The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander John Metz at 7:00 PM in the post home. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplin Monta Plank followed by the members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted.
There were 39 Legion, 2 S.A.L., and 0 Guests present
5th District Commander Harold Scheaffer made a presentation to all members regarding the importance of membership and other concerns for the American Legion. Reminded all of the upcoming 5th District convention on April 25, 2015 in El Dorado, KS.
Reading of the minutes. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. Approved as Written.
Finance Report. Finance officer and Adjutant presented finance reports. Reports were approved as presented.
New Members: 2 new members – Reid Bohner and Thomas Sherode and 4 transfers Alex Melcher, Vincent McMullen, Adrian Rogers, and George Bair were presented. All welcomed to the membership.
Old Business:
- Post cleaning was conducted by the Legion on 1 February 2015.
New Business:
- Renewal of membership was stressed. The post is currently setting at 85% renewal rate. Still need about 70 members to renew to meet quota.
- Rick Babinger made a motion to donate $50.00 to Wounded Warriors. Motion Passed.
- A motion was made by Diana Nelson to purchase 16 new bar stools with funds earned from the Bierock sales. Motion passed.
- There was discussion regarding a heater for the patio. Action was tabled.
- An update regarding the Valentines Day dinner and dance was given by Warren Johnston. All members urged to attend.
- The Nation Vice Commander, Paul Sandford will be stopping by the Post on February 4, 2015 to discuss topics of concern for the American Legion. There will be a luncheon and all members are invited to attend.
- The storage room in the main building is become cluttered to the extent that you can not enter. It was suggested that the storage room be cleaned up and unnecessary item either moved to the owing organizations storage building or thrown out.
- It was suggested that a committee be established to begin planning of the Old Settlers Days activities that is scheduled to take place in August. Tom Knight volunteered to run t he downtown both, Jake DeFrees would work the turtle races, Warren Johnston run the horseshoe tournament. Susan Lee, Diana Nelson and Moe Metz also volunteered to be on the committee.
Good of the Legion:
- Legion Rider: Asking for help to support the Legion Riders State Rally in June 2015.
- Patriot Guard: No KIA's from Kansas so far this year..
- SAL: Recommended that Randy Martinez speak at the next Memorial Day activity.
- Ladies Auxiliary: Pie auction raised $750.00..
- Tom Knight made a motion and it was seconded to use the extra plaques made for the past commanders be used to update the Auxiliary Life Members plaques. Cost would be approximately $50.00. Motion passed.
- Susan Lee suggested that a table be set up Alef’s Harley Davidson at their veteran’s appreciation day to recruit new members.
- Susan Lee made a motion to donate $200.00 to the McConnell Officer Spouses club to support their scholarship program. Motion passed after discussion.
- Members were advised that election of officers would take place in April. Those interested in running were urged to throw their hat in the ring for the positions.
- The 5th District Commander suggested that all upcoming activities taking place at the post be sent to him for inclusion in 5th District Facebook page.
Upcoming Events:
- Valentines dinner and dance on 14 February 2015. Dinner starts at 5 PM with the dance beginning at 8 PM.
- Bierocks at the post on 26 February 2015 5 – 7 PM.
Sick Call:
- Rick Johnson – Continuing treatment for Cancer
- Charlie Trapp – Continuing treatment for Cancer
- Terry Knight – Continuing treatment for Cancer
Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35pm by Commander John Metz with the next meeting scheduled for 2 March 2015.