Thursday, May 07, 2009

Newsletter - May 2009

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –May 2009

American Legion Family:

Your Post Helping Others:

What better way to start our monthly newsletter than to talk about what the membership has voted on to help those in need?

1) Children in need: Mikayla and Chantz George, age 3 & 4, have a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. There are no other cases in the US and only six in the world. The two in our country are right here in our own back yard and we have members very close to the family and heavily involved. On May 16, RD’s will be hosting their annual Bike show in conjunction with the Marauders Car show in downtown Mulvane. All proceeds go to these children and the Post membership voted to donate $500 to the cause. In addition, our Ladies Auxiliary will donate another $200. Most likely these children will never see adulthood. In addition to your financial help, more than anything, they need you prayers.

2) Veteran member in need: Our own Bob Kierzak, Vietnam Bronze Star recipient, and his wife Barbara have been flooded from their home. The members of your post have donated $500 from the Veterans Assistance fund to help offset motel expenses until they can get settled.

3) Abused Veteran assistance: Between meetings, the Executive Board approved a $100 donation along with another $100 from the Riders, to go towards a Wal-Mart Gift card for an abused Air Force mother in need of instant assistance. Other posts also contributed.

4) VA: $50 was allotted to help defray food expenses for the Veterans at the VA during the 5th District barbecue to be held for the patients and their families at the VA on the 4th of July.

Four examples of why your involvement and support of The American Legion and your Post home is one of the most important things you can do for your community and fellow veterans.

American Legion Leadership College will be held in Concordia at Cloud County CC, May 29, 30, 31. You do not need to be an officer to attend. For info, contact Terry Knight or me and if interested, the cost is $40. This will include all meals and a stay in the dorms unless you prefer a hotel room. Need roster and money (to Terry) quickly.

Atomic Veterans Memorial Highway dedication will be held May 22, 10am, in Leon, Ks

Our own Larry Halloran has been instrumental in gaining this recognition and would like to see as many members that can make it are there. The dedication will be at the Hwy 400/77 junction.

Memorial Day schedule and needs:

May 11, Monday, 6pm Meet at cemetery to uncover and mark flag pole holes. If you have a metal detector, please bring it. Bring a shovel to scrape dirt. Should not take more than 2 hours if we have enough help. Rain date - Wed.

May 22, Friday, 5:00 Meet at cemetery to assist Auxiliary place flags, crosses and poppies on all veterans graves

May 25-Memorial Day-Meet at Post at 5:30AM. We will head to cemetery to erect the 225 flags and poles and set up for ceremonies. Breakfast will be served when we get back (on the post) and the ceremonies will be at 11am.

Still need: volunteers to carry the colors and rifles to protect flags. Can also still use volunteers for the Salute (Rifle) squad. Please get back to me or Andy Webb, Sgt. of Arms

Speaking of work day, we will hold a Post work day on Sunday, June 7. We need to do some clean up and repair. On the menu is stripping and sealing the kitchen floor, outside clean up and pothole repair, and general spruce up of the post. (Hang memorabilia etc) As always, the more we have, the faster it goes. Come out for breakfast and spend a couple hours helping us improve the post.

Department convention will be in Topeka, May 15, 16, 17. The Post will pay for anyone registering as a delegate. Details are in latest Sunflower. If going on Sunday to assure we have the proper voting block, we will leave the Q-trip in Derby (K-15 and 71st) at 7:30 am.

Chris Swartz, Iraqi Freedom veteran and recipient of three Purple Hearts has been elected as Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart – Chapter 588. Congratulations Chris. Post 136 is proud of your accomplishments and proud you are a member.

Volunteer Hours: The American Legion influence in Washington depends in large part on the reporting of volunteer hours. We need to do a better job documenting these hours. I am requesting everyone keep track of any hours spent during the month for any type of volunteer work. This can include blood donations, marching in a parade, visit to hospital of VA etc. We will ask for these hours at the meetings and you can always drop a quick e-mail anytime you or a group does something. If you do it as a Rider, or Aux or SAL, and you report the hours through them, we do not need to duplicate it.

4 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg
9 9:00 ALR Poker Run
11 6:00 Cemetery work detail
17 1:30 SAL Mtg
17 3:00 ALR Mtg
16-17 Dept. Convention-Topeka
21 6:00 BOG Mtg
22 5:30pm Cemetery-Aux flags/crosses
25 5:30am Erect Avenue of Flags
25 11:00 Memorial Day Services
27 7:00 E-Board Mtg
29-31 American Legion Leadership College
1 7:00 American Legion Mtg
7:00 Ladies Aux Mtg
14 1:30 SAL Mtg
3:00 ALR Mtg
14 7:00 Flag Retirement (tentative)
25 6:00 BOG
26 Begin Fireworks Set up
27-30 Fireworks stand

Fireworks update:

We are getting close and we really need you to sign up to help with this ten day event. I have attached the schedule, as we know it right now. The days are divided in two six-hour shifts. 10-4 and 4-10.

The names in RED are of those that have volunteered at least half of the total time to work the stands. Obviously these people cannot work every day, all day. As other sign up for a shift, they will come off. One shift is all we ask and all that would be needed if we had a large turn out. At least 8 people are needed for each shift and if you cannot work a whole shift, that can be worked out too. Do not let it stop you from helping. This has the potential to reap a huge benefit to our post and can be fun at the same time. Look at what is needed and sign up for a shift or two. E-mail me or get a form to fill out. This same schedule is sitting on a board at the post. It will be updated as we get more in. Time is now to get on the list. Your post is depending on you.

Rick Babinger