Veterans Day: On Nov. 11, we retired 134 American Flags, 9 POW, 2 Ks. and 5 Service Flags at our Veterans Day ceremonies. Twenty-one Legion members were then sworn in at initiation ceremonies before the Auxiliary POW program and dinner. Thanks to all who attended and participated in honoring our Vets.
$1,575 was raised at the Auxiliary sponsored cake decorating contest. The money has allowed for the purchase of over 80 phone cards to be sent to our troops who are spending this Christmas in harms way. “Rockin Rick”, from KZSN was instrumental in the success of this event with the free advertisement and help at the post as one of the judges. We have some wonderful members that are always there when we, and our troops, need them.
Annual Post Thanksgiving Dinner served 84 members and their families. We have so much to be thankful for in this country, and one of those things is our appetite.
S.A.L. Annual Children’s Christmas Party to be held this Sunday, Dec.10, from 2-4pm.
Legion Jacket Sales: The order has gone in for the nylon American Legion jackets. If you ordered one, please get your money in as soon as possible. Make your check to American Legion Post 136 and mark it for jackets. Turn it in at the canteen.
50/50: Our first winner at the Dec. 4 meeting was Mike and Charlotte Alley. Ninety-four tickets were sold and the take was split with them. The rest will go to the TV fund. This was the first month of 50/50 sales and we can grow on this. When you stop in, donate a buck and get a ticket. Put your name and number on the back of the ticket, and we will pull one out at every meeting.
Last Call for Dues before the rate goes up. Pay your 2007 dues before Dec. 15! Next year it increases to $30 and unless you want to pay the extra $5, it is in your best interest to pay now.
A New Years Eve Party will be held, to no one’s surprise, on New Years Eve at 8:00. We invite all members to bring a snack that can be shared and have a blast. We have the Mulvane DJ’s playing, and breakfast will be served after we hit 07 for a small fee.
Chuck Barshney and Hiland Dairy are supplying the eggs, juice and milk. Nothing says Happy New Year like a bunch of eggs, biscuits and gravy on top of a boatload of beer.
Horseshoe Tournament: We have another tournament scheduled for Sat. Dec. 16, 10am. Weather is not an issue to the hard core.
McConnell Angel Tree: Many families are separated this year, and McConnell has set up an Angel Tree to help support the children of our deployed troops. Post 136 has responded once again. Membership voted $200 to adopt two boys and two girls. Then we had a $100 donation from Ron Herndon, $50 from Tom Knight, $20 from John Thomas, and $30 from Bill and Alice Foster to make it an even $400. Instead of sponsoring just four, we have sponsored 12. Eight boys and girls, ages 1-2, along with two 8yr old boys and two 10yr old girls. With some smart shopping, we can get them some nice gifts. If anyone is willing to help with the shopping or want to donate, please contact myself or Bill & Alice Foster.
Blank Christmas Cards: We found out at the meeting there are about 7,000 cards left over from one of “Rockin Ricks” drives. Well, that’s not entirely true. We have another 45,000 cards being donated from another group. We plan on storing the cards at a residence, and will be contacting as many Legion and VFW Posts, as well as any other groups and give the cards away for them to send to the troops or for whatever use they deem appropriate. We will keep a good group for our own use and have some for next year.
ALR News: Two new chapters have recently come on line giving Kansas a total of 34. Two more are in the process.
Elections for ALR officers will take place next Sunday, Dec. 10, at 4pm. There are a number of new people running for offices and we need as many ALR members as possible to be there. You must have your 2007 ALR dues paid up to be eligible to vote.
Adjutant Fund: As you all know, Post 136 has sworn to pay all dues increases for its life members. Few posts do this and any increases are the responsible of the member. We take care of this out of the Adjutants fund. At the general meeting, Rick Johnson presented the post a $300 check from the Mulvane DJ’s to assist in our efforts to continue to take care of our members. Our gratitude is extended to the DJ’s.
PR Officer: Bill Foster, Post PR officer is in constant contact with the news media and some radio stations. In fact, they call Bill to get information as to what is going on with our Post. If anyone or any group within the post has any thing that needs to get out to the public, please funnel it through Bill. He has the contacts and is familiar with the proper protocols. This way we have one consistent voice with the media.
Speaking of special events, we are planning a “Veterans Appreciation Day” for June 30. While this is still a long way off, plans are in the works and details will be released as they are worked out. Stay tuned.
Year end Commanders thoughts:
Looking back on this and other newsletters, one thing stands out. It is amazing the amount of activity that goes on inside our post. We now have a first class web page (thanks to John Wilson) that is filled with information, pictures, and a history of the past year. Every month has activities that have benefited the community, veterans, our fallen comrades, and our own post. How many of our members have pitched in to replace or remodel the premises? Members have sacrificed time, talent and money to make it all happen.
Our Legion Riders have been had the most impact on recruiting new members. They are the primary force behind the Patriot Guard movement and homecomings for our service members. Their generosity in supporting the VA, charities and phone card programs should have every member proud of our association with the finest rider’s organization in the country.
We have set a standard for others. Our post has supplied District, Department, and National officers to the American Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary. Our presence has been felt within the community as well. Look at the parades, the dedication in August, and the ceremonies that are open invites to the public.
Most of all, we have our members.
Karen and I would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a great
New Year.
Commander-Post 136