The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplin Monta Plank followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.
There were 34 Legion, 3 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present
No guests were present.
Reading of the minutes. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. Approved as Written.
Finance Report. Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports. Reports were approved as presented.
New Members: 2 new members – Carl Clare and Kenneth Gantt and 2 transfers Chris Freeman and Robert Bruington were presented. All welcomed to the membership.
Old Business:
- Post cleaning to be conducted by the Sons of the American Legion for the month of March
- The reserve parking signs for Purple Heart recipients have been installed.
- Bar stools have been ordered and are to be shipped to the post on 3 March 2015.
- The Valentines dinner and dance were successful. Some problems with the dinner were encountered but over all considered a success.
- The visit by the National Vice Commander brought in several members to enjoy the luncheon and to hear him speak. The visitors indicated that this is one of the best posts that they have seen. The visit was deemed a great success.
- The next meeting for the Old Settlers committee is scheduled for March 16th.
- The supply room has been cleaned up and a lot of trash/junk were thrown out. The commander indicated that he would like to get representatives from all organization to set up areas for them to use for storage of their materials.
New Business:
- Nominations are being accepted for membership on the Board of Governors. Membership is open to all organizations.
- Nominations are open for all of the officer positions. Election to be held in April. Nomination so far are:
- Commander John Metz
- 1st Vice Commander
- 2nd Vice Commander Del Kennison
- Adjutant
- Finance Officer Diana Nelson
- Service Officer Duane Kalous
- Chaplain Monta Plank
- Historian
- A discussion was held regarding the donations received from the Judge Ballinger memorial. Action was tabled until Ron Herndon get with the children of Judge Ballinger.
- Six applications for the scholarship have been received. A review will be made by all of the officers to determine who will receive the scholarship. The winner will be announced at the April meeting.
- Food events for March. Build Your Own Mexican – 7 March, Corn beef and cabbage – March 17, Bierocks – March 26.
- Installation of the large screen is tabled until Phil Horner is able to set up a meeting with a contractor to accomplish the task.
- The question was brought up to see if the post wanted to participate in the Mulvane City Wide Garage Sale. There was a significant lack of interest in participating.
- A motion was made by Ron Herndon and seconded by R.G. Reser to purchase and have installed 2 ventilation fans on the enclosed patio. Motion passed. Heating of the patio is supposed to be resolved by the June meeting.
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: Preregistration is urged to attend the State Rally in June. The next Banana Run to the VA is scheduled March 15, 2015.
- Patriot Guard: No report.
- SAL: Nominations are open for officer positions in the SAL.
- Ladies Auxiliary: Conducting a celebration for the American Legion birthday on March 14, 2015.
- A recommendation was made to insure that the outside freezer works prior to Old Settlers. This to be accomplished once the weather warms up in the spring.
Upcoming Events:
- Build Your Own Mexican – 7 March
- Corn beef and cabbage – March 17
- Bierocks – March 26.
Sick Call:
- Rick Johnson – Continuing treatment for Cancer
- Charlie Trapp – Continuing treatment for Cancer
- Terry Knight – Continuing treatment for Cancer
- Vicki Kalous – To undergo back surgery.
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 2 March 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
Warren Johnston, Adjutant
John (Moe) Metz
Commander Post 136
(Cell) 316-516-8903