American Legion Family:
NOTE: It is cost prohibitive to use the postal service to mail this newsletter on a monthly basis. This is the only month it will be mailed. If you have an e-mail address and receive this newsletter by mail, please respond to this link: with your name and e-mail so you can receive the newsletter in the future. If you do not have E-mail, and would like to have the newsletter mailed to you, please send a self addressed envelope to AL Post 136, 410 SE Louis Dr., Mulvane, Ks 67110, in care of the Adjutant. A copy will be mailed.
Some hard copies will be at the post and a file copy will always be available.
Elections were held for Post, Auxiliary, and District this past month. (S.A.L. will be in May)
Commander: Rick Babinger (USAF)
1st Vice Commander: Bill Willis (USAF)
2nd Vice Commander: Frank Cook (USMC/USAF)
Adjutant: Terry Knight (USN)
Finance Officer: Richard Carpenter (Army/Air Force)
Chaplain: Alan Gwinup (USMC)
Sgt. At Arms: Leon Roberts (USAF)
At Large Executive Board (2): Dennis Scufham (USMC) and Doug Lehman (USAF)
Service Officer: Tom Knight (USN)
On behalf of all the officers, it is a privilege and honor to serve as your leaders. We will be working hard to advance the cause of our Veterans and the ideals of the American Legion.
President: Darla Harper
1st Vice President: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice President: Barbara Harding
Secretary/Treasurer: Monica McDanial CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL
Historian: Nina Somers
Chaplain/Sgt. at Arms: Mary Hays
E-board at Large: Marge Williams
Our own Rick Johnson has completed his year as 5th District Commander. At this writing, he has led us to 1st place in membership and has done an outstanding job. He hopes to move on to Master of Arms at the Department level at the Department convention later this month.
We are also honored to have John Thomas elected to 5th District Vice Commander and Charlie Trapp to the District Executive board.
Sheryl Carpenter has been elected as District President of the Auxiliary for 2006-2007 and
Post 136 has endorsed Pat Culver for the position of Department Commander. As you can see, the leadership that has emerged from our Post is having a profound effect on the policy and direction of the American Legion here in Kansas. We should all be proud.
Post News:
· Annual rib feed was held April 29 with great success. Many thanks to those who assisted in the procuring, preparation, and serving. It was a great success and a fun night. The Post made just under $700 and over $300 was raised for the American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Thank you Tom Knight for taking the lead on the raffle.
· Memorial Day-Work day at cemetery scheduled May 6, 9:00am. Need as much help as we can get to locate and uncover flag holders and dig some new ones. Friday, 5/26, 5:30pm-place flags and markers on graves (rain date is Sat, 5/27, 9:00am). Monday 5/29-6:00am-Avenue of Flags at Cemetery followed by breakfast at post. Meet back at 10:00 to get ready for ceremonies at 11:00.
· Avon has given us an opportunity to express your gratitude for the troops. For $10, a gift set with lotions, sunscreen, etc. will be sent to the troops. $4 will go to the USO and $1 to the Post. For more info contact Nina Somers at
HOMECOMING: There will be a homecoming for six airmen returning from Iraq at 1930 hours (7:30pm for the Air Force), at Little Busters in Derby, May 16. These homecomings are not the exclusive duty of the Legion Riders. It would be great to see as many members as we can get, sign the flags, and be there to show solidarity for our returning warriors. One of the Airmen, Bart Leahy, is one of our own and the son of Tom Leahy, also a member. This includes VA visits, parades, Patriot Guard, etc. We are a veteran’s organization. You served once. Do it again!
Our Legion Riders will have the honor of being one of six Posts to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington DC this Memorial Day as part of the Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame. Kansas ALR will also receive an Americanism award at the Dept. Convention later this month and will be by accepted by Cregg Hansen…Please remember! Every time you hear about our ALR group, you are hearing about what it means to be in the American Legion. They are Legion members first and represent all of us with dignity and professionalism deserving of our Legion family. I am proud and honored to be included in those ranks.
There are a lot of subjects we can add this month but I want to take this time to discuss the direction we are going this year and what it means to be a member of Post 136.
Our rolls have recently surpassed 500, of which approximately 250 are life members. These numbers are impressive, but ask yourself:
When was the last time you attended a meeting, visited a veteran in the hospital, honored a fallen hero from the war, contacted your representative, helped in the community on behalf of the Legion, marched in a parade, helped work a fundraiser, or devoted time to improve the Post? Now ask yourself, when was the last time you sat at the bar and complained of the officers, or that things aren’t going the way you would like to see them go?
If you cannot answer the first question, you have little right to answer the second.
This year we plan to invest in the post. You can see work being done on the motorcycle pad, and you will soon see the stone announcing our home as the birthplace of the Patriot Guard. Plans are under way to paint, repair signs, replace carpets and ceiling tiles, brighten the club room and add smoke eater fans. You will be better informed with newsletters and message boards. We will have more social functions and get the community more involved with our actions. Homecomings will involve anyone that takes the time to welcome home our soldiers.
Conventional wisdom says there will always be passive members, but it would not be responsible to accept that as an inevitable fact. The money for these initiatives can be raised, but the labor and sense of duty to this post and the American Legion, can only come from its membership. I am asking everyone to pledge time this year for the good of the post. With E-mail and postings, we will do everything we can to keep you informed, but it is up to you.
Remember who you are. You have served your country and have felt the need to belong to the oldest and proudest veteran’s organization in the land. Be Proud and Get Involved!
Rick Babinger
Post 136
NOTE: It is cost prohibitive to use the postal service to mail this newsletter on a monthly basis. This is the only month it will be mailed. If you have an e-mail address and receive this newsletter by mail, please respond to this link: with your name and e-mail so you can receive the newsletter in the future. If you do not have E-mail, and would like to have the newsletter mailed to you, please send a self addressed envelope to AL Post 136, 410 SE Louis Dr., Mulvane, Ks 67110, in care of the Adjutant. A copy will be mailed.
Some hard copies will be at the post and a file copy will always be available.
Elections were held for Post, Auxiliary, and District this past month. (S.A.L. will be in May)
Commander: Rick Babinger (USAF)
1st Vice Commander: Bill Willis (USAF)
2nd Vice Commander: Frank Cook (USMC/USAF)
Adjutant: Terry Knight (USN)
Finance Officer: Richard Carpenter (Army/Air Force)
Chaplain: Alan Gwinup (USMC)
Sgt. At Arms: Leon Roberts (USAF)
At Large Executive Board (2): Dennis Scufham (USMC) and Doug Lehman (USAF)
Service Officer: Tom Knight (USN)
On behalf of all the officers, it is a privilege and honor to serve as your leaders. We will be working hard to advance the cause of our Veterans and the ideals of the American Legion.
President: Darla Harper
1st Vice President: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice President: Barbara Harding
Secretary/Treasurer: Monica McDanial CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL
Historian: Nina Somers
Chaplain/Sgt. at Arms: Mary Hays
E-board at Large: Marge Williams
Our own Rick Johnson has completed his year as 5th District Commander. At this writing, he has led us to 1st place in membership and has done an outstanding job. He hopes to move on to Master of Arms at the Department level at the Department convention later this month.
We are also honored to have John Thomas elected to 5th District Vice Commander and Charlie Trapp to the District Executive board.
Sheryl Carpenter has been elected as District President of the Auxiliary for 2006-2007 and
Post 136 has endorsed Pat Culver for the position of Department Commander. As you can see, the leadership that has emerged from our Post is having a profound effect on the policy and direction of the American Legion here in Kansas. We should all be proud.
Post News:
· Annual rib feed was held April 29 with great success. Many thanks to those who assisted in the procuring, preparation, and serving. It was a great success and a fun night. The Post made just under $700 and over $300 was raised for the American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Thank you Tom Knight for taking the lead on the raffle.
· Memorial Day-Work day at cemetery scheduled May 6, 9:00am. Need as much help as we can get to locate and uncover flag holders and dig some new ones. Friday, 5/26, 5:30pm-place flags and markers on graves (rain date is Sat, 5/27, 9:00am). Monday 5/29-6:00am-Avenue of Flags at Cemetery followed by breakfast at post. Meet back at 10:00 to get ready for ceremonies at 11:00.
· Avon has given us an opportunity to express your gratitude for the troops. For $10, a gift set with lotions, sunscreen, etc. will be sent to the troops. $4 will go to the USO and $1 to the Post. For more info contact Nina Somers at
HOMECOMING: There will be a homecoming for six airmen returning from Iraq at 1930 hours (7:30pm for the Air Force), at Little Busters in Derby, May 16. These homecomings are not the exclusive duty of the Legion Riders. It would be great to see as many members as we can get, sign the flags, and be there to show solidarity for our returning warriors. One of the Airmen, Bart Leahy, is one of our own and the son of Tom Leahy, also a member. This includes VA visits, parades, Patriot Guard, etc. We are a veteran’s organization. You served once. Do it again!
Our Legion Riders will have the honor of being one of six Posts to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington DC this Memorial Day as part of the Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame. Kansas ALR will also receive an Americanism award at the Dept. Convention later this month and will be by accepted by Cregg Hansen…Please remember! Every time you hear about our ALR group, you are hearing about what it means to be in the American Legion. They are Legion members first and represent all of us with dignity and professionalism deserving of our Legion family. I am proud and honored to be included in those ranks.
There are a lot of subjects we can add this month but I want to take this time to discuss the direction we are going this year and what it means to be a member of Post 136.
Our rolls have recently surpassed 500, of which approximately 250 are life members. These numbers are impressive, but ask yourself:
When was the last time you attended a meeting, visited a veteran in the hospital, honored a fallen hero from the war, contacted your representative, helped in the community on behalf of the Legion, marched in a parade, helped work a fundraiser, or devoted time to improve the Post? Now ask yourself, when was the last time you sat at the bar and complained of the officers, or that things aren’t going the way you would like to see them go?
If you cannot answer the first question, you have little right to answer the second.
This year we plan to invest in the post. You can see work being done on the motorcycle pad, and you will soon see the stone announcing our home as the birthplace of the Patriot Guard. Plans are under way to paint, repair signs, replace carpets and ceiling tiles, brighten the club room and add smoke eater fans. You will be better informed with newsletters and message boards. We will have more social functions and get the community more involved with our actions. Homecomings will involve anyone that takes the time to welcome home our soldiers.
Conventional wisdom says there will always be passive members, but it would not be responsible to accept that as an inevitable fact. The money for these initiatives can be raised, but the labor and sense of duty to this post and the American Legion, can only come from its membership. I am asking everyone to pledge time this year for the good of the post. With E-mail and postings, we will do everything we can to keep you informed, but it is up to you.
Remember who you are. You have served your country and have felt the need to belong to the oldest and proudest veteran’s organization in the land. Be Proud and Get Involved!
Rick Babinger
Post 136