Wednesday, July 08, 2009

AL Post 136 Newsletter - July 2009

American Legion Family:

Old Settlers Update: Thursday, July 9, we will be stuffing the envelopes with raffle tickets for our annual fundraiser at Old Settlers. If you can spare an hour or two, come by the post at 7pm. This is not hard duty and kind of fun once the assembly line gets rolling but we need people for the assembly line. The raffle prizes are increased to $300 and $200 and more important than stuffing them into the envelope is to sell or purchase the tickets. This is one of the events we depend on for our operating expenses throughout the year.

New this year will be breakfast from 8-10 before the parade on Sat. It will be a buffet style for efficiency. The horseshoe tournament has also been moved to 1pm on Sat and Sun. Need volunteers to work the water booth down town too. Just a couple of hours to sell water, pop and t-shirts. Booth open Friday noon-close and Sat 9-close. If you can spare an hour or two to sit there, send me an e-mail back.

Community Flag project: At the June meeting, membership approved the purchase of 15 3x5 American flags to be used to replace and retire old, worn out flags in the Mulvane community. Businesses are the primary target but neighborhood flags are also eligible. A certificate is being developed to present to the flag owner, along with the offer to replace and retire the worn flag. If anyone notices an flag in need of retirement, all it takes is an E-mail, phone call, or note to myself or any officer. Include name, address, and contact of business (if known), or individual if residence to contact. Arrangements will be made to get them a flag and certificate. If you know them personally, you will be involved as well. This is a great form of Americanism and community support from the Legion.

Canteen Finances: Here is something you don’t hear about every day. The Canteen has been performing efficiently and effectively for some time now. Leroy announced at the meeting the Canteen is actually in position to return funds to the American Legion general fund for the first time in many years. A lot of credit goes to Leroy and Peggy Reynolds for their efforts to not only contain cost, but also manage your money as if it’s their own.

Post Members MIA: If anyone knows the phone contact or address of the following members, can you please e-mail back with the info. These are members that are paid and on the rolls, but have moved without notifying us and we cannot locate:
James Cameron
Randall Everett
Ernest Madison
Tami Steward
Roger Taylor

Dan Cane: Since Dan has been a fixture at our post home for so many years, we need to be sure he can get around and get there. Now that Dan is pretty much confined to a wheelchair, Phil Horner has modified his house, at his own expense, for a ramp and has done some inside work to accommodate as well. What Dan now needs is a portable scooter. Medicare pays a portion of it but there is still about $1300 difference. For all Dan has done for our post, the membership approved up to $1300 to go towards the purchase of a motorized scooter for Dan. The Ladies Auxiliary later approved $200 to offset the cost and other groups are welcome to help out as well.

New Ice maker: Just when we needed it most, the ice maker bit the big one and we had to purchase a new one. The members that contribute to the Supplementary fund pitched in $500 and the Post absorbed the rest. We are now up to our frozen assets in ice and back on track for bagging up for Old Settlers. The nice thing is we are in position to handle these unplanned expenses and should shortly be able to get the post completely out of debt with the payoff of the new AC and heating units. This is about 2 years before the term of the loan.

Sat kitchen duty: The kitchen is in dire need of some cleaning and Sat is the day. Very doubtful we will be having the usual chicken and fish fry. All the appliances are going to be pulled out for deep cleaning behind them. Will need at least 4 to help pull stuff out around 9am. Have a couple of volunteers but will need a couple more. Please consider a little help.

Fireworks update: Final numbers are not yet firm but we have enough of a feel for the expenses and sales to tell everyone we will be making a profit in the range of $2450. Not a lot but not bad for a first time out. We discussed how to make it better at the meeting and we have a way to reduce some expenses. Additionally, we are now established and should do a lot better next year. Everyone felt it was worth moving forward with and we have committed to doing it again. We will have a fireworks committee meeting to soon and debrief all the issues, get questions answered and list what we need to do better next year. Some of the expenses can be reduced and along with a better knowledge of what we are doing, we stand to make a lot higher margin next year.

There were a lot of people that helped on this project. It lasted almost 10 days and we hit our first 100-degree days at the beginning of it. A few of the members were pretty much abused, but overall, a lot of other pitched in, took a shift or two and those that were abused survived. Everyone sacrificed and after talking to a lot of people, it was obvious we had a lot of fun and the post really pulled together. While it was not overly profitable the first year out, we set a good foundation for some big stuff in the future. Thank all of you that helped out and especially to those on the committee that were involved for months in advance.


Thru July 6 Work Fireworks Stand
1 7:00 E-Board Mtg
6 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
12 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
23 6:00 BOG Mtg
29 7:00 E-Board Mtg
3 7:00 American Legion Mtg.
3 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
9 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
15-16 Old Settlers weekend
ALR-Woodland Park

AL Post 136 Newsletter - June 2009

American Legion Family:

If you missed the last meeting, we have begun a series of history facts at the beginning of each meeting. A few months ago, the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution was dissected. Last month the Emblem Flag of the American Legion was explained in detail and in May, the history of the American Legion Auxiliary was given. Future meetings will have SAL history, ALR history, history of the GI Bill, etc. Our meetings have moved beyond just business as usual. If you have not been to one in awhile, you may want to join us and be a part of the decisions that lead this Post.

Memorial Day:

We logged over 207 volunteer hours preparing for and holding the Memorial Day ceremony. My personal thanks to all who gave up so much time and their personal holiday to honor those who have died so we can be free. The town came out and it was a great day. Chief John Kimball, Post 136, was our featured speaker. Thank You All.

Post clean up day:

Scheduled for Sunday June 7, at 1PM. Most of the activity will be outside. The City of Mulvane is donating small millings for us to repair our parking lot and this will require a few shovels and wheelbarrows. Greg Bauer will supply a compactor for the millings. We need a few trucks and/or trailers to help haul away the junk that accumulated behind the sheds and also general grounds clean up. Bring a weed whacker if you have one. Inside will be mostly cosmetic. A lot of history needs to be hung on the walls and the dining area will be re-done. We will need some women with a good eye for some of that work. Cleaning of the kitchen and dining floor will be scheduled for a separate time. We can do it all in a couple of hours if we have enough participation and it is badly needed. Please lend a hand.

Community Flag Program:

Membership approved money to purchase 15 3x5 American Flags for a new program. We will offer to retire and replace flags within our community that are tattered and in need of retirement. Once we get the details down, and you see a flag (3x5 only) that needs attention, the American Legion will replace it for free and properly retire the old one.

Post 136 Scholarship Program:

The Executive Board has approved the formation of a yearly scholarship to be awarded to a deserving HS applicant. The details and requirements are being developed, but the scholarship will be in the $500-$1000 range. The ALR is also considering a scholarship so we may have two. Will update the membership as the details are hammered out.

Membership quota was met (a little over 100%) for the 2009 reporting period. In fact, our post accepted 66 new members this past year, and was the second highest in the state. Only a post in the KC area had more new members added to their roles, and if we had that market to pull from, we would have blown them away too.

Now being the greedy type that I am, we are not going to be satisfied with these results. There are some new plans of attack being developed to get more new members into our Post home. Some include the Chamber of Commerce, contacting Post 58 members living in our area, and planning more family friendly events for the new troops that are busy raising families. One point on Post 58. It is unethical to contact members from other posts and try to recruit them into our post. Some posts practice this and it will not happen here. The only exception is Post 58. This is the Dept post in Topeka. If you join the Legion on line, and do not list a Post home, you are automatically assigned to Post 58. Members living in our area are fair game to be contacted for transfer to Post 136. We have that list and will pursue them.


June 14 is Flag Day as well as the birthday of the Air Force Auxiliary, aka the Army. (It’s a joke. Lighten up) About 5:30, we will not only honor the symbol of our Country, but will also hold a flag retirement ceremony.

Both will be a different and special, unlike the normal flag retirement ceremony we hold on Veterans Day. After the ceremony, we will enjoy a potluck dinner. The post will supply three smoked hams (Thanks to the smokability skills of Tom Knight), and we ask for everyone to bring a dish to share. We may have a large crowd due to the ALR meeting, so other meat dishes are encouraged.

This program is Rate G so please bring your children and if you find any kids along the way, bring them too. We need to have the kids, little to big, see these types of events. Its doubtful they get it in school anymore and it’s up to us show them patriotism is still cool at the American Legion.

Fireworks: This is the month we start what could be one of the biggest fundraisers we have had. This, along with the schedule will be addressed in a separate e-mail. We still need volunteers to take a shift so please consider your time and obligation to the post when the e-mail is sent.

S. Vietnam Memorial in Veterans Memorial Park: The Mayor and City Council will be voting on a proposal to have constructed, in Veterans Memorial Park, a memorial presented to the city from the local Vietnamese community. The membership voted unanimously to send a letter to the Mayor and City Council to express our opposition, not to the memorial, but to the location of it in Veterans Park. To see more on this you can go to our web page: Roll over the American Legion Tab at top and select News. It will be found under AL/ALR News and a link to the letter sent to the city is loaded. The council will vote June 9 and as we get more information, it will forward to the membership.

Rick Babinger
Commander Post 136


1 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Aux Mtg
6-7 ALLC-Concordia
14 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 5:30 Flag Ceremony and dinner
25 6:00 BOG
26 Begin Fireworks Set up

Thru July 6 Work Fireworks Stand
1 7:00 E-Board Mtg
6 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
12 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
23 6:00 BOG Mtg
29 7:00 E-Board Mtg