Post 136 Family,
From our monthly meeting Sept. 10:
Commander Jake Defrees had to resign his position due to health reasons. We all need to keep Jake and Lindalee in our thoughts and prayers as he fights his battle with dementia and Parkinson's. He notified the post via a resignation letter this past weekend and it is effective immediately. Jake loves this post and felt it an honor to serve. He did not do this lightly and I will lead the way in thanking him for doing something so few do. He served his post in a position of responsibility and served us well. When he comes around, take a moment and thank him for his service and wish him well. As I get updates, I will send them out.
1st Vice Commander: Per our constitution and by-laws, the 1st Vice Commander assumes the role of Commander under these circumstances. The goal at this time is to fill the newly open 1st Vice role. While it is not in the job description, there are a couple of very important aspects for this position that are needed in order to make it effective.
- If possible I would like to fill the 1st Vice role with an individual willing to learn the role of Commander and one who is willing to run for Commander next April when we hold our elections. I do not plan on running for any elected position next year and this next 8 months can be used to have a qualified and trained person in place. While the election is still in the hands of the membership, knowing we have someone capable of taking over without a lot of gas can ease the transition.
- We have seen the importance of e-mail and worksheet generation that allow fast and effective communication with the membership. It is the way we do it now. The 1st Vice replacement should be computer literate and able to effectively communicate.
- We have never filled a position with training for a step up in mind, but under the circumstance, this is the ideal way to do it. The 1st Vice can be appointed, but I would rather have those interested get back with me and if there are a number of candidates, we can have an election. The absolute first requirement though is your desire to serve the post. Without that, nothing else matters.
Post 136 Web Site,, is now being updated by our own Lori Metz. You need to go up and check this site out. We now have someone dedicated to the site who is dedicated to our Post...and it shows.
Dole County Fair will be held Wed. Sept 19, from 9-noon, in the front parking lot of the Robert Dole VA Hospital. A number of volunteers will be helping with the event and we are looking for 3-4 that can help running games for the veterans. If you can spend a couple of hours for a good cause, please call Sheryl Carpenter at 316-524-1342.
5th District Commanders homecoming is scheduled for Sat. Oct. 6 at 5pm. The homecoming will be at Post 4, 816 Water St. in Wichita. Dress is business casual (Jeans are acceptable) and the cost is $12/person. Post 136 District Commander Charlie Trapp, along with District President
Rosezetta Sullivan and SAL Commander Randy Hubbard will all be in attendance. Please RSVP to Pat Culver, 316-788-5153 by Sept 26. Good eatin and good company.
Volley Ball: It's been awhile since you've seen anyone play volley ball (mud or otherwise) at Post 136. If you haven't been here in a while, and if you like volley ball, Mary Ann Saravo has arranged a surprise for you. By covering the cost, she arranged to have one of the old courts dug out and filled with sand. The court is professional size and depth of sand meets all requirements (18" deep). We will be getting a net and possibly a glow in the dark volley ball that can also be seen in the daylight. (how does it do that?) Before we purchase, as always, if anyone has a good net and ball that just sits around unused like a treadmill at a fat club, please let me know. We can use it. Thank you MaryAnn. This is the kind of thing that is going to get this post moving in the right direction again. People seeing a need and making it better.
Veterans Appreciation Day is scheduled for Oct 6. There will be more info coming out on this, our 4th annual event. I can see volley ball and horseshoes and as the day goes on, we may have volley ball using horseshoes. Fun to watch.
Ladies Auxiliary renovation fund raiser: This is a cool idea. The Ladies Auxiliary is planning a chili feed and pie auction on Sat, Oct 13 at 6pm. Chili will go for $2/bowl and will have all the fixins. Rick Johnson will pretend to be an auctioneer again so if that doesn't draw you in, nothing will. All proceeds go to the building renovation and the gas goes home with you and your pie.
Speaking of auctions, our public auction is set for Sat, Sept 22. There will be a silent auction starting at 11 and the live auction at 1PM. This will be a public event and we need to get the word out. There will be some flyers around the post and if you have a place of business, please grab one. There are some good and unique things in the auction, and we will accept more up till the day of. This will be a big fundraiser for the building renovation. We are planning on having credit card transactions for the amount of the bid +2% handling fee. For a couple of days late next week the dining area will be in chaos because of this event, so please be understanding. A meeting is scheduled for this Fri evening at 7 for all, and the auctioneer should be here to guide us.
Halloween party: Our annual Halloween party is planned for Oct 26. It's on Friday because MaryAnn has lined up a band for that night, and weather permitting, there will be strobe light horseshoes and if interested, the glow in the dark volley ball. Obviously this will be outside as much as possible and is meant to be a fun raiser and not a fund raiser.
Finally: Wi-Fi, volley ball, public events, bands, beer garden, veterans appreciation, web site updates, etc, etc. These are a few of the things the post is involved in for the benefit of our members. With all this, there has been a significant lack of energy, willingness to take part, camaraderie, and leadership. Our Friday meals have been poorly attended and it seems to take an act of congress to get people
involved with anything. At the two meetings this weekend, I asked for a do over. I am requesting you give our post another chance and to get back in the game. I insisted the food has improved and asked people to return. The ALR took me up on it and Tues night, 31 showed up for dinner. About 23 were real surprised. (the other 8 have been eating there and knew the quality). The menu and food were outstanding. Amy and her staff nailed it. This is only the beginning. I am asking the members to stick their toe back in the water and get involved, have a meal, take part in our events and see once again what our post offers. As we get started on the renovation and get rolling with post activity and energy, you will see something that has not been evident lately... Pride!
Lots of stuff coming up. Pick one, come out, make it better and let’s move on.