Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Newsletter - December 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –Dec. 2008

American Legion Family:

Ho, Ho, and once again, Ho

Coming up this week:

Ladies Auxiliary will hold their Basket Auction from 5-8pm this Friday. This will be a silent auction so your dinner will not be disturbed in any way. These baskets are worth much more than the $25 minimum bid and all proceeds go to Veterans programs supported by our Auxiliary. Please come out for dinner and do some Christmas shopping.

SAL children’s Christmas party will be held Sunday, Dec 7 from 2-4 pm. There will be treats, games, etc. Bring the kids but keep in mind if they plan on drinking, it’s BYOB.

Pearl Harbor Day observances will be held at the VA starting at 10am. They will have music, displays, speakers, etc.

Post will be closed for dinner on Friday Dec 12 due to a private company Christmas party, taking place in the dining room. Bar area will be open all day.

Dinner is also canceled on Dec 26 so all employees can enjoy Christmas with their other families. The Legion Family will be there in spirit.

Note: A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. - George Bernard Shaw

Post 136 member, SSgt Dan Morgan is now on his 5th tour of Iraq. His e-mail is below and he would like to hear from his Legion Family. Take a moment and give a quick shout-out. Also, the soldiers in the 287th are doing their own laundry, and Dan has a request. At Wal-Mart they carry laundry singles. Packages of 3 for 97 cents. These guys can use some of these so anyone that wants to pick some up, we will collect and send over.

New Years Eve:

Just like last year, New Years Eve falls on Dec 31. Not sure if it’s a coincidence or not, but just in case we are going to celebrate. Starting at 7pm or there about, we will have food, (as long as everyone brings snacks to share), music, some party games (remember Halloween), and the big one at midnight. FIREWORKS!

A bigger show than last year is planned and this is as good a time you can have and still keep your clothes on. Let the rookies watch a ball come down in NY. We blow things up.

Riders VA Christmas party will be held Dec 14. While the Riders sponsor this, everyone is invited to join. We will be leaving the post about noon and head to the VA. You can follow or meet at the VA. Your Riders have purchased 3 GPS systems for the VA vans that transport patients, as well as gifts for each patient. A choral group from McConnell will provide Christmas music. The patients need us more now than at any time of the year. The whole post needs to try and join in on spending a few minutes with the Vets at the VA.

4th of July Fireworks stand: As mentioned last month, the Post voted to support a fireworks stand from June 26-July6. There will be updates every month. First step is to get a couple of representatives from each Legion Family group. I am looking for at least 2 each from the Legion, SAL, Auxiliary, and Riders, to join me with the planning. I already have volunteers for Legion and Auxiliary. If you are interested, we will put more on, but 2 each is the minimum. This committee will not be very time consuming, but we will meet for planning, scheduling, etc. This can be huge for the post and we need a lot of participation. Will be getting more into it after the holidays, but please get back to me as soon as you can if you are interested to be on the planning committee.

Patty Tafoya has been coming in on Sat. to take over the fish and chicken cooking while Dan is recovering. Since Lonnie has moved back to Pa., starting this week, she will also be cooking on Friday evening and Sunday breakfast. Patty has cooked at RD’s and other establishments.

If anyone has a contact for some fire brick, we are looking to re-build the flag retirement pit. The moisture and lack of firebrick caused the new pit to crack. We have the expertise to do it right and better, but need firebrick. We always look to the membership first to try for donations, so if anyone has extra or has a contact, let us know.

Year end thoughts:

The Post has continued to grow in every category over the past year. New membership roles are up. Every Legion meeting has us voting in at least half a dozen new members. The Auxiliary has really taken off in the past year, with new energy, ideas, and membership.

The bar area was remodeled with a smoke ventilation system installed, a second large screen TV set up, and new furniture purchased. The final phase of remodel behind the bar will begin after the holidays. The funds are already in place and we are ready to proceed.
Our financial status is solid. We have been able to fund all projects and programs, while chipping away at the one debt we still have, which is the air and heating system. New fundraisers planned in 09, have the possibility to clear this debt and allow us to move on to bigger and better things. When we had an emergency with our convection oven failing, it was not the panic it used to be. We purchased a new one and were able to cover the cost.

This past year had our post out in front on some legislative issues. Members of 136 testified in Topeka for a number of bills including the Patriot Guard Highway bill, Gold Star Mothers license plate bill, and Illegal Immigration legislation. In Oct, Highway 53 was dedicated to the Patriot Guard and the Gold Star License plates were approved prior to that.

We had a post appreciation day that allowed us to relax and recognize those that have gone above and beyond. And the recognition goes on throughout the year with membership and into the community where we have given certificates to the town of Mulvane, the Mulvane News, etc. The Riders of this post were recognized via the Legion magazine with articles on the founding of the Patriot Guard and for their activity on the Legacy Scholarship Fund.

We have raised more money and supplies for the troops than any time in recent history. This post has been actively involved on a weekly basis with funerals, homecomings, sendoffs, VA and Villa Maria events, parades, talks to community groups, etc. And we have some fun along the way.

Multiple horseshoe tournaments, parties, events, have been extremely well attended and supported. One only has to go back one month to the Veterans Day ceremonies, and Thanksgiving dinner where there was almost standing room only. This truly is a family.

Finally, with the end of the year coming up, you can feel more confident than ever our mission of serving America and our military, is on track and healthy. You the membership have guaranteed it. Thank you.

Karen and I have been honored to be selected to serve this post, and wish everyone and your families a safe and meaningful Christmas. Let us not forget the one group of people that make it all possible: our Soldiers. God Bless them and the families left behind.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newsletter - November 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – Nov. 2008

American Legion Family:

Veterans Day Ceremonies begin about 5:00 on Nov. 11. We will break in our new Flag Retirement Incinerator recently constructed out back near the pavilion. The Boys and Girl Scouts will be present and Dan Morgan will hold the American Flag. Dan is a Post 136 member about to deploy on his 5th trip to Iraq.

After the flag retirement, I invite all Veteran Legion members, which have never been initiated, to take the oath for the American Legion. McConnell AFB will be there to present the American Flag 13 Folds ceremony and we will follow with a lasagna dinner. The dinner is free but we ask all non-vets to please bring a side dish.

When that is all done, the Ladies Auxiliary will hold a basket auction. This may solve some Christmas concerns for you. This is a big day for us. Please join us as we honor our Vets and our Flag

Speaking of flag retirement, a special thanks to Brock Hayes and Ed LaPlant for building the new flag disposal incinerator. Also to Greg Bauer for donating the materials.

Post 136 Thanksgiving dinner will be Monday, Nov 24, at 6pm. The turkey and ham will be supplied by the Supplementary Fund, and cooked by the post officers. Everyone, including your family, is invited. Everyone brings a side dish and this is one of the best meals you will eat all year. The purpose is for the American Legion Family to give thanks for the blessings we have in this country. There will be no fundraiser, raffle, or donations at this meal. This is for all to enjoy. Period.

Fireworks will be on tap again this year at our New Years Eve party. We decided to hold the party on Dec 31 once again. Figured that was close enough to New Years Eve. Anyway, last year, Jim Daily and his crew put on a great midnight show and we are planning it again. The Mulvane DJ’s donated $250 for our use, and it will go toward the cost of the fireworks. The generosity of our members never ceases to amaze me.

Speaking of fireworks, the membership overwhelmingly agreed to sponsor a fireworks tent in Mulvane from June 26-July 6. We have been approached by Shocker Fireworks and the opportunity is too good to pass up. The post stands to make $10k or more. It will cost us nothing but labor, and can be a long-term relationship. I will not go into all the details in the newsletter. The Legion membership, SAL, and Auxiliary were all part of the decision and there will be more info to follow. A committee will be formed to begin recruiting volunteers. It will take a lot of people to pull this off but with the pay off, it cannot be ignored. It will be set up at Pfaff Chevrolet on K-15, just off Rock Road. Stay tuned.

Veteran and troop support: The following are all programs either supported by or sponsored by your post. This is the time of year we have to look beyond ourselves and out to the Veterans that have given so much and now are in need. And so we look to all of you for your help and consideration.

Christmas Gift Shop: Sponsored the 5th District Ladies Auxiliary. This program allows hospitalized vets to pick out gifts for their families and is spearheaded by Sheryl Carpenter. A second box will be placed at the post. We will be collecting new items that can be used as gifts. Examples: Men-hand tools, shirts, sweatshirts, (all sizes), etc. Women-shirts, bath towel sets, sweatshirts, grooming needs, etc. Use your imagination, but the items must be new or made. (Afghans, sweaters, etc). Leave the price tags on the items. Please bring any contributions to the Post by Nov 25 so they can be taken to the VA, then wrapped and sent to the recipients. By the way, the Post has donated $200 for postage on these gifts.

Shoes needed-good, bad and ugly shoes. Skates, boots, anything you put on your tired dogs, are eligible. Do not need to be in good shape. A box will be set up at the post for the collection of shoes. 15 cents/pound will be collected and the money goes to four hospice rooms at the VA. In the past, this fund has been used for helping purchase vans, aviary, and flags at the VA. For questions contact Faye Evans @ 833-8005 or

Veterans assistance fund: We were presented the challenge to help a wounded veterans family though the holidays. Three times Purple Heart recipient, Chris Swartz, has fallen through the bureaucratic cracks and is in severe financial trouble. With young children, the holidays are looking bleak. Post 136 membership has voted to assist this soldier and presented him with gift cards for Wal-Mart, and the Auxiliary gave him a gift card from Dillons. Additionally, the Assistance fund has been used to provide air transportation home for a retuning vet, gas assistance to a stranded vet, purchase of a new tire to another stranded vet here in Mulvane. I mention this so everyone can see that being a member of the American Legion is more than coming to the parties and enjoying a cold beer. We are here as Veterans to continue serving America.

Friday, Nov 28 dinner-Keep this one open!! It’s the day after Thanksgiving and you don’t want to cook. You feel like a fat toad sitting on a log and need something to stimulate you. Come to dinner and listen to one of the most colorful and courageous hero’s of WWII. Jake McNiece, author of ‘The Filthy Thirteen’ – The True Story of the Dirty Dozen, will be at the Post to speak to all veterans. Jake was a member of 101st Airborne, 506 PIR Regt. He is highly decorated and will literally amaze you with some of the most entertaining stories of WWII you will ever hear. Bring a friend. You will not regret it.

SAL News:

SAL Children’s Christmas party will be held Dec. 7, from 2-4 pm. Bring the kids
SAL election of officers is coming up. Jim Jones, Commander, is unable to continue in his role, due to work commitments. The meetings are held the second Sunday of the month, at 2PM. Please consider your role with the American Legion and the SAL. If you want to be part of the leadership of this post, please consider one of the positions of leadership.

ALR News:

Dept. Master of Arms, John Thomas, presented Jim Jones, Director of Post 136 ALR, an award from the National Commander for the outstanding support of your Riders in the American Legion Legacy Fund campaign.

Your Riders have consistently been out in front and in the community. The recognition they receive is a reflection on the entire Post 136 and American Legion Family. We could not ask for or receive any better representation.

And Finally:

Thursday, Nov. 13, 7pm-Kansas Quilts of Valor will be presenting quilts to 15 local Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom Veterans, in the auditorium at the VA. The color guard is from Northwest High School.

The American Legion and American Legion Riders have been invited to attend and honor these veterans. A section of the lot will be blocked off for motorcycle parking.

If you remember, the Kansas Quilts of Valor presented quilts to two of our own at the post a few months ago. This is a great program that honors our returning soldiers and I am pushing Post 136 and our ALR to be there in support.

Rick Babinger

I Am A Veteran
by Andrea C. Brett
You may not know me the first time we meet
I’m just another you see on the street
But I am the reason you walk and breathe free
I am the reason for your liberty
I am a Veteran
I work in the local factory all day
I own the restaurant just down the way
I sell you insurance, I start your IV
I’ve got the best-looking grandkids you’ll ever see
I’m you grocer, your banker, your child’s schoolteacher
I’m you plumber, your barber, your family’s preacher
But there’s part of me you know very well
Just listen a moment, I’ve a story to tell
I am a Veteran
I joined the service while still in my teens
I traded my prom dress for camouflage greens
I’m the first in my family to do something like this
I followed my father, like he followed his
Defying my fears and hiding my doubt
I married my sweetheart before I shipped out
I missed Christmas, then Easter, the birth of my son
But I knew I was doing what had to be done
I served on the battlefront, I served on the base
I bound up the wounded and begged for God’s grace
I gave orders to fire, I followed commands
I marched into conflict in far distant lands
In the jungle, the desert, on mountains and shores
In bunkers, in tents, on dank earthen floors
While I fought on the ground, in the air, on the sea
My family and friends were home praying for me
For the land of the free and the home of brave
I faced my demons in foxholes and caves
Then one dreaded day, without drummer or fife
I lost an arm, my buddy, his life
I came home and moved on, but forever was changed
The perils of war in my memory remained
I don’t really say much, I don’t feel like I can
But I left home a child, and came home man
There are thousands like me, thousands more who are gone
But their legacy lives as time marches on
White crosses in rows, and names carved in queue
Remind us of what these brave souls had to do
I’m part of a fellowship, a strong mighty band
Of each man and each woman who has served this great land
And when Old Glory waves, I stand proud, I stand tall
I helped keep her flying over you, over all
I am a Veteran

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Newsletter - October 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –October 2008

American Legion Family:

Early Bird Dinner will be held at the post Sat, Oct 18 starting at 6 pm. If you have paid your 2009 dues, are a life member, or pay your dues at the dinner, you eat for free. We will have spaghetti and stuff that goes well with spaghetti. Guests will be charged $5. Guests under the age of 10 will be charged $3.

Our membership in the American Legion is extremely important in Washington. Our numbers are almost 3 million. That pulls a lot of weight. Please pay you dues for next year early and join us for dinner.

This applies to SAL and Auxiliary too. And Riders, keep in mind, you cannot renew your ALR membership without first renewing your Legion, SAL, or Auxiliary dues.

Lastly, do not overlook Life memberships. No more yearly dues and no future dues increases. This is a benefit provided by your post 136.

Veterans Day Ceremonies will be held, believe it or not, on Veterans Day, Nov.11. They will start between 5 and 5:30. We will have our flag retirement ceremony followed by initiation into the Legion and Auxiliary for any members joining this past year, or anyone that has not officially been initiated. There will then be dinner and the ceremony of the thirteen folds of the American Flag, put on by personnel from McConnell AFB. We hope to have Boy and Girl Scouts present for the ceremonies.

Patriot Guard Highway dedication will take place Oct 23 at 3pm. The dedication will be held just west of town on Hwy 53, near the industrial park. The Sec. Of Transportation, Mayor, County Commissioners etc will be there and any Patriot Guard members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The signs re-naming Hwy 53 as the Patriot Guard Highway will be uncovered at that time.

Halloween Party: If you think it’s a coincidence that we are holding Veterans Day ceremonies on Veterans Day, wait till you hear this. The Halloween party will be on Halloween. This just happens to fall on Friday Oct 31 and after dinner we will kick it off. The past two have been a blast. There will be some prize money for costumes and we are planning a few things different this year. The Mulvane DJ’s are playing. If you think you are too old for this kind of thing, you are.

VA Avenue of Flags: Monday, Oct 13 is Columbus Day. The VA is asking for some volunteers to help raise their Avenue of Flags. They put the flags up on Federal holidays. If you are interested in helping it will only take about an hour of your time. That’s the good news. The bad news is you need to be at the VA at 6 am. A labor of love to be sure.

Support the troops ride-Important for entire membership:

Oct. 18, in lieu of Toys for Tots, the ALR of Kansas is sponsoring something different. They are collecting item for the troops to be sent overseas. The Riders will be leaving the VFW in Derby (Post 408), at 2 pm and riding to Post 256 to deliver the goods. While this is a Riders sponsored event, supporting our troops is not. If you want to follow the bikes down to 256, come over to Derby. If not, but want to donate something for the troops, we will find away to get it over there. A list is attached so everyone can pick and choose. KFDI is also a sponsor and there will be food and a band at post 256. Don’t stay too long cause you need to get back for the Early Bird dinner.

Cook needed: Jay has moved on and we are looking for a cook to take his place. We have a volunteer in Chuck Barshney for this weekend, but need to fill the position fast. Anyone interested get an application at the bar and you will be contacted. The hours are approximately 5-8 (not counting clean up time) on Friday evening and 8-noon on Sunday.

Still looking for high school students interested in a scholarship by participating in the American Legion Oratorical contest. Contact Tom Knight or myself for information. Up to $18,000 is available. We will also sponsor students for Cadet Law and Boys and Girls State. Big opportunity for someone willing to participate.

Post Notes: I have had requests to inform the general membership of troop homecomings and send-offs. These occur often and sometimes change at the last minute, so I have hesitated to swamp everyone’s e-mail. I decided to go ahead and send out the info but the subject line will always state what the mail is and that is all it will be. If you are not interested, just delete it and you do not have to open it up. If the subject still states ‘Post Notes’, it is general news for all.

Fund Raiser Committee: One of the cool things about this post that makes our life easier is the people that see a need, do not ask for permission to do something about it, and then do something about it. A committee, started by Asonjia Stewart, and joined by Danny Aguilara, Dwane Stewart, Dan and Carol Benson, and Greg and Helen Lenegar was formed to explore options for fundraisers. This was not requested or formed after a lot of thought, but was seen as a need of the post and filled. Thanks to all who look out for what needs to be done and takes action on their ideas. Life can be good that way.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Newsletter - September 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –Sept. 2008

American Legion Family:

My thanks to Vice Commander Bill Logan for again leading our meeting while I was out on business. I am hoping it will be the last meeting I miss but it’s a good feeling to know the post is in good hands. I will be traveling for the next three weeks but should be back for the Oct. meeting.

Old Settlers:

Have to once again thank all who participated and helped the post move forward with the selling of your drawing tickets. With over $4,900 we can move forward and with 1500 tickets sold by Dave and Margine Leach, we have had one of our best years in some time. A lot of people spent a lot of time making this a success for our post.

Early Bird dinner has been move from this month to Oct. 18 due to a conflict.

Auxiliary Fund Raiser:

Oct. 4, your Ladies Auxiliary will be holding a fundraiser that primarily goes to directly support the veterans at the VA, Villa Maria, and some other veteran programs. This is huge for the operation of the Auxiliary and support of our sick and wounded vets.

It will start at noon with a horseshoe tournament, (sign up at the bar). Food will be served starting at 2:30 followed by a cakewalk at 5, a basket auction, and DJ’s to bring it on home into the evening.

Keep in mind: This fundraiser is primarily for those veterans that are in need. This is why we exist. Please make this one a priority so we can help the Auxiliary make them a priority. Special mention to Asonjia Stewart for being the drill sergeant on this project.

American Legion VA Tour (ALVA) will be coming to the post on Sept. 22 at 5:30. If you have questions, concerns, etc about VA benefits, come to the light dinner and talk to the reps.

National POW/MIA observance will be held at the Post during the dinner hour on Friday, Sept. 19. Like in the past years, this short ceremony will take place at 7:00 pm. If you have never had the opportunity to see the POW/MIA ceremony, you will be deeply moved and for one day it is important to honor those who have never returned and cannot be here.
We have a number of POW’s that are members of Post 136 and that service cannot be forgotten.

Brick work needed:

We are looking to build a permanent, brick, flag retirement burn receptacle that can be also be used for other events. It will be minimum cost since we only have to purchase the mortar and the firebrick lining. What we need is someone skilled at laying some brick to help us build it. If anyone knows how to do some brickwork and is willing to donate a few hours, please let me know. We are looking to do this in Oct so it will be ready by our flag retirement ceremony on Veterans Day.

5th District Homecoming for the 5th District Commander, President, and SAL Commander will be on Oct 4 at Post 256 in Wichita. An RSVP is required to plan the meal and the cost is $15. Anyone interested can pick up a form at the post or see Terry Knight.

High School Oratorical contest, Boys and Girls State:

If you have a high school age child, or know people that do, now is the time to consider scholarship opportunities with the American Legion. The Oratorical contest, held in Feb, is the chance to win a scholarship up to $18,000 base on your knowledge of our Constitution. Boys and Girls State is an opportunity to learn about our government and the workings of our lawmakers without the influence of public schools. The post will sponsor and pay for these opportunities. Please get the word out and lets try to find a candidate for the Oratorical (we can sponsor 1) or Boys/Girls State (We will sponsor as many as we get and pay the $300 fee). Contact our Service Officer, Tom Knight for details or myself.

New Dishwashing list is posted for the last quarter. This once every couple of month’s chore has saved us a lot of money and we need to continue. Please sign up for a fun Friday. List is in the kitchen.


While wrapping this up, the City of Mulvane called me to let us know there will be a ceremony to dedicate Hwy 53 as the Patriot Guard Hwy, on Oct 23 at 3pm. The Secretary of Transportation, Mayor, Commissioners, etc will be there, and of course members of the Patriot Guard are invited. It will take place just pass the RR tracks on 53 heading out of Mulvane. More will be out on this as we get closer. All members of the PG are invited. Ted Powers’ wife, Betty, will also be there. Ted was the State Representative that introduced and pushed for the bill before his death last spring.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Newsletter - August 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – August 2008

American Legion Family:

Due to business, I was absent at the last meeting and will again be absent at the next one. This will be an abbreviated newsletter based on feed-back from the meeting.

Old Settlers:

We are approaching the deadline to get your Old Settlers raffle tickets returned to the post. The drawing will be held on Aug. 17, and the prizes are $250 cash for first place and $150 for second. Again, we absolutely need as much participation as possible in order to operated and keep all our veterans programs funded. Please help.
The parade this year will have the ALR leading, and we will have a half-track carrying a post representative from WW II, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq Freedom.
Horseshoe tournament at the post will begin at 9am. Cost to enter is $7.50 and prizes are awarded.
Come out and support the Post


Until the end of the year, you will here me remind everyone to get their dues in for 2009. And please consider a Life membership. We are one of the few posts that make sure you never have to pay dues again, even if there is a dues increase.

American Legion Legacy Fund:

Membership voted for $500 to be added to Post 136 American Legion Riders contribution of $1500, to go to the Legacy Fund. Your post is supporting this important program with a total of $2,000 this year.

New gaming machines are now in place. They have been a little slow out of the gate but we are confident they will soon be back up to previous levels. They essentially play the same as the old ones with minor changes. If you were not aware they are all back on line, get in there and play.

Labor Day Horseshoe tournament:

Remember the 4th of July tournament? The one that cost nothing to enter, and paid the same? Well we are doing it again on Saturday, Aug. 30, over Labor Day weekend. Shoes start at noon. No skill required but plan on fun. Just so you know, we did have a prize last time. One hat for a two-man team. The winners from the 4th may try to win another one so they do not have to keep passing the hat back and forth. That’s if we have a hat for a prize. If not, who cares. Its fun.

Speaking of membership:

We are planning our annual Early Bird dinner on Sept.20. If you are not aware, if you pay your dues on or before that day, you eat free. If your pay for your meal first and pay your dues after you are done, then you have more money than brains and may want to reconsider your order of doing things. More info will come out later.

Post member CMSgt John Kimball, State Command Chief Master Sergeant, retired from service last Sunday after serving our country for almost 40 years. At his retirement ceremony, he presented the post with a flag, case and certificate that was flown in Afghanistan during his tour last year. We are all grateful for Chief Kimball’s service and all should be honored he has chosen our Post to continue his service to our country and veterans. Welcome to civilian life Chief.

Ladies Auxiliary:

The Auxiliary has selected Oct 4 for their annual fund raiser and everyone needs to support this one. They will have a cook out, a basket auction, (different baskets with theme based prizes), and possible horseshoe tournament, cakewalk and music. We will have more info as we get closer but keep this in mind: Our Auxiliary spends thousands of hours a year at the VA, Villa Maria and multiple other veteran related events. Few groups have the dedication and drive to help our Veterans as much as your post Ladies Auxiliary and we could not function with out them. They do not ask for much in return for their service, so we must consider this event as important as any we have during the year. Help them help our vets. It’s the most important activity the American Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR perform, and no one does it better than your Auxiliary.


Due to business and personal travel, I will be gone for the next two weeks and for all practical purposes, the entire month of Sept.

Rick Babinger

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Newsletter - July 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – July 2008

American Legion Family:


While the membership year is from January 1 to December 31, you are now able to pay your 2009 dues. You should have, or will shortly have your renewal notice. It helps our membership numbers and quota control if we pay before the end of the year and I wish to emphasize the importance of renewing as soon as you can. Our power in Washington comes from the membership numbers across the country, so if able, please avoid the push at years end.

Life Memberships are always available for your consideration. Post 136 is one of the few posts that pay any increase in dues forever. If you purchase a Life Membership, you will never pay dues again and will not be bothered by people like me trying to get you to pay before year-end.

Old Settlers Tickets:

For general expense purposes, Post 136 has only one real fundraiser per year, and that is the Old Settlers Day programs we partake in. The lion’s share of that are the raffle tickets that will be mailed shortly to each member. The prizes this year are $250 and $150 cash awards. A great deal of what we do and accomplish during the year depends on the return on these tickets. The past two years have had about 25% return. We have been good stewards of your post funds, but we need everyone’s help to increase the return and help the post. If you can sell just one book/member, and that is all we ask, we would be able to continue and even expand our programs. Please sell or purchase the raffle tickets you get and return to the post as quickly as possible. $10 extra a year is not a burden on anyone to help assure our financial well being and assist the Veteran programs we support. You will be seeing a few reminders over the next few weeks. We only have till the 3rd week in Aug to get the ticket money in. You will receive them in the next week or two.

Patriot Guard Pins are available for $5 each and the proceeds go 100% towards the American Legion Scholarship Fund to assist the children of those KIA to attend college. Pat Thacker and Terry Houck have the pins, but if you do not see them, get a hold of one of the post officers and we will make sure you get one.

The horseshoe tournament on the 4th of July was a great success with a lot of participation. Look for the next one on or about Labor Day weekend. Since these are not real serious games, everyone can get in and have a good time. More info will follow.

Plans to build a permanent Flag retirement burn area have been approved by the BOG and when the weather breaks a little, we will put it together out back. Greg Bauer is donating brick and before the next flag retirement ceremony we should have a more fitting location to retire our flags.

Community certificates of recognition will be presented once a month to different businesses and or individuals in the community that have served, helped, or in some way supported veterans or community. We will make announcements as they happen and the first will be later this month. I will inform everyone when it is set up. If you have any suggestions, let me know. We have three or four in the hopper at this time.

Gaming machine update:

If you were unaware, we were ordered to remove the gaming machines from the Post just before the holiday. This was due to questionable legality of the type of machine we had and ABC left it to the local police to enforce. We complied with the order and have since replaced the machines with new ones. These have the approval from Capt. Richardson from the Mulvane PD. She came to the post Wed to review them and we are good to go. While these are different, they meet the legal test and play the same as the old ones. A push machine was also added and should generate a lot of interest. At least one more will be added.

The income from these machines is what is used to fund the Veterans Hardship fund, Children and Youth, and the payment on the new AC/Heating system. The loss of this income would have been difficult to make up, but we feel we have a workable solution that is agreeable to the local authorities and hope all of you that have missed the games will be back at it. Thank you for your patience over the past ten days while we worked through this issue.

Debt reduction: With the threat of losing one of our major sources of income, the reality set in that we have debt that is vulnerable. The new AC/Heat system is the only debt the post has, even with all the remodeling. We are looking for ideas for this fall that can be used as a fund raiser for the sole purpose of paying down what we owe, in the event of some unforeseen circumstance. There is a lot of talent out there so if someone has some thoughts, let us know. We are financially in as good of shape as we have been in years, but it only takes one crisis and we are in trouble, so you can see why the one payment we have is in need of attention.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Newsletter - June 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – June 2008

American Legion Family:

Memorial Day, according to a number of spectators in attendance, gave us one of the best ceremonies in recent memory. The weather cooperated long enough for post membership to raise 216 flags long enough to observe the day. We would not have made it without the effort and sacrifice of everyone involved. A lot of people gave their time and talent to honor those veterans that have gone before us and it was noted by everyone there. Thank you for your living sacrifice so we could honor those that have died.

Post appreciation day: While on the subject of Post appreciation, this was a great party. The whole purpose was to give back at least a little to all members that have worked so hard to improve our post home. Recognized with certificates were Dwane Stewart, Tom Knight, and Jeff Brown (Jeff was absent). Plaques were also awarded to Phil Horner, Chuck Barshney and Greg Bauer for their leadership, and one to Kim Ginger (absent), for sharing her talent on the mural. One final certificate was given to our past Historian Rick Johnson, for the work he did on preserving our history over the last two years. You can see his work in the two books that are now on top of the display case in the meeting room.

Besides the half price drinks and rib feed, we also had a horseshoe tournament that was won by the team of Rick Johnson and Ron Herndon. The Corvette they won was not delivered on time so it has been forfeited. Also, Barbara Geovoni, and Colleen Saffron won 50/50 give aways. The big prizes though were won by Dennis Scuffham (special door prize) and Randall Everett-$114. Hope everyone had a great time. Wish we could do it again.

4th of July: Speaking of doing it again, we are looking at another horseshoe tournament on the 4th. Details will be coming out later. It will be open to other posts and we will have dogs and fixings to eat. As soon as the details are set, word will be out.

George Leach, 15-year Post 136 member, is running for the open seat in the State Legislature that has been vacated by the late Ted Powers. The Legion in non political and we will not endorse any candidate, but as a member, there is nothing wrong with letting the membership know of his intentions. George is a very strong veteran’s supporter and the primaries will be held August 5th.

The Reading is a one of a kind ceremony to be held Saturday, June 14 in Topeka. Topeka was picked due to its central location in the country. This ceremony will consist of the reading of each name of every lost soldier since the ware in Afghanistan and Iraq began. Since Ks is the home of the Patriot Guard, this will have special meaning for all of us. Everyone is invited to join the Legion Riders on a trip to Topeka to honor our lost. Details will follow.

The Mulvane City Council voted unanimously to donate up to $1420 for the signs designating Hwy 53 as Patriot Guard Hwy. We do not know the total price and this is only an estimate of the cost, but it will definitely cover the majority of the cost. Our thanks to Larry Halloran for attending the council meeting and presenting them with the opportunity.

Larry Halloran: While on the subject of Larry, he has agreed to accept the open position of Post Historian. Larry will depend on all of us to supply him with pictures, names and details of many of the post events since his work schedule will prevent his presence in many cases, but he will pull it together and keep the history alive this year. If you have any pics of Memorial Day, appreciation day, or anything else since April, please pass on to Larry at:

Old Settlers planning meeting will be held at the post on June 12, at 7pm. Anyone that can be of service, and that is anyone that wants to help, should try to be there for this important meeting.

SAL News: For the 30th year in a row, the Kansas SAL has increased their numbers and exceeded 100% quota. To put this in perspective, no state in the country is even close to this record. What an accomplishment.

Auxiliary News: Keep Oct 4 open on your calendar. I am not sure why yet but the Auxiliary is planning something and you will all be invited.

Community Recognition: We are looking for candidates in the community to present a Certificate of Appreciation to. A couple of ideas are Mulvane HS for their part in decorating bags for the Vets at the VA. (they do this every quarter)., widow of Ted Powers, Mulvane News, etc. If anyone knows of a business, or an individual that has supported the post, troops or veterans, send me the information. We will look into getting a certificate and presenting it to them with the deep appreciation of Post 136.

Happy Fathers Day

Rick Babinger

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Newsletter - May 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – May 2008

American Legion Family:

The open position on the Board of Governors has been filled by Dan Benson. We now have a full board and I would like to give my personal thanks to Dan for coming forward and taking on a leadership position in the Post.

Post Historian: Anyone who feels they are interested in the Post Historian position, please contact myself or any Post officer. This important position can be appointed and there is no need to hold an election. All we need is for someone that would like to take part in recording our activities during the year.

Rick Johnson our past Historian has for the second year in a row, won at District for his work on the 2007/2008 history book of our Post. His efforts were honored last year with an honorable mention at National, and the book he (and it is absolutely necessary I say he and Nancy) put together this year, far exceeds anything we have ever had at Post 136. If anyone is interested in the Historian position, take a look at the History book that is on the display case in the dining room. You will learn from the Master.

Department Convention will be held May 16-18, in Great Bend. We have our delegate count filled but it is not too late to make plans to attend if you are interested. Details are in the latest Sunflower. John Thomas, 2007-2008 5th District Commander, will be running for Dept. Master at Arms. Post 136 continues to supply leaders.

American Legion Leadership College will take place at Cloud County Community College in Concordia, June 6-8. Cost is $40 but most meals and the room is free assuming you stay at the dorms. This is open to all Legion family members and is a great opportunity to learn about the Legion and its programs. Contract Terry Knight if interested.

Post 136 baseball caps are available in 2 styles and three colors at the post. The red/white/blue caps have been requested numerous times, and the others are black or deep blue. Cost is $10 ea. for your choice. Should have plenty so stop by and buy.

New Member package: We have put together a small welcome package for all new members. It consists of a welcome letter, officer list with contact numbers of Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR leadership, copy of our menu’s with meal times, calendar of events, and a $5 coupon good for a reduced price on a meal. We also make sure a member presents the package to the new member and welcome them to the post. If you know of a new member or recruited a new member, come to the meetings and pick up a package to present to them.

Post Appreciation Day: Keep Saturday, May 31 open. We are going to have a day to show our appreciation to the membership for all of the work, donations, and time that have allowed us to remodel the post. We will be having our annual Rib feed that day, along with 2 for 1 drinks, horseshoes, and the Mulvane DJ’s will play that evening. There may be a few other things going on that will help recognize everyone’s efforts. The Ribs will cook all day, so come by the post, bring the family and enjoy the day.

Memorial Day Schedule of Events:

Sat. May 10-Meet at cemetery 9am to uncover and mark flagpole holes. If anyone has a metal detector please bring it. If we have more than one or two, this will be a fast project.

Friday, May 23-Meet at cemetery 5pm to assist Auxiliary in placing flags and crosses on all Veteran graves. Will head back to post for dinner.

Memorial Day, May 26- Meet at post 5:30am. We will load flags, plaques, chairs, sound system, etc and go to the cemetery to raise the Ave of Flags. Afterward we will return to the post for breakfast.

Ceremony begins at 11am.

Memorial Day 6pm-Meet at cemetery to bring down flags and poles, then back to post to fold flags.

NEEDED: We need volunteers for holding Colors, and for the rifle squad. Please let me, or better yet, Andy Webb, Sgt at Arms know you are interested in taking part.

This is the most important and meaningful ceremony we hold each year. The community comes out and the meaning of the day must not be lost.

ALR News:

Due to Mothers Day, this months ALR meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10 at 1pm.

If you enjoy the new TV in the smoking dining area, please thank the ALR. They donated the money.

Mothers Day is Sunday. If you come to breakfast, you will be presented a flower by the Commander. Now who wouldn’t want a piece of that action?


Monday, April 07, 2008

Newsletter - April 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –April 2008

American Legion Family:

A record meeting was held Monday evening and all business was concluded in less than one hour. If only we had a national championship game every month, we could make it a habit. But I digress.

5th District Convention will be held at the Wellington Post 90 on Apr. 19-20. Delegates were selected and we have 9 of the 11 needed. If you are planning on going, we need two more people to sign up as delegates. You do not have to be there on Sunday for the voting if you cannot stay, but we need to have 11 signed is as delegates. Please let me know if you are planning on attending and were not at the meeting Monday night.

Chaplain: Dave Stewart was nominated and elected as our new Chaplain for 2008. He will be taking over immediately and we all wish to thank him for taking this on. We are blessed to have people that will do what it takes to keep us moving forward.

Hospice of Kansas will have an informational presentation for anyone interested in this subject. They will be at the Post next Wed., April 16, at 7pm. This is open and free to everyone including the public. It is a service for you at no cost and if you know of anyone that may be in need or will have family members in need in the future; this is something you want to check out. After looking around the post, I can think of any number of members that look like they are ready right now. Please come and be informed. Other posts have been notified as well.

Memorial Day workday at the cemetery will be on May 10 at 9am. This is not hard duty and the more that are there the faster it goes. Should only take a couple of hours and consists of locating and uncovering the flag pole holes that grow over in the course of the year. If you have a metal detector, we need it.

Post annual April Rib feed is scheduled for May 31. Seems like April came late this year. Must be because of leap year.

Vote to move $3,088 from the General fund and into the Building fund was approved. This money is the difference between the loan we took out on the AC and Heating system, and the actual cost. Since the loan was for post improvements, it was decided the excess should also be used for improvements. The Building fund has grown to the point we can now proceed with new bar stools, flat screen TV in the new lounge area, and begin with the continuing improvements in the bar. (Bar top, plumbing, shelves, refrig/freezer etc). Some will happen soon, others will wait, but rest assured the money will be put to good use and the improvements will be of high quality.

Boys State and Children & Youth: The Post has sponsored a student for the American Legion Boys State program. He is from Maize and we paid his way. Also a vote to make a $200 donation to the Highway Patrol scholarship fund to pay college fees for the children of fallen troopers was made and approved.

American Legion Leadership College is scheduled for June 7 and 8 in Concordia. It cost $40 and you need to pre-register if you are interested. Contact Adjutant Terry Knight for information and registration.

American Legion Riders have voted to pay the Legion dues for any soldier that is deployed. It again shows the Riders believe in Legion first.

Auxiliary Officers:

Officers were elected at the April meeting. Serving you for 08-09 are:

President: Jackie Johnson
1st Vice: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice: Asonjia Stewart
Treasurer: Nancy Johnson
Secretary: Monica McDaniel
Historian: Nina Somers
Sgt. at Arms: Monika Barshney
Chaplain: Janet Logan

Financial and Canteen summary reports are posted on the bulletin board for membership to see. Bring questions to officers or BOG.

The Post has never looked as good as it does right now. The floor in the back was the result of an extreme make over by people that do not want to be mentioned. I will honor that, but when you see them, thank them. You know who it is.

To that end, I remind everyone; we have spent a lot of time, money and have accepted the generous offerings of multiple members. Everyone is working hard to make this a 1st class facility. It is up to the rest of us to make sure it stays that way. Please do not overlook the opportunity to tell someone who is disrespecting our post, to make it right, or leave. We have gone too far to let it go back. Be proud of our members and what has been done.

Rick Babinger

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Newsletter - March 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – March 2008

American Legion Family:

Post Officers for 2008-2009 were elected and/or appointed at Monday’s meeting. The following have stepped up to lead the Post for the next year:

Commander-Rick Babinger
Vice Commander-Bill Logan
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer-Richard Carpenter
Chaplain-Ron Herndon
Sgt. At Arms-Andy Webb
Service Officer-Tom Knight
Historian-Terri Thornton
2 At Large Executive Board Members: John Miranda and Jerry Allen

A special thanks to Bruce Simmons who served as both 2nd and 1st Vice Commander at different points of the year. This is a great time to be a member of 136 and a real honor to serve. I hope I speak for everyone when I say our service to the Post will not be taken for granted.

A position on the Board of Governors was also filled. Tom Knight was elected and agreed to serve the two-year term.

5th District Star Party will take place at the Post, this Sat., March 8. Social hour will begin at 5:00pm followed by dinner at 6. If you received a letter awarding you one of the silver or gold stars, please come and eat for free. If you wish to attend, the price of the dinner is $10 and will consist of roast turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, Green beans and desert. Please RSVP at the bar by Thursday if you plan on attending.

The new dishwasher list for Friday night dinner has been posted. It covers the 2nd qtr of the year. If we have the same amount of people sign up, no one has to do it more than once every three months. If more sign up, we can reduce it more. This has really worked well, and has saved us a lot of money. Please get involved and take a turn. It is highly recommended two sign up at a time. It can get a little hectic back there.

St. Patrick’s Day dinner and auction will take place on March 15 starting at 6pm. We are looking for new or lightly used auction items. The beer will be green upon request, and of course how can you celebrate an Irish holiday without spaghetti. Bring your auction items and support this event. We want to continue with the momentum we have on our post home improvements and the proceeds are going towards that goal.

Quarterly VA visit sponsored by the ALR, will be held March 30. This event is open to the entire post and is highly encouraged. Once a quarter, the riders collect sugar free food items and everyone goes up to the VA to visit our vets. This should be attended by more than the Riders and anyone interested needs to be at the post about noon on the 30th. It only takes a couple hours of your day, but the Vets love it.

Facility Update: The past month moved the bar/lounge area a whole lot closer to completion. The entire area has been painted, set up for the smoking ventilation system, new lighting is scheduled, new ceiling will be completed in the next week, new table and chairs are in and the mural will be extended to the bar. I can’t begin to mention all the people that have sacrificed time and treasure on this project, because there are too many and it never fails to miss someone. A few have given a tremendous amount and the pride shows in the workmanship. We have so many members to be thankful to.

Once this phase is complete, we will collect ideas and some money before we begin the remodel behind the bar to make it more user friendly, and modern. I also want to point out that with all the updates, the post has not absorbed any new debt with the exception of the new heating and AC. This is possible because so many have given so much.

Ladies Auxiliary Bake and Craft sale will be held during Friday dinner, March 14, and again at Sunday Breakfast, March 16. Proceeds go to the Auxiliary and Veterans assistance programs.

Rick Babinger

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Newsletter - February 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –Feb. 2008

American Legion Family:

Four Chaplains Ceremony was held at the Post this past Tuesday, Feb. 5. I mention this only to tell everyone, if you have never seen this before, it was a short, but one of the most impressive honor ceremonies I have seen. If you ever get the chance to see it, do not let the opportunity slip away. Thank you Rose for setting this up.

Post Officer Elections at March 3 General Meeting:

Post officer elections have been moved up to March this year. Nominations, elections and installation will take place. I understand it is easier to not participate in the process and complain afterward, but it is not the preferred way. Below are the known candidates. If you do not agree with the choices, there is a month left to step up or offer a nominee. In any event, please vote!

Commander-Rick Babinger (dependent on other qualified candidate wishing to run)

1st Vice: Open
2nd Vice: Open (both Vice Commander positions can be combined as one)
Adjutant-Terry Knight
Finance Officer: Richard Carpenter
Chaplain: Ron Herndon
Sgt. at Arms: Andy Webb
Historian: Terri Thornton
Service Officer: Tom Knight
2 At Large E-board-Presently held by Leroy Perkins & John Miranda-do not have confirmation of intent.

An open BOG position will also be nominated and moved on.

Your Post 136 will host THE 5th District Star Party, on Saturday, March 8th. Social hour will begin at 5:00 pm. Those receiving a silver or gold star will be notified by mail and the meal will be free.
Facility update: I will not list all the improvements that have taken place in the bar/lounge area this past month. It only takes a glance to see the before/after changes. The important thing is this:
1) While we understand not everyone agrees with the improvements, they are necessary to accommodate membership and recruit the next generation of Legionnaires.
2) There are a lot more improvements to come. Better ventilation, lighting, seating, tables, bar efficiency are in the plans.
3) None of these facility changes have been made in a vacuum. We have BOG meetings which are open to membership, E-board meetings which are open to membership, monthly membership meetings (do I have to state they are open to membership), newsletters, bulletin boards, and general chitchat all the time. If things are happening, and you feel you are left in the dark, I’ve just given a subtle hint as to how you can keep up.

Membership and recruiting: We had a great discussion at the meeting concerning this subject. We are no longer in a position to just sit back and expect new members to come to us. A few ideas were acted upon.

1) Money was approved for postage to send a letter to our members that do not have e-mail. The letter is to tell our story and explain the changes over the past two years. Many have not attended post functions because of smoke and that is just one of the updates we need to get out to all members.
2) See attached flyer: The purpose is to have you, our membership, print the flyer and make a few copies. More copies will be at the post. If you see a veterans tag on a car, put one on the windshield. If you have a bulletin board at work, put one up. We need to let people beyond Mulvane know we are here and what we stand for.
3) We are looking into the possibility of taking the same flyer and having it stuffed in local papers for maximum exposure.
4) Reaching out to National Guard units. Plans are being looked at to occasionally go to the troops and deliver lunch, invite them here for a Sat. cookout, etc. In all cases we would have American Legion brochures and applications with us.
5) Auxiliary and SAL push. If you are a male member of the Legion, your spouse is eligible for the Auxiliary. Why not get her signed up? If you know of someone that had a veteran family member, they may be eligible for the SAL. Our own members are an untapped recourse for new members just by getting their family members to join.

Membership unity: No, this is not another ‘why don’t you get involved’ discussion. This is about unifying our membership. After becoming Commander two years ago, the first thing I learned was no matter what you do, someone would not like it. The second thing learned, was not to worry too much about the fist thing learned.

One thing I have never figured out though is the perceived division among the different groups that make up our Legion family. Have you ever heard anyone say ‘The Riders are taking over’ or ‘they are bringing the post down’? Do you realize the Riders make up approximately 20% of the eligible voting membership of our post? I have heard we need to try and fill offices with some non-Riders, and yet less than half of our elected officers (not counting at large E-board) are Riders. Why do some people only see Riders when so many of our members give time and money and talent for the betterment of the post? Do people honestly feel they are taking over?

What is it that makes members feel when there are homecomings, VA visits, troop send offs, parties, etc., you are not welcome if you are not a Rider? I need this explained to me so if someone has an answer, let me know.

Now the other side. The Riders (and I include myself) are very good at recruiting other riders into the post, but are not good at recruiting Legionnaires. While it is not a bad thing to join just to become a Rider, it should not be the only reason. How often do we walk through the bar and say hello to every person there in a vest and ignore everyone else? When we sit down for dinner or breakfast, how often do we sit with or spend time talking to other members? This is normal behavior to a point, but it can give the impression only Riders are welcome. Not everyone is guilty of this, but it is prevalent. And finally, how many Riders only show up for a Riders event? Kind of gives the impression it is not important if it’s not a Rider function. No wonder some members see it as a storming of the troops.

One last thing for every group: Why are there not more of our members at social functions, dinners and ceremonies? Holy Crap! Those are fun things.

This will probably irritate some and I will hear about it later, but I refer back to the first paragraph of this section. Lets stop being petty. Not everything goes our way all the time. I found that out early. But no matter what you do, no matter which group you belong to, and no matter how much you participate, we are all members of the American Legion.

Rick Babinger

Since 1918

If you served during wartime, are a descendent or spouse of a veteran, you may be eligible to join our family, dedicated to serving America.

Mulvane American Legion Post 136
Invites you to visit our home and see what we offer.

American Legion Riders
Sons of the American Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
· Birthplace of the Patriot Guard
· Charter Post of Kansas American Legion Riders
· Newly remodeled and smoke free dining and meeting room
· Bar/Smoking lounge remodeling in process
· Friday dinner and Sunday Breakfast
· Multiple Veterans assistance programs and success stories

Military service builds a common bond-The American Legion continues that bond forever. Duty, Honor, Courage: Legionnaires share that commitment with you.
Mulvane American Legion Post 136
410 SE Louis Blvd
On K-15 across from the grade school
Mulvane, Ks 67110

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Newsletter - January 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –Jan. 2008

American Legion Family:

Post Election of Officers:
At the general meeting on March 3, we will be nominating, electing, and inducting officers to lead Post 136 for 2008. A nominating committee, consisting of 1st Vice Commander Bruce Simmons, and Sgt. at Arms Chuck Barshney, has been appointed. All officer positions and two at large Executive Board members are up for you, the members, to decide. This is the best opportunity you will have to help decide the direction of this Post. If you or someone you know is interested in any office, please talk to one of the nominating committee or one of the officers.

As a Post officer, you are automatically on the E-board. This is the group that sets the agenda for the Post. While only a few positions take an extraordinary amount of your time, all positions require a personal commitment. Members should expect, and deserve an officer team that is dedicated to perform the duties required.
A brief description of the positions follows:

Commander-Presides at all meetings of the post and have general supervision over the business affairs and shall act as the chief executive officer of the post. Shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall perform other duties as directed by the post.
1st Vice Commander-In addition to membership being primary concern, should become familiar with all matters of post operation and shall assume duties of Commander in the absence or disability of Commander or when called upon by the Commander.
2nd Vice Commander-Shall be charged with the social and recreational aspects of the post. Should concern his/her self with veteran’s affairs.
Adjutant-Shall be in charge and keep a full record of all proceedings of meetings, keep records as Dept. and National require, render reports of membership when required and under direction of Commander, handle all correspondence.
Finance Officer-Have charge of all post finances and see they are deposited, and shall report monthly to Executive board and membership.
Chaplain-Is charged with the spiritual welfare of the post and will serve at dedication, funerals, public functions, etc.
Sgt at Arms-Shall preserve order at all meetings, ensure post is in order for said meetings, and perform duties as assigned by Executive Board. Has a critical role on holiday and post ceremonies.

Service Officer-This position is the vital link in the nationwide network of American Legion services to our veterans. Should have knowledge of programs, scholarships, and VA benefits available to veterans.

Historian-Is charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members.
Two ‘at large’ Executive Board members-In addition to all of the post officers, there are two ‘at large’ elected members to serve on the board. They will be fully engaged with the operations and setting the agenda..

Theft! Before and after meal inventories have uncovered food missing from the refrigerators in the kitchen. In addition, food from the frig and was found outside the door of the Post. We have not identified who is responsible but will take proper action when the time comes. Stealing from the Veterans and supporters of the post is about as low as it gets. Locks have been put on the frig and walk in. If anyone has any information that can be substantiated, please notify the Dining Mgr, Canteen Mgr or any of the post officers.

National Vice Commander Don Hayden will be touring Kansas Post’s next week and the first stop on his agenda is Mulvane. We will be hosting the Vice Commander for a dinner on Wed, Jan. 16. Social hour will be from 5-6 and dinner from 6-7:30. The post will supply the dinner but will accept donations. I would also ask for members to bring some deserts to share.


Mid Winter Forum will be held in Leavenworth Feb 1,2,3. See the latest addition of the Sunflower for details and agenda

Rose Peppard has arranged for us to host the 4 Chaplains Ceremony on Feb. 5 at 7:00pm.

Bar renovations are slated to begin Sunday, Jan 13. The project is going to be in stages. The first step is the new lounge area. Plans are for a new ceiling; smoke eaters, removing of paneling and reworking walls, lighting and furniture. We are going to continue to accept donations for the re-work. The rest of the bar will be completed, as money is available. Please be patient with the inconvenience. We will make it as painless as possible. In the meantime, if you cannot assist financially, your time is always welcome. Start time on Sunday is 10am.

A resolution for the recognition of Atomic Veterans was introduced and unanimously passed. More will be coming out on this, as it is necessary for as many members as possible to e-mail your congressional delegation on this subject. The Atomic Vets (Bill Longnecker, a long time Post 136 member is one), have been ignored too long.

Ideas needed! I am looking for ideas from the members to bring more vets and active duty into the post. One idea from Dan Morgan, is to have a military liaison assigned to inform Guard units during their drill weekends of our dinner and breakfast offerings. A discount for uniformed military may be a possibility and of course while they are here, we will be handing out applications.

A fundraiser idea for our annual rib feed in April is also being solicited as well as ideas for a family fun day.

Please bubble up some thoughts. With all of our members, there has to be some great ideas out there. Now that Derby has a more active American Legion Post, we need to be pro active in our recruiting.

SPC Ravenstein, home on leave from Iraq, and at this writing, probably a new father, presented Post 136 with a POW/MIA flag that had flown in the face of the enemy in Iraq. Two certificates were also presented. Frames will be purchased and will be displayed in our new display case. (The flag is setting there now).

SGT Tom Buskirk and hopefully SPC Ravenstein will be at dinner Friday evening so we can all honor them with a sendoff. Please plan on coming out for dinner.

If you were not here for the New Years Eve party, I can honestly say it was your loss. Jim Daily and his crew provided a fire works show that was beyond all expectations. Dinner and breakfast was served for one price and the DJ’s were all over the music. Thanks to everyone that helped out including those that remained sober in case anyone needed a ride home. Not only was it a great party, it once again showed the character of our members.

Speaking of character, another example was demonstrated last month. Dining Mgr. Monika mentioned we were in need of some wax for the floor. Immediately, Randall Everett, Dave Williams and Tom Buskirk reached in their pockets and made sure it was covered. Have to also give some credit to Chuck Barshney since he had to put the money to good use and did the waxing.

Post 136 Book of Heroism is in the works. This book documents the military service of our members. As soon as a location can be designated, it will be left at the post. It is to stay there and its purpose is simple: To let all members, guests or prospective member see the integrity, character heroism of our members. There are some unbelievable stories and I believe we have only scratched the surface. Please contact me if you want to talk.

The 2008 Post Calendar is attached. Many dates are tentative and not in stone as yet. This is shown a bold lettering and as dates become firm, the calendar will be updated. Please note the BOG/E-Board meetings have been split again into two separate meetings beginning this month.

Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136