Thursday, April 09, 2009

Newsletter - April 2009

American Legion Family:

Post Elections were held at the General meeting Monday. Both the Legion and Auxiliary meetings were full and the membership responded in filling all Officer positions.Results follow:

Commander: Rick Babinger
1st Vice Commander: Dennis Scuffham
2nd Vice Commander: Greg Lenagar
Adjutant: Terry Knight
Finance Officer: Dwane Stewart
Chaplain: Dave Stewart
Sgt-at-Arms: Andy Webb
Service Officer: Tom Knight
Historian: Rick Johnson
At Large Executive Board Members: Ben Roloff, Chris Hummel

President: Jackie Johnson
1st Vice President: Sheryl Carpenter
2nd Vice President: Asonjia Stewart
Treasurer: Nancy JohnsonSecretary: Karen Babinger
Chaplain: Helen Lenagar
Sgt-at Arms: Monika Barshney
Historian: Nina Somers

Commander: Greg Thompson
Vice Commander: Jerry Armstrong
Finance Officer: Greg Bauer
Adjutant: OpenChaplain: Kyle Logan
Sgt-at-Arms: Rick Babinger

Girl Scout Flag Retirement: The local Girl Scouts have invited us to attend a Flag Retirement Ceremony at dusk on Apr 25. It is great to see this kind of activity from the youth and we plan on attending. I will get more info out as we get closer. This is local and a great community event for us to be a part of.

Bar Remodel update: Tom Knight is heading the remodel project. Besides the new cooler, we have a new stainless sink and a couple of stainless tables. Counter tops are being checked out and the purchases\ of new cabinets is in the works. When the stuff is here, we will be holding a workday at the post. Not only inside, but outside as well. Will need a lot of people for a day to get all the work done so stand by.

Memorial Day ceremonies will be coming up soon. Anyone interested in taking part on the rifle squad, or in carrying the colors, please get with Andy Webb, Sgt-at Arms. We do not want to wait till the last week before getting all the positions filled. A work-day at the cemetery will be scheduled mid May to uncover flag pole holes and dig a few new ones.

New T-shirts: Red ‘American and Proud of It’ t-shirts are on sale. These were purchased to sell at the fireworks stand and Old Settlers. They have proved to be so popular; we have already had to purchase more. If interested, see Dwane Stewart, or put an order in at the bar.

Assisting others: Membership voted $125 towards sending the father of Gary Donaldson on the Freedom Flight to see the WWII memorial in Washington DC. The same will be asked of the Auxiliary, SAL and Riders to make up the $500 needed to attend. Another $200 from Children and Youth was approved to help finance a Rex Middle School student attend the Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. The money will not be dispersed until we are sure there are adequate funding for the trip. When we have the opportunity to assist the youth in an endeavor such as this, we need to look very closely at it. We are blessed to be able to help and it shows the character of our members.

5th District Convention is scheduled for Apr 25/26 at Post 2 in Newton. We had 15 volunteers to sign up as delegates. Post 136 has the largest voting block at the convention so our influence can be felt well beyond Mulvane. Thanks to those who signed up to be delegates. As we get closer, we will set up times and we can ride together or travel up with others.

SSgt Dan Morgan, home on R&R from his 5th tour in Iraq, took some of his precious home time to come to the meeting and present the Post with a flag that was flown in Iraq, and a certificate. Dan not only serves us in Iraq, but he serves us when on R&R. We see this a lot with our military members. Amazing!

Retired State Command Chief Master Sgt. John Kimball, will be awarded the Bronze Star on April 18 in Topeka. Congratulations Chief. It’s our honor to have you as a member of Post 136.

KC Royals/American Legion: The Kansas City Royals and the Kansas American Legion have joined forces to offer Legion Family members an opportunity to attend up to three games this year at greatly reduced prices. For two games, (July 18 and Sept 19), the Royals will make a contribution to the Legacy Scholarship fund for each member or Post that purchases one of the reduced tickets. A game on Aug 8, will have the contributions going to the Wounded Warrior program. Details in this month’s issue of Sunflower.

Meeting time change: SAL meetings have been moved up a half hour to 1:30 to avoid conflict with the Riders meeting. They are still held on the second Sunday of each month. Having said that, please note in April and May, both the SAL and ALR meeting have been pushed to the 3rd Sunday due to Easter and Mothers day. Don’t want to mess with the Big Man or mamma.


We will have a Lasagna special Friday evening. $7 for Lasagna, salad and bread

Finally: After many years, Richard Carpenter has stepped down as Finance Officer. Richard has held most all positions in the post at one time or another and has been one of the key people that have kept the post on an even keel for a lot of years. Thank you Richard for your service. Don’t go too far though.

RickCommander-Post 136

APRIL 1 7:00 E-Board Mtg 6 7:00 Legion Mtg-ELECTIONS 7:00 Aux Mtg -ELECTIONS19 1:30 SAL Mtg 3:00 ALR Mtg25-26 5th Dist Convention 23 6:00 BOG Meeting29 7:00 E-Board Meeting

MAY 4 7:00 American Legion Mtg 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary Mtg 9 9:00 ALR Poker Run 17 2:00 SAL Mtg 17 3:00 ALR Mtg16-17 Dept. Convention-Topeka 21 6:00 BOG Mtg 22 5:30 Cemetery-Aux flags/crosses 25 11:00 Memorial Day Services 27 7:00 E-Board Mtg