As of this writing, here is an update on the Post home improvements:
Flag Pole-complete
New Post Lettering on outside of building-complete
Post clean up-ongoing as needed
Ceiling in meeting hall-complete
Light kits in meeting hall-complete
Two additional fans with light kits in meeting hall-in progress
Painting in meeting hall-in progress
Ceiling in Canteen-Scheduled for 7/17
Painting in Canteen-Will schedule when ceiling is complete. Paint is purchased
Sign-New sign should be installed within 2-3 weeks
Carpeting in meeting hall-Decision made to replace with tile. Will purchase as soon as funds are available. May be sooner than you think.
Display Case-Will get cost estimate and timing from Dan, and begin work as soon as possible.
How much has this cost the American Legion general fund to this point? $0.00. All funds and labor to this point have been donated! This includes a $1000 donation from Beran Concrete towards the sign, which is being supplied at a reduced rate by George Lay Signs Inc. This is the result of Legion and ALR member Ron Herndon beating the bushes in our behalf. The letters in front were purchased and installed by Tom Knight. Labor and donations for all other projects are the result of a small percentage of our membership stepping up with money and time. We do not need a lot of money or time from a few members. We need a little money and or time from a lot of members. Look into your heart, and if you can help, please consider it.
Dedication update: August 13 is still the date for the dedication of the stone in front. Agenda and plans are on poster board and in the meeting hall. Please keep this day open. This dedication is for every Patriot that supports our fallen soldiers and their families. More will be posted on the web page as we get closer.
ALR News:
July 22-All you can eat spaghetti feed will be held at the post from 5 till 8. Auction and dance will follow. Proceeds going to the building fund, the American Legion Legacy fund and ALR programs. This is a fun way to support our Post. Cost: $6.50.
July 16-Meeting at Juanita Milligan’s home, 2010 Northridge, Andover to work on her house and yard. MSGT Milligan was injured by an IED in Iraq. She has had multiple surgeries at Walter Reed and this effort is to help an injured American hero in time of need. All are welcome to assist. Meet at 8:00am.
Dept. Commander Homecoming: Reminder that the Dept. Commanders homecoming will take place Aug. 5. It is a real honor that the Post 136 is the home of Pat Culver, Department Commander, and we need to be there to support her. There will be a POW/MIA ceremony led by our own members. Cost of the event is $22.00 and you need to RSVP to Don Culver by July 27. The homecoming will be held at the Best Western at I-135 & 53rd St. Social hour: 5:30.
Old Settlers Update: Tickets have been mailed and we need everyone to sell and return the donations as soon as you can. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year, and we cannot afford to not have a lot of participation. Extra tickets can be signed out at the bar.
Front Air Conditioner: You will probably feel a lot cooler while sitting in the bar on a hot day. The AC unit has been repaired.
SAL: Jim Jones has been elected as Squadron Commander at the July 9th meeting. Congratulations Jim. You have the Post’s full support.
Old Settlers tickets have been mailed to all Post members. This event is the single biggest fund raiser we have for the year and is instrumental in keeping our programs going. Please get the donations in to the Finance Officer-Richard Carpenter, as soon as possible. If you need more tickets, they can be signed out at the bar.
2007 dues can be paid at any time. Due to all the activity with the post, the Early Bird dinner will be delayed. The fiscal year for the American Legion begins July 1, so any time the mood hits you to renew, the better off we are for meeting membership goals.
Sick Call: Post Chaplain Alan Gwinup is at the VA Hospital, Room 262 as of 7/11. Visitors are recommended and welcome.
Phil Stratford, Life Member now living in Oklahoma, has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Please remember both in your thoughts and prayers.
Rick Babinger
Commander-Post 136