to. A couple of ideas are Mulvane HS for their part in decorating bags for the Vets at the VA. (they do this every quarter)., widow of Ted Powers, Mulvane News, etc. If anyone knows of a business, or an individual that has supported the post, troops or veterans, send me the information. We will look into getting a certificate and presenting it to them with the deep appreciation of Post 136.
Happy Fathers Day
Rick Babinger