Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Newsletter - October 2008

Veterans Serving America
Since 1919

Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter –October 2008

American Legion Family:

Early Bird Dinner will be held at the post Sat, Oct 18 starting at 6 pm. If you have paid your 2009 dues, are a life member, or pay your dues at the dinner, you eat for free. We will have spaghetti and stuff that goes well with spaghetti. Guests will be charged $5. Guests under the age of 10 will be charged $3.

Our membership in the American Legion is extremely important in Washington. Our numbers are almost 3 million. That pulls a lot of weight. Please pay you dues for next year early and join us for dinner.

This applies to SAL and Auxiliary too. And Riders, keep in mind, you cannot renew your ALR membership without first renewing your Legion, SAL, or Auxiliary dues.

Lastly, do not overlook Life memberships. No more yearly dues and no future dues increases. This is a benefit provided by your post 136.

Veterans Day Ceremonies will be held, believe it or not, on Veterans Day, Nov.11. They will start between 5 and 5:30. We will have our flag retirement ceremony followed by initiation into the Legion and Auxiliary for any members joining this past year, or anyone that has not officially been initiated. There will then be dinner and the ceremony of the thirteen folds of the American Flag, put on by personnel from McConnell AFB. We hope to have Boy and Girl Scouts present for the ceremonies.

Patriot Guard Highway dedication will take place Oct 23 at 3pm. The dedication will be held just west of town on Hwy 53, near the industrial park. The Sec. Of Transportation, Mayor, County Commissioners etc will be there and any Patriot Guard members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The signs re-naming Hwy 53 as the Patriot Guard Highway will be uncovered at that time.

Halloween Party: If you think it’s a coincidence that we are holding Veterans Day ceremonies on Veterans Day, wait till you hear this. The Halloween party will be on Halloween. This just happens to fall on Friday Oct 31 and after dinner we will kick it off. The past two have been a blast. There will be some prize money for costumes and we are planning a few things different this year. The Mulvane DJ’s are playing. If you think you are too old for this kind of thing, you are.

VA Avenue of Flags: Monday, Oct 13 is Columbus Day. The VA is asking for some volunteers to help raise their Avenue of Flags. They put the flags up on Federal holidays. If you are interested in helping it will only take about an hour of your time. That’s the good news. The bad news is you need to be at the VA at 6 am. A labor of love to be sure.

Support the troops ride-Important for entire membership:

Oct. 18, in lieu of Toys for Tots, the ALR of Kansas is sponsoring something different. They are collecting item for the troops to be sent overseas. The Riders will be leaving the VFW in Derby (Post 408), at 2 pm and riding to Post 256 to deliver the goods. While this is a Riders sponsored event, supporting our troops is not. If you want to follow the bikes down to 256, come over to Derby. If not, but want to donate something for the troops, we will find away to get it over there. A list is attached so everyone can pick and choose. KFDI is also a sponsor and there will be food and a band at post 256. Don’t stay too long cause you need to get back for the Early Bird dinner.

Cook needed: Jay has moved on and we are looking for a cook to take his place. We have a volunteer in Chuck Barshney for this weekend, but need to fill the position fast. Anyone interested get an application at the bar and you will be contacted. The hours are approximately 5-8 (not counting clean up time) on Friday evening and 8-noon on Sunday.

Still looking for high school students interested in a scholarship by participating in the American Legion Oratorical contest. Contact Tom Knight or myself for information. Up to $18,000 is available. We will also sponsor students for Cadet Law and Boys and Girls State. Big opportunity for someone willing to participate.

Post Notes: I have had requests to inform the general membership of troop homecomings and send-offs. These occur often and sometimes change at the last minute, so I have hesitated to swamp everyone’s e-mail. I decided to go ahead and send out the info but the subject line will always state what the mail is and that is all it will be. If you are not interested, just delete it and you do not have to open it up. If the subject still states ‘Post Notes’, it is general news for all.

Fund Raiser Committee: One of the cool things about this post that makes our life easier is the people that see a need, do not ask for permission to do something about it, and then do something about it. A committee, started by Asonjia Stewart, and joined by Danny Aguilara, Dwane Stewart, Dan and Carol Benson, and Greg and Helen Lenegar was formed to explore options for fundraisers. This was not requested or formed after a lot of thought, but was seen as a need of the post and filled. Thanks to all who look out for what needs to be done and takes action on their ideas. Life can be good that way.
