Veterans Serving America
Since 1919
Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – August 2008
American Legion Family:
Due to business, I was absent at the last meeting and will again be absent at the next one. This will be an abbreviated newsletter based on feed-back from the meeting.
Old Settlers:
We are approaching the deadline to get your Old Settlers raffle tickets returned to the post. The drawing will be held on Aug. 17, and the prizes are $250 cash for first place and $150 for second. Again, we absolutely need as much participation as possible in order to operated and keep all our veterans programs funded. Please help.
Veterans Serving America
Since 1919
Paul Stewart Irwin Post 136 Monthly Newsletter – August 2008
American Legion Family:
Due to business, I was absent at the last meeting and will again be absent at the next one. This will be an abbreviated newsletter based on feed-back from the meeting.
Old Settlers:
We are approaching the deadline to get your Old Settlers raffle tickets returned to the post. The drawing will be held on Aug. 17, and the prizes are $250 cash for first place and $150 for second. Again, we absolutely need as much participation as possible in order to operated and keep all our veterans programs funded. Please help.
The parade this year will have the ALR leading, and we will have a half-track carrying a post representative from WW II, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq Freedom.
Horseshoe tournament at the post will begin at 9am. Cost to enter is $7.50 and prizes are awarded.
Come out and support the Post
Until the end of the year, you will here me remind everyone to get their dues in for 2009. And please consider a Life membership. We are one of the few posts that make sure you never have to pay dues again, even if there is a dues increase.
American Legion Legacy Fund:
Membership voted for $500 to be added to Post 136 American Legion Riders contribution of $1500, to go to the Legacy Fund. Your post is supporting this important program with a total of $2,000 this year.
New gaming machines are now in place. They have been a little slow out of the gate but we are confident they will soon be back up to previous levels. They essentially play the same as the old ones with minor changes. If you were not aware they are all back on line, get in there and play.
Labor Day Horseshoe tournament:
Remember the 4th of July tournament? The one that cost nothing to enter, and paid the same? Well we are doing it again on Saturday, Aug. 30, over Labor Day weekend. Shoes start at noon. No skill required but plan on fun. Just so you know, we did have a prize last time. One hat for a two-man team. The winners from the 4th may try to win another one so they do not have to keep passing the hat back and forth. That’s if we have a hat for a prize. If not, who cares. Its fun.
Speaking of membership:
We are planning our annual Early Bird dinner on Sept.20. If you are not aware, if you pay your dues on or before that day, you eat free. If your pay for your meal first and pay your dues after you are done, then you have more money than brains and may want to reconsider your order of doing things. More info will come out later.
Post member CMSgt John Kimball, State Command Chief Master Sergeant, retired from service last Sunday after serving our country for almost 40 years. At his retirement ceremony, he presented the post with a flag, case and certificate that was flown in Afghanistan during his tour last year. We are all grateful for Chief Kimball’s service and all should be honored he has chosen our Post to continue his service to our country and veterans. Welcome to civilian life Chief.
Ladies Auxiliary:
The Auxiliary has selected Oct 4 for their annual fund raiser and everyone needs to support this one. They will have a cook out, a basket auction, (different baskets with theme based prizes), and possible horseshoe tournament, cakewalk and music. We will have more info as we get closer but keep this in mind: Our Auxiliary spends thousands of hours a year at the VA, Villa Maria and multiple other veteran related events. Few groups have the dedication and drive to help our Veterans as much as your post Ladies Auxiliary and we could not function with out them. They do not ask for much in return for their service, so we must consider this event as important as any we have during the year. Help them help our vets. It’s the most important activity the American Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR perform, and no one does it better than your Auxiliary.
Due to business and personal travel, I will be gone for the next two weeks and for all practical purposes, the entire month of Sept.
Rick Babinger
Until the end of the year, you will here me remind everyone to get their dues in for 2009. And please consider a Life membership. We are one of the few posts that make sure you never have to pay dues again, even if there is a dues increase.
American Legion Legacy Fund:
Membership voted for $500 to be added to Post 136 American Legion Riders contribution of $1500, to go to the Legacy Fund. Your post is supporting this important program with a total of $2,000 this year.
New gaming machines are now in place. They have been a little slow out of the gate but we are confident they will soon be back up to previous levels. They essentially play the same as the old ones with minor changes. If you were not aware they are all back on line, get in there and play.
Labor Day Horseshoe tournament:
Remember the 4th of July tournament? The one that cost nothing to enter, and paid the same? Well we are doing it again on Saturday, Aug. 30, over Labor Day weekend. Shoes start at noon. No skill required but plan on fun. Just so you know, we did have a prize last time. One hat for a two-man team. The winners from the 4th may try to win another one so they do not have to keep passing the hat back and forth. That’s if we have a hat for a prize. If not, who cares. Its fun.
Speaking of membership:
We are planning our annual Early Bird dinner on Sept.20. If you are not aware, if you pay your dues on or before that day, you eat free. If your pay for your meal first and pay your dues after you are done, then you have more money than brains and may want to reconsider your order of doing things. More info will come out later.
Post member CMSgt John Kimball, State Command Chief Master Sergeant, retired from service last Sunday after serving our country for almost 40 years. At his retirement ceremony, he presented the post with a flag, case and certificate that was flown in Afghanistan during his tour last year. We are all grateful for Chief Kimball’s service and all should be honored he has chosen our Post to continue his service to our country and veterans. Welcome to civilian life Chief.
Ladies Auxiliary:
The Auxiliary has selected Oct 4 for their annual fund raiser and everyone needs to support this one. They will have a cook out, a basket auction, (different baskets with theme based prizes), and possible horseshoe tournament, cakewalk and music. We will have more info as we get closer but keep this in mind: Our Auxiliary spends thousands of hours a year at the VA, Villa Maria and multiple other veteran related events. Few groups have the dedication and drive to help our Veterans as much as your post Ladies Auxiliary and we could not function with out them. They do not ask for much in return for their service, so we must consider this event as important as any we have during the year. Help them help our vets. It’s the most important activity the American Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and ALR perform, and no one does it better than your Auxiliary.
Due to business and personal travel, I will be gone for the next two weeks and for all practical purposes, the entire month of Sept.
Rick Babinger