Mid Winter Forum: This years Mid Winter Forum is hosted by Arkansas City Post 18. The dates are February 4th thru the 6th.
Friday Dinner is back: The dining room is open again for Friday night dinner. Come by the Post and have dinner and enjoy Raina’s specials.
Supplementary Fund: The Post wants to thank the members of the Supplementary Fund for the $500 donation for the new Big Screen TV in the bar area. The new flat screen TV is a great addition to the Post.
Canteen Manager Position: The Canteen Manager position has been filled. Peggy Reynolds has taken over as Manager. Come by and welcome her to her new position.
Old Business:
Rick Babinger reported to the Post another update for the proposed renovations for the Post. He reported that there will be an architect drawing up the plans for an addition to the Post at no cost to the Post. That way we can get some bids for the construction and have a better idea on the cost. More information will be forth coming.
Rick Johnson and the Mulvane D.J.’s donated $175 to the Post for the Life Members fund. The Post thanks Rick and the Mulvane D.J.’s.
Rick Babinger brought to the membership an idea to replace the At Large E-Board committee members with the Ladies Auxiliary President, SAL President and the Riders Director. This will bring together all the members of the Post and the other parties will know what is going on at the Post. This will require By-Law change.
The Ladies Auxiliary is selling T-Shirts as a fund raiser. The T-Shirts come in either Black or Blue and are priced at $12 or $14 depending on the size. 2 XL to 5 XL are $14. The shirts as an eagle and Flag design with the saying “Home of the Free Because of the Brave”. If interested contact Carol Benson and the Bar has a picture of the shirt with an envelope to order the shirts.