American Legion Family:
Mid Winter Forum will be held this weekend at Hutchinson Post 68 located at 730 W. 4th. If you go, registration is on Friday 4-8, Sat. starting at 7:30. This meeting gives a year end update of the activity of your Legion in the past year and guest speaker will be Jimmie Foster, Alaska, the leading candidate for National Commander. Everyone is invited.
5th District Oratorical contest will also be this weekend. Sunday, Feb 7 at 1pm. It will be held at Derby Middle school at 801 N. Madison.
50/50: We will be selling 50/50 tickets at the bar, at all times throughout the month. Cost is $1 or 6/$5. On meeting nights we have a 10 for $5 special. A ticket will be drawn at the monthly meetings. You do not have to be present but hold onto you tickets because the winning number will be posted. You have until the next meeting to claim you half of the winnings. After that, we thank you for you contribution. For the next two months, the Post half of the money will go towards the SAL children’s Christmas party for toys. So help a child and buy a ticket (or 5) next time you stop in.
Scholarship deadlines for both the Post and Riders $1000 scholarships are coming due in March. If you have an eligible student, be sure to get the qualifying documents in.
Board of Governors opening: We will be electing a to fill an opening on the BOG at the March meeting. A Legion, SAL or Auxiliary member can fill this position. If you are interested in being apart of the Post leadership and join this team, please be at the meeting. If you cannot be there in person be sure to let your desires known prior to the election. The BOG plays a huge role in the success of the post. We need your leadership.
Ceremonial Bugle: Our Bugle, which was generously donated by Bill Logan, has come in. We had a demo Monday night and you will never hear a purer playing of taps. We are looking for a few people to be a bugler at any event we or someone else may have. If someone requests our bugle, it will come with one of our designated members to play it. There are two signed up but we can use a couple of more. Once it is nailed down, we will secure the bugle and only those authorized will have access to it. If you want to be a part of future ceremonies where taps, retreat, reveille, etc are needed to be played, let me know.
Post membership now sits at 96% of quota. Actually that is not true. We voted in six new members last night and had one renewal. We are now 17 away from quota. Again I make the plea that if you are getting this newsletter and have not renewed as yet, please get it in as soon as possible. Shortly, you will not be getting the newsletter if you do not renew, so get it in. If you purchase a life membership, it solves all the problems for quota. Yes that is a hint.
Fireworks: A little early to get real excited about this project but there are some updates for the post. The city of Mulvane was petitioned at a council meeting and we received a reduction in our city fee of $1,500. This will help our profit by that much and we are very appreciative of the city’s action. They recognized our contributions. We are also planning for what we will need as we get closer. If anyone has a contact at the city, school, or church, were we can borrow some tables (we need about 20 8 foot tables) for the week of the stand in July. Also need 2 porta potties and a couple of fire extinguishers. Our source for tables is not available this year. I anyone can help us out, get back with me.
Web master John Wilson, who created and maintains our post web page, is asking if someone can take over the event calendar that is found on the home page. He will maintain the site but needs to free up some of his time. If you have the ability and desire to help take over this one portion of the web site, get back to me. John says it is not that time consuming but with the rest of the site, it is more than he can handle right now. He will work with anyone interested. If no one can help, the event calendar may have to be deleted.
Post By-law change: Next month, we will be voting on a by-law change that was read at the meeting. Per guidelines, here is the proposal:
Present wording:
Article XV; Section 2; Sentence 2 reads:
‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve a new two year term from the date of the election.
Proposed change:
‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve the remainder of the original term. If the election takes place within six months of the original member’s term, the newly elected member will serve the remaining term plus the full two-year term.
This will clear up some problems of having too many BOG members dropping off at the same time.
Mulvane HS Anti-Drug program: We have been requested and have accepted a sponsorship for a MHS anti-drug program. I do not have the details as yet since it is just being formed, but it will entail supporting and possible having vets talk to the students. As more becomes available, it will be released. This sounds like a great community project.
Post Elections: The post is still in need for candidates for various positions. There has been some rumbling by a few considering Commander, but no definite responses as yet. Historian has had no candidates and the other open positions, Service Officer and Chaplain, have candidates at least considering the office.
The post deserves the best people to take the lead, but understand the Post will get the leadership it votes for. To stand back and do nothing, when you know you can make a difference, is the same as voting for the post mediocrity. The 5th District Vice Commander has called Mulvane Post 136, the shining jewel in the District. Who am I to argue? But we can only stay that way if the good people we have waiting in the wings, move to the top. Please consider. Ask questions of the present officers and make an informed decision.
Coming UP:
SAL and ALR meetings have been pushed one week to Feb. 21 at 1:30 and 3:00
BOG meeting: 2/18 6pm
E-Board meeting: 2/24 7pm
Next Legion and Aux meeting: March 1 7pm
American Legion Family:
Mid Winter Forum will be held this weekend at Hutchinson Post 68 located at 730 W. 4th. If you go, registration is on Friday 4-8, Sat. starting at 7:30. This meeting gives a year end update of the activity of your Legion in the past year and guest speaker will be Jimmie Foster, Alaska, the leading candidate for National Commander. Everyone is invited.
5th District Oratorical contest will also be this weekend. Sunday, Feb 7 at 1pm. It will be held at Derby Middle school at 801 N. Madison.
50/50: We will be selling 50/50 tickets at the bar, at all times throughout the month. Cost is $1 or 6/$5. On meeting nights we have a 10 for $5 special. A ticket will be drawn at the monthly meetings. You do not have to be present but hold onto you tickets because the winning number will be posted. You have until the next meeting to claim you half of the winnings. After that, we thank you for you contribution. For the next two months, the Post half of the money will go towards the SAL children’s Christmas party for toys. So help a child and buy a ticket (or 5) next time you stop in.
Scholarship deadlines for both the Post and Riders $1000 scholarships are coming due in March. If you have an eligible student, be sure to get the qualifying documents in.
Board of Governors opening: We will be electing a to fill an opening on the BOG at the March meeting. A Legion, SAL or Auxiliary member can fill this position. If you are interested in being apart of the Post leadership and join this team, please be at the meeting. If you cannot be there in person be sure to let your desires known prior to the election. The BOG plays a huge role in the success of the post. We need your leadership.
Ceremonial Bugle: Our Bugle, which was generously donated by Bill Logan, has come in. We had a demo Monday night and you will never hear a purer playing of taps. We are looking for a few people to be a bugler at any event we or someone else may have. If someone requests our bugle, it will come with one of our designated members to play it. There are two signed up but we can use a couple of more. Once it is nailed down, we will secure the bugle and only those authorized will have access to it. If you want to be a part of future ceremonies where taps, retreat, reveille, etc are needed to be played, let me know.
Post membership now sits at 96% of quota. Actually that is not true. We voted in six new members last night and had one renewal. We are now 17 away from quota. Again I make the plea that if you are getting this newsletter and have not renewed as yet, please get it in as soon as possible. Shortly, you will not be getting the newsletter if you do not renew, so get it in. If you purchase a life membership, it solves all the problems for quota. Yes that is a hint.
Fireworks: A little early to get real excited about this project but there are some updates for the post. The city of Mulvane was petitioned at a council meeting and we received a reduction in our city fee of $1,500. This will help our profit by that much and we are very appreciative of the city’s action. They recognized our contributions. We are also planning for what we will need as we get closer. If anyone has a contact at the city, school, or church, were we can borrow some tables (we need about 20 8 foot tables) for the week of the stand in July. Also need 2 porta potties and a couple of fire extinguishers. Our source for tables is not available this year. I anyone can help us out, get back with me.
Web master John Wilson, who created and maintains our post web page, is asking if someone can take over the event calendar that is found on the home page. He will maintain the site but needs to free up some of his time. If you have the ability and desire to help take over this one portion of the web site, get back to me. John says it is not that time consuming but with the rest of the site, it is more than he can handle right now. He will work with anyone interested. If no one can help, the event calendar may have to be deleted.
Post By-law change: Next month, we will be voting on a by-law change that was read at the meeting. Per guidelines, here is the proposal:
Present wording:
Article XV; Section 2; Sentence 2 reads:
‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve a new two year term from the date of the election.
Proposed change:
‘In the event a member of the BOG does not complete his or her full two-year term, the newly elected member will serve the remainder of the original term. If the election takes place within six months of the original member’s term, the newly elected member will serve the remaining term plus the full two-year term.
This will clear up some problems of having too many BOG members dropping off at the same time.
Mulvane HS Anti-Drug program: We have been requested and have accepted a sponsorship for a MHS anti-drug program. I do not have the details as yet since it is just being formed, but it will entail supporting and possible having vets talk to the students. As more becomes available, it will be released. This sounds like a great community project.
Post Elections: The post is still in need for candidates for various positions. There has been some rumbling by a few considering Commander, but no definite responses as yet. Historian has had no candidates and the other open positions, Service Officer and Chaplain, have candidates at least considering the office.
The post deserves the best people to take the lead, but understand the Post will get the leadership it votes for. To stand back and do nothing, when you know you can make a difference, is the same as voting for the post mediocrity. The 5th District Vice Commander has called Mulvane Post 136, the shining jewel in the District. Who am I to argue? But we can only stay that way if the good people we have waiting in the wings, move to the top. Please consider. Ask questions of the present officers and make an informed decision.
Coming UP:
SAL and ALR meetings have been pushed one week to Feb. 21 at 1:30 and 3:00
BOG meeting: 2/18 6pm
E-Board meeting: 2/24 7pm
Next Legion and Aux meeting: March 1 7pm