American Legion Family:
Meeting Minutes July 12, 2010
Dan Benson
Post 136 Mulvane
Meeting Minutes July 12, 2010
The meeting was opened with the McConnell Enlisted Wives Club. Mellisa Flint presented the legion with a large card that they made for us. It was signed from many of the Airman that we helped with Operation Holiday. Pictures of some of the families were also on the card.
Phill Kutzwiel returned form Boys State and addressed the membership on his experiences while there. He was elected as a city councilman and got the chance to learn to budget a city. He played the piano on talent night. From the speech he gave he could run for a state seat.
The meeting was officially opened and Phill Giovanni made a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes. Monta Plank seconded the motion, motion carried.
Dwane Stewart gave the financial report, no canteen report was read.
Doug Lehman gave a report on the ALR. There will be a double send off at the airport on Tuesday and the ALR were asked to do a ride by at the McConnell Open Houser in September. More information to follow on the calendar.
Rick Babinger gave a repot on the Fire Works Stand. He will not have the final figure of what we made until everything is tallied. He did express that we were doing fine until the rains came and slowed business down. He expressed the fact that although many of us raised our hand to do this again the people that did show up to work had to work multiple shifts and that if everyone would have volunteered to work, we only would have worked one shift.
Rick and Nancy made a book of the history of Paul Stewart Irwin and presented the book and a photo of the cemetery were he was buried. You need to look at this next time you come to the post.
Rick Johnson won first place for the Legion’s history book that he and Nancy made. They donated the money he won to the Legion.
Old Settlers Day is coming soon and a lot of help is needed. We discussed the breakfast Saturday morning, the horseshoe tournament and the Coney Island stand. The SAL will be doing the Coney Island. We need someone to run the horseshoe tournament and people to run the booth down town. Jerry AKA Jar Head said he would head the ALR for the parade and Rose Pepper is going to contact the Base for a Color Guard. More on this to come soon.
Jar Head made a motion for us to pay the fifty dollar fee for anyone who wants a flag in the avenue of flags, after a discussion there was no second on the motion.
Sick Call: Dennis McDonough, Daryl Hacker; all are doing better.
NEXT MEETING IS AUGUST 9th 2010 at 7:00 P.M.
Dan Benson
Post 136 Mulvane